Providing expeditions
since 2005

Kilimanjaro season is in full swing: we have three groups in a row and by different routes ...

Kilimanjaro. It so happened that three groups of the 7 Summits Club, one after another, come to Kilimanjaro. At the forefront there is the group consisting of: Vasily Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav Bryuhno and Alexander Konstantinovsky. They're climbing ... read more

It so happened that three groups of the 7 Summits Club, one after another, come to Kilimanjaro. At the forefront there is the group consisting of: Vasily Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav Bryuhno and

Alexander Konstantinovsky. They're climbing Kilimanjaro by Marangu route, today they should be in the Horombo hut. Then father and son Romas and Lucas Rakcheev began his march to the Kilimanjaro, they go by the Lemosho route.

Today, on December 14, two new members are scheduled to fly in Tanzania, they are planning to climb Kilimanjaro by the Machame route.


Vladimir Kotlyar from Plaza de Mulas camp: we continue climbing, despite the fact that we are only two now

Aconcagua. Hello! It is Vladimir Kotlyar from Aconcagua. Our climbing partners have decided to fly home for personal reasons. They flew in a helicopter. And we've got two. Here, unfortunately. But we did not finish the expedition ... Now we sit down ... read more

Hello! It is Vladimir Kotlyar from Aconcagua. Our climbing partners have decided to fly home for personal reasons. They flew in a helicopter. And we've got two. Here, unfortunately. But we did not finish the expedition ... Now we sit down in Plaza de Mulas, at an altitude of 4300 and expected weather. We've got sweeps, the blizzard. The wind is very strong at the top. On top along the weather forecast the wind is now 70-75 ... We will be waiting for the weather and go upstairs. Adios! All the best!





Vladimir Kotlyar reports from the Canada camp on the slopes of Aconcagua: we climbed briskly, despite the difficult conditions

Aconcagua. Hello! This is Vladimir Kotlyar, the guide of the 7 Summits Club on the expedition to Aconcagua. Today our friendly team climbed up for the first high-altitude camp at an altitude, it is Plaza Canada at 4800 meters. Our goal is to spend the ... read more

Hello! This is Vladimir Kotlyar, the guide of the 7 Summits Club on the expedition to Aconcagua. Today our friendly team climbed up for the first high-altitude camp at an altitude, it is Plaza Canada at 4800 meters. Our goal is to spend the night for better acclimatization and gradual, step-up recovery. We went fast - 3 hours, set up tents, have dinner. And now we have a rest, to boil water, drown snow. In general, we collect water for the evening and for the morning.

Today we have snow, blizzard, snowstorm. But never mind, all is well: we got a real northern adventure. Adios!











The 7 Summits Club guide Sergey Larin flew to Argentina for the climb Aconcagua program

Aconcagua. Today, January 9, one more our guide - Sergey Larin flew to Argentina. Tomorrow he will, we hope, arrive in Mendoza, and will begin preparations for a meeting with members of our new expedition. This expedition will start the next day. Note ... read more

Today, January 9, one more our guide - Sergey Larin flew to Argentina. Tomorrow he will, we hope, arrive in Mendoza, and will begin preparations for a meeting with members of our new expedition. This expedition will start the next day. Note that the youngest member of the group is only 14 years old. It is Dmitry Tertychnyi - to his credit there is Pyramid Carstenzs summit. He became the youngest climber in the world at this summit, which passed the entire route through the jungle… Now he plan to become the youngest Russian on the summit of Aconcagua.



Vladimir Kotlyar with the group went for acclimatization under the South Face of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Good evening! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina. We are all also in the Plaza Confluence. Today we have acclimatization at valley under the South Face of Aconcagua. A stunningly beautiful mount. There is a lot of snow this season, as ... read more

Good evening! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina. We are all also in the Plaza Confluence. Today we have acclimatization at valley under the South Face of Aconcagua. A stunningly beautiful mount. There is a lot of snow this season, as I said earlier. First time at this altitude I had to stomp through the snow in some places. With the weather we were lucky. Now we are back, passed a medical control, all passed it successfully. In general, we eat, rest, preparing for tomorrow. Tomorrow we have a long, long transport, walk to the Plaza de Mulas.







