Providing expeditions
since 2005

News from Elbrus from Alexandra Sack, a guide of the 7 Summits Club

Elbrus. Our group of 6 people stay at the shelter of Leaprus now. It is great place: warm, fun, there is internet. That's just the weather is not yet good. Today we tried to go to the Pastukhov rocks, but we were blown from 4300. But we do not ... read more

Our group of 6 people stay at the shelter of Leaprus now.

It is great place: warm, fun, there is internet. That's just the weather is not yet good. Today we tried to go to the Pastukhov rocks, but we were blown from 4300. But we do not despair, we eat well, sleep and wait for a weather window. Tomorrow - day of rest and training on snow and ice.

Below there are a few photos from yesterday's acclimatization Cheget. The day was amazing, the sun, sparkling snow, wonderful view.

Best regards!






Everest: Two groups together are resting at the ABC camp

Everest. Hello! This is Alex Abramov, from the Advanced base camp at the height of 6400 meters, on Everest. Our second team descended from the North Col. Their overnight on 7000 was quite good. Unfortunately, we were forced to send down Konstantin ... read more

Hello! This is Alex Abramov, from the Advanced base camp at the height of 6400 meters, on Everest. Our second team descended from the North Col. Their overnight on 7000 was quite good. Unfortunately, we were forced to send down Konstantin Umrilov, he fell ill. Expedition proceeds. Tomorrow the first team again is going to go on the North Col. To spend the night and the next day to try to climb on 7500. After that the second team does the same heroic feat and by May 9th all members and guides have to gather in the base camp. On May 9 we plan a traditional party where we invite usually all base camp. Weather is so-so, again brings down snow. Now we had dinner and very quietly dispersed on our tents. All, good-bye!


Alex Abramov from ABC camp

Everest. Hello! This is Alexander Abramov, from cold Himalayas, Everest Expedition. Hello, warm, spring Moscow! Yesterday the first half of our team spent a night at 7 thousand on the Saddle (North Col). The second team left there today. A cold wind ... read more

Hello! This is Alexander Abramov, from cold Himalayas, Everest Expedition. Hello, warm, spring Moscow! Yesterday the first half of our team spent a night at 7 thousand on the Saddle (North Col). The second team left there today. A cold wind blows. But we do not lose heart. Everything else, internet modem is broken. So that do not wait images in the coming days. And in general, all is well. The food is good, the people are nice..... Goodbye!




Alex Abramov from ABC camp

Hello! This is Alex Abramov from a height of 6400 meters, from advanced base camp. Today the first team (8 people) is here . We had breakfast , now it will be held ice classes. We will train ascending on fixed ropes, because tomorrow is our ... read more

Hello! This is Alex Abramov from a height of 6400 meters, from advanced base camp. Today the first team (8 people) is here . We had breakfast , now it will be held ice classes. We will train ascending on fixed ropes, because tomorrow is our first team goes to the North Col of Everest in order to spend the night at an altitude of 7000 meters. The second team of 11 people spent the night in the Middle camp , and now rises toward the ABC camp. Tonight should all meet here. All feel fine, acclimatization goes according to plan, that is, sufficiently smooth, soft acclimatization.

Tonight snowed 5-10 sm. Everything is covered in white snow, very beautiful.

Tomorrow Sherpa and Lama will hold the opening of the camp ABC – puja. I will be prayer, etc… A general, all is perfect, the weather is nice, the sun shines. Justafternoonsometimes snows . Andsoallgood. Goodbye !


Big party dedicated to the beginning of the season “Elbrus 2014”

Elbrus. Dear friends! Finally we are at the cusp of a new season on Elbrus! So, we have organized a big party dedicated to the beginning of the season “Elbrus 2014”. Our party will take place on 9, May on the terrace of a well-known ... read more

Dear friends!

Finally we are at the cusp of a new season on Elbrus!

So, we have organized a big party dedicated to the beginning of the season “Elbrus 2014”. Our party will take place on 9, May on the terrace of a well-known hospitable hotel “Povorot”.

You will be able not only to meet your friends who you haven't seen for a long time but also enjoy the songs of a famous Italian singer Giampaolo Spatola from sunny Sicilia.

This year we open our season on Victory Day. On this day we more than ever realize the value of friendship, mutual understanding, a peaceful sky over our heads and that it is not money but love rules the world. Our guest Giampaolo Spatola often says: our world is fragile but at the same time indestructible if all the nations understand each other, if there is an advertence and tolerance. The main topics of Giampaolo's songs are Peace and Love which band people together regardless of their nationality, language, skin color, faith or wealth.

Let us appreciate peace and love and carry these light feelings through all the season.

We love you. We are waiting for you. You are welcome to our party.


