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16 May 2020, 17:04. Everest, all programs »

 For Alexander Abramov (expedition leader) it is the fourth start on a legendry North Route. With every coming year the expedition service is getting higher. In BC and ABC this year there will be pitched large expedition tents with email and satellite phone facilities. Strong team of 11 high altitude Sherpas will establish 3 high camps on the route. Two Russian well-known mountaineers Nikolay Cherny and Ivan Dusharin will be acting as guides in this expedition.



Expedition list (24 members):

Abramov Alexander (Alex ) – leader

Cherni Nikolay (guide)

Dusharin Ivan (guide)

Selivanov Andrey (expedition doctor)

Expedition members from Russia:

Kaymachnikov Sergey

Iakovenko Alexandre

Skaller Grigory,

Ovasapyan Karo,

Lande Vladimir,

Semenov Sergey

Taidakov Yury,

Moskalev Dmitry


Expedition members from abroad:

Ulph Robert (UK )

Hanna Noel Richmond (UK)

Stark Lynne Patricia (UK)

Gariano Lorenzo (UK)

Christiana John Thomas (USA)

Wilde James (USA)

Schneider Nathaniel (USA)

Lihteneker Marko (Slovenia)

Mlinar Victor (Slovenia)

Pokhvalin Igor (Ukraine)

Tsokur Dmitry (Ukraine)

Kikstra Harry (Netherlands)


Part of the group will work on a shorter programme without summit attempt: their aim is North Col and possibly North Peak (Changse).



Every year the team of Sherpas is growing stronger. This year it consists solely of Everest summiters. Mingma Gelu Sherpa – one of the strongest Nepalese mountaineers – will act as a sirdar.


High Altitude Sherpas list:

  1. Mingma Gelu Sherpa - Sirdar
  2. Pasang Sherpa
  3. Pempa Rinzin Sherpa
  4. Nima Drojee Sherpa
  5. Pasang Tenpa Sherpa
  6. Tenpa Norbu Sherpa
  7. Lhakpa Sherpa
  8. Pemba Tensing Sherpa + 3 more




Abramov Alexander (expedition leader) reports from Kathmandu:


Hi, friends.

Our expedition reached Tibet and today April 10, moved from Zangmu to Nialam. On the whole everything is OK

An accident took place on the road between Katmandu and Kodari on the way to Tibet border. Because Maoists declared a strike till April 12, they are blocking the roads.

Because of this there was a special escort organized to secure the progress of the expedition to Tibet border.



The car with Alexander Abramov and Sergey Kaimachnikov lagged behind the rest of the group a bit and was assaulted by Maoists. Maoists were throwing hand-made bombs, one of which got inside the car and exploded. As a result Sergey has his left leg broken, Alexander got a bit shell-shocked. The military troops helped to organize immediate evacuation by helicopter to Katmandu. Sergey was brought to the hospital and operated. Now his condition is normal.

Alexander stayed in Katmandu to help Sergey. In a week Sergey is going to be sent to Moscow, and after this Alexander will catch up with his expedition. At present Nikolay Cherny is acting as the expedition leader. We are expressing our gratitude to Russian Embassy in Katmandu and personally to Russian Consul Vladimir Popov, Royal Mount Travel company and personally to Katya and Igor, who gave us helping hand in need, and to Asian Trekking and Dawa Sherpa.


May, 18


Alex Abramov by phone from the ABC camp.


In the morning.

Now all our team is in АВС. Except, Sasha Yakovenko and Nikolay Cherny that have gone down to displace the Middle Camp. Now we have left only one kitchen tent at height of 5800 m and two tents, in which two sleeping bags left. Igor Pohvalin has gone down to the base camp. It considers, that long time to be at height 6500м is harmful to an organism. He has decided to go down for 2-3 nights in base camp. With him, Ivan Dusharin went down, because his back was ill. All others were in camp ABC. Yesterday leaders of other expedition came in our camp. There were representatives of Norwegian expedition, two Indian expeditions, expedition “Monterosa” and for short time David Hamilton from Jagged Globe. All are worried about promised fix ropes that are not arranged yet. Under an agreement with Russell it should be fixed up to top of the Second step. Leaders of these expeditions have offered us to become the fourth expedition which will go in the forefront and will detach Sherpas for fixed ropes.



We have been trying to find Russell Brice which now is in Middle Camp. Also we have decided, that today a meeting at 4 will be held. We want to invite leaders of all expeditions. All are worried about the weather forecast. Forecasts are very different.


Later, after meeting.