Vladimir Kotlyar with the group went up to the gate of the National Park Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Hello everybody ! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Penitentes. It is practically next to the entrance to the national park - a small ski town, which consists of several hotels. Today we spend the night here. We have already prepared the bags ... read more

Hello everybody ! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Penitentes. It is practically next to the entrance to the national park - a small ski town, which consists of several hotels. Today we spend the night here. We have already prepared the bags for the mules. Tomorrow morning it will be taken by takes local guides and loaded on mules. We're going after them ...








Tanzania: Kilimanjaro, climb, marathon and animals – under the leadership of a well-known Russian multiathlete Artem Rostovtsev

Kilimanjaro. We had a special offer! We offer ascenst on the Mount Kilimanjaro along a popular, most extended and beautiful route of Lemosho at the SPECIAL (!) price - 2290 dollars from the person. Here the program>>>>>>>  ... read more

We had a special offer! We offer ascenst on the Mount Kilimanjaro along a popular, most extended and beautiful route of Lemosho at the SPECIAL (!) price - 2290 dollars from the person. Here the program>>>>>>> 

Besides, it is opportunity to combine climb on the highest top of Africa and participation in the international marathon of KILIMANJARO 2016. It is possible to become one of the first Russians who are taking part in this marathon! There except a classical distance 41, 195 km, it is possible to run a semi-marathon, 10 and even 5 km.

The main advantage of our program it that, the guide in this project will be the outstanding athlete Artem Rostovtsev. He know the Mountain and will prepare you for a marathon if it is necessary. That is Artem carries out trainings on preparation for a marathon here in Moscow and it is possible to join him. IT is IMPORTANT!

The program can be continued by a safari on national parks of Tanzania and visit of the exotic island with gold beaches - Zanzibar.










Vladimir Kotlyar opened the season in South America, from Patagonia to Aconcagua!

A week ago, the guide 7 Summits Club Vladimir Kotlyar and his wife Oksana went to South America. In Mendoza, they celebrated the birthday of Oksana. Further, the mobile group of Kotliar’s moved in Argentine Patagonia at the region of ... read more

A week ago, the guide 7 Summits Club Vladimir Kotlyar and his wife Oksana went to South America. In Mendoza, they celebrated the birthday of Oksana. Further, the mobile group of Kotliar’s moved in Argentine Patagonia at the region of the famous Mount Fitz Roy.

Now they are exploring the area and soon plan to move in the Chilean part of Patagonia.
Then, from December 2, begins the season on Aconcagua. All December programs have been filled.
But you can join our two groups on January - Aconcagua led by Volodya Kotlyar.







A new group of 7 Summits Club starts climbing Kilimanjaro

Today, the expedition under the program "Climbing Kilimanjaro Marangu route" started for a new group of the 7 Summits Club. We hope for good weather and good luck to the participants and wish Daria a Happy Birthday! According to the plan, ... read more

Today, the expedition under the program "Climbing Kilimanjaro Marangu route" started for a new group of the 7 Summits Club.

We hope for good weather and good luck to the participants and wish Daria a Happy Birthday! According to the plan, she should be noted it on top of the mountain!
After climbing in the tour program will be 2 days safari in the national parks.


The expedition "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is over

The 7 Summits Club organized a trip to Africa for a large group of Moscow Society of Naturalists. It consists of scientists and movie crew. They successfully climbed the peak of Uhuru on the Kilimanjaro mountain massive and visited the ... read more

The 7 Summits Club organized a trip to Africa for a large group of Moscow Society of Naturalists. It consists of scientists and movie crew. They successfully climbed the peak of Uhuru on the Kilimanjaro mountain massive and visited the National Parks to mett animals.

Our congratulations!

"The purpose of the expedition – make a film about the unique glaciers, which are currently on the verge of extinction. The film will be shown at a reception in honor of the 210 th anniversary of the Society at the Moscow State University.

The expedition "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is timed to the 210th anniversary of the Society and the 80th anniversary of release of the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Information and reports on the expedition will be published in our newswire as well as in social networks. "



The final picture


SUMMIT! The group of Moscow Society of Naturalists climbed Mount Kilimanjaro

The 7 Summits Club organized a trip to Africa for a large group of Moscow Society of Naturalists. It consists of scientists and movie crew. Now we have received information that they successfully climbed the peak of Uhuru on the Kilimanjaro ... read more

The 7 Summits Club organized a trip to Africa for a large group of Moscow Society of Naturalists. It consists of scientists and movie crew. Now we have received information that they successfully climbed the peak of Uhuru on the Kilimanjaro mountain massive.

