7 Summits Club company news http://7summitsclub.com/ Copyright 2024, 7summits-club.com en Thu, 19 Sep 2024 03:57:25 +0300 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 03:57:25 +0300 <![CDATA[ 99 DAYS! Alex Abramov's new plan to set a record for the speed of completing the "Seven Volcanoes" program ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_17664/ The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov has adjusted the previously announced project "Seven Volcanoes in Seven Months". Indeed, if a record is to be set, it should be extreme, at least in its part. Seven months is too easy, it can be halved!

 Alexander Abramov plans to climb the highest volcanoes on all continents in less than 100 days. This will be "Project 99". On October 1, Alexander sets off with a group to climb the Giluwe volcano (Australian continent). And he intends to finish on the Antarctic mountain Mount Sidley in early January 2025.

 Good luck, Ñaptain!



You can join our leader and take part in a real world record. There are places in almost all groups. And if there is no group, you can join our hero as a fan.

 October 1-6. Alex Abramov will lead the 7 Summits Club group to climb Giluwe volcano.

 On October 10, Moscow will host an Evening dedicated to the 7 Summits Club's birthday. The President's presence is mandatory.

 October 12-13. These days are set aside for climbing Elbrus. The logistics are still unclear. Most likely, there will be an attempt at climbing SUPER BLITZ - 24 hours from the airport and back.

 October 17-24. Damavand volcano, it is still unclear what program can be agreed upon with the Iranian host.

 November 1-8. The highest volcano in Africa - Kilimanjaro. The 7 Summits Club group climbs the Marangu route.

 NEXT - An emergency flight to Mexico. Alexander catches up with the SUPER GIRLS project group

 November 7-16. Climbing Orizaba volcano according to the SUPER GIRLS project program!

 December 10-24. The first group of the 7 Summits Club season on Ojos del Salado, the highest volcano in the world.

 December 27, 2024 - January 10, 2024. New Year in Antarctica. Climbing Mount Sidley.

 With ideal completion of all routes, it will take about 95 days from the first summit to the final one.



 Alexander Abramov can safely be called the "godfather" of the Seven Volcanoes program. It was the president of the 7 Summits Club who conceived, and our company carried out, the historic 2011 expedition on Mount Sidley. Since the scientific discovery of this highest volcano in Antarctica, no one had been there. As a result of the 2011 ascent, the first people to climb all seven volcanoes appeared. These were the participants of our expedition, the experienced Italian climber Mario Trimeri and the 16-year-old Romanian girl Crina (Coco) Popescu. And this was the real start of the "Seven Volcanoes" program. Russia, represented by our company, is the world leader in the number of climbers who have climbed all seven volcanoes of the project. At the moment, out of 46 who have completed the project, 14 represent our country. There is something to be proud of!

 The most important historical photo of the "Seven Volcanoes" project. 2011, at the top of Sidley are standing the expedition leader Alexander Abramov and the first people to climb all "seven volcanoes" Mario and Coco.



Tue, 27 Aug 2024 16:04:12 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! Group X of the 7 Summits Club has successfully climbed the highest volcano of South America, Mount Ojos del Salado in Chile ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16895/ Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Group X sends greetings from Chile!  And we accept congratulations! The full our team was at the top on February 29th. The weather was gorgeous, it snowed only in the evening. But we all managed to get down before. In general, we all waited for orders and medals!













Fri, 1 Mar 2024 07:50:59 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! Group X of the 7 Summits Club climbed the San Francisco volcano in Chile ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16884/ Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

The X Group of the 7 Summits Club sends greetings from Chile!  Today we went to the volcano of San Francisco (6025 m). And in full force, we climbed to the top in 5 hours and 40 minutes. The weather was great. With this climb, the acclimatization of the group is completed. Tomorrow we have a rest day and then our main goal remains – the summit of Ojos Del Salado.






Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:29:07 +0300
<![CDATA[ Group X of the 7 Summits Club made an acclimatization rotation to a height of 6,200 meters under the summit of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16879/ Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:
Hello everyone from Chile! Group X continues to work on the acclimatization plan. Today we went up to the Atacama shelter, had lunch and went for a walk higher. We went up to the Tejos camp and then went towards our goal. We reached 6200, sat for 40 minutes and went downstairs. Let's move on!





Sun, 25 Feb 2024 06:29:23 +0300
<![CDATA[ The X group of the 7 Summits Club made an acclimatization rotation to the Tejos camp under the Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16875/ Alexander Dorojukov, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:
Hello everyone from Chile! Group X is working according to plan. Today we walked towards the Tejos camp, reached an altitude of 5700 meters. The conditions of all participants are good, the weather was excellent.