Today morning Vladimir Lande has gone up the North Col and started an ascent. Later two Slovene climbers Marko and Victor also have decided to leave on an ascent. On the North Col also there are Andrey Selivanov and Grigory Skaller. But their plans is simply high-altitude acclimatization. Since morning the weather was not the best. But forecasts promise 4 days of quite good conditions. Tomorrow (May, 19) Dyma Moskalev, Sasha Yakovenko, Harry Kikstra and Lorenzo Gariano, also will go upward. Three other expeditions (Norwegian and two Indian) also plan a start of climb. Nevertheless, there are no fix-ropes up to the Second Step yet. Today the meeting which was initiated by those expeditions which want to leave earlier was held. Except for these expeditions, many participants from other expeditions want to begin climb in the near future. And some of them have already left on North Col.


At meeting we discussed a question of termination of an arranging of a route and some financial questions. In a result it was solved, that 4 expeditions which are going to leave today - tomorrow became responsible for final fixing of ropes. It was solved, that the money collected for this purpose will be given to Sherpas which will fix ropes. In result, tomorrow 4 Sherpas will leave on North Col and next day on 8300 m. They plan to fix ropes up to the top of the Second step. Also it is possible, that tomorrow Nikolay Cherny will climb to the North Col. The weather is quite unstable. " A Window" seems unstable, duration of it will take maximum 4 days. And that is not clear, this is “a window” or simply a small decrease of wind.



Today our Sherpas have done big work. Yesterday they have climbed on the Col, then after have spent a night, today they have climbed up to height of 8300 meters. They have brought in the storm camp 40 cylinders of oxygen, sleeping bags, tents. Today they have gone down, very much tired. Nevertheless, one of them has agreed to go with Vladimir Linde on an ascent. Tomorrow at 10 morning, Lande with his individual high-altitude porter will go to camp 2


Our Sherpas are great ! Thank them, thanks to the Sirdar Mingma !


May, 20

Today Slovenes Маrко and Viktor, Vladimir Lande and his Sherpa-partner have climbed in the camp of 8300 m. The weather was quite good and climbers plan tomorrow climb the summit. We carried on with them radio-talking. I have once again explained to them how correctly to distribute time of an ascent, depending on quantity of oxygen. Today Lorenzo Gariano and Harry Kikstra have gone down from North Col. Harry, unfortunately, became ill, there ia a high temperature, and he practically does not have voice. And tomorrow Nikolay Cherny will accompany him downwards, to the base camp. In the camp ABC, we have now quite strong wind, very coldly, clear weather. Our friends from camp 8300 speak that, there are no wind at all. But under the forecast, tomorrow there should be a wind up to 50 kms at one hour. We hope, that the ascent will pass successfully. And everyone can go down safely.




On May, 21

At 12:30 local time members of the international expedition 7 Summits Club Slovenes Маrko Lihteneker (45) and Viktor Mlinar (38) have successfully ascended to the top of Everest. They were the first this year ! Slovenes climbers successfully used a small window of weather. Now on Everest and in camp ABC the strong wind blows. Possibly, today this window will be closed, presumably till May, 27th. On our information, today about 15 climbers could reach the top. The majority left on an ascent have been forced to return.



May, 21 15:00: "21st of May, 03.00 China Time Slovenian climbers Marko Lihteneker and Viktor Mlinar and Russian climber Vladimir Lande and his Sherpa Pasang Dorji left camp 3 at 8300m for the summit. Near 2nd step Vladimir had crampon problems and went down together with his Sherpa. The Slovenians continued up. At 14.00 Sherpa Rengin arrived at Camp 3 to provide any assistance to the summit climbers if needed."


May 21, 17:00: "Today at 12.30 Viktor Mlinar summited Mount Everest; one hour later Marko Lihteneker arrived at the summit. Weather was good, Viktor arrived back at 8300m camp at 16.00."


May 21, 21:30: "At 21:30 Marko has not arrived at the camp 3, 8300m. The weather is bad, it is snowing and strong wind. The Sherpa can not go up."


May 21, 22:00: "We hope that Marko has arrived in one of the many other tents at the 8300m camp. Nobody has summited from the South Side."


May 22, 14:00: "At 05.00 Pemba Tensing and Pemba Rengin went up searching for Marko on the ridge above 8300m. 9 other high altitude Sherpas are in ABC, ready to go up if needed. The Sherpas have checked all tents in camp 3, 8300, and in all camps around 7700 as well as on the North Col, but Marko was not found there. Today, about 20 Chinese climbers summited Everest, but they also have not seen Marko. Vladimir and Victor and the 2 Sherpas are now at the North Сol, Vladimir is feeling good, Victor is reasonably ok."