Our congratulations!

"The purpose of the expedition – make a film about the unique glaciers, which are currently on the verge of extinction. The film will be shown at a reception in honor of the 210 th anniversary of the Society at the Moscow State University.

The expedition "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is timed to the 210th anniversary of the Society and the 80th anniversary of release of the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Information and reports on the expedition will be published in our newswire as well as in social networks. "




Tango above the skies, or how Angela Vorobieva became the oldest person to have climbed the Mount of Kilimanjaro

A Russian lady from Ulan-Ude, aged 86, established a new Guinness standard in high-altitude trekking, being the oldest person in the world to have reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m). Her crew made it to the top on October 29, ... read more

A Russian lady from Ulan-Ude, aged 86, established a new Guinness standard in high-altitude trekking, being the oldest person in the world to have reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m). Her crew made it to the top on October 29, 2015 at 1:08 PM, UTC+3.

The 7 Summits Club local office was the first to know how it feels to be on ‘the roof of Africa’ and how to go on in the torrential monsoon rains. Here’s what she shared with us.



- Angela, congratulations on your achievement! We are happy to be a part of your success. By the way, as far as we know, it was your first high-altitude trekking experience. What do you think was the most difficult part?

- The first days of our expedition almost seemed a leisurely promenade. And then it started pouring with heavy rains. I thought they would never end. We would trek during days, and the nights our guides spent drying the clothes, so that I had something warm to wear in the morning. Fatigue seemed insurmountable, I was utterly drained of all energy by the summiting day which started in Barafu Camp (4600 meters above the sea level), and it was then when the most challenging part of my journey began - conquering Uhuru Peak which took us 13 strenuous hours.


- Your blood circulation parameters at an altitude of 4 600 m were incredible: oxygen concentration was 89%, pulse – 70, which means that high-altitude acclimatization was not a big problem for you.


- My pulse and oxygen rate were indeed excellent. Daily medical examinations confirmed that. However, I was still exhausted to no end.


- Did it ever cross your mind to turn back?

- No, I never give up. The guide and I even danced a tango at 4 000 m. At 5 000 m we were lucky to see the sunrise above the clouds. It was spectacular! What else… I almost lost my voice and could hardly pronounce a word, but the idea of going back was the last thing on my mind.


- How much time did you spend on the top? What did you feel there at the top of the continent of Africa?

- We spent almost an hour at Uhuru Peak. Its irresistible beauty mesmerized me. I did not want to leave that place. And it wasn’t because of breathtaking sceneries. The date for conquering Kilimanjaro – October 29 - was chosen for a reason. I was aware of the rains this time of the year, but reaching the top on that very day was very important for me. Eighty years ago I gave a promise to my sister Lydia that I would be travelling for both of us. My beloved sister was six years older than me, born in 1923. She died of pneumonia when she was only twelve years and four days old. I loved her dearly. It was her birthday on my summiting day. I dedicate this climb to her.


- When you set off on your first journey, the Guinness World Records Book didn’t even exist yet. Now when your name has become its part, how do you feel about it?

- I had no idea I could become a record breaker until I was told so by the organizers of my expedition in September (laughing). Well, I would lie if I said I’m not keen on the idea to be mentioned in the Guinness Book.


- How did you decide to visit Africa and climb Kilimanjaro?

- I love mountains. They have always lured me. And I love Africa, especially its nature. Besides that, being the highest freestanding mount in the world, Kilimanjaro is not as tough as Elbrus or Everest, and the top is not ice capped, thus, it does not require any special mountaineering skills or equipment, so I decided to give it a try.


- So, here we come to your preparation. I’m sure people would like to know what steps you took to get ready for this adventure.

- My first intention was to hike the Inca Way (from Cusco to Machu Picchu) in Peru. It‘s a 48 km trek at an altitude of 4000 m. I thought that if I could manage that challenge, my next endeavor would be Kilimanjaro. Unfortunately, Peru plans failed, and we decided to go straight to Tanzania. I walk a lot and rarely have problems with blood pressure. My every morning starts with exercising and a cold shower. I guess, that was my only preparation.


- Am I right in thinking that the Inca Way and Machu Picchu will be the next chapter in your adventure book?