Fri, 23 Feb 2024 06:23:56 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club made an acclimatization ascent on the summit of Seven Brothers Peak ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16868/ Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Hello everyone from Chile! Group X climbed on the summit of Seven Brothers Peak today for acclimatization. The weather is good, but as usual the wind picked up after lunch. We had a delicious lunch, now we are resting. Enjoying the views of the lagoon with flamingos.






Wed, 21 Feb 2024 07:21:44 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Despacito" made the ascent on the summit of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16822/ Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the team "Despacito", from Atacama! Today we climbed the world's highest volcano, Ojos del Salado. We managed to do this before the onset of bad weather. All participants reached the highest point, although they went up and down one at a time. This time there were a lot of people on the mountain again, everyone was trying to get through the weather window. Now we are down, resting, tomorrow we are going to the ocean. Guides Nikita Slotin, Boris Egorov.











Thu, 1 Feb 2024 05:21:17 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Despacito" spent an important for acclimatization night at the Tejos shelter and is resting at the Laguna Verde camp ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16812/ Olga Startseva, a manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Hola! The Despacito group from Chile, Atacama Desert is in touch. We are slowly but surely moving towards our goal, fulfilling all the points of the program. Today, the full group spent the night at the Tejos shelter, 5837 meters above sea level. For many, such a high-altitude overnight stay was the first time. The weather did not spoil us, it was snowy and cool. But in the shelter house it was warm, sincere, fun and very tasty. It's amazing how at such a height our head chef Elena Abramova pleases us with a delicious dinner. And, of course, it was very extreme to drive cars to a height exceeding Elbrus. The starry sky over Ojos was the highlight of the night.

In the morning, we all went down to our camp on Laguna Verde, which has already become our home. Now we are resting and gaining strength before the decisive day of our program. We stay in touch. The guides of the group are Nikita Slotin and Boris Egorov.

















Mon, 29 Jan 2024 05:36:47 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! Sergey Vasiliev climbed the summit of Ojos del Salado and completed the Seven Volcanoes program. Congratulations!  ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16808/  Sergey Vasiliev climbed the summit of the highest volcano in South America, Ojos del Salado, and thus completed the Seven Volcanoes program. The ascent took place with the help of a local guide and took place at an accelerated pace, after acclimatization in time on a successful expedition to Sidley in Antarctica. And thus, another our compatriot, a representative of the 7 Summits Club, was added to the company of climbers to all the highest volcanoes of all continents.

We cordially congratulate Sergey on the implementation of the Seven Volcanoes program and look forward to visiting us!







Sat, 27 Jan 2024 08:56:56 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Despacito" made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount San Francisco ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16803/ Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the team "Despacito" from the Atacama Desert! We had a sunny and windless day today. And we all climbed to the top of Mount San Francisco. Everything went smoothly! The views were amazing. Tomorrow is our rest day. Guides Nikita Slotin and Boris Egorov.














Fri, 26 Jan 2024 05:01:55 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Despacito" move to the Laguna Verde base camp at the foot of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16796/ Olga Startseva, manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Buenos noches from Chile! The friendly Despacito group moved to our beautiful and comfortable camp on Laguna Verde. The altitude is 4340 above sea level. Here we will spend the main part of the program making acclimatization rotation before the final climb. The whole group is accommodated in single tents, and we also have a great common cabin with a view of the lake. We were greeted with a delicious dinner. After the accommodation, we went for a walk and swim in the hot springs. And in the evening, we had gatherings with guitar and games. Everyone feels good, and their mood is cheerful. We stay in touch.

The guides of the program are Nikita Slotin and Boris Egorov.














Tue, 23 Jan 2024 04:42:36 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Despacito" made an acclimatization ascent on the summit of Seven Brothers in Chile ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16792/ Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the Despacito group from Laguna Rosa camp! Birds are singing, the sun is shining, scorpions are running, guanacos are jumping, flamingos are eating crustaceans, and we are slowly but surely moving towards our goal. In general, everything is going according to plan! Today we made an acclimatization trip to the top of the Seven Brothers at 4800. After lunch, we drove around the neighborhood, visited an abandoned gold mining enterprise, took a walk, rode and returned to the camp. We are resting. Tomorrow we will move to the best camp on Laguna Verde.

Guides Nikita Slotin, Boris Egorov.




















Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:35:04 +0300
<![CDATA[ Sergey Vasiliev climbed the rarely visited peak of Pedras Negras Paradas in Chile on his way to the seventh volcano ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16791/ After successfully climbing Sidley in Antarctica, Sergey Vasiliev went to Chile to climb Ojos del Salado and complete the Seven Volcanoes program. He has an individual program with a local guide. In the process of acclimatization, Sergey climbed one of the volcanoes in the region.

