Providing expeditions
since 2005

Alex Abramov from the Vinson expedition: team is in the upper camp, tomorrow – the summit bid

Vinson. Alex Abramov from the Vinson expedition: Hello! It's four o'clock in the morning. We got to the advanced assault camp. Right now we boil water and tomorrow are going to climb the summit of Mount Vinson. First sleep and then - climb. ... read more

Alex Abramov from the Vinson expedition: 
Hello! It's four o'clock in the morning. We got to the advanced assault camp. Right now we boil water and tomorrow are going to climb the summit of Mount Vinson. First sleep and then - climb. The weather is bad ....







Alexander Abramov from the Lower camp of Vinson massif: today is a day of rest after a hard walk

Vinson.   Hello! It calls Alexander Abramov. Last night we made theclimb from the base camp to low camp. It was not easy, we walked for 10 hours. But all the members did it, well done. Late at night we set up the tents, at 3 o'clock went to ... read more


Hello! It calls Alexander Abramov. Last night we made theclimb from the base camp to low camp. It was not easy, we walked for 10 hours. But all the members did it, well done. Late at night we set up the tents, at 3 o'clock went to bed. Today we woke up, we had a day of rest, a day of acclimatization. The approach under the fixed ropes part - the team is practicing how to climb with. It is not so simple. And tomorrow we have a plan to exit in the Upper camp, and descend. Then, all members are alive and healthy. So everything goes according to plan, everything is fine. The weather is perfect. We wish to all Happy New Year! We hope January 1th, to reach the summit of Vinson. By!





The group of Club Leaders after video conference with Putin flew to the base camp Vinson

Vinson. Hello! This is Alexander Abramov from Antarctica. Yesterday it was a very hard day. We spent the night in 15 kilometers from Union Glacier. We've got a separate camp in a very beautiful vast field, with views of the mountains. By morning ... read more

Hello! This is Alexander Abramov from Antarctica. Yesterday it was a very hard day. We spent the night in 15 kilometers from Union Glacier. We've got a separate camp in a very beautiful vast field, with views of the mountains. By morning the wind grew stronger. Just at this time we have had a contact with Moscow, a video conference with the President. Almost all the whole night we did not sleep, getting ready, excited. At 7 am already it was a live interview with Moscow and the President wished us luck. There was a small conversation, but I think that on TV it showed everything.

Then we immediately gathered the camp, returned to Union Glacier. There we had lunch, got on the plane and flew to the base camp of Vinson massif. Established camp, long enough to have established, because the tents are many, many people. Had a dinner. The mood is all excellent. We went to sleep. The weather yesterday was good. Today morning we woke up in a fog. Cold. And today we must make a walk to the camp 3200, so-called Low camp, about 6-8 hours to go. With a heavy sledge. This may be one of the most physically heavy days of our expedition. But, in General, the mood is good, we hope to be January 1th, on the summit of Vinson. By!






Video linkup with Russian Antarctic expedition

South Pole. A group of Russian businessmen, members of the Leaders’ Club, set off for the Antarctic on December 20. One of their goals is to draw attention to Russia’s studies of the Antarctic and to test Russian-made communication ... read more

A group of Russian businessmen, members of the Leaders’ Club, set off for the Antarctic on December 20. One of their goals is to draw attention to Russia’s studies of the Antarctic and to test Russian-made communication equipment in extreme conditions.

Expedition participants also intend to hoist the Russian flag at the highest spot of the Antarctic and conduct a series of medical and biological studies. The expedition involves some 200 people and 34 research organisations.






* * *

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. Can you hear me?

LEADERS’ CLUB PRESIDENT, AGENCY FOR STRATEGIC INITIATIVES NEW BUSINESS DIRECTOR ARTEM AVETISYAN: Yes, we can hear you. The Leaders’ Club expedition welcomes you to the vast expanses of the Antarctic.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Thank you. Hello, everyone.

I remember you were telling me about this expedition in Moscow, and bearing in mind that your expedition is of a national scope, I would like to recall that our compatriots Faddey Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev pioneered Antarctic exploration.

Besides, next year, I believe, we will be marking 60 years since the first Soviet expedition to the Antarctic. Thus, overall we have significant experience in this exploration. This is a very interesting, unique part of the planet.

