Providing expeditions
since 2005

Summit !!! Abu Zhurtabaev and a group of company Elektrokomplekt climbed to the top of Elbrus

Elbrus. A Guide of the  7 Summits Club Abu Zhurtabaev: a group from Kazakhstan – expedition of the  company Elektrokomplekt, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the company. August 13th  they successfully climbed (9 out of 11 ... read more

A Guide of the  7 Summits Club Abu Zhurtabaev: a group from Kazakhstan – expedition of the  company Elektrokomplekt, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the company. August 13th  they successfully climbed (9 out of 11 person)  on the Westernsummit  of Elbrus. The group is now going  down ..









Summit! Group of Andrey Berezin climbed  the summit of Elbrus

Elbrus. Hello! This is  a of guide Seven Summits on Elbrus Andrey Berezin. Today we climbed the summit. Our whole team has climbed to the western peak of Elbrus, 5642 meters. The weather was beautiful today. The previous days were thunderous. ... read more

Hello! This is  a of guide Seven Summits on Elbrus Andrey Berezin. Today we climbed the summit. Our whole team has climbed to the western peak of Elbrus, 5642 meters. The weather was beautiful today. The previous days were thunderous. Today, on the slopes of Elbrus there was about 350 people. Record? That's what we calculated  during the climb.








Summit! An international team climbed Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Hello! It speaks Andrey Berezin a guide of the  Seven Summits Club. Today our group climbed to the top of Mount Elbrus. Ascent time: at 6:30 am we were on the top. A team of 9 people (3 persons from South Africa) and three guides ... read more

Hello! It speaks Andrey Berezin a guide of the  Seven Summits Club. Today our group climbed to the top of Mount Elbrus. Ascent time: at 6:30 am we were on the top. A team of 9 people (3 persons from South Africa) and three guides reached the summit. The weather was surprisingly good, we caught the window, which was just for 3-4 hours. We went at this time. Now the whole group came down, it is now in the valley .... Terskol. We celebrate our success and we congratulate all the participants.







Summit! Vladimir Kotlyar with the group reached the top

Elbrus. Hello everyone! There is a  guide of the P.-Cult-Ura group Vladimir Kotlyar. Today we went to the top, the weather was excellent. All together went down later. And now we are in Terskol and will celebrate this thing ...     ... read more

Hello everyone! There is a  guide of the P.-Cult-Ura group Vladimir Kotlyar. Today we went to the top, the weather was excellent. All together went down later. And now we are in Terskol and will celebrate this thing ...






The international team of Andree Berezin is at the LeapRus refuge. Many photos

Elbrus. Hello! Here is a  guide of Seven Summits Andrei Berezin from Elbrus. Today our group climbed to the refuge. We went on a snowy training,  climbed to 4200.  It was sunny in the morning, clear. By the afternoon storm started ... read more

Hello! Here is a  guide of Seven Summits Andrei Berezin from Elbrus. Today our group climbed to the refuge. We went on a snowy training,  climbed to 4200.  It was sunny in the morning, clear. By the afternoon storm started and we are the last part of the way to the shelter fled because as already pinched and pricked. It was static electricity. It is now all the weather got much better, the weather calmed down. The group now:  part of the group rests, part of a group communicate with each other.

All in a good mood, all excited. Bye! Andrey Berezin, Seven Summits.









Vladimir Kotlyar lead an acclimatization outings with a group of Phys-Cult-Ura

Elbrus. Today, the group has made acclimatization outing to shelter Eleven. But they decided to walk a little taller, approached the stele Airborne troops of Russia, which is set in 2010 in honor of its 80th anniversary. Yesterday, the group was on ... read more

Today, the group has made acclimatization outing to shelter Eleven. But they decided to walk a little taller, approached the stele Airborne troops of Russia, which is set in 2010 in honor of its 80th anniversary. Yesterday, the group was on the acclimatization to the Observatory...











SUMMIT! Two members of the Sergei Semykin team successfully reached the top of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus.  Today two members of the group of Sergei Semykin  climbed Mount Elbrus. Everything was good, they had already descended. One participant refused to go climbing, that is, he showed wisdom. In the evening, the climbers were awarded ... read more

 Today two members of the group of Sergei Semykin  climbed Mount Elbrus. Everything was good, they had already descended. One participant refused to go climbing, that is, he showed wisdom. In the evening, the climbers were awarded certificates of climbing ... ..










Summit! Group of Andrey Berezin was on the top at 7:30 in the morning! Now all having rest at the valley

Elbrus. Hello! Here is a guide the 7 Summits Andrey Berezin from Elbrus. Today,  all members of our group climbed to the top of Mount Elbrus. The weather was beautiful today, which made the ascent doubly enjoyable. We saw great views from the ... read more

Hello! Here is a guide the 7 Summits Andrey Berezin from Elbrus. Today,  all members of our group climbed to the top of Mount Elbrus. The weather was beautiful today, which made the ascent doubly enjoyable. We saw great views from the top of Mount Elbrus all around. We climbed to the top at 7:30 am. It is early enough for Elbrus climb, but our group was very strong. The group is now resting in Terskol. Tomorrow we have a day of sightseeing here. Everyone is happy and satisfied. All congratulations! Andrey Berezin ...