May 22, 17.00, Message from expedition: Victor Mliner & Vladimir Lande arrived to ABC. They feel well. Chinese expedition Sherpas found body of a climber at the altitude of 8800 m. This body looks as Marko. Six Sherpas, which climbed together with the members arrived to ABC. Pasang Dorji has a frost bite on his right hand.



Today, May, 26, the weather continues to remain bad, the wind at top reaches 30 meters per one second. The nearest three days weather forecasters promise sharp decrease of wind, up to 10 meters per one second. And using this chance, May, 27 the first our group will start and May, 28 the second group will start on climb. Nikolay Cherny leads the First group, in it 8 Members and 7 Sherpas, including Sirdar Mingma. Alexander Abramov heads the second group, in it - 7 Members and 5 Sherpas. Under the plan, three Sherpas from the first group should remain after an ascent in camp of 8300 meters. It will be made for secure of the second group.


Group 1: James Wilde, Karo Ovasapyan, Alexander Jakovenko, Igor Pohvalin, Grigory Skaller, Ivan Dusharin, Jury Tajdakov.

Group 2: Dmitry Moskalev, Lorenzo Gariano, Natan Schneider, Harm Kikstra, John Christiana, Robert Ulf..




Vladimir Lande, who participated in events May, 21, is already in Moscow. All other Members are in preparation. About half of expeditions which are now in АВС, have the same plan, as our expedition. With an ascent 30 and May, 31. It is not so good. Experience of 2003 when in one day ascended 120 person, shows, that because of queue on the Second Step it is possible not have time to reach the top.


It is now hearing handbells. That Yaks approach for evacuation of one of expeditions. Expeditions have already started to go down from camp AВС. I think, that the nearest three days some more expeditions will be removed and will leave home.


Norwegian expedition, and also a part of expedition Monterosa climbed North Col today with the purpose of an ascent right at the beginning of good weather (May, 29) .

Long stay at height 6500м, certainly, provided a bad effect on conditions of members. Already the second week of expectation of weather practically comes to an end. It is certainly hard for an organism. I hope, that we could overcome physical strengths, and moral - strong-willed spirit help us to win. We could reach the summit and go down alive and healthy.



How many climbers are on northern side of the Everest ? Russell Brice has told, that he has collected on fixing ropes 17 thousand dollars. It means that 170 persons have handed over on 100 dollars. And approximately 150-170 climbing Sherpas are here. So it is possible to assume, that for 2 days on the slopes of Everest there will be from 200 up to 300 climbers. It will be a chaos on May, 30-31. Plus hundreds climbers from the South. These days on the highest point it will be no free places! The queue in area of the top can be formed simply to be photographed.



Today, May, 30, seven Members and six high-altitude porters (Sherpas) from the 7 Summits Club expedition successful climbed the summit of Mount Everest. The first, about 7 mornings, has risen Karo Ovasapian, in half an hour - Alexander Jakovenko, behind him - Nikolay Cherny. Then Igor Pohvalin from Crimea. Jury Tajdakov, Ivan Dusharin and Grigory Skaller have risen a bit later. Six Sherpas (Pasang Tenzing, Mingma Forche, Pemba Tensing Samte, Mingma Gelu, Pasang Temba Geldjin, Pemba Renjin) have reached the top with their members, led by Sirdar Mingma (for him it is 4th ascent).



We would like to note Nikolay Cherny success, first time trying to make an ascent during the first Soviet Everest expedition in 1982. We congratulate him!




We are proud to be his partners and we note, that the success was held in our expedition. Now on the high slopes of Everest the weather has deteriorated, but to this moment all participants of an ascent have gone down in camp at height of 8300 meters. The majority of them will spend the night there. Only Каrо together with his individual Sherpa has decided to go down in АВС. Tomorrow the second group will climb from 7700 m up to 8300 meters. As well as it was planned, in it there will be 12 persons.


May, 31

Alexander Abramov from the camp 3 at height of 8300 meters.

Now all have climbed in camp, except for Robert Ulph and his personal porter, that turned back. Now here are 10 persons: 6 Members and 4 Sherpas. In one tent Abramov and Moskalev, we sit, we breathe oxygen. In other tents: Lorenzo, Harry with individual guides, then John and Natan, also with the Sherpas. Weather does not please, strong wind … .Snow, a storm. Whether to leave, or to sit, or to go down.