Unfortunately, not everyone who wanted to take part in the expedition managed to do so. Only yesterday, I spoke to my aide Andrei Belousov. He is disappointed he could not join you because of his workload, though he had the necessary training.

I am glad that you have managed to bring this expedition to fruition. I know you have planned many events and many people are taking part in this work.

Could you please remind us of what you intend to do, including the testing of Russian-made radio and video communication equipment.





ARTEM AVETISYAN: Mr President, we are actually testing the equipment now. This is the first ever TV link-up between Moscow and the Antarctic. Nobody has ever done it before.

This was made possible thanks to Russian engineers. A large part of the equipment we are using was made in Russia.

We have set camp here, 16,000 kilometres from Moscow, and tomorrow we are setting out to the highest peak of the Antarctic to hoist the Russian flag there.

We have representatives of medium size businesses here from various sectors of the economy, and our goal is not only to hoist the Russian flag, but also to test Russian equipment at the peak.

We will also conduct a series of medical and biological experiments to study human sensitivity to hypoxia at high altitudes. We also plan to collect water samples from the highest peak of the Antarctic. They say it is the cleanest water in the world, and we believe it can extend human life.

Also, it is no secret that for a year now the Leaders’ Club has been making sample purchases. Now we have made a sample purchase here in the Antarctic and found a discrepancy: tourists here are taken around by Russian pilots on board legendary Russian Il-76 craft. However, the travel agencies are foreign, and the aircraft servicing companies are also foreign, while the number of tourists is significant – around 6,000.

We would like to create Russian tourist infrastructure to popularise Antarctic travel in our country. If you do not mind, Mr President, we would like to discuss this with you in Moscow, and if you support the idea, the Leaders’ Club is willing to take on the job.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Fine, let us do that.

Naturally, wherever you go you always find areas where you can apply your creative and business-like approach. I never had any doubt about that. See, you have found something even in the Antarctic. How are you planning to see in the New Year?

ARTEM AVETISYAN: We should be at an altitude of some 4,000 metres on New Year’s Eve, so we intend to contact Russian entrepreneurs in all the remote areas of Russia. That is actually why we brought all this equipment. We have a Russian-made radio station that we will also be testing. And we will be wishing everyone a happy New Year.


I would like to wish you good luck and all the best in the New Year, success in your work and in reaching the peak. Please pass on my best wishes to all the expedition participants.

I know that about 200 people are involved in your work and 34 research organisations have been supporting it in one way or another.

Please convey my best wishes to the marine and aircraft crews. I wish you all the best. Happy New Year!

ARTEM AVETISYAN: Thank you, Mr President. Happy New Year to you!

VLADIMIR PUTIN: All the best! Good-bye and good luck!


The Team of Alex Abramov - on the summit of Mount Vinson! Hurah-rah!

Vinson. Hello! Alex Abramov from Antarctica, from the highest point of Mount Vinson. The weather is beautiful, light breeze. Our entire team is standing on the top. Of course, it's cold. We wanted to strip topless and take pictures with the flag, ... read more

Hello! Alex Abramov from Antarctica, from the highest point of Mount Vinson. The weather is beautiful, light breeze. Our entire team is standing on the top. Of course, it's cold. We wanted to strip topless and take pictures with the flag, but the temperature is lower than minus thirty. Therefore, while we could not find volunteers. Well, in general, this is summit! Congratulate us! Today it was hard for all, but it's already over.

Next connection will be, when we reach the base camp. Goodbye!



The Team of Alex Abramov goes on climbing ...

South Pole. Hello! This is Alex Abramov from Antarctica. Today we plan to start to the High camp. We turned almost all their tents, collected products and so on ... packed as horses. And now, after half an hour we will begin to climb in the upper camp, ... read more

Hello! This is Alex Abramov from Antarctica. Today we plan to start to the High camp. We turned almost all their tents, collected products and so on ... packed as horses. And now, after half an hour we will begin to climb in the upper camp, High camp. From which tomorrow, about 9:00, we should start to climb for the summit. Weather is good, favorable ... so all is well. Goodbye! Next link will be .... It is not known when. So Long!