Summit! Colorado Group successfully made a Ñross of Elbrus

Elbrus. Yesterday, July 27, a group named "Colorado" under  leadership of the 7 Summits Club guide Sergey Larin (there are  5 Americans in the group) climbed to the Western peak of Elbrus. And three of them are also on the top of the ... read more

Yesterday, July 27, a group named "Colorado" under  leadership of the 7 Summits Club guide Sergey Larin (there are  5 Americans in the group) climbed to the Western peak of Elbrus. And three of them are also on the top of the Eastern Peak later. And all  team went down to the North Side, thus making the "Cross of Mount Elbrus". Hooray! Now the whole group resting on the of Glade Emanuel.




Day of acclimatization for a group of Andrey Berezin

Elbrus. Hello! It is a guide of the Seven Summits Club Andrey Berezin from Elbrus. Today, our group went to the Pastukhov Rocks, it was an acclimatization day. Yesterday we passed snow-ice sessions, practiced skills to use an ice ax and moving on ... read more

Hello! It is a guide of the Seven Summits Club Andrey Berezin from Elbrus. Today, our group went to the Pastukhov Rocks, it was an acclimatization day. Yesterday we passed snow-ice sessions, practiced skills to use an ice ax and moving on fixed ropes. Tomorrow we have a day of rest, we have a rest tomorrow preparing for the assault.

It was only the day after tomorrow we plan to go climbing. Bye! Andrey Berezin...








Sergey Larin began working with a group from the United States

Elbrus.  The Colorado team began preparations for the traverse of Mount Elbrus from south to north through the Western summit. Team is cheerful, has a good appetite. Today they made acclimatization to the Observatory, while showing an ... read more

 The Colorado team began preparations for the traverse of Mount Elbrus from south to north through the Western summit. Team is cheerful, has a good appetite. Today they made acclimatization to the Observatory, while showing an excellent physical preparation. All participants live in the Colorado area, so the name had not come up for a long time.




SUMMIT! Vladimir Kotlyar  and the group Positive FM climbed Mount Elbrus and descending now

Elbrus. Hi! Here is Vladimir Kotlyar,  a guide of the 7 Summit Club,  climbing program Elbrus with the Positive FM team. Today we went up to the Western peak of  Mount Elbrus by the full team of Positive FM , 11 people. At the ... read more

Hi! Here is Vladimir Kotlyar,  a guide of the 7 Summit Club,  climbing program Elbrus with the Positive FM team. Today we went up to the Western peak of  Mount Elbrus by the full team of Positive FM , 11 people. At the moment, we go down on the "oblique shelf" already gone about 5250. So, in principle, to the house a little bit left. Adios!







After Friday prayers a team from Indonesia climbed to refuge

Elbrus. Good afternoon! It is Ludmila Korobeshko, this time from the village of Terskol. Here we went yesterday to a little rest and ride out the bad weather, which is now on Elbrus -  two or three days. And now - a very strong wind is  ... read more

Good afternoon! It is Ludmila Korobeshko, this time from the village of Terskol. Here we went yesterday to a little rest and ride out the bad weather, which is now on Elbrus -  two or three days. And now - a very strong wind is  at the summit, we can say it is a storm, blizzard. And at night, and lightning flashing, thunder. At this time in Terskol cut off electricity.


In general, the plans we are following: we rise up and try to go at night to climb the summit. In fact, for our Indonesian group  it is the last chance, they already transferred tickets. Because the next night, in tomorrow night, they already have to fly to Moscow.


And now they are together, the whole team, went to the local mosque. Because they are all Muslims, and Friday prayer - this is for the Muslims in general, probably, the most sacred. In general, they are now all pray. I think, in particular, for our successful ascent. Here are our business. And still in the team, we had a small exchange.  As the second guide it will be Alex  Abramov. Well, wish us luck! Bye!





Report of Elbrus Climb blitz program

Elbrus. Alexander Abramov. Report of Elbrus Climb blitz program from climbing team under the leadership of Alexander Abramov. July 18th a team of five members arrived in Mineralnye Vody. July 19th we went to the shelter Leaprus. The weather was ... read more

Alexander Abramov. Report of Elbrus Climb blitz program from climbing team under the leadership of Alexander Abramov. July 18th a team of five members arrived in Mineralnye Vody. July 19th we went to the shelter Leaprus. The weather was terrible. It was pouring rain and thunder rumbled. We barely made it to the shelter. After lunch we hired a snow tractor and climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks. At 4600m. There we spend about half-hour to acclimatize, then under the snow and heavy wind began to descend to the Refuge Eleven, where he held a snow-ice training.


 At night, in terrible weather, we went to the snowcat at 5100 m. From there, in terms of visibility up to 10 meters and winds of 40 km \ h and snow, we began to climb. We have put an additional 50 marker stake. Its rescued us on the descent. We walked to the top of 6 hours. Only the skill and experience of guides Andrey Berezin and Sanya Melky allowed us to find the way to the top and walk down the mountain alive.


