News from the Union Glacier base: one team flew to Sidley, the Vinson team is waiting for the weather
Hello to the 7 Summits Club from us, the numerous participants of the Antarctic expeditions! A team of climbers of the highest volcano in Antarctica, Sidley, and a team of climbers of the highest peak in Antarctica, Vinson, have gathered at Union Glacier. There are more than 20 of us in total. The largest team on this final flight from the mainland. We waited out two days of bad weather, and right now the first team has flown out to Sidley, where they will reunite with our commander Alex Abramov. And with Vinson, everything is more complicated. There are clouds in Vinson's base camp, we are waiting for the wind to blow the clouds away and they will send us there. And we also met the Transglobal car expedition around the world, which has many acquaintances and friends.