Providing expeditions
since 2005

The 7 Summits Club sports group Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov have climbed to the Ama Dablam base camp. There they will have a long-awaited rest and maybe for a long time

The 7 Summits Club Guide Boris Egorov sends from Nepal: Greetings from Nepal! Alexey and I finally got to the Ama Dablam base camp. To be honest, we have been over walking for this time, we want to sit in one place and not move anywhere. ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Guide Boris Egorov sends from Nepal:

Greetings from Nepal! Alexey and I finally got to the Ama Dablam base camp. To be honest, we have been over walking for this time, we want to sit in one place and not move anywhere. And tomorrow will be a day of rest, a full one. Now our further plan depends on the weather forecast. We will check the weather every evening and decide when to go on the assault.








Team Iskorka made an introductory acclimatization hike as part of the Mountainering School classes

Good afternoon! Today Team Iskorka together with guides Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky made a very fruitful acclimatization hike. The start took place in the dark and we returned to the base also in the dark. We managed to perfectly ... read more

Good afternoon! Today Team Iskorka together with guides Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky made a very fruitful acclimatization hike. The start took place in the dark and we returned to the base also in the dark. We managed to perfectly inspect the area and all approaches to the routes we were interested in! Tomorrow is a day of rest and preparation for the summit climb!



























The 7 Summits Club "Pandas" group made the trek to the village of Chutung and is preparing to cross the Zatrva-La pass in the direction of Mera Peak

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Nepal: Namaste from Nepal! The "Pandas" group set out on the route to Mera Peak today. Yesterday we spent the whole day in Lukla, waiting for our luggage. Finally, the luggage ... read more

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Nepal:

 Namaste from Nepal! The "Pandas" group set out on the route to Mera Peak today. Yesterday we spent the whole day in Lukla, waiting for our luggage. Finally, the luggage is delivered, and nothing prevents us from moving on. So: in the morning we left Lukla for Chutang, at about 12 o'clock in the afternoon we were there. After lunch - a small climb to the heights (plus 250 meters vertically) after which we returned to the lodge for dinner. Tomorrow we have a long day, the crossing of the Zatrva-La pass is ahead.






The 7 Summits Club group "Berezki s salom" began the trek to the foot of Meru peak. Today we reached the village of Tagnag

Dmitry Semenov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal: Greetings from the mountainous Nepal! Today our super group "Berezki s salom" arrived in the village of Tagnag (4300m). This is our 5th day of the trip, to the summit of ... read more

Dmitry Semenov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal:

Greetings from the mountainous Nepal! Today our super group "Berezki s salom" arrived in the village of Tagnag (4300m). This is our 5th day of the trip, to the summit of Meru. The group and the weather are excellent.






Summit! Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov made a wonderful ascent on the summit of Lobuche in Nepal

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal: Interim results of the Nepalese trip. Alexey and I successfully completed acclimatization by climbing the peak of Lobuche 6100m. We left the camp as the last group and, ... read more

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal:

 Interim results of the Nepalese trip. Alexey and I successfully completed acclimatization by climbing the peak of Lobuche 6100m. We left the camp as the last group and, not in a hurry, but confidently, overtook all the teams and were the first to reach the summit. We climbed in 4 hours. In some places we jumared and climbed the rocks, but for us it was a walk. And at the summit we met a crazy sunrise! Right after us, a cloud settled on the mountain and the rocks below the mountain, licked by the glacier, were lightly dusted, which added spice to the descent. And now we have already fortified ourselves with desserts and went to the shower in Pheriche (4250m). Tomorrow we go to the Ama Dablam base camp.














The training program of the 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group has begun in the Tien Shan mountains

Greetings from Kazakhstan! The 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group arrived at Chimbulak yesterday and settled into comfortable rooms. Today we made an acclimatization hike to the Tuyuk-su alpine camp. There we got the necessary equipment, and ... read more

Greetings from Kazakhstan! The 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group arrived at Chimbulak yesterday and settled into comfortable rooms. Today we made an acclimatization hike to the Tuyuk-su alpine camp. There we got the necessary equipment, and then held classes on the rocks. We remembered how to ascend and descend on a fixed rope! The weather was great, but the snow that fell the day before had to be trampled...