Office " 7 Summits Club " Terskol  daily from 10 to 20

indoor shop " 7 Summits Club "

Location : The village Terskol turn to Tcheget

Anna Abramova - branch coordinator

Office phone: +7-866-38- 17/07/71

Mobile : +7-928-711-97-70 , +7-928-720-26-94






Start of season for 7 Summits Club on Elbrus

Elbrus.   May 3rd the season of the 7 Summits Club" begins at Mt. Elbrus. Guide Alexandra Sack meets at the airport Mineralny Vody the first group of climbers on the highest point in Europe . The team consists of 8 people: Vassily Bumagin, ... read more


May 3rd the season of the 7 Summits Club" begins at Mt. Elbrus. Guide Alexandra Sack meets at the airport Mineralny Vody the first group of climbers on the highest point in Europe .

The team consists of 8 people:

Vassily Bumagin,

Nikolay Zhuravlev,

Maxim Malkov,

Eugene Kravt Sn,

Eugene Kravt Jn,

Dmitry Surikov,

Diarmuid Smyth,

Mark Toner.

We wish a good mood and good weather on the mountain and we invite everyone to join our group in June , July and August !

Programs here >>>>>>>




Do not forget that in the Elbrus region there is a representative of our company and the best in the area of mountaineering equipment rental ...

Office " 7 Summits Club " Terskol

daily from 10 to 20

indoor shop " 7 Summits Club "

Location : The village Terskol turn to Tcheget

Anna Abramova - branch coordinator

Office phone: +7-866-38- 17/07/71

Mobile : +7-928-711-97-70 , +7-928-720-26-94


Our facility includes:

- Shop climbing equipment ;

- Rental of equipment;

- Agency for organizing climbing Elbrus ;

- School of Mountaineering (climbing, ice climbing, ski touring) ;

- Repair skis and equipment ;

- Information center ;

- Free wi-fi -24 hours.




At the May holidays in the Elbrus region is crowded:

Red Fox Company and Russian Mountaineering Federation with the support of Emercom of Russia, Government of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and International Skyrunning Federation conduct VI International festival Red Fox Elbrus Race on May 3-11, 2014.

The competition will take place on the Elbrus peak, the highest top of the Europe and the most popular Russian mountain region.

For several years the Festival Red Fox Elbrus Race with two races of the Russian National Series (Elbrus Vertical SkyMarathon® and Elbrus Vertical Kilometer®) is one of the central events in the skyrunning world. Elbrus Vertical Kilometer® and Elbrus Vertical SkyMarathon® were included in Skyrunner® World Series and the 50 World Ranking races of 2013 year. The best mountaineers, skiers and multisportsmen from all over the world come to participate in the Festival.

Last year the Red Fox Elbrus Race distinguished by the record established by the Italian skyrunner Marco Facchinelli in the main event of the Festival. The athlete overcame the very hard distance with height more than 3000 meters difference from Azau's glade to the West Elbrus Peak only in 3 hours 30 minutes. And the ordinary person needs not less than 1 day to carry out the same route.

But more than likely this record will be broken in the Festival Red Fox Elbrus Race 2014. Even now the desire to participate in the most high-altitude race of the world was expressed by many leaders of international skyrunning.

Congratulations to our friends Harry and Ivana with the birth of their second son!

Everest. Harry Kikstra and Ivan Corea now have two sons! We are very happy for them. And we hope to meet our friends somewhere in the vastness of our planet. Harry Kikstra means a lot for the program of the 7 Summits and we very much appreciate the ... read more

Harry Kikstra and Ivan Corea now have two sons! We are very happy for them. And we hope to meet our friends somewhere in the vastness of our planet. Harry Kikstra means a lot for the program of the 7 Summits and we very much appreciate the friendship with him. Continue to be happy, Harry, Ivana and two kids!





Alex and Harry - two Sevensummitsmen


In the Everest base camp (BC) at an altitude of 5200 meters were held most high international table tennis competitions

Almost all members of the group Everest climbers from 7 Summits Club took part in the competition. The event was held on the system "each with each" to 3 sets. Games stretched for almost the whole day. Chief judge of competitions was Ivona ... read more

Almost all members of the group Everest climbers from 7 Summits Club took part in the competition. The event was held on the system "each with each" to 3 sets. Games stretched for almost the whole day. Chief judge of competitions was Ivona Zadarnovska-Wingert from Poland (by the friendly nickname "merry Pole").

By the end of the competition day by scoring we identified leaders who again played each other for prizes. As a result, Vladislav Lachkarev from Siberian Irkutsk won first place, second place went to Irishman Derek Mahon, and third place – for charming Muscovite Natalia Matusowa.

Evening at the banquet table, the winner was awarded a prize - a bottle of expensive wine. Vladislav first wanted to retire with this bottle in his tent, but decided to split the prize between all team members. As Vlad said during a toast : "Better to be first in the base camp than on Everest a second ! "

Now, the team members are trained for the next competition - are preparing in billiards.





Everest 2014: After a rest at the base camp, part of the expedition went to rest lower

Alex Abramov from BC: Today, 11 members left in Old Tingri to lick their wounds. And remaining in the base camp 8 members staged bath. Sergei Larin - aka Doc, senior in the group, departing down. Ðó gives instructions on how to behave in a ... read more

Alex Abramov from BC:

Today, 11 members left in Old Tingri to lick their wounds. And remaining in the base camp 8 members staged bath.

