Mera Peak 2016. Summit climb by Olga Rumiantseva
As agreed the previous evening, at two o'clock in the morning we were going to have breakfast and go on a long journey.
Slowly tossing in a sleeping bag, I tried to delay the moment of lifting the stern. But when he heard the talk and cheerful tinkle of gear members of the expedition, I was forced to accelerate.
The sky was covered with stars, and there were no signs of surprises.
Christina finally got sick. She crawled out of the tent, but listlessly wandered around the bush, periodically asking me whether to go to her at the top.
Those who could, had breakfast. Christine was able to have breakfast. But later she took a heroic decision not to go to the summit.
Но поалев очень эпизодически, так и рассосался в ровное светлое небо.
В целом все было бы ничего. Кроме двух мелких деталей.
Во-первых, погода не обещала ничего хорошего и не давала расслабляться.
Ну и еще. Идя первым, тропя дорогу в снегу, Пемба просто выбивался из сил. Сначала он шел достаточно бодро, но потом все чаще начал останавливаться. Два шага - остановка, два шага - остановка.