Providing expeditions
since 2005

Photos from the American team Alpari

Kilimanjaro. Climbing tour on Kilimanjaro, a group of Alpari officers from U.S. was successfully finished. All were on the top, although a month ago no one even thought of it. The weather was favorable, there was no rain during the daytimes, it was just ... read more

Climbing tour on Kilimanjaro, a group of Alpari officers from U.S. was successfully finished. All were on the top, although a month ago no one even thought of it. The weather was favorable, there was no rain during the daytimes, it was just a little wet at night. Snow and hail were only after the climb and a short rest at Kibo Hut. On the climbing day boys proved themselves as true heroes. None of them had never been before even at an altitude of 2000m, no one had any serious training. But all have shown tenacity and reached the summit. At the top the group met three Russian climbers engages in project "7 summits in 300 days" with the support of Alpari.

Artem Rostovtsev – a guide of the 7 Summit Club


Jaclyn Cole

David Makoso

John Wang

Jacob Plattner

Stan Klebaner

Mushegh Tovmasyan









































Evening Party of the 7 Summits Club. Fedor Konyukhov and Others. Photos and Video ...

Everest.   We can say about a great success, even about a record that was set yesterday at a traditional evening of 7 Summits Club. Only registered users we had 70 persons. But there were those who came later, were not calculated. So the total ... read more


We can say about a great success, even about a record that was set yesterday at a traditional evening of 7 Summits Club. Only registered users we had 70 persons. But there were those who came later, were not calculated. So the total number of visitors at the event was about 200! Fedor Konyukhov plans were amazing. Until 2020, all is planed like this: "I come from a six-month campaign from the Arctic, and I am already waiting with a boat to cross Atlantic. I come from three month hike on camels, and I am already waiting for a solo submarine to reach America from Black Sea. "Great !”



All performances of our guides were extremely successful. It seems that most of the visitors appreciated it. Many did not want to go home, even after midnight. Well, we will wait for a new meeting. Hopefully, we can organize it in early summer, after returning from Everest.

The picture of Fedor Konyukhov was sold for 90,000 rubles (3000 dollars)




Dmitry Yermakov Antarctica 2011-12


Ludmila Korobeshko - Two summits from the program "Alpari - 7 summits for 300 days"


Climb with us

















































Ivan Dusharin Found Time to Write in His Journal

Kilimanjaro. Africa… Kilimanjaro… Mountain climbing… These things just don’t seem to mix. But Team Alpari: On Top of the World is already here in Tanzania. It didn’t take long to figure out all of the ... read more Africa… Kilimanjaro… Mountain climbing… These things just don’t seem to mix. But Team Alpari: On Top of the World is already here in Tanzania. It didn’t take long to figure out all of the logistical issues. The Seven Summits Club really knows what it’s doing. We’re already on our way.

It’s the 8th of March. In Russia, people are taking the day off. But we’re headed upwards, forging ahead along the steep and resilient jungle paths. There hasn’t been a single gentle slope or downhill section yet. We have a 1,300-meter climb ahead of us, a special Women’s Day gift. And this is only the beginning.

… An overnight, an early climb, then upwards again. And it’s only getting steeper. In all seriousness, we’ve had to actually “climb” part of the way. There are actually hooks in the rock. There may have even been a railing too at one point. We’re the only ones on this route. This isn’t a path for beginners. It’s really steep. Lyudmila is good at picking out the routes for the team. You can’t take it easy. You have to keep grinding away, even here on Kilimanjaro. We’re leaving the jungle now. We have a spectacular view of the mountain!

Fantastic! The beauty and grandeur of the mountain and the nature of the climb have been impressive. The rocky slopes, the icy ditches left by glaciers… it all feels so natural. Not many people get the chance to see this side of the mountain. We’re already at 3,900 meters. And it’s only been 2 days!