- Most definitely! Besides that, I have always dreamed of the Anadyr-Murmansk cruise, vising the Russian Arctic Islands and the North Pole. Not only is travelling the best way to learn the world, but it also helps to reveal your inner self, understand what you are really worthy of.



Angela’s companion during her Kilimanjaro adventures was her daughter Vera (62 y.o.). They started to plan this expedition in February of 2015. Their success depended on many things: the ladies’ overall physical condition, their stamina, and professional organization as well. Fourteen professional mountaineers comprised Angela’s climbing crew. Their well-coordinated and professional work made this climb safe and successful. The chief guides of the expedition – Mr. Elias Massawe and Mr. Shabani Swalehe have 15+ years of experience in climbing Kilimanjaro.


“Reaching Uhuru Peak at any cost was never our number one priority”, comments Aleksandr Andreichuk, the head of the 7 Summits Club office in Tanzania. “The most important task was to ensure that this climb would be safe. All our expeditions include a similar set of safety measures: daily medical examinations, oxygen systems, high-calorie nutrition, and so on. Nevertheless, we have ‘customized’ the route and safety measures for Angela and her daughter. By the way, the conqueror of the African pinnacle needed neither medical kits, nor oxygen systems”.


A dedicated traveler, Angela has been to a lot of countries of the former USSR. However, she made her first international trip on the verge of her 80th anniversary. “Astounding safari in Botswana, the beautiful Victoria Falls in Zambia, captivating Cape Town. I can hardly believe I’ve seen all those wonders! I remember the Cape of Good Hope. I was sitting on the rock, and splashes of the giant waves were blending with tears on my checks…” This is how Angela describes her first meeting with Africa.

The majestic Kilimanjaro has become the next trophy in Angela’s collection, and her adventures are still far from the end. Her next destinations are South America and the North Pole. The countdown has commenced. We wish this unique, tireless Russian lady all the best in all her future adventures!

Meanwhile, a well-deserved rest awaits Angela and Vera on the sunny beaches of Zanzibar, as well as fascinating safari in the picturesque Tanzanian savannah.































The 7 Summits Club organized a trip to Africa for a large group of Moscow Society of Naturalists. It consists of scientists and movie crew

"The purpose of the expedition – make a film about the unique glaciers, which are currently on the verge of extinction. The film will be shown at a reception in honor of the 210 th anniversary of the Society at the Moscow State ... read more

"The purpose of the expedition – make a film about the unique glaciers, which are currently on the verge of extinction. The film will be shown at a reception in honor of the 210 th anniversary of the Society at the Moscow State University.

The expedition "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is timed to the 210th anniversary of the Society and the 80th anniversary of release of the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Information and reports on the expedition will be published in our newswire as well as in social networks. "

Now the group went to the National Park Ndarakvay, which is located on the border with Kenya. There must be taken views of Kilimanjaro and picture of wildlife in Africa.

Then the group will climb Kilimanjaro by the Western traverse route Lemosho making additional stops to acclimatize and to shoot panoramic plans in specific points of the route.






Photos of Kilimanjaro from the group of Vladimir Kotlyar

Hi! It says Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the The 7 Summits Club. We continue our expedition in Africa. Climbing the top, the main part of the program on Kilimanjaro we did. We were on the summit all five, as I said. Today we had the first ... read more

Hi! It says Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the The 7 Summits Club. We continue our expedition in Africa. Climbing the top, the main part of the program on Kilimanjaro we did. We were on the summit all five, as I said. Today we had the first day of the safari. So the African adventure continues. Today we went to the Manyara National Park ... and I'll tell you, we've seen a lot of animals: elephants, giraffes, buffalo, hippos, and we were even lucky enough to see a leopard.













We invite all to the author's lecture of Alex Abramov "How to climb Mount Everest"

Everest from Nepal.   October 29 (Thursday), beginning at 19.00. Next Thursday we will start a course of theoretical training on mountaineering. The first will be six time Everest summiter Alexander Abramov. "How to climb Mount Everest." Beginning at ... read more


October 29 (Thursday), beginning at 19.00. Next Thursday we will start a course of theoretical training on mountaineering. The first will be six time Everest summiter Alexander Abramov.

"How to climb Mount Everest." Beginning at 19.00
Address: Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya 7.