Sergei Larin - aka Doc, senior in the group, departing down. Ðó gives instructions on how to behave in a civilized society and how to protect yourself from bird flu ...















Alex Abramov from ABC camp

Hello! It is Alex Abramov from the Everest expedition, the camp ABC, at 6400 meters. There, of course, real fridge yet. Very cold, wind . Today we went here without acclimatization. Since in the South all the expedition were canceled, now ... read more

Hello! It is Alex Abramov from the Everest expedition, the camp ABC, at 6400 meters. There, of course, real fridge yet. Very cold, wind . Today we went here without acclimatization. Since in the South all the expedition were canceled, now we are the great common hope. Because in the north there are about 100 climbers, of which 19 people – from the team of 7 Summits Club. Now we are the biggest expedition on Everest .. .... Descend to the base camp, then we will see. Tomorrow our Sherpas start to set up a camp on the North Col, at 7000 meters ... Goodbye!





Expedition made the first outing to the Middle camp

Today, our team made the first acclimatization outing to the Middle Camp, at 5800m. There was strong winds. It was very cold at night, but we survived. Everyone could feel like in the drama on Everest hero, 90 years before, attempts to ... read more

Today, our team made the first acclimatization outing to the Middle Camp, at 5800m. There was strong winds. It was very cold at night, but we survived. Everyone could feel like in the drama on Everest hero, 90 years before, attempts to climb Mallory and Irvine ...


Lake near Middle Camp














Alex Abramov rested for two days in Old Tingri

Alex: Because I had a bad cough and to prevent bronchitis, I went down for treatment at 1000 m below the base camp. To breathe "oxygen" and sleep in the warmth of the village of Old Tingri (altitude 4200m) . There I suddenly met a team of ... read more

Alex: Because I had a bad cough and to prevent bronchitis, I went down for treatment at 1000 m below the base camp. To breathe "oxygen" and sleep in the warmth of the village of Old Tingri (altitude 4200m) .

There I suddenly met a team of Alpine Club of MAI (Moscow Aviation University), which just drives into the base camp Cho Oyu. They are 6 climbers led by Misha Volkov. The meeting was held at the high and even higher than the high level and ended warm parting. They went on their way, I stayed in my den.

Tomorrow I go up to the base camp . Hello everyone !







The world record of Vitaly Simonovich

North Pole. Reaching the North Pole by ski Vitaly Simonovich became the first person who made the collection: 7 Summits + 7 Volcanoes + 2 Poles           read more

Reaching the North Pole by ski Vitaly Simonovich became the first person who made the collection: 7 Summits + 7 Volcanoes + 2 Poles






Easter and puja were in one day - an amazing coincidence

Everest. Photos from the base camp of the 7 Summits Club expedition...                                 read more

Photos from the base camp of the 7 Summits Club expedition...

















The first pictures from our base camp on Everest

Everest.             read more







Photos from the North Pole expedition

North Pole.   Members of ski expedition to the North Pole (4-11 April 2014) returned home. Members of the expedition - Eugene KRAVT, Tatiana and Pavel Rodionov, Vitaly Simonovic Dmitry Moskaliev, Tom Mclver and dr. The group was led by an ... read more


Members of ski expedition to the North Pole (4-11 April 2014) returned home.

Members of the expedition - Eugene KRAVT, Tatiana and Pavel Rodionov, Vitaly Simonovic Dmitry Moskaliev, Tom Mclver and dr.

The group was led by an experienced guide polar - Mikhail Lomakin.

Group almost entirely passed "last degree" and reached the North Pole, where they have already met Paul and Kostrykin Aleftina Bocharov.















The first look at Everest

    A bit windy.... read more



A bit windy....

Great Selfy and some other photos from Tibet

Everest.   Almost all team at once...   Farewell to Lhasa....       Good morning Xigar!               read more


Almost all team at once...


Farewell to Lhasa....




Good morning Xigar!








The expedition came to Lhasa

Everest.   Our expedition flew to Lhasa. The trek to Mount Everest begins.      Alex mer his friend Nima Tsering, the Ministr of Sport of Tibet, Everest summiter.    Entertement in Lhasa. read more


Our expedition flew to Lhasa. The trek to Mount Everest begins.



Alex mer his friend Nima Tsering, the Ministr of Sport of Tibet, Everest summiter.


 Entertement in Lhasa.

Film Flying High about Everest base jump of Valery Rozov was shown in Moscow

Everest.  Russian extreme BASE-jumper and wingsuit pilot Valery Rozov sets out to accomplish the highest BASE-jump and wingsuit flight in the history of mankind from the Everest mounain range. The adventure turns out to be a two year slog of ... read more

 Russian extreme BASE-jumper and wingsuit pilot Valery Rozov sets out to accomplish the highest BASE-jump and wingsuit flight in the history of mankind from the Everest mounain range. The adventure turns out to be a two year slog of test jumps, measurements and frantically searching the perfect wingsuit design for an altitude flight in thin air. A new record jump off Matterhorn (4.478 m) and the first wingsuit flight from Mount Shivling (6543 m) in India turn into precursors for the final leap...