10.03 Today we have our most difficult climb ahead of us. As if it could get any harder! We have to climb to 4,600 meters, and in doing so, circle around to the other side of the mountain. You can’t make it to the summit from this side. Normally, this takes 2 days or so, but we need to do it in one. Oh well. We’re on our way. But wait! There’s a 200-meter rock wall ahead of us. It’s scary, something we’re not used to seeing. But it should be interesting. We’ll just have to climb it. Looking at the wall from the side is frightening, but it can be done. The rocks are monolithic, with passes, steps and safety hooks, so it should be relatively safe. We made it. Now it’s back down again, then up… By the evening, we made it to where we needed to go. We’ll have dinner and go to sleep.

11.03. We left at 1:30 at night to continue our ascent. With yesterday’s difficult climb and our anxiety before our storm of the summit, we didn’t get much sleep. But our commander is strict. We left at 1:30 sharp, the moon illuminating the path ahead of us. It all feels kind of mystical – the stars, the mountain, the glowing moonlight… We’re getting higher and its getting colder. Strange, huh? Africa… cold? Anyways, it’s cold. We’re wearing our down jackets. That helps a bit. But we still have to shake our legs periodically. It’s either that or “I froze in Africa”. And that wouldn’t be too funny, would it?

Just before 6:00 we made it to the brim of the crater. This is where we planned to meet the Alpari US team, which took the classic route. They weren’t there yet. We waited an hour and a half. We were about to freeze to death. Naturally, we were elated when they finally showed up. We continued onward together, reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) in full strength. Hooray!



Photos and videos from Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The first visual impression of the expedition "Alpari on top of the world." The first batch of photos and a video clip. No comments. Simply beauty. More pictures can be viewed at the project site: ... read more

The first visual impression of the expedition "Alpari on top of the world." The first batch of photos and a video clip. No comments. Simply beauty. More pictures can be viewed at the project site:

































President Dmitry Medvedev led a meeting dedicated of tourism in the Northern Caucasus

Elbrus. Today (11.03. 2012) Krasnodar hosted a meeting chaired by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dedicated to the development of Russian resorts. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Khloponin, Economic ... read more

Today (11.03. 2012) Krasnodar hosted a meeting chaired by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dedicated to the development of Russian resorts. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Khloponin, Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina and Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy Vitaly Mutko, as well as heads of the regions of South and North Caucasus districts and representatives of foreign companies.

After receiving the data from Vitaly Mutko that only 59 subjects of the Russian Federation have developed a tourism program, Dmitry Medvedev has demanded to develop a realistic program for the development of tourism in every region of the Russian Federation, stressing that "there should be mutual responsibility."

The leaders of Dagestan and Ingushetia asked the president to increase the authorized capital of the "Resorts of the North Caucasus" in connection with the recent inclusion of these two republics in the program, RIA Novosti reports. Medvedev instructed the Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina to prepare a final report with calculations of how much money will it take to develop resorts in the two republics.

Nabiullina promised to prepare a report, but added that according to the preliminary assessment, "the inclusion of Dagestan in this program will cost about 40 billion rubles from the federal budget alone."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev supported the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin on the need to develop the Caspian coastal area with beach resorts.

The participants of the meeting discussed a wide variety of issues related to the development of tourism in Russia.



France ready to invest in N Caucasus


 French companies are prepared to massively invest in helicopter building and also in the hospitality and holiday industries on Russian territory.

French presidential envoy for Russia ties Jean-Pierre Thomas spoke about this at a meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev in Krasnodar in southern Russia on Sunday.

He sits on the board of a joint company which is hoping to attract at least $10bn worth of investment in the holiday industry in the Russian Caucasus.




Russia developing resorts in the North Caucasus


Foreign companies have invested over 3 billion U.S. dollars to develop resorts in the North Caucasus. Russian investors have contributed almost a similar amount. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev revealed these figures addressing a conference in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar dedicated to promoting tourism in the North Caucasus.