 Sergey Vasiliev from Chile: Hello everyone! Today I ascended Pedras Negras Paradas 5950 m as an acclimatization. It turned out to be a volcano! 1000 m of drop! We found a jar in a cairn, signed up. There were 10 people before us in 1985!







Mon, 22 Jan 2024 05:58:22 +0300
<![CDATA[ A group of the 7 Summits Club called "Despacito" went on the route and spent the night at Laguna Rosa camp, at an altitude of 3770 meters ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16789/ Olga Startseva, manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Dear friends, greetings from Chile! The Despacito group (we came up with the name through a long vote) arrived yesterday at Laguna Santa Rosa camp at an altitude of 3770 meters above sea level. In the evening we admired pink flamingos and guanacos. We spent the first night at this altitude. Everyone's mood and well-being are cheerful, although we had a little headache. And at night there is a stunningly beautiful starry sky. In the morning, under the strict guidance of Boris Egorov, we practiced yoga. We are preparing for an acclimatization rotation and a walk in the surroundings. Today we plan to reach an altitude of 4,500 meters. Have a nice day, everyone! The guides of the program are Nikita Slotin and Boris Egorov.















Sun, 21 Jan 2024 17:33:45 +0300
<![CDATA[ The change of groups takes place on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Chile. The group who have ascended Ojos del Salado flies home, a new group is arriving Anastasia Besogonova, manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile: The Pacific coast is co ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16777/ Anastasia Besogonova, manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:
The Pacific coast is cool at night and in the morning, hot in the afternoon. Everything happens slowly and steadily. The first group of Ojos flies home, the next group is slowly coming to Baja Ingles.
For those who arrived a day earlier, intercontinental flights, a kaleidoscope of airports, worries about luggage are all over. You can wander along the shore of the bay, admire the beaches, try the freshest seafood in local restaurants. There are advantages to being slow, too.
Most of the group is arriving today, and a completely different story will begin.









Fri, 19 Jan 2024 19:27:21 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" made a successful ascent on the summit of Ojos del Salado in ideal weather conditions ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16764/ Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from Chile from the group "Machines"! On January 15, at 1 a.m., the group moved out of the camp on Laguna Verde by car. At 3 a.m., the movement started from the shelter of the Tejos. The starry sky, and then the first rays of the sun, illuminated our path. The weather favored us, the sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing. There were a lot of climbers that day. I have not seen such traffic jams to the summit tower yet. In two ropes teams, at 13 and 15 o'clock, our full team stood at the top of Ojos del Salado. 360-degree views opened up to the eye, it's beautiful! The mountain was very difficult for the participants! Safely and also in full force, the group went down to the cars and safely reached the camp. We're going down to the ocean today.












Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:55:59 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" made an acclimatization rotation to the Tejos refuge and went down to the Laguna Verde camp (Atacama, Chile) ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16746/ Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the group "Machines" from Chile! Yesterday we spent a wonderful night at the Tejos refuge at an altitude of 5800. We walked up, took a closer look at the mountain Ojos del Salado and the climbing path. This morning we went down to our wonderful camp on Laguna Verde. We rest, eat meat, play, sing songs. Tomorrow is a rest day according to the plan.












Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:43:55 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" made a training ascent to the summit of San Francisco and descended to the Laguna Verde camp ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16731/ Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the group "Machines" from the best camp on Laguna Verde! The name of the team is justified, today the band stood at the top of Mount San Francisco! At 14:30 we started the descent and already in the camp we are resting and gaining strength before tomorrow's rest day. Acclimatization is in full swing! Everyone coped perfectly and tested themselves. It was warm and sunny, but very windy. Moving on.









Wed, 10 Jan 2024 05:42:11 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" climbed to the Laguna Verde camp on Ojos del Salado in Chile ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16713/  Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

The Machines Group sends greetings from the most comfortable camp on Laguna Verde! Today we moved to 4300, where we will spend most of the expedition. We went for a ride on cars, had a good walk up to 5000 and drove to the hot springs to wash away the sand that clogs everywhere! The sun is pleasing, but it is very windy. Tomorrow, according to the plan, we are going for a walk to the Atacama shelter, to walk and acclimatize. Everything is according to plan.






















Mon, 8 Jan 2024 06:08:25 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" began its route to the summit of Ohos del Salado in Chile and moved to the Laguna Rosa camp ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16702/ Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings to all from the Tres Cruces National Park from the "Machines" group!  Today we left the ocean coast and climbed the mountains, drove to an altitude of 4000 and descended to 3600 to the shelter and pink lake (Laguna Rosa), where flamingos live! We set up our large dining room, had a delicious dinner and are now relaxing, enjoying the views. It's windy but sunny! All participants feel well. Tomorrow, according to the plan, there will be an acclimatization ascent to the summit of the Seven Brothers.