Vladimir Kotlyar from Aconcagua: I will climb only with Igor, Natalia fall ill

Aconcagua. Hi! This is Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina, the expedition on Aconcagua. Today we had a day of rest and visiting "Noah's Ark". We have a little walk around the neighborhood. Tomorrow we leave directly in Nido de Condores. And from there we ... read more

Hi! This is Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina, the expedition on Aconcagua. Today we had a day of rest and visiting "Noah's Ark". We have a little walk around the neighborhood. Tomorrow we leave directly in Nido de Condores. And from there we will plan our future days of ascent. We start, unfortunately, only with Igor. Natalia is ill and will be waiting for us here in the Plaza de Mulas. She has fever, runny nose, and we decided not to risk the health. Health should keep. Therefore, Igor, we have to climb in two. Weather, in advance, of course, windy, but in general it allows you to climb. You wish us luck! All the best!






Vladimir Kotlyar: Active rest day at Plaza de Mulas ...

Aconcagua. Hello, everyone! It is Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina, climbing program Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America. Today we have a day of rest, but the rest was active. We went up to the nearest glacier looked great shape of ... read more

Hello, everyone! It is Vladimir Kotlyar from Argentina, climbing program Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America. Today we have a day of rest, but the rest was active. We went up to the nearest glacier looked great shape of mountainous terrain, called Penitentes. We had a little photo shoot there. Then all members passed medical supervision. Health for all is excellent, can be sent into space. But not to the space we're leaving tomorrow for the next camp, camp Canada. Today we collect things, pack food and fuel. And rest. All the best!



After briefing we are ready for flight to Antarctica

South Pole. Alex Abramov sent some pictures from Punta Arenas                     read more

Alex Abramov sent some pictures from Punta Arenas











Some amazing pictures from Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. A group of the Paganel Club climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in November 2014. Pictures made by its leader Andrey Andreev from Crimea:                                 ... read more

A group of the Paganel Club climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in November 2014. Pictures made by its leader Andrey Andreev from Crimea:





















Alex Abramov from Punta Arenas: the whole team got together

South Pole. The whole team of the 7 Summits Club Antarctic expedition gathered at last. Everybody is happy and joyful. It is obvious that everything will continue to be well and good! Tomorrow it will be a busy day, we have to pack up all things and go ... read more

The whole team of the 7 Summits Club Antarctic expedition gathered at last. Everybody is happy and joyful. It is obvious that everything will continue to be well and good!

Tomorrow it will be a busy day, we have to pack up all things and go to the Island Magdalena to communicate with the penguins.

Today we walked to Punta Arenas:

Alex Abramov,
Dmitriev Sergey,

Kharazova Irena,
Belkovich Vladimir,
Merkulov Ivan,
Merkulov Evgeny,
Tommas Pelland,
Utvenko Alexander,
Janczarski Pawel,
Zimin Youri,
Kravt Evgeniy...















The 7 Summits Ñlub goes to St-Petersbourg! For awards of the Russian mountaineering Federation (FAR)....

Everest from Nepal.   This year's final events of the year was decided to be held in St. Petersburg. As is customary in recent years, in two days there will be several events. Main among them will be the annual conference of the FAR and the solemn evening ... read more


This year's final events of the year was decided to be held in St. Petersburg. As is customary in recent years, in two days there will be several events. Main among them will be the annual conference of the FAR and the solemn evening devoted to the presentation of the national award "Golden axe Russia 2014" and honoring the winners of other competitions and contests.

The 7 Summits club is a collective member of the FAR and we believes as our duty to support all of the activities of the Federation. So we all (who can) go to St.Peter! In addition, we call all new Everest summiters to join us to get your badge.





Alex Abramov on the way to Antarctica

South Pole. Alex start of a new season in Antarctica. He is flying to Punta Arenas for its preparation. It will be three groups of the 7 Summits Club...       read more

Alex start of a new season in Antarctica. He is flying to Punta Arenas for its preparation. It will be three groups of the 7 Summits Club...




7 Summits Club Everest 2015. The expedition began with a discussion of the script....

Yesterday at our club a meeting of participants and guides future Everest expedition took place. The tasks of the expedition will include not only the climbing itself and the preparation for it, but part (help) in the filming of a ... read more

Yesterday at our club a meeting of participants and guides future Everest expedition took place. The tasks of the expedition will include not only the climbing itself and the preparation for it, but part (help) in the filming of a documentary about this mountain. Command of the 1st Russian TV channel under the leadership of Valdis Pelsh will shoot this film. Valdis told us about the idea of the film and how it will look. Meeting as usual was held in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. All participants continue to train hard, but now knowing more about his role in the expedition...

link to the Everest program












New record on Carstensz Pyramid! There was a 13-year-old Russian boy on the summit!