Several resort zones in Southern Russia united under the “Resorts of the North Caucasus” will be turned into winter sports and year-round resorts. These zones are Lagonaki, a beautiful plateau located in Krasnodar region and Adygee, Arkhyz in Karachaevo-Cherkesia, Elbrus-Bezengi in Kabardino-Balkaria, Mamison in Northern Ossetia-Alania, Matlas in Dagestan and Tsori and Armkhi in Ingushetia. A network of resorts will also appear along the Caspian Sea shore in Dagestan.

The “Resorts of the North Caucasus” are a grandiose project in terms of territory and the amount of construction work. The overall length of Alpine ski runs exceeds 1,100 kilometers. Despite difficulties, many investors, especially foreigners, expressed readiness to go into this project. This has become possible owing to the businesslike work of the government which has done a lot to attract investors and partners, says Dmitry Medvedev.

“A government mechanism supporting the project was developed and amendments were made to the federal law on special economic zones in the Russian Federation. This law paves the way for solving the most difficult tasks. There was no such mechanism before. The residents of tourist and recreation type economic zones in the North Caucasus enjoy tax and duty breaks. Concrete results of this activity can be seen even now. The construction of the year-round resort of Arkhyz is in full swing, and it plans to receive tourists in the winter season of 2012. Construction of other resorts is now underway,” says Dmitry Medvedev.

At present, some of the tourist projects in the North Caucasus have already worked out their business plans with leading foreign companies. Among these are the French bank Caisse des Depots et Consignations, South Korea’s state-run energy company Western Power and companies in Singapore. The prestigious MIRIM Asia Awards-2011 International Developers competition assessed the project, describing it as the best project for the future.

Despite the rosy picture there are many problems related to the involvement of investors and the launch of construction, says Dmitry Medvedev.

“Among these problems are providing the resorts with contemporary infrastructures, their transport accessibility, the construction of roads, railways and airports. All this is very important for the attraction of tourists to the North Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. We will have to reconstruct at least 6 existing airports and build four new ones. It’s crucial to increase the passenger flow. At present, the capacity of the airports in North Caucasus is about 20,000 passengers a day. But this figure has to be increased five times to implement the large project, Dmitry Medvedev said.

The “Resorts of North Caucasus” is a very expensive project. It is financed under the principle of government and private partnership. At present, only a part of the necessary amount has been collected. According to experts, investments in the North Caucus tourist project will be paid off in 5-10 years. In short, the profitability of the project is up to 15 percent.

Two groups of expedition Alpari - at the top of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Early in the morning, the two groups met near the summit. The team of project "Alpari - 7 summits in 300 days" (Ludmila Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin, Maxim Shakirov) climbed via the route Umbve. Guide 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev climbed ... read more

Early in the morning, the two groups met near the summit. The team of project "Alpari - 7 summits in 300 days" (Ludmila Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin, Maxim Shakirov) climbed via the route Umbve. Guide 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev climbed with a group of managers of American office Alpari by Machame route. There were in the group: David Makoso, Jacob Plattner, Jaclyn Cole, Mushegh Tovmasyan, Stan Klebaner, John Wang. At 8:00 in the morning, they all met at the top of the massif of Kilimanjaro. And then, two groups together have gone down the Machame route. Congratulations!






Artem Rostovtsev from Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Hello! This Artem Rostovtsev from Kilimanjaro. We go already third day. I must say, the company is excellent, very fun people. The guys are from the company Alpari, all Americans, but two of them came from the Union, one of Armenia, one ... read more

Hello! This Artem Rostovtsev from Kilimanjaro. We go already third day. I must say, the company is excellent, very fun people. The guys are from the company Alpari, all Americans, but two of them came from the Union, one of Armenia, one from Ukraine. Today there was a day of acclimatization at Horombo. We went to the Zebra Rocks, and a little higher up, came down to camp. And then we walked down the excellent canyon, even swim a little....







Alpari Group - 7 summits in 300 days stays in lager1 Umbve ..

