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5 January 2023, 04:55. Ojos del Salado, all programs »

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 3. All salute from Chile!  Some more news from Abramov's group. This morning another member of the expedition arrived. She is a well-known blogger and an aspiring mountaineer (participant of a recent expedition to Manaslu). At noon, a cavalcade of five SUVs set off from the Chilean resort town of Baia Ingles to the Atacama Desert to meet adventures! The group managed to make friends during yesterday's day spent tasting Chilean delicacies and wines.

Abramov, Dorojukov, Bogomolov and two places in turn for those who want to (with good driving experience) set off today behind the wheel of SUVs. Nikita Slotin meets two more participants tomorrow and they immediately go to catch up with their group.

And I'm meeting my participants tomorrow. Our departure to Atacama is scheduled for January 6th.

 P.S. - what will happen to the connection in Atacama is still unclear. There is no connection in the desert, but Abramov bought some Starlink from Elon Musk. Let's see if it will work in Atacama....