Guides-instructors Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky.






Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov called the Lobuche assault camp a resort

The 7 Summits Club Super Guide Boris Egorov sends from Nepal: Greetings from Lobuche! We reached the assault camp in two hours. And it turns out it's a resort! They poured sand, installed the Internet. We are resting, preparing for the ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Super Guide Boris Egorov sends from Nepal:

 Greetings from Lobuche! We reached the assault camp in two hours. And it turns out it's a resort! They poured sand, installed the Internet. We are resting, preparing for the night assault.





A new group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Nepal to climb Mera Peak, but bad weather delayed the start of the route

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Nepal: Namaste from Nepal! Nepal, or rather Lukla, is being capricious this year. Lukla airport has been closed for several days due to cloudiness. Even helicopters are not ... read more

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Nepal:

Namaste from Nepal! Nepal, or rather Lukla, is being capricious this year. Lukla airport has been closed for several days due to cloudiness. Even helicopters are not flying. Our "Panda" team flew in two parties to the village of Serke, which is a two-hour walk from Lukla. But our luggage will arrive only tomorrow. We will wait and explore the surroundings of Lukla.








The 7 Summits Club group "Berezki s salom" reached Lukla not without adventures

Dmitry Semenov, the 7 Summits Club guide, reports from Nepal: Greetings from Nepal, from the "Berezki s salom" group! Today is our second day and this day was very eventful. In the morning we visited the Swayambhunath temple complex, and ... read more

Dmitry Semenov, the 7 Summits Club guide, reports from Nepal:

Greetings from Nepal, from the "Berezki s salom" group! Today is our second day and this day was very eventful. In the morning we visited the Swayambhunath temple complex, and in the evening, we got to Lukla. Moreover, we walked part of the way. The helicopter did not reach the airport due to the weather, so we walked through the night forest. In general, the adventures have begun. We are positive, in a good mood, ready for new challenges.








Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov soared above the clouds during the acclimatization climb and did bouldering

Boris Egorov, the 7 Summits Club guide, reports from Nepal: Greetings from the Himalayas! Our sports group had an acclimatization climb today to the neighboring peak with the unpronounceable name of Nangkartshang 5073m. There were a ... read more

Boris Egorov, the 7 Summits Club guide, reports from Nepal:

Greetings from the Himalayas! Our sports group had an acclimatization climb today to the neighboring peak with the unpronounceable name of Nangkartshang 5073m.

There were a lot of rock bolder on the slopes, and we climbed a couple of them with pleasure. That's what active acclimatization means. And of course, the views around are something! Lobuche, Makalu, Island and much more around. And today we soared there above the clouds.

Tomorrow is the next trek to Lobuche.




















The Mera Peak ascent program begins for the new 7 Summits Club group with guide Dmitry Semenov

The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Semenov reports from Nepal: Namaste, from his native Kathmandu! Today our supergroup "Birches Solo" gathered in the capital of Nepal. And tomorrow we are ready to begin our journey to the summit of Mera ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Semenov reports from Nepal:

Namaste, from his native Kathmandu! Today our supergroup "Birches Solo" gathered in the capital of Nepal. And tomorrow we are ready to begin our journey to the summit of Mera Peak (6476 m).





Chimborazo met the climbers with an insurmountable wall of wind. Rustam Makharramov is already planning a new visit to Ecuador

Ecuador. The final news from Rustam Makharramov. Greetings from Ecuador! Many are eagerly awaiting the final. We tell you! Cotopaxi (the second peak of Ecuador and one of the most popular volcanoes in the world for guided climbing) ... read more

Ecuador. The final news from Rustam Makharramov. Greetings from Ecuador! Many are eagerly awaiting the final. We tell you!

