A group of the 7 Summits Club climbed Mount Cofre de Perote
11 November 2020, 15:05
Luba Ivanova, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Mexico: "Photos from the climb of Mount Cofre de Perote. On November 9, we climbed a beautiful peak with a height of 4283 m. This mountain is called Cofre de Perote, and is located opposite Mount Orizaba, which offers a stunning view from the top.
The path goes first through a spruce forest, then through a pine forest, and then along a path among grasses and stones. The summit is located on a high rock that resembles a chest. Hence the name, translated, "Pedro's Chest". The descent to the car takes only 2 hours, and from there it is not a long way by jeep to the town of Perote.
In the evening we went to Tlachichuca and climbed to a hotel in the village Soapin.