Sat, 6 Jan 2024 06:20:53 +0300
<![CDATA[ The first group of the 7 Summits Club season arrived in Chile to climb Ojos del Salado. They chose the name "Cars" for themselves! ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_16696/ Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:
Greetings to all from the Pacific coast from the group "Machines" ("Cars")! Today we met everyone who did not arrive yesterday. We also made our cars recognizable from afar, enjoyed the freshest scallops, rested, checked our equipment, discussed plans for tomorrow and had a good evening. Tomorrow we leave the bay and set out on our journey to the world's highest volcano. The first stop on the way is Santa Rosa Lagoon, where, hopefully, we will see pink flamingos.












Fri, 5 Jan 2024 06:05:43 +0300
<![CDATA[ A new film about the volcano Ojos del Salado from the guide Nikita Slotin.  It's been a wonderful season! ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15492/ In the 2022-2023 season, there were a total of 32 participants in the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club in Chile. These are 4 groups with 6 guides. 30 participants of the expeditions reached the main peak of Ojos del Salado. The highest point: 6893m. Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, shot and edited this short film. It very successfully combines the beauties of nature, shows the nature of the ascent and the attitude of the participants to the mountains.  Thank you, Nikita!  Not long, and all to the point!







Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:40:29 +0300
<![CDATA[ Alexander Abramov on the results of the season: Now there is a kind of fashion - to ascend to the edge of the Ojos del Salado crater and say that they have ascended the summit ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15278/ The climbing season in Chile for Ojos del Salado 2023 has ended.  This is the highest volcano in South America with a height of 6893 meters, which is part of the project "Seven Volcanoes", ascents of the 7 highest volcanoes of each continent.  Thanks to this project, the mountain is popular and this year about 50 people from Russia rushed to it.

I want to sum up the results of the season of the 7 Summits Club.  In total, 32 participants entrusted their fate to us, of which 30 people reached the top of Ojos del Salado. These are 4 groups with 6 guides.  I want to clarify, they have reached the real top of the mountain. The highest point: 6893m.

Why I am writing about this: recently there has been a fashion not to reach the top of volcanic mountains and, having reached the lowest point of the crater, announce that the group has reached the summit. Like, geographers consider the entire edge of the crater to be the top. This is what has been practiced by many on Ojos del Salado in recent years. After reaching the edge of the crater, which is 150m below the summit, the guides tell the clients that they have climbed  the summit. And the real summit is still the hardest and most dangerous 2 hours of work.

I want to state responsibly: mountain climbers have always called the highest point the summit of the mountain, and before reaching the highest point, you can not say that you have climbed to the summit. This is a deception of yourself and others. I myself climbed the summit of Ojos del Salado only in my 3rd expedition to this mountain. In total, I have more than 10 ascents to Ojos and each ascent is a very tough struggle with myself and nature. And most importantly, with the desire, having reached the edge of the crater and to turn down.

The mountain is deceptively simple due to the fact that the height of 5900 can be reached by car. A very treacherous mountain, on which two weeks of active acclimatization are required. The mistake of many teams and novice guides is underestimating the complexity of this mountain.

Every climber is free to interrupt his ascent at any height.  You can even talk about "conquering" the mountain without reaching the highest point. But from the point of view of the implementation of the project "Seven Volcanoes", there can be no two opinions. Did not reach the highest point – "no credit"! So all those who have not climbed to the real summit of Ojos del Salado this year, we invite you to finish what you started next year.  What do you think? Is it possible, without reaching the highest point of the mountain, to claim that he has ascended to the summit?















Mon, 6 Feb 2023 07:27:49 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club Quatro Mosqueteros made an ascent on the Ojos del Salado ridge, breaking through the snowfall ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15276/ The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Chile:

The Quatro Mosqueteros team successfully climbed the Ojos del Salado volcano. Both goals of the expedition were achieved - the first was Aconcagua.  It started snowing at the top  part of the route, but we were able to get to the main peak. Thank you all!
















Sun, 5 Feb 2023 18:59:07 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club Quatro Mosqueteros moved from the base camp near Aconcagua to the Chilean city of Copiapo ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15268/ The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Chile:

Greetings to all from the group "Four Musketeers"! Already from Chile. Yesterday we descended from the Aconcagua base camp and moved quickly and comfortably to the north of Chile at night. To the Atacama Desert, where we were warmly welcomed by the hot city of Copiapo. Only  for a while, because it's time for us to go to the heart of the desert, where the next goal of the expedition is waiting - the Ojos del Salado volcano.










