Providing expeditions
since 2005

Fyodor Konyukhov – a guest of the 7 Summits Club

The famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov was today a guest of the 7 Summits Club. He came to say goodbye before a long expedition to Ethiopia. In particular, Fedor and his team is going to climb all the highest points of this country. ... read more

The famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov was today a guest of the 7 Summits Club. He came to say goodbye before a long expedition to Ethiopia. In particular, Fedor and his team is going to climb all the highest points of this country. Alexander Abramov and Ludmila Korobeshko discussed with him a program of trekking to the foothills of Mount Everest in April and May 2012. Fedor wants to organize a group with participation of Orthodox priests.

Fyodor Konyukhov, who was the first Russian climbed Seven Summits and reached two Poles. They have discussed various travel ideas, tell each other about their adventures and climbs, about Antarctica and Mount Everest.

Previous information


Start of the Great Jubilee Season in Antarctica

South Pole. The season of 2011-2012 marks the centenary of Amundsen's and Scott's expeditions to the South Pole. Many expeditions have already started and many arrive to Punta Arenas and waiting for next flight to Antarctica. Almost all of them devote ... read more

The season of 2011-2012 marks the centenary of Amundsen's and Scott's expeditions to the South Pole. Many expeditions have already started and many arrive to Punta Arenas and waiting for next flight to Antarctica. Almost all of them devote their travel to Amundsen's or Scott's Centenary celebrations, paying homage to the courage and determination of these great men and their colleagues. Among them two our travelers Victor Bobok and Igor Grishkov who take part in the South Pole Jubilee Expedition 1911-2011.


List of expeditions


South Pole Jubilee Expedition 1911-2011

Norwegian polar explorers Christian Eide and Borge Ousland have organized a South Pole Jubilee Expedition. The Jubilee teams will follow Amundsen's 700 km route up the Axel Heiberg Glacier, arriving at the South Pole by December 14. Along the way they plan to climb Mt Nansen, which has only had one previous ascent. In 2010 Christian Eide set the World record for fastest solo unsupported ski to the South Pole in 2011, while Borge Ousland completed the first solo Antarctic crossing in 1996 and was the first person to ski solo, with no re-supply to the North Pole.

Sørpolen 1911-2011

Sørpolen 1911-2011 will follow Amundsen's route from the Bay of Whales to the South Pole, covering the distance in the same number of days as the famous explorer. Led by Jan-Gunnar Winther, head of the Norsk Polarinstitutt, this expedition will showcase Norwegian polar history and spotlight current climatic and environmental challenges. The Expedition is part of the Nansen-Amundsen Year that honors both Amundsen's South Pole conquest and 150 years since the birth of Arctic explorer Fridtjof Nansen. (English)


The South Pole - 100 Years After

Asle Johansen crossed Greenland in 1988, one hundred years after Nansen, using period clothing and equipment. Now Johansen will celebrate the Amundsen Centenary in a similar fashion, with teammates Agnar Berg and Gaute Grindhaug. The three Norwegians will follow Amundsen's Axel Heiberg route from the Ross Ice Shelf to the South Pole using replica clothing and equipment to better understand Amundsen's journey. Johansen, a physician and researcher specializing in the body's response to extreme physical and mental stress, emphasizes that this is not just a replica expedition, but a scientific journey. (Norwegian)


South Pole 1911-2011

Albert Bosch and Carles Gel from Spain will ski unsupported from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole. They plan to arrive by December 14 and thus commemorate Roald Amundsen's historic feat.


Hvitserk Ski South Pole

Norwegian Outfitter Hvitserk will lead an Anniversary South Pole Expedition. The team will follow the 'Messner Route' and ski unsupported to the South Pole, arriving by December 14 to join the Amundsen Centenary celebrations.


Steffen Dahl

Norwegian Steffen Dahl is skiing to both North and South Poles in 2011 to honor the achievements of Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen. Dahl reached the North Pole on April 11 and will ski alone and unsupported from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole. (Norwegian)


Scott-Amundsen Centenary Race 2011-12

Two teams. Two routes. Skiing unsupported to the South Pole. Six members of the British Army will re-trace Amundsen's and Scott's routes to the South Pole, in a tribute to the courage, determination and pioneering spirit of these great explorers. The Amundsen team, led by Henry Worsley (Shackleton Centenary Expedition 2008) will depart from the Bay of Whales, cross the Ross Ice Shelf and ascend the Axel Heiberg Glacier. Mark Langridge (solo to the Pole 2008) will lead the Scott team from Cape Evans, across the ice shelf and up the Beardmore Glacier. Both teams expect to cover their distance in about 70 days, arriving at the South Pole in early January.

