Providing expeditions
since 2005
2 October, 13:17

Hello to everyone from the "Group A" team! We continue our journey through the exotic country of Papua New Guinea!

This morning we checked out of the hotel and stopped at a very colorful local market for fruit. The locals greeted us very joyfully - they smiled, waved their hands and most importantly - everyone was smiling!

Then we drove towards our mountain lodge, stopping at Paya Village on the way. The villagers told us about their customs and traditions, treated us to a traditional dish "mumu" - this is meat baked in an earthen pit, lined with hot stones and coals and wrapped in banana leaves. And while we were waiting for lunch, the Papuans put on a performance with songs and dances for us.

After that, we drove to the place of overnight stay and checked into the Mountain Lodge. Now we are already at an altitude of 2400 m. In the evening at dinner we will discuss the plan for tomorrow, in the morning we move towards Giluwe! There will be no connection for the next 2 days, do not lose us and wait for greetings from the highest volcano in Australia and Oceania!

Guides: Alexander Dorojukov and Svetlana Kotlyar.