Kilimanjaro. Ludmila Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov are in a camp at an altitude of 3000 meters. Yesterday's distance was longer than planned for 5-7 kilometers. Just because the rains have washed away the road. At night the monkey stole ... read more

Ludmila Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov are in a camp at an altitude of 3000 meters. Yesterday's distance was longer than planned for 5-7 kilometers. Just because the rains have washed away the road. At night the monkey stole one shoe of Ludmila, but in the morning it was founded. Today, climbers will be a very long stretch.They want to be on top with a group Alpari led by Artem Rostovtsev...






Our friends played football at the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The group of climbers from Donetsk (Ukraine) climbed on March 2 the highest peak in South America, Aconcagua. A team led by the president of the Donetsk Regional Federation of Mountaineering, Sergei Kovalev has fulfilled all the objectives ... read more

The group of climbers from Donetsk (Ukraine) climbed on March 2 the highest peak in South America, Aconcagua. A team led by the president of the Donetsk Regional Federation of Mountaineering, Sergei Kovalev has fulfilled all the objectives of the expedition. Near the highest point, they held a symbolic football match on honor of the future of the European Championships, which will be held Ukraine and Poland, with several matches in Donetsk. According to another tradition, Donetsk climbers left at the top a capsule with coal that obtained in the mines of their native land.

Ascent of Aconcagua was a preparatory stage for the conquest of the planet's highest point - Mount Everest, to be held in April-May this year.

As he stated earlier, Sergei Kovalev, the ascent of Mount Everest will be devoted to the European Football Championship-2012. At the highest point of the World Ukrainian climbers are going to make a symbolic blow to the soccer ball in support of the Ukrainian national team at Euro 2012 championship.

7 Summits Club hopes that the Ukrainian team will be our good neighbor for our expedition in the base camp of Everest.

Greetings to the Roof of Africa! Moscow – Nairobi

Kilimanjaro. On March 7, the day before International Women’s Day, Russia’s main spring holiday, our team is sending Ludmila Korobeshko off to perform great feats on the equator! The second mountain in our project is located in a place that ... read more

On March 7, the day before International Women’s Day, Russia’s main spring holiday, our team is sending Ludmila Korobeshko off to perform great feats on the equator! The second mountain in our project is located in a place that just about everybody dreams of someday seeing.

For those who haven’t read Hemingway’s description of the famous snows of Kilimanjaro… the great snowy giant, at the foot of which elephants and rhinoceroses roam free and the sun sets over endless jungle where troops of wild monkeys migrate from one place to the next.

So the Alpari team is flying off to Nairobi, which is the capital of Kenya, for those who don’t remember.

Of course we’re a little worried about our crew — they say that yellow fever had been rampant in Kenya. The Russian Health Ministry does actually recommend getting a yellow fever vaccination. Entering Tanzania is generally safe.

Bearing the nickname the “Roof of Africa”, Mount Kilimanjaro is considered the highest freestanding mountain in the world and will be the object of our attention for the next couple of weeks.

Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania near the border with Kenya and is a mere 300 km from the equator.

The mountain has three separate peaks: Shira in the west (3962 m), Mawenzi in the east (5149 m) and the highest of the three, Kibo (5895). There is a glacier on both the northern and southern faces of Kibo, yet tropical jungle at the foot! The highest point on Kibo (and therefore the highest summit of the mountain) is the peak Uhuru.

Having scarecely had time to collect their thoughts after Argentina, our team is already packing for Africa where the temperature is currently +29-30 in the day, cooling off to +17 at night.


Alpari’s Management Team Getting Ready to Take on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Alpari: On Top of the World is heading to Africa. There, our trio of professional climbers will be joined by 6 members of the Alpari team. Here’s a little bit about each of them. David Makoso, Manager of Client Services at Alpari ... read more

Alpari: On Top of the World is heading to Africa. There, our trio of professional climbers will be joined by 6 members of the Alpari team. Here’s a little bit about each of them.