One Call Wintercamp

Nine Norwegian skiers will ski and kite-ski from 88° 30'S to the South Pole. The expedition celebrates Roald Amundsen's dream to achieve something many believed was unattainable. (Norwegian)

Ski Last Degree Expeditions

A number of Antarctic enthusiasts, including the Norwegian Prime Minister, will ski shorter distances to the South Pole in celebration of the Amundsen and Scott Centenaries. Many of the groups will ani ski last degree, the last 60 nautical miles, taking from 7 to 10 days to complete their journey.

Other Antarctic Crossing and Ski South Pole-Return Expeditions

Kaspersky ONE Transantarctic Expedition

Felicity Aston (2009 Kaspersky Lab Commonwealth Expedition Leader) is heading back to Antarctica - this time solo. Felicity will make a 1700km, 65-day journey, becoming the first woman in the world to cross Antarctica alone. The documentary film about Felicity's 2009 expedition will be screened at the Banff Mountain and Dijon Adventure Film Festivals this November. But don't expect to see Felicity there!


Aleksander Gamme

Aleksander Gamme will ski solo from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole, then turn around and ski solo back to the edge of the Antarctic continent. Inspired by Amundsen. Gamme admits to feeling "humble" when he thinks about the physical and mental challenges of being alone in the icy wilderness for so long.

Mark George

Explorer and motivational speaker Mark George plans to ski solo and unsupported from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole, then return by kite-ski to the coast, for a total of 2,300 kms.

Crossing the Ice

Two Australians Justin Jones and James Castrission will trek from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, without assistance of any kind. Their expedition will raise funds for You Can, a fundraising campaign to build specialized youth cancer centres across Australia.

South Pole and Back - Ski and Kite

Polar explorer and speed-record holder Richard Weber will lead a 35 day, unsupported trek from the "Messner Start" on the Filchner Ice Shelf to the South Pole. From the South Pole the team will kite-ski back to Hercules Inlet at the edge of the continent.

Ski South Pole - Messner Start and Hercules Inlet

ANI Ski South Pole Messner

ANI guide Hannah McKeand holds the record for most ski expeditions from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole - and this year she will again cross the icy continent. McKeand and fellow ANI guide Charlie Patton will lead two ANI Ski South Pole - Messner teams to the South Pole.

Pole to Pole Run

When endurance runner Pat Farmer starts his Antarctic expedition, he will already have run two marathons every day, no days off, for almost a year and clocked nearly 13,000 miles through 14 countries. This is the last leg on an incredible trek from the North Pole to the South Pole to raise $100 million for the International Red Cross.

Mark Wood

"The North South Solo expedition has been classed as the toughest expedition on the planet." But this is exactly what polar explorer Mark Wood plans to undertake. He will ski from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole. Then next spring, head to the Canadian Arctic to ski solo to the North Pole.

PolarExplorers Ski South Pole - Hercules

This guided expedition will traverse from Hercules Inlet at the edge of the Antarctic continent, to the South Pole.


Thompson Reuters Eikon South Pole Expedition

It's about challenge and proving greener technologies for Polar exploration, says their website. This expedition will attempt to beat the overland record to the Pole in a specially-built, efficient, bio-fuelled vehicle. They will use solar panels to further reduce their carbon footprint and real-time GPS Satellite communications and tracking.

Welcome to the Elbrus region ! CTO is canceled

Elbrus. Counterterrorist operation (CTO) in the Elbrus and the part of the Baksan regions of Kabardino-Balkaria canceled on November 5. The head of the Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov said that the CTO regime will be off to the beginning of winter ... read more

Counterterrorist operation (CTO) in the Elbrus and the part of the Baksan regions of Kabardino-Balkaria canceled on November 5. The head of the Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov said that the CTO regime will be off to the beginning of winter ski season. The CTO regime throughout the Elbrus and the Baksan areas of Kabardino-Balkaria was introduced February 20, 2011.

«…because of continuing threat of subversive and terror acts, the republic keeps all its mountain resorts near Elbrus closed for tourists. In order to prevent possible threats to life and health of people, being guided by Article 11 of the Federal Law 'On Counteracting Terrorism', during a counterterrorist operation (CTO) regime, it was prohibited to let tourist groups and individual tourists to the ski resort near Elbrus, which is inside the CTO area,"

Welcome !

Elbrus - is invaluable pride and property ¹1 among the main miracles of Russia. The greatest mountain of Europe! One of the seventh of most magnificent highest tops that hold a firmament on different continents of our planet.

