Providing expeditions
since 2005
16 October, 17:06

The 7 Summits Club President Alexander Abramov was one of the authors of the idea, the initiators of the record-breaking Transglobal Car round-the-world expedition. His participation ended at the Canadian border, when local authorities cancelled his entry visa (without reason, meanly, on his birthday). And now, more than half a year later, Alexander joined the team. For a short time, but he joined. And together with his friends, he admired one of the wonders of the world - Victoria Falls.




 Transglobal Car expedition diary. Day 280. 10/15/24

Today we visited Victoria Falls. Zambezi River, Victoria Falls. The names are familiar from childhood. Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River. Width 1800 m. Height 120 m. The difference from our usual perception of a waterfall is that the water falls into the gorge along the width of the riverbed. Scottish explorer and traveler David Livingstone named it in honor of the British Queen Victoria. In the Lozi language of the indigenous people of these places, the waterfall was known as Mosi-oa-Tunya - "thundering smoke"

Now in this area of Africa, the driest season and the water level in the river is very low. Therefore, two-thirds of the riverbed have dried up. And the width of the waterfall at this time is no more than 400 meters.

To the active part of the waterfall, along the dry riverbed, we walked about two kilometers. Part of the team decided to swim in the waters of the Zambezi. And of course, there was a photo shoot against the backdrop of the waterfall.