Alexander (Alex) Abramov has organized 17 Himalayan expeditions, 12 - on Everest.

We were treated by the ordinary people who never go to the mountains, to help them to climb Everest. And now, after the Hollywood film, it has become a common issue: could untrained novice climb the top of the World? Although the answer is obvious to us, but it requires clarification ....

Alexander Abramov believes that the top of Everest is available to any healthy person!
Everest is the scene of specific mountaineering, and now it may be reached by climbers of different levels of training.





Vladimir Kotlyar and his group send greetings from the top of Kilimanjaro. We congratulate them on the successful ascent!

Kilimanjaro. Jumbo, my friends! It is Vladimir Kotlyar, I speak straight from the highest point of Africa, the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak - 5895 meters. The great weather, what stunning views! The whole group reached the summit. People, of ... read more

Jumbo, my friends! It is Vladimir Kotlyar, I speak straight from the highest point of Africa, the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak - 5895 meters. The great weather, what stunning views! The whole group reached the summit. People, of course, tired. They still do not quite understand what they did. But I think on the way down, they could understand all. Good job! And now we take pictures, admire the beauty. And we begin the descent. Down, down, down - to eat, to rest, to recuperate. Tomorrow we will continue go downhill ... ..

The sky is clear. In fact, all previous days we are very unlucky with the weather. Unfortunately, it rained, it was damp and we could not see anything. But now we are above the clouds, and the view is breathtaking. In general, you could congratulate us with the successful climb! We did it!










The team of Vladimir Kotlyar was named and celebrated the birthday of Luba

Good everything! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Mount Kilimanjaro. Today we have climbed to a height of 3,700 meters on the Horombo hut. Here we celebrated the birthday of Luba, member of our team. Congratulations to her with his birthday! ... read more

Good everything! It says Vladimir Kotlyar from Mount Kilimanjaro. Today we have climbed to a height of 3,700 meters on the Horombo hut. Here we celebrated the birthday of Luba, member of our team. Congratulations to her with his birthday! We wish her achievements, not only mountain peaks, but all through life. And ... yes ... traditionally, our team came up with a name. The name of our team - "Tactics of trump dozens" ... This here is an interesting name, think for yourself, why is it so. Tactics leads to success ... So we hope the climb with this tactic will lead to success .. In short, it was Vladimir Kotlyar. We continue to climb. Tomorrow we will have an acclimatization outing with return back to the Zebra Rocks. All the best!






The group of Vladimir Kotlyar starts from Moshi to the Marangu route on Kilimanjaro

Hello everyone! This is Vladimir Kotlyar from Africa, with a team of two boys and two girls. Today we startá our adventure begins. Now we leave from Moshi towards Marangu Gate. Our climb to Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, starts ... read more

Hello everyone! This is Vladimir Kotlyar from Africa, with a team of two boys and two girls. Today we startá our adventure begins. Now we leave from Moshi towards Marangu Gate. Our climb to Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, starts from there.


Vladimir Kotlyar will lead the group to the highest peak in Africa

This Tuesday, October 20th, new expedition of the Club 7 summits starts on Kilimanjaro under the leadership of our guide Vladimir Kotlyar. During the program, the team plan climb the highest peak of Africa, but also to arrange a trip to the ... read more

This Tuesday, October 20th, new expedition of the Club 7 summits starts on Kilimanjaro under the leadership of our guide Vladimir Kotlyar. During the program, the team plan climb the highest peak of Africa, but also to arrange a trip to the national parks of Tanzania.

We invite all friends at the 7th Birthday of 7 Summits Club !!!

Time - October 15 - Thursday 20.00 Location - Moscow, Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya d.7 (Shop "Active Life") m. Prospect Mira     By leading Russian climbers and direct participants of the events In the Programme:- The main guest of ... read more

Time - October 15 - Thursday 20.00

Location - Moscow, Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya d.7 (Shop "Active Life") m. Prospect Mira



By leading Russian climbers and direct participants of the events

In the Programme:
- The main guest of the evening - "Mr. Everest"
- Project 7 Volcanoes
- Mountain School of 7 Summits Club
- Climbing Mount Everest in Business

- Crimea is Yours
- Alaska is still Ours
- How to climb the Matterhorn

- Summing up 2015
- Awarding of the winners - climbers
- New projects and new plans to capture the mountains