Thu, 2 Feb 2023 22:03:50 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Malaquitas" has completed its preparations and goes out at night to storm Ojos del Salado  ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15251/ Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from Chile from the group "Malaquitas"! Today we held classes on climbing and descending along fixed ropes, worked out the movement with a short rope! Now we are resting and gaining strength before climbing! At night we go out to storm the summit of Ojos Del Salado...








Sat, 28 Jan 2023 20:11:50 +0300
<![CDATA[ Diary of the 7 Summits Club group "Malaquitas": ascent on the mount of San Francisco and acclimatization  rotation at the Tejos shelter  ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15240/ Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from Chile from the group "Malaquitas"!  We're back in touch!!! Elon Musk failed with the Internet and we were left out of touch for a few days!  What has happened in these days?

23.01. The group climbed on the summit of San Francisco! The weather was pleasant, the sun was shining, but on the descent the wind showed who was in charge here.

24.01. Rested in full! Morning boat trip on the lake "Three in a boat, not counting watermelon", barbecue at the springs and evening karaoke with Italians ...

25.01. We went up to the Tejos shelter for the overnight, we did not meet a cougar, but admired the starry sky! The car, to be honest, didn't really want to go up, but we forced it ...

26.01. Today, not without adventures, we went down to Laguna Verde.

Now we are resting, gaining strength and waiting for the weather to climb Ojos del Salado!















Thu, 26 Jan 2023 22:31:28 +0300
<![CDATA[ Video from Atacama. The group of the 7 Summits Club "Malaquitas" continues acclimatization at the foot of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15227/ Guide of the 7 Summits Club Nikita Slotin reports from Chile:

Greetings to all from the hot springs from the group "Malaquitas"!  Today we visited a beautiful gorge, an oasis in the middle of the desert. It was worth it! We drove along a mountain river, swam in a waterfall, had a delicious lunch and had a great day. Now we are resting and preparing for the ascent. The weather promises to be good! Tomorrow, according to the plan, we will climb the San Francisco volcano, look into Argentina.













Mon, 23 Jan 2023 06:00:55 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Malaquitas" moved to the camp on Laguna Verde at the foot of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15224/ Guide Nikita Slotin reports from Chile:

Greetings from the Atacama Desert from the group "Malaquitas"!  Today there was no less eventful day than yesterday! Before lunch we moved to Laguna Verde, on the way we greeted Ojos from afar. And after lunch we got to know him better!  We took jeeps up to the Atacama Shelter and walked to the height of 5420. The participants learned how to drive a car at these heights and were completely delighted! The weather is good, tomorrow we continue the acclimatization process and prepare for the ascent to San Francisco.
















Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:10:19 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Malaquitas" crosses the Atacama Desert and acclimatizes before climbing Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15219/ Guide of the 7 Summits Club Nikita Slotin reports from Chile:

Warm greetings to all from Chile from the group "Malaquitas"!  Today turned out to be an eventful day for adventures!!! Before lunch, we acclimatized at the summit of Seven Brothers Peak, climbing to a height of 4820 meters... We went down to the camp, had a delicious lunch and moved to explore the desert and its inhabitants!  We visited the abandoned buildings of miners and still got to the amazing lagoon, whose beauty cannot be described in words! We haven't seen so many birds yet... Now we are resting and experimenting with photos of the starry sky! Tomorrow, according to the plan, we will move to Laguna Verde.
















Sat, 21 Jan 2023 07:35:51 +0300
<![CDATA[ A new group of the 7 Summits Club has started a climbing program on Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15214/ Guide of the 7 Summits Club Nikita Slotin reports from Chile:

All Hola with Laguna Rosa from the group "Malaquitas"!  This morning we managed to visit the mineral museum in Ñopiapo, we were amazed by the collection, especially meteorites... And then the road to the mountains began. 2 hours and we are on the pass at an altitude of 4000 meters, a couple of photos in the wind and a descent to 3750, where a whole flock of flamingos and guanacos were waiting for us! There are almost no people, and there are a lot of animals. It remains to wait for the arrival of karancho, an impudent but beautiful bird! Now we are resting, having dinner, and making plans for tomorrow! The weather pleases with warmth and sunshine. Tomorrow we go for a walk to the top of the Seven Brothers!













Thu, 19 Jan 2023 23:28:09 +0300
<![CDATA[ The program of the 7 Summits Club group begins, which aims to climb the two highest summits of South America ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15211/ The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

Today the expedition of our small team began to the highest peak of South America, Aconcagua, and then to the highest volcano of the same continent, Ojos del Salado. The latter, by the way, is the second highest peak in South America. We are already at the entrance to the National Park. And the expedition began, of course, a little earlier, even late last night we gathered as a team in the city of Mendoza. There wasn't much time for steaks and malbec, but we managed. Unexpectedly, in parallel with us, a group starts on Aconcagua with the guides of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov. We will be together for a while and with similar news.