Cotopaxi (the second peak of Ecuador and one of the most popular volcanoes in the world for guided climbing) turned out to be a difficult and interesting volcano with a relief that changed after the eruption - open cracks and rocky areas, requiring technical training and experienced guides.

The ascent to the summit was successful, but it required incredible efforts and a long, exhausting return to civilization. Thoughts arose about the advisability of continuing the program.

 But, after two days of rest, recovery and further acclimatization in the atmospheric lodge Marco Cruz at 4000 m, everything fell into place and at the appointed time the team reached the base camp of Chimborazo at an altitude of 5300 m. The move and night at 5300 was easy, the body was already ready for all further tests.

But, on the night of the assault, a storm wind arose (up to 100 km / h) and our group turned after 200 m of ascent. An attempt to climb was made, but the mountain did not let us this time!

But everyone is healthy and happy and are already making plans for next year, how to make another attempt to climb Chimborazo 6310 m. This highest peak of Ecuador and the most distant point from the center of the Earth has a harsh character. It is necessary to select an acclimatization program so as not to repeat the ascent of any of the previously descended volcanoes over two years! This is not an easy task!

And a very interesting plan has already been outlined, where volcanoes not only of Ecuador will be involved! A super-non-standard mega-trip is planned, which apparently no one has done before! So - To be continued!







Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov are already in Dingboche, the mountains are getting closer and the mountains are getting higher

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Boris Egorov reports from Nepal: Nepal. Today Alexey and I made another trek and arrived at Dingboche 4400m. Gorgeous views all around! The mountain peaks became closer. It was a nice day. We are already ... read more

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Boris Egorov reports from Nepal:

Nepal. Today Alexey and I made another trek and arrived at Dingboche 4400m. Gorgeous views all around! The mountain peaks became closer. It was a nice day. We are already starting to get used to walking and hardly get tired, so after lunch we explored the surroundings.








The 7 Summits Club President Alexander Abramov reunited with the Transglobal Car team at Victoria Falls

The 7 Summits Club President Alexander Abramov was one of the authors of the idea, the initiators of the record-breaking Transglobal Car round-the-world expedition. His participation ended at the Canadian border, when local authorities ... read more

The 7 Summits Club President Alexander Abramov was one of the authors of the idea, the initiators of the record-breaking Transglobal Car round-the-world expedition. His participation ended at the Canadian border, when local authorities cancelled his entry visa (without reason, meanly, on his birthday). And now, more than half a year later, Alexander joined the team. For a short time, but he joined. And together with his friends, he admired one of the wonders of the world - Victoria Falls.




 Transglobal Car expedition diary. Day 280. 10/15/24

Today we visited Victoria Falls. Zambezi River, Victoria Falls. The names are familiar from childhood. Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River. Width 1800 m. Height 120 m. The difference from our usual perception of a waterfall is that the water falls into the gorge along the width of the riverbed. Scottish explorer and traveler David Livingstone named it in honor of the British Queen Victoria. In the Lozi language of the indigenous people of these places, the waterfall was known as Mosi-oa-Tunya - "thundering smoke"

Now in this area of Africa, the driest season and the water level in the river is very low. Therefore, two-thirds of the riverbed have dried up. And the width of the waterfall at this time is no more than 400 meters.

To the active part of the waterfall, along the dry riverbed, we walked about two kilometers. Part of the team decided to swim in the waters of the Zambezi. And of course, there was a photo shoot against the backdrop of the waterfall.











The team of the 7 Summits Club employees completed the corporate travel program in Turkey. And thanks for the happy opportunity

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Startseva from Turkey: Greetings from Turkey! Today our team is finishing its wonderful trip and returning to Moscow. The whole team thanks the leaders of our 7 Summits Club for the opportunity and ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Startseva from Turkey:

Greetings from Turkey! Today our team is finishing its wonderful trip and returning to Moscow. The whole team thanks the leaders of our 7 Summits Club for the opportunity and organization of our off-site corporate event.

This morning we managed to swim on SUPs and admire the waterfalls. Until next time and have more adventures, friends!