David Makoso, Manager of Client Services at Alpari (US), enjoys riding motorcycles, watching good action movies and traveling to warm islands with great beaches. About the trip, David said, “When this trip was first mentioned I was excited about the opportunity to be amongst a select few that will represent Alpari in this expedition. This summit will be a testament to our journey so far as a company and will also reveal a glimpse of what we can accomplish as a dominant force within our industry.”

Jacob Plattner is 29 years old and has been with Alpari (US) since June of 2010, working as the Vice President of Institutional Sales. He manages the Boston branch and is oversees the company’s global B2B solutions. Born in Baltimore, Jacob enjoys spending time with his family and playing hockey and golf. He is excited to have been chosen for the trip to Africa. “I have always wanted to hike one of the world’s largest peaks, very excited to being do it with Alpari and my colleagues.”

  Jaclyn Cole, 25 years old, was born in Tarrytown, New York. She is the Head of Marketing for Alpari (US). Jaclyn is looking forward to Kilimanjaro: “I’m extremely excited for the opportunity to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro with some of the most instrumental team members at Alpari. I think this trip will be a testament to how hard we have worked to bring the US office to where it currently is and how well we can overcome challenges together to make it to the top. I also think the physical and mental strength that brings us all to the top of the mountain as a team will make this a once in a lifetime experience.” Jaclyn enjoys good food and fun in New York City, traveling, skiing, hiking, water sports, boating, meeting new people and spending time with her friends and family.

  Hailing from Yerevan, Armenia, Mushegh Tovmasyan is the Global Head of Sales for Alpari (UK) Ltd. Mushegh, 28 years old, enjoys gadgets, sports and travel. “I’m a very curious person that loves to travel, explore and learn new things. Always adventure hungry but usually too busy for hobbies. When this trip was mentioned, I was certain that I am not in optimal physical condition, but the challenge is a perfect test of mental strength, dedication and ambition. I’m excited to be part of the global expedition to conquer the seven peaks.” We hope Mushegh has already begun his training.

 Stan Klebaner, 32 years old, is also excited about the trip: “Although, I have been to Africa before; I view this as truly a “once in a lifetime experience”. I look forward to the challenge and a great adventure with my colleagues!” A US citizen, born in Odessa, Ukraine, Klebaner is the VP of Institutional Sales at Alpari (US). He enjoys traveling, running, tennis, golf, skiing, art and reading the classics.


John Wang was surprised when he was offered the chance to take part in the expedition: “While Alpari US has provided me with an excellent career opportunity – it has come with some perks! Being selected amongst my colleagues to participate in the Mount Kilimanjaro expedition came to me as a great surprise. I am very excited to be part of this group and look forward to the challenges and team work this trip will provide.” John, 27 years old, is from Inverness Florida and enjoys sports, traveling, food and Forex. He has been with Alpari (US) since 2010, working as the Head of US Retail Sales.



We’re looking forward to hearing what our colleagues have to say about the trip. The Alpari: On Top of the World team will be flying out to Africa on March 7.

Resque operations on Aconcagua

Aconcagua. During 2010/11 season six climbers were killed in the "Roof of America." Along with the2008/09, both hit a record of fatalities. So far were about 6,500 climbers who visited the Aconcagua Park from November 15, 2011, 300 people more than ... read more

During 2010/11 season six climbers were killed in the "Roof of America." Along with the2008/09, both hit a record of fatalities. So far were about 6,500 climbers who visited the Aconcagua Park from November 15, 2011, 300 people more than when last season ended.

According to estimates, 3,500 were those who paid for climb and almost 3 000 opted for the short and long trekking. Number of resque evacuations reached 195, of which 170 were routine, 25 with some difficulty and 5 with an imminent threat.

The only case that could break the zero is the Spanish climber David Markaida Mendibe (42), who attempted to summit alone despite his expedition had 4 other athletes. Since the rescue team said their last sighting was 24 days ago and found no traces of him.