By the way, Karl Egloff, the star of high-speed ascents, is running away to the mountain tonight, really running away. The goal is simple - from the gates of the park to the top of Aconcagua and back in 11 hours. He can.














Thu, 19 Jan 2023 04:55:18 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" made a successful ascent on the summit of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15207/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

Yesterday, January 16, the Papas Bravas group climbed on the summit of the highest volcano in the World - Ojos del Salado! 5 climbers (3 participants and 2 guides) were standing on the top of Ojos. The ascent took place in difficult conditions, temperatures up to -30 and strong gusts of wind near the summit.

We went down to the camp at night. Everyone is happy. Tomorrow we will continue the cultural program for Chile.










Wed, 18 Jan 2023 05:24:11 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" made a successful ascent on Ojos del Salado volcano ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15199/ The president of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Abramov, reports from Chile:

The Lucky Ones group almost in full ascended today the highest volcano in the World and the highest mountain of Chile, Ojos del Salado 6864m. At the highest point there were 15 participants and 4 guides, a total of 19 people. It was hard. But we managed. Cold in the morning, windy in the afternoon. We went down at 9 pm.  We arrived at the Base Camp only at 23 o'clock.















Mon, 16 Jan 2023 06:46:50 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" goes out to storm Ojos del Salado after a rest in Copiapo ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15196/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 14. Greetings to all from Atacama, Chile, from the Papas Bravas group! Today we had a day of rest and excursions around Copiapo. We visited the central square of the city - Plaza de Armas - all in greenery, flowers, palm trees and pepper trees and with a statue of Juno on four condors in the center.

We visited the cathedral, went to supermarkets, visited the beautiful San Francisco Church (in honor of our recent ascent to the top of San Francisco) and the Atacama Museum of Local Lore. The museum is extremely interesting - with stuffed cougars (we realized that one of them recently came to our camp), condors, armadillos and other animals. We learned a story about how in 2010 33 miners were buried in the mine under the rubble for more than 2 months, but in the end they were all rescued. We found a wonderful courtyard with cacti and the best coffee in Copiapo. And in the evening we even visited the casino (partially).

Tomorrow morning we return to Atacama, to our camp on Laguna Verde.  And at night we plan to storm the volcano Ojos del Salado.

























Sat, 14 Jan 2023 23:49:54 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits  Club "Papas Bravas" has made the final acclimatization rotation and is resting before storming the summit of Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15192/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

13th of January.  Greetings to all from Atacama, Chile, from the Papas Bravas group and congratulations on the Old New Year! We haven't been in touch for two days, since yesterday we climbed to the highest mountain shelter in the world at an altitude of 5900m - Tejos refuge. The road there is a separate song. Not everyone manages to drive up the steep slopes of Ojos, but we did it. We set up tents near the refuge and went higher - to 6200 for acclimatization. Going down to the Tejos, we met a large group of Lucky People who were singing songs merrily.

The night in tents at 5900 was quite successful. In the morning, however, we woke up under a layer of frost. We drank coffee, went down to Laguna Verde (4300), where we met Artem Rostovtsev, who had just arrived from Antarctica on an urgent call from Alex Abramov. We had breakfast with him and went on vacation to Copiapo. The assault on the summit is scheduled for the night of January 15-16. While we rest and gain strength.










Sat, 14 Jan 2023 05:23:09 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" made an acclimatization trip to the highest mountain refuge in the World ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15187/ President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

Today, the team "Lucky Ones" went by car to the highest mountain refuge in the world "Tejas", which is located at an altitude of 5800m on the slopes of Ojos del Salado. And made an acclimatization rotation to 6200m on the slopes of Ojos. Everyone was amazed by the road to Tejas, as it has been difficult to pass lately and only the super drivers of the 7 Summits Club can drive it. The mountain has shown its scale. And this morning, participant Fedor and guide Mario went to storm the summit. Now there is waist-deep snow there, so they took shovels to dig a trench.

Guides Alexander Abramov, Alexander Dorozhukov and Nikita Slotin.










Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:55:29 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko made an ascent on the summit of Mount San Francisco ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15186/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 10th. Greetings to all from Atacama, Chile from the Papas Bravas group! Today was a very special day for us. We went on an acclimatization ascent to the volcano of San Francisco with a height of 6018m. For most of the members of our group, this was the first six-thousandth. We drove up to 5000 in jeeps. Then - on foot and with crampons. At the beginning of the journey, we even had to overcome an obstacle in the form of calgaspores. We did it! At about 15.30 in Chile, we stood at the top of our first six-thousandth. Tomorrow we arrange a day of rest - complete relaxation with spa elements.









Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:38:19 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko continued acclimatization in the Laguna Verde area ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15179/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 9.  Greetings to all from Atacama, Chile from the Papas Bravas group!  Today we woke up in a magical place - on the shore of Laguna Verde Lake at an altitude of 4300. First of all, we went along the shore of this beautiful lake, surrounded by snow peaks, to the hot springs - to take a hot shower and do exercises.

Then we went to acclimatize to the slopes of the volcano with the romantic name Mulas Muertas (death to mules). We took a lot of pictures with Laguna Verde Lake, went down and went on a road trip to the border of Chile and Argentina to the San Francisco pass at 5000m. There we turned on the downshift and arranged an off-road race. By evening, tired but happy, they returned to the camp. Here we were pleased with Russian borscht, abalones (the largest clams) and a pisco sour cocktail.

Tomorrow we will have a serious test - climbing to the top of Mount San Francisco (6018m).  For almost the whole group, this will be the first ascent above 6000m. I hope we will succeed!


















Tue, 10 Jan 2023 04:40:55 +0300
<![CDATA[ Photos and videos from the group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" from the ascent on the summit of San Francisco  Peak ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15175/ The team of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" under the leadership of Alexander Abramov made an acclimatization ascent on the summit of San Francisco with a height of 6016 m. All 16 participants and three guides reached the highest point. See photos and videos from the ascent…














Mon, 9 Jan 2023 16:12:01 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" made an acclimatization ascent on the summit of San Francisco ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15172/ President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

Today, the team of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones", which is going to climb Ojos del Salado, has climbed on the summit of San Francisco. Height 6016 m. The weather favored us. The whole team, 16 participants and guides, stood at the top. Sergei Bogomolov also ascended to the top. He is now 71 years old. He looks “like a cucumber” and this is his preparation for the summer ascent on K2. Now he has 13 eight-thousanders and he is preparing to complete the project of 14 eight-thousanders. And become the first in Russia.  As soon as we went down, it started snowing. Tomorrow is a day of rest. The most pleasant thing that can be found in the mountains.






















Mon, 9 Jan 2023 05:27:39 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko in the Laguna Verde camp caught up with Alexander Abramov's group ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15171/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 8. Greetings to all from Atacama, from Chile! Our Papas Bravas group relocated today to Laguna Verde, 4300. On the way, we finally saw the purpose of our trip - the volcano Ojos del Salado, covered with snow. On the way, we visited the unique Lama River, which flows in the desert and has a thermal origin.

We set up camp in a secret place - near our large group. The most difficult thing was to set up a tent-toilet: it was carried away three times until we could fix it. Before dinner, we drove to the hot springs and soaked in the thermal baths.  And for dinner, Abramov's group descended to the camp, after climbing  the six-thousandth San Francisco. We congratulated them.  Tomorrow we are going to acclimatize to Mulas Muertas. If we get up early, then in the morning we go to the hot springs to drink a cup of coffee in a hot bath…











Mon, 9 Jan 2023 04:45:09 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" visited the San Francisco Pass and bathed in the hot baths of the Laguna Verde spring ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15168/ President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

News of the "Lucky Ones" team from the expedition to Ojos del Salado. Today our team drove to the San Francisco Pass. It is a great place for acclimatization and generally iconic. This is the border of Chile and Argentina. We even drove 10 km to the territory of Argentina, to the border guards post. Beauty! Then we visited the abandoned town of gold diggers. Tomorrow we plan to climb to the top of San Francisco 6150m. The weather is good.  And most importantly, we stopped at the Laguna Verde hot springs and washed in hot water there.
















Sun, 8 Jan 2023 07:04:16 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko from the Laguna Rosa camp climbed on the summit of Seven Brothers Peak ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15167/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 7. Greetings to all from Chile from Atacama from the group Papas Bravas (Brave Potatoes)! Today we made the first acclimatization ascent of almost 5000 meters - on the top of Seven Brothers Peak. The ascent took place in conditions of strong wind and at times a salt storm. But everything ended well. We reached the top and went down to our camp to the Pink Lake (Laguna Rosa) with flamingos, where a chic dinner from our chef Carolina was waiting for us. We are resting now. Tomorrow we will move to the Verde Lagoon and hot springs.
















Sun, 8 Jan 2023 06:28:31 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" moved to the Laguna Verde camp at the foot of the Ojos del Salado volcano ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15163/ President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

 News of the "Lucky Ones" team from Ojos Del Salado. After leaving Laguna Santa Rosa, our team rushed to our comfortable Laguna Verde camp. On the way we met waterfalls, snowfalls, and one car stopped right in the middle of the road. The whole team pushed this car for 30 kilometers. When we arrived at the camp, it started snowing. And the wind. But the views are colossal. Tomorrow we have acclimatization – ascent to the San Francisco pass with a height of 5000 m.

