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3 September, 21:01. Elbrus, all programs »

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Elbrus:

 3.09. Hello everyone! Today, the individual group of the 7 Summits Club "Marvel Agents" climbed the slopes of Elbrus to the Refuge of 11 at 4100m. There we held snow and ice training sessions, worked on the technique of self-arrest with an ice ax. The weather was great, everything went great. We had a snack at the refuge with our chef Zuli and went down to the hotel to rest.

Before dinner, already near the hotel, we mastered the basics of mountaineering techniques and worked on safety systems and moving on fixed ropes. Tomorrow there will be an acclimatization climb to the Pastukhov Rocks.