Carstensz Pyramid. The 7 Summits Club expedition to the peak of Carstensz Pyramid under the leadership of Sergei Larin guide the club ended successfully. Even more, super successfully: with the establishment of a new world age record. Dmitry Tertychny became ... read more

The 7 Summits Club expedition to the peak of Carstensz Pyramid under the leadership of Sergei Larin guide the club ended successfully. Even more, super successfully: with the establishment of a new world age record.

Dmitry Tertychny became the world's youngest climber to Carstensz. That is If you take those who made approach through the jungle from Sugapa. His age is 13 years 6 months. Jordan Romero was on top at the age of 13 years 4 months. However, he flew with the team to the base camp by helicopter.







Carstensz Pyramid - view from the beginning of the route ...



Summit photo. Our Indonesian friends procured posters for all occasions.



Father and son ...



The youngest climber to Carstensz Dmitry Tertychny


Team of Sergey Larin finished the trek and went to the village Sugapa, tomorrow flight to Bali

Carstensz Pyramid.   Sergey Larin: Hello Seven Summits! Information from Irian Jaya. The active part of our program is over. Today we went to Sugapa. Tomorrow on a small single-engine aircraft we fly to Timika and then to Bali ... We all good, everything ... read more


Sergey Larin: Hello Seven Summits! Information from Irian Jaya. The active part of our program is over. Today we went to Sugapa. Tomorrow on a small single-engine aircraft we fly to Timika and then to Bali ... We all good, everything goes according to plan ....





SUMMIT. 13-year-old at the top of the Pyramid Carstensz

Carstensz Pyramid. Hello! Today, November 3, 10 hours and 30 minutes of local time of the Seven Summits team stood a top of Ngugi Ngugi, as the locals call Carstensz Pyramid. Now we are at the base camp and have a lunch. I remind our composition: Father ... read more

Hello! Today, November 3, 10 hours and 30 minutes of local time of the Seven Summits team stood a top of Ngugi Ngugi, as the locals call Carstensz Pyramid. Now we are at the base camp and have a lunch. I remind our composition: Father Alexander, his son Dmitri, Konstantin and yours truly - Sergei. As for Dmitri, his birthday is April 11, 2001. Our guide Poxy says he had led a 12-year-old American in August of 2009 *. But they did not go a trek and reached base camp by helicopter. So there is cause for reflection. Finally congratulations we will take when we were in Timika. This is approximately a Saturday. The return trip will also not fast. But we have already formed a new goal - is Bali. By! Sergej Larin.

* Jordan Romero climbed to the top of the Pyramid Carstensz September 1, 2009 at the age of 13 years and 40 days.




Pictures from the summer Elbrus expedition of RRC CLub

Elbrus.                               read more
















Start of a new Pyramid Carstensz expedition

Carstensz Pyramid.   A guide of 7 Summits Club Sergei Larin head a new expedition to the Pyramid Carstensz. Three members, one of which is a boy of thirteen, will try to climb the highest peak of the Australian continent. Now they came to Sugapa ... read more


A guide of 7 Summits Club Sergei Larin head a new expedition to the Pyramid Carstensz. Three members, one of which is a boy of thirteen, will try to climb the highest peak of the Australian continent. Now they came to Sugapa village...




SUMMIT !!! The goal of blitz program on Elbrus fulfilled

Elbrus. Hello, Seven Summits! It is Sergei Larin from the slopes of Mount Elbrus, from the most luxurious mountain refuge of the North Caucasus Mountain Club. Today, at 9 hours and 20 minutes a.m. Andrei Mikhaylenko and Sergei Larin stood on the ... read more

Hello, Seven Summits! It is Sergei Larin from the slopes of Mount Elbrus, from the most luxurious mountain refuge of the North Caucasus Mountain Club. Today, at 9 hours and 20 minutes a.m. Andrei Mikhaylenko and Sergei Larin stood on the western peak of Elbrus. The weather was good, but windy. Windmill, windmill was the weather. Now we are down and we are at the bottom. Getting ready for the new turn. All the details about the blitz - later. So long!