Maria Khitrikova dies on Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. On 4 March 2012 the body of Ukrainian mountaineer Maria Khitrikova was discovered of Mount Elbrus, Russia. The news of young (a mere 21 years old) Ukrainian alpinist Maria Khitrikova whose body was discovered yesterday on Mount Elbrus, at ... read more

On 4 March 2012 the body of Ukrainian mountaineer Maria Khitrikova was discovered of Mount Elbrus, Russia.

The news of young (a mere 21 years old) Ukrainian alpinist Maria Khitrikova whose body was discovered yesterday on Mount Elbrus, at 5642m the highest peak in Russia, comes directly from journalist Anna Piunova. Maria was guiding a group of alpinists and had summited Elbrus on 2 March when she waited for two companions who had fallen behind in poor conditions. One of these, Roman Kutsiy, has been rescued and transported to hospital while the search is still underway for Denis Lisov. For Maria though, as Anna Piunova recounts, unfortunately no hope remained.

"Two groups of 11 Ukrainian mountaineers summited Elbrus on March, 2nd. They were caught in poor weather on their way down and two dropped behind. Maria Khitrikova, who was guiding one of the groups, stopped and waited for them while the rest of the party successfully descended. Several hours later Maria was able to telephone the rescue services to say that they had lost their way. Poor weather meant that the helicopter could not be sent, however the rescuers set out in search.

During the next evening the rescue team located Roman Kutsiy (at 4200m?), one of the two guys Maria had waited for. He was evacuated to hospital and was diagnosed angina pectoris after spending a cold night and day lying down on a snow flank and eating snow. Details are currently unclear, but according to Roman they untied after three repeated falls, the terrain was icy and Maria lost one of her crampons. They all were depressed and ready for the worst.

Her father, the famous alpinist Vladimir Khitrikov, arrived late night on March, 3. During the next afternoon Maria's body was found at approximately 4700m to the left of the Pastukhov Cliffs. The rescue of Denis Lisov is under way.

21 year-old Maria Khitrikova was the daughter of the Soviet Union Champion Vladimir Khitrikov. She was the big hope of Ukrainian Mountaineering, one of the country's most talented and promising female climbers. Considered the "Wondergirl of high altitude mountaineering", she summited Elbrus aged 12, her first 7000er aged 16, her first 8000er aged 21. She won the Elbrus Race and climbed Pik Lenin (7134m), Khan Tengri (6995m), Ama Dablam (6812m), Pik Korzhenevskoy (7105), Gasherbrum I (8035m) and Gasherbrum II (8068m)."

Anna Piunova,


Photos from a group of Alpari 2

Aconcagua.   February, 23 Ludmilla Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov reached the summit of Aconcagua. The climb has been carried out by the route False Polish Traverse. The weather was very bad, it was snowing. But the forecast for the ... read more


February, 23 Ludmilla Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov reached the summit of Aconcagua. The climb has been carried out by the route False Polish Traverse. The weather was very bad, it was snowing. But the forecast for the next few days was even worse. So they had to fight to the end. Now everyone is happy. The next day, a group of friends met them in the Plaza de Mulas camp. The first ascent of the project Alpari - Seven Summits in 300 days, is committed.

Alpari: On Top of the World

Alpari has decided to take on a new challenge for the year 2012: planting the Alpari flag atop the tallest mountain on each continent. To accomplish this feat, we have put together a team consisting of three of the finest mountain climbers Russia has to offer. With this project, we are not only looking to expand our presence across the globe, to each of the world’s seven continents, but also to draw some attention to mountain climbing, a sport which has become something of a passion for many within our ranks.

“Mountain climbing as a spiritual journey… record-breaking climbs as a metaphor for achieving greater success in life,” commented Alpari Public Relations Director Valeriy Tarasov. “This is something we can relate to. Alpari is a bona fide leader in the Forex industry. For us, there is no mountain too high.”