The material has been made during small travel to Caucasus and ascension to Elbrus from February till March, 2011. Despite heavy weather conditions, we still were able to embody some beautiful fragments of life of this wonderful mountain.

Enjoy viewing!

video from Vladimir Voychuk




Latest news from JSC "Northern Caucasus Resorts”



JSC "Northern Caucasus Resorts” agrees with the changes to the law on special economic zones, which were coordinated with environmentalists. On the November 2 The State Duma at the second reading passed thå version of the legislation that as far as possible ensures conservation of the reserved areas and at the same time privides conditions for the effective development of the touristic zones.

Earlier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCR Akhmed Bilalov was categorically against submitted to the Duma edition of the bill and insisted on its correlation with the views of influential environmentalists. "The tabled version of the law is presented as dictated by the needs of the North Caucasus tourism cluster. However, some officials have tried to put into this law all their problems which they did not want to solve for many years. We will ensure, that the changes will affect only those sites that are being developed within the special economic zones for tourism and recreation under strict government control”, - said Bilalov.

During further consultations a mutually acceptable version of the bill was developed. "The new version of amendments accordes with most of the claims of environmentalists," - said in a statement of WWF Russia. "We managed to find formulations that allow the development of environmental management in the biosphere ranges - that is their primary goal, but it does not entail damaging effects as the previous bill project, - said Igor Chestin, director of WWF-Russia.

Akhmed Bilalov expressed his confidence that the accepted amendments to the law on special economic zones will not harm protected areas.and will contribute to the effective development of the North Caucasus region will attract private investors to the tourism projects in the south of Russia.

"The bill provides tax deduction for residents of tourist-recreational SEZ for a period up to 2023, greatly simplifies the form of land use and technical regulations. The preferences, which are established by the bill are extremely attractive for investors ", - said Bilalov. He also reminded that the project of the North Caucasus tourism cluster will create in the region more than 300 thousand new jobs.

*** The project of the tourism cluster in the south of Russia in 2011-2020 involves the construction of five world-class mountain resorts: Lagonaki (Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea), Arkhyz (Karachay-Cherkessia), Elbrus-Bezengi (Kabardino-Balkaria), Mamison (Republic of North Ossetia - Alania), Matlas (Republic of Dagestan). The planned total length of ski runs will be almost 900 km and they will have 179 ski lifts. The hotels with varying comfort levels will accommodate 89 000 people. Daily capacity of the resorts will reach 150 500 people and each year the North Caucasus tourist cluster will be visited by 5 to 10 million tourists.

The total cost of the ski project is estimated at 451 billion rubles. The project is financed by a public-private partnership. Government invests via "NCR" corporation 60 billion in transport and utilities infrastructure, private business is financing the facilities of resort infrastructure.

The Russian government is considering the inclusion of the coastal area of the Caspian Sea (Dagestan), Caucasus Mineral Waters (Stavropol Territory) and the Republic of Ingushetia to the North Caucasus tourism cluster project.

Soon South Elbrus will be open for all

Elbrus.   The southern slopes of Mount Elbrus will be open to all visitors, probably from 1th December. Counter-terrorist operation is not canceled and may be even remain. However,  no special restrictions on the visit will be exist. ... read more


The southern slopes of Mount Elbrus will be open to all visitors, probably from 1th December. Counter-terrorist operation is not canceled and may be even remain. However,  no special restrictions on the visit will be exist. Cable cars, damaged by terrorists, are fully restored. Hotels are preparing to meet skiers. In the spring we are waiting for ski tourists, then the race in Elbrus. We hope that next summer will be in normal.

Elbrus area qualifies as a backup venue for ski competitions of the Olympic Games in 2014. Authority promise a beginning  large-scale construction works in nearest future.

Fresh pictures from the Elbrus Regin (from


Mount Cheget - an extreme skiers paradize


Majestic Donguz-Orun


Meanwhile, Olympic Organizing Committee announced plans for the torch relay....


Author: Stefan Korshak.

Relay runners will for the first time carry the Olympic flame to the North Pole, Russian organizers of the 2014 Winter Games said on Tuesday.



 Dmitry Chernyshenko. Archive picture: Yuri Kochetkov

"The most ambitous relay race" ever attempted with an Olympic flame will also take the fire into space and across a 5,000 metre mountain, Dmitry Chernyshenko, head of Russia's Olympic committee, told the news agency Itar-Tass.

A trip for the flame into space, possibly involving the International Space Station (ISS), will be a major challenge, as will be taking the fire to the summit of the 5,642-metre-high Mount Elbrus, Russia's tallest mountain and the highest peak in Europe, Chernyshenko said.