It was one of the most extreme ascents in my life. But good job of guides guarantee total confidence and safety. At the top we spent 5 minutes (10 beautiful minutes - according to Andrew Berezin). Then there was a long descent into the blizzard. On this day, only about 20 people  managed to reach the summit of Elbrus. Most of people turned down. Now there is bad weather on Elbrus. And all the teams are waiting for improvements. And my team has already flown home today. Here's a blitz program!













Vladimir Kotlyar with the team rose to the shelter Leaprus. PHOTO

Elbrus. Hello everyone! Here is  Vladimir Kotlyar and the team "Positive FM". Today we are at Leaprus, our shelter with panoramic windows with views of glaciers and mountains. In the afternoon we were acclimated to 4100. We work out with ice ... read more

Hello everyone! Here is  Vladimir Kotlyar and the team "Positive FM". Today we are at Leaprus, our shelter with panoramic windows with views of glaciers and mountains. In the afternoon we were acclimated to 4100. We work out with ice ax, jumped, rode on the snow. Wet and happy went back home. Now we celebrate the birthday of Alexander Lipatov, a full-fledged member of our group...










Indonesian samurais on the slopes of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Yesterday, a large and friendly team from Indonesia acclimatized on the slopes of the peak Terskol, led by guides 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko and Sergei Larin. They rose to the Observatory and admired the wonderful view from there. ... read more

Yesterday, a large and friendly team from Indonesia acclimatized on the slopes of the peak Terskol, led by guides 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko and Sergei Larin. They rose to the Observatory and admired the wonderful view from there. The current outing was already on Elbrus itself, its slopes. There, our guides conducted the first training on how to behave on snow and ice slopes, new to many Indonesians as a relief.













The biggest arrival  of the year in Mineralny Vody:  three large groups at once!

Elbrus. Lyudmila Korobeshko: A large group of Indonesians (15 persons) arrived today at the airport Mineralnye Vody, by the program Elbrus. They brought the heat to + 35. We will  have fun. Guides of group: Lyudmila Korobeshko and Sergey ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko: A large group of Indonesians (15 persons) arrived today at the airport Mineralnye Vody, by the program Elbrus. They brought the heat to + 35. We will  have fun. Guides of group: Lyudmila Korobeshko and Sergey Larin.



In general, our 7 Summits Club today has a "mega-check", the route begin at once three large groups.

Photos  from the winter ascent on Kilimanjaro by Artem Rostovtsev

Kilimanjaro. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the Southern Hemisphere, although very close to the equator. Formally, now there is winter here, although in these places from the summer it is not too different. So - greetings to you from winter from Artem ... read more

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the Southern Hemisphere, although very close to the equator. Formally, now there is winter here, although in these places from the summer it is not too different. So - greetings to you from winter from Artem Rostovtsev! He ran with a group of the top and down so fast that the summit picture is only in the form of night ...












SUMMITS! Elbrus was conquered in many ways. Congratulations to the team!

Elbrus. Today, a large group led by Andrei Berezin climbed Western peak of Mount Elbrus. Then the main part of the group began to descend to the north and safely came down to the Glade of Emanuel. Alex Byakin and guide Vladimir Kotlyar split from ... read more

Today, a large group led by Andrei Berezin climbed Western peak of Mount Elbrus. Then the main part of the group began to descend to the north and safely came down to the Glade of Emanuel. Alex Byakin and guide Vladimir Kotlyar split from the group on the saddle. They successfully climbed to the Eastern Peak of Elbrus, and caught up with a group already at the bottom, in the meadows of the North slope of Elbrus. That is, they did "Cross of Elbrus" in the full version.

Polish mountaineers led by a guide Sergey Larin climbed independently from the main group. The group consisted of Father - Bartek, Son - Maciek and Mother - Renata. They have successfully reached the Western Peak, and then the guide and climbed the Eastern Peak. Mama Renata (at her home she has three more children) went on their own to the refuge Leaprus where she waited for her husband and son.

As a result, all participants performed their target. We congratulate the climbers!














SUMMIT! Artem Rostovtsev with the group successfully climbed Kilimanjaro. As usual, at a rapid pace.

Kilimanjaro. Hi, Seven Summits! It is Artem Rostovtsev. We are now in the Barafu camp. At the moment we have dawn, we admire them. We have not overslept, woke up on time and  already went to the summit and come down. It was very easy to go. We ... read more

Hi, Seven Summits! It is Artem Rostovtsev. We are now in the Barafu camp. At the moment we have dawn, we admire them. We have not overslept, woke up on time and  already went to the summit and come down. It was very easy to go. We decided that the slow pace even begin to ruin us in high altitude. Why be here  a lot of time? We decided to watch the sunrise in the Barafu camp. I think it happens so rarely. We went unscathed, healthy, rest a couple of hours and go down. Greetings from Tanzania, from Kilimanjaro! Artem Rostovtsev