Mountain climbing is already somewhat of a tradition here at Alpari. As recently as 2010, a team of our employees took part in an expedition to Africa, planting the Alpari flag on the summit of Kilimanjaro. Not long before that, there was a trip to Mont Blanc. “Climbing mountains is a great tradition for us; one where we must overcome great difficulties, the cold and harsh living conditions. But we always manage,” said Alpari’s Chairman of the Board, Andrey Dashin.

No one in Russia has ever completed the world-famous “7 Summits” challenge in under a year. Alpari’s hand-picked team is looking to do just that!

We wish them good luck. And good weather.
































Photos from a group of Alpari

Aconcagua. February, 23 Ludmilla Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov reached the summit of Aconcagua. The climb has been carried out by the route False Polish Traverse. The weather was very bad, it was snowing. But the forecast for the next ... read more

February, 23 Ludmilla Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maxim Shakirov reached the summit of Aconcagua. The climb has been carried out by the route False Polish Traverse. The weather was very bad, it was snowing. But the forecast for the next few days was even worse. So they had to fight to the end. Now everyone is happy. The next day, a group of friends met them in the Plaza de Mulas camp. The first ascent of the project Alpari - Seven Summits in 300 days, is committed.







Alpari: On Top of the World

Alpari has decided to take on a new challenge for the year 2012: planting the Alpari flag atop the tallest mountain on each continent. To accomplish this feat, we have put together a team consisting of three of the finest mountain climbers Russia has to offer. With this project, we are not only looking to expand our presence across the globe, to each of the world’s seven continents, but also to draw some attention to mountain climbing, a sport which has become something of a passion for many within our ranks.

“Mountain climbing as a spiritual journey… record-breaking climbs as a metaphor for achieving greater success in life,” commented Alpari Public Relations Director Valeriy Tarasov. “This is something we can relate to. Alpari is a bona fide leader in the Forex industry. For us, there is no mountain too high.”

Mountain climbing is already somewhat of a tradition here at Alpari. As recently as 2010, a team of our employees took part in an expedition to Africa, planting the Alpari flag on the summit of Kilimanjaro. Not long before that, there was a trip to Mont Blanc. “Climbing mountains is a great tradition for us; one where we must overcome great difficulties, the cold and harsh living conditions. But we always manage,” said Alpari’s Chairman of the Board, Andrey Dashin.

No one in Russia has ever completed the world-famous “7 Summits” challenge in under a year. Alpari’s hand-picked team is looking to do just that!

We wish them good luck. And good weather.

We join in congratulating climbers of Ingushetia

Aconcagua. February 22 a group of climbers of the project "Ingushetia on the tops" reached the summit of Aconcagua. We look forward to further cooperation with them to fullfil the next aim of the project -climb Mount Everest. Summiters of Aconcagua: ... read more

February 22 a group of climbers of the project "Ingushetia on the tops" reached the summit of Aconcagua. We look forward to further cooperation with them to fullfil the next aim of the project -climb Mount Everest.

Summiters of Aconcagua: coach Sergey Bogomolov, guide Vladimir Korenkov, climbers Visa Yusupov, Aznor Hadzhiev, Moussa Hadziev, Leila Albogachieva, Magomed Aushev.




The team at the office of 7 Summits Club before flying to South America


The head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov congratulated the team of climbers on the phone.

Yevkurov thanked the climbers for the fact that the conquest of the top has been dated to 23 February: "You have honored the memory of our ancestors who innocently killed during the deportation of those who defended with honor and protect your homeland."

The head of the region in a telephone conversation, wished success to the climbers, and noted that the country is waiting for the main ascent to the summit of Mount Everest, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Republic of Ingushetia.

We remind the team of climbers going to hoist the flag of Ingushetia in the world's highest peak Mount Everest to the Day of the Republic of June 4, 2012. Ascent of Aconcagua - the second phase of the project, codenamed " Ingushetia on the tops" January, 25 this year, climbers conquered the first summit on the way to Everest - Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters above sea level, Tanzania).