The first group goes down very slowly. Only Yakovenko, and probably, doctor Igor Pohvalin had reached camp АВС. And other six person are still on mountain. Uncle Kolja on North Col. And Yura Tajdakov, Ivan Dusharin and Grigory Skaller, they will spend the night in camp on 7700 m. Каrо and James are already in the base camp.



June, 1.


Today there was awful night. We the big company, 10 persons, spent the night on 8300 m. The tent jumped and skipped under a pressure of a wind. I on a portable radio set transferred the information in other tents that we do not leave, neither at one o`clock, nor per three …..

Today, when we began to count oxygen, appeared, that for night we have spent 10 cylinders. Everyone were adjusted to go downwards as on everyone remained on 2 cylinders, that it is not enough. To give guys chance we have made the strong-willed decision. I, as already been at top, Nathan and his Sherpa go downwards. Yesterday Nathan has received small frost-bitten of fingers. As we have found out, this day there was only one climbing group, it seems, Brazilians. They have reached the Second step and were forced to come back. On 8300 m there was our good friend Lhapka Sherpa planning the fifth ascention. However she also has not left.


We started downwards, leaving necessary amount of oxygen to the four (Dmitry Moskalev, Lorenzo Gariano, Harry Kikstra and John Christiana). They are going to make an attempt tomorrow. I, Nathan and his Sherpa, have started to go downwards at 10 a.m..


Weather forecast for tomorrow: the same as for today. But now, to the evening, clouds have dispersed. We have agreed, that if the weather will be bad, guys go downwards since morning. Robert Ulf, which else hoped to join summiters, has turned downwards. Alexander Abramov, Nathaniel Schneider and his Sherpa stay in АВС now.


 Today, June, 2, at 8:45 local time, Dmitry Moskalev has informed, that he stands at the top of the world. Sherpa Mingma Norbu has climbed the summit of Everest with him. On a distance about one hour from it, Harry Kikstra from Holland, an American John Christiana and two Sherpas Renji and Laкcha. Lorenzo Gariano is also near to top. Such information - on 9 o`clock in the morning local time. The weather is clear, but a strong wind blows. Nevertheless, today many sportsmen from different expeditions have reached the top. We shall wait for descent of our comrades and on it to finish expedition.


Later: 17:30 local time.


Dmitry Moskalev has climbed the top at 8:30. On descent he has met John Christiana and his Sherpa Renji. They have risen on top about one o`clock in the afternoon. Later he has met Harry Kikstra and his Sherpa Lakcha, they also continued climb. Till now we have no information, whether Harry have reached the summit. There was no radio communication with them during whole day, though all members and Sherpas are supplied radio stations. At one o`clock Lorenzo Gariano came on communication. He has informed, that he is in camp of 7700 m. During an ascent, on the Second step, he (as he said) « has lost eyesight ». We do not know precisely, what it means. In any case, Lorenzo has managed independently gone down in camp 2 on 7700 meters. Probably, he has just frozen eyes, because of a strong wind. We have sent Sherpa Nima which has quickly climbed in camp of 7700 m. Now they begin descent downwards, they promise to go down up to camp ABC. Now Sherpa Mingma Norbu which we have left of 8300 m in camp to wait for the two climbers Harry and Lakcha, has informed, that sees them at height 8500м. Whether has had been Harry on top whether not, we do not know. We hope for the best, also we hope, that they will have time to go down in camp 3 up to darkness. Unfortunately, in camp 3 there is only one cylinder of oxygen. It will be heavy night for three persons. It will be their third night at this height.



June, 3


Small problems were with the phone, now all is normal. On 19 Chinese time a situation is following. Dmitry Moskalev has gone down in АВС, with Sherpa Mingma Norbu. John Christiana and Harry Kikstra are now on descent, approximately at 7500 meters. They continue to go downwards, with support of Renji and Lakcha. On the eve, Harry has reached the summit about 2 p.m.. Descent was very difficult: they have reached camp 3 only after 10 p.m., in darkness.



Dyma Moskalev now eats rice and is going to go down in base camp. For tomorrow`s morning, on 7, the jeep to Katmandu is ordered. Today in morning Lorenzo Gariano, Nathaniel Schneider and Robert Ulf have left from АВС to the base camp.


So it is possible to sum up, by results of expedition: 22 persons have climbed on top, from them 12 Members and 10 Sherpas. Unfortunately, one of climbers, Маrко Lihteneker, was lost on descent.