The team is fun. Everyone is happy. And most importantly. We bought an Internet Star Link, from Elon Musk. The Internet gives surprisingly good speed. The whole team can send videos at the same time.

Group guides: Alexander Abramov, Alexander Dorojukov, Nikita Slotin.




































Sat, 7 Jan 2023 05:31:37 +0300
<![CDATA[ The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko moved to the Laguna Rosa camp in the Atacama Desert ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15162/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 6th. Greetings from Chile from Laguna Rosa from the Papas Bravas team, bravo going to the highest volcano in the World - Ojos del Salado.  Today our team left civilization (the hotel in Baia Ingles) and made a brave move to the Pink Lake (Laguna Rosa) at an altitude of 3800, overcoming the pass of 4400m. We managed to see flamingos in the sunset rays and the rising of the full moon over the Atacama volcanoes. Tomorrow we will climb the volcano 7 Brothers (4700m).











Sat, 7 Jan 2023 04:38:53 +0300
<![CDATA[ Lyudmila Korobeshko met a new group of the 7 Summits Club on the volcano Ojos del Salado ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15158/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

Hello from Chile from the recently arrived Pizka de Pudahuel group! The name is inspired by the inscriptions at Santiago Airport. Our group, which has already passed through Kilimanjaro, Orizaba, Demavent and Elbrus, arrived in Atacama to go to the highest volcano in the world: Ojos del Salado. According to an ancient Chilean tradition, we try live scallops with champagne, then we try fried octopus and ceviche with Pisco. Thus, the program of the first day of acclimatization was completed. Tomorrow we pack up and go to the heart of the Atacama! In the morning - jogging and exercise, as usual!













Fri, 6 Jan 2023 05:16:31 +0300
<![CDATA[ Summit!  The group from the 7 Summits Club is on the Laguna Rosa Camp and climbed the Peak of Seven Brothers ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15156/ The president of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Abramov, reports from Chile:

Today there was a beautiful day. We climbed to the top of the Peak of Seven Brothers, 4800 meters high. The whole team feels very well and acclimatizes perfectly. We’re watching flamingos and guanacos. Weather: rain, sometimes snow. Tomorrow we move to Laguna Verde. We hope the weather will improve.




































Fri, 6 Jan 2023 04:07:50 +0300
<![CDATA[ The main part of the first group of the 7 Summits Club on the Ojos del Salado volcano set off in jeeps ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15150/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 3. All salute from Chile!  Some more news from Abramov's group. This morning another member of the expedition arrived. She is a well-known blogger and an aspiring mountaineer (participant of a recent expedition to Manaslu). At noon, a cavalcade of five SUVs set off from the Chilean resort town of Baia Ingles to the Atacama Desert to meet adventures! The group managed to make friends during yesterday's day spent tasting Chilean delicacies and wines.

Abramov, Dorojukov, Bogomolov and two places in turn for those who want to (with good driving experience) set off today behind the wheel of SUVs. Nikita Slotin meets two more participants tomorrow and they immediately go to catch up with their group.

And I'm meeting my participants tomorrow. Our departure to Atacama is scheduled for January 6th.

 P.S. - what will happen to the connection in Atacama is still unclear. There is no connection in the desert, but Abramov bought some Starlink from Elon Musk. Let's see if it will work in Atacama....













Thu, 5 Jan 2023 04:55:03 +0300
<![CDATA[ A group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Chile to climb the Ojos del Salado volcano. Sergey Bogomolov is with us ]]> http://7summitsclub.com/news/all/item_15146/ Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

Salute to all from Chile! Today, a large group led by Alexander Abramov and supported by Alexander Dorojukov and Nikita Slotin finally arrived in Atacama and gathered at the festive table. Alex Abramov solemnly announced the official start of the expedition. Then the legendary Russian climber Sergey Bogomolov took the floor. He climbed 13 out of 14 eight-thousand meters and in the summer of 2023 he plans to climb K2 as part of the team of the 7 Summits Club, which he left to complete the project of 14 eight-thousand meters.

Sergey told many interesting stories from his rich mountaineering life - about joint ascents with Anatoly Bukreev, about Bashkirov's tragic death on Lhotse, about several of his attempts on K2 from different sides. Everyone listened with their mouths open. As a result, we decided that we would help Sergey Bogomolov to publish a book about his ascents.

Today we devoted the day to protein saturation - we ate live scallops with fried octopus.  And tomorrow - departure to Atacama. Everyone is looking forward to it!








Wed, 4 Jan 2023 04:14:52 +0300