Heroes of Ukraine on Aconcagua. Photos

Aconcagua. February 22 a group of guys from the 7 Summits Club were at the top of Mount Aconcagua . Here are the names of climbers: Alexander Kolomiets, Vitaly Kolomiets, Nicholas Ostapov, Andrey Ternavsky, 7 Summits Club Guide - Dmitry Yermakov. One ... read more

February 22 a group of guys from the 7 Summits Club were at the top of Mount Aconcagua . Here are the names of climbers: Alexander Kolomiets, Vitaly Kolomiets, Nicholas Ostapov, Andrey Ternavsky, 7 Summits Club Guide - Dmitry Yermakov. One member Maxim has not reached the top quite a bit. The ascent was not easy. Climbers, after reviewing the weather forecast, they decided to go a day earlier than was planned. And to start from the camp Nido de Condores (5500 meters). That is, they had to overcome the drop in the 1,400 meters, and in the distance is about 7-8 miles. Judging by the happy faces, all efforts were not wasted ..








Alpari Group at the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Hi! Ludmila Korobeshko from the expedition "Alpari on Top of the World”. So now, our team stands on the top of Aconcagua. This is a victory, the first one in our project " 7 summits for 300 days". Unfortunately, the weather is very ... read more

Hi! Ludmila Korobeshko from the expedition "Alpari on Top of the World”. So now, our team stands on the top of Aconcagua. This is a victory, the first one in our project " 7 summits for 300 days". Unfortunately, the weather is very bad. The forecast was better. But nevertheless, despite bad weather, despite heavy snow, we climbed to the top. And now, at about 12:30 local time, we are on the sunmmit. It was not easy, but we are happy. We're shooting video, photos, relax a little bit and then we will start going down. Best regards !

7 Summits, hello ! Dmitry Yermakov from the base camp Plaza de Mulas in Argentina. Today a team of heroes came down here in the base camp after a successful ascent. The weather turned bad, even at the base camp it is snowing. Therefore, we rejoice that we have chosen the right tactics. We were climbed in the beautiful weather, yesterday was absolutely zero wind, solar, visibility million per million. And now it snows even here. Hello! Dmitry Yermakov.


Two of our group on the same day at the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Dmitry Yermakov rang almost from the summit of Aconcagua. One hour before, his team started to descent from the summit. His clients asked to name their as heroes of Ukraine. That's right, today was a very hard day. According to the plan ... read more

Dmitry Yermakov rang almost from the summit of Aconcagua. One hour before, his team started to descent from the summit. His clients asked to name their as heroes of Ukraine. That's right, today was a very hard day. According to the plan they will climb tomorrow, but the forecast was good only for today. So they decided to start from 5500 meters, from the camp Nido de Condores. And they have managed to climb to the top. Six climbers and guide Dmitriy Yermakov.



Ludmila Korobeshko, Ivan Dusharin and Maksim Shakirov from Expedition “Alpari - Seven Summits in 300 days”, on this day climbed to the Cholera camp at an altitude of 6000 meters. They plan to climb tomorrow. At noon, they met a group of Sergei Bogomolov, the team of project "Ingushetia on the tops of the world." They all descended from the summit. All members, all seven persons were on the top.

Extreme Planet at the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Constantin Tsybunov a head of the group Extreme Planet (Planet Fitness Company), sent a historical photograph. February 20, 2012 14:00 Planet Extreme Team at the top of Aconcagua 6962 m. 9 people led by the guide of 7 Summits Club ... read more

Constantin Tsybunov a head of the group Extreme Planet (Planet Fitness Company), sent a historical photograph. February 20, 2012 14:00 Planet Extreme Team at the top of Aconcagua 6962 m.

9 people led by the guide of 7 Summits Club Victor Bobok. February 21 the team went down to the camp Plaza de Mulos.



Planet Extreme is a team of fitness professionals and amateurs, it's an image project of company Planet Fitness. We have 10 years. We invent and organize extreme fitness journey around the world. Now we carry more than 10 trips per year. We visited over 45 countries and made 70 trips.