Providing expeditions
since 2005

"This is Lyudmila Korobeshko from the expedition 7 Summits Club on the Peak Korzhenevskaya, Communism. Yesterday we were dropped  by helicopter on Moskvina glade to 4200. In principle, everything is fine. We take a walk along the Moskvina glacier in the Peak of Four. Today we went for another walk up to the helipad, it's already on the way to the Peak of Communism, looked approach there. In fact, there is quite a lot of hanging seracs, but it is quite possible that by the time we go to Communism route will be cleared already.


Now, the next three weeks we will construct the route to Korzhenevskaya. So far, in this season on the Korzhenevskaya no one has climbed yet. Ropes hang up to 5800ì...."