The summit! The 7 Summits Club team has successfully climbed the summit of Mount Tahtali, 2,365 meters high!

The corporate trip program for the 7 Summits Club office group and our super guides to Turkey is coming to an end. The apotheosis of the tour was the ascent to the highest peak of the region, Mount Tahtali (aka Olympos). The team ... read more

The corporate trip program for the 7 Summits Club office group and our super guides to Turkey is coming to an end. The apotheosis of the tour was the ascent to the highest peak of the region, Mount Tahtali (aka Olympos). The team successfully completed it and is preparing to leave for home in a great mood.







Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov climbed above Namche Bazaar and admired the peaks of Ama Dablam and Everest

The 7 Summits Club Super Guide Boris Egorov reports from Nepal: Hello! Today, our duo with Alexey explored the surroundings of Namche. For acclimatization purposes, we climbed 400 meters to the observation deck, where we had a good look ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Super Guide Boris Egorov reports from Nepal:

Hello! Today, our duo with Alexey explored the surroundings of Namche. For acclimatization purposes, we climbed 400 meters to the observation deck, where we had a good look at the goal of our journey, Mount Ama Dablam. The summit, of course, is impressive and very different in shape from everything around. And Everest and Lhotse appeared in the clouds in the distance. We watched the rotary-wing minibuses and visited the museum of mountain garbage. In Namche itself, we once again went around all the shops, in general, we had a good rest and are ready to continue our journey up tomorrow.




















The team of the 7 Summits Club had an active rest and with renewed strength are going on a real ascent

Good morning from Turkey! The team of the office and guides of the 7 Summits Club is in touch. Yesterday we arranged a "light day" with a beautiful walk along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and reached the Royal Bay. We swam, sunbathed ... read more

Good morning from Turkey! The team of the office and guides of the 7 Summits Club is in touch. Yesterday we arranged a "light day" with a beautiful walk along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and reached the Royal Bay. We swam, sunbathed and relaxed. Lunch was held at a trout farm, where we tried incredibly tasty fish. In the evening we climbed into the mountains. Here we spent the night and this morning we set off to storm the summit of Takhtali, an altitude of 2365 meters. Wish us luck!























Boris Egorov and Alexey Sivkov moved to the capital's Namche Bazaar, bought more gear and are ready to see Everest tomorrow

The 7 Summits Club guide Boris Egorov reports from Nepal: The third day of the Ama Dablam expedition. Today we reached Namche. We photographed all the buffalos and donkeys we met, had lunch with a beautiful view of the gorge and, of ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Boris Egorov reports from Nepal:

 The third day of the Ama Dablam expedition. Today we reached Namche. We photographed all the buffalos and donkeys we met, had lunch with a beautiful view of the gorge and, of course, checked in at the Hillary Bridge. We didn't have time to get tired, we arrived quickly. And we are still on friendly terms with the heights. And as soon as we checked in, we went for a walk around the city. It was very difficult, but we refrained from buying souvenirs. But we couldn't pass by the gear store. We bought only the bare necessities there, of course. And that's it, now we are resting. Tomorrow we have a short walk to the observation deck, we want to see Everest.






The 7 Summits Club team has begun their journey across Turkey, and we have already completed a section of the Lycian Trail

This is the 7 Summits Club team, consisting of office staff and our super guides! We have gathered in Turkey for a traditional corporate autumn trip. Our plans include completing several sections of the Lycian Trail and climbing Mount ... read more

This is the 7 Summits Club team, consisting of office staff and our super guides! We have gathered in Turkey for a traditional corporate autumn trip. Our plans include completing several sections of the Lycian Trail and climbing Mount Tahtalidag (Olympos), which is 2,365 meters high.

Yesterday we started our journey from the Goynuk Canyon and covered 14 kilometers with a total elevation gain of 1,100 meters. Pine and cedar forests, river beds, junipers and ripe pomegranates. By evening we descended to Choroli, checked into a hotel and went to see the lights of the Chimeras under the starry night sky.