The Olympic flame is scheduled to arrive in Moscow from Athens in October 2013 and then to travel in relays just under 9,000 kilometres to the Pacific port Vladivostok.

In the remaining 123 days until the Olympic Games, running from February 7 to 23, the flame and its carriers will follow a route of more than 40,000km through all 83 major cities in Russia's regions, Chernyshenko said.

More than 30,000 volunteers will participate in the flame relay, he said.

The 22nd Winter Olympic games are scheduled to be held from February 7 to 23, 2014, in the Black Sea port city Sochi and in the adjacent Caucasian mountain resort Krasnaya Polyana.


Independent, Ski visit into Krasnaya Polana



Guides of 7 Summits Club in the trainee camp in Crimea

Hi everyone!Almost all the guide and managers of 7 Summits Club comes in the Crimea, and not just relaxing, but also to gain new knowledge and skills of the profession of mountain guide. But let’s start from the very beginning! ... read more

Hi everyone!
Almost all the guide and managers of 7 Summits Club comes in the Crimea, and not just relaxing, but also to gain new knowledge and skills of the profession of mountain guide. But let’s start from the very beginning!

On Saturday evening we arrived in the glorious village of Simeiz.

Of course, in the first day we did not have lessons, but staged a night swimming in the Black sea. Honesty to say, not all the guides of 7 Summits ventured on it's, but those who has found the forces in itself for this were satisfied and happy:)


In Sunday we started with lectures about medicine in the mountains, from our friend, Dr. Igor Pokhvalin. Igor gave us a short course about a typical disease in the mountains, the psychological aspect in the work of a mountain guide and about the specific of high-altitude ascents.

After this, despite the rain, we went to practice our skills on the rocks. Our team was split up into two groups, with one works instructor - Denis Saveliev, on the other Igor Pekhterev.

The first trainee on the rocks

Judging by the exhausted, but still pleased faces of our guides, all have a lot of enthusiasm for learning, and working hard receiving new knowledge.

Our instructor Igor Pekhterev and the doctor and mountaineer Igor Pokhvalin. Experience exchanging

 Instructor Dan Saveliev shows how Canadian guides makes the ancors

On Monday we continued our training, learning to properly work with the client in short rope, walking with him on the rocks, and much more. On the same day we were joined by our chef - Alexander Abramov.
These are the routes we climb.. for warm-up)))

On Tuesday, we plan improvement of skills of work on a rocky terrain, and certainly a lot of new and interesting things!

Buy everyone, the Team of the 7 Summits Club!

The new message from Victor Bobok

Kilimanjaro. "We are at height of 3800 m. Early morning. We are ready to start climbing. I've just measured indicators of oxygen at all participants. It's ok! We continue the ascension. Everything is ok. Everybody feel good. We hope for good weather in ... read more

"We are at height of 3800 m. Early morning. We are ready to start climbing. I've just measured indicators of oxygen at all participants. It's ok! We continue the ascension. Everything is ok. Everybody feel good. We hope for good weather in day of our ascension. Bye!"

Bobok Victor sends the message from slopes of Kilimanjaro - we are at height of 3700 m!

Kilimanjaro. "Everything is ok. Yesterday we have risen on height 3700ì, today we continue our ascension. Everybody feel good (even in spite of the fact, that people are in mountains at first time). Our company is cheerful. We hope, that further all ... read more

"Everything is ok. Yesterday we have risen on height 3700ì, today we continue our ascension. Everybody feel good (even in spite of the fact, that people are in mountains at first time). Our company is cheerful. We hope, that further all also will be good. Good luck, Bye!"

Victor Bobok - the group has gathered and is ready to the ascension

Kilimanjaro. Bobok Victor sends the message from slopes of mount Kilimanjaro: "Last night I have met the group. All guys are nice. Everything is ok. All of them have never been in mountains. Even Swisses, who live in highland, never went on ascensions. ... read more

Bobok Victor sends the message from slopes of mount Kilimanjaro: "Last night I have met the group. All guys are nice. Everything is ok. All of them have never been in mountains. Even Swisses, who live in highland, never went on ascensions. Now we go to Kilimandjaro National Park. And soon we'll leave on a route. All greetings, Bye!"


New expedition of "7 Summits Club" under the guidance of Victor Bobok has begun

Kilimanjaro. On Wednesday, on 24th of August, the next expedition of "7 Summits Club" under the guidance of Victor Bobok has begun. First two days the group has devoted to visiting the National Parks of Tanzania (accompanied by our local partners). ... read more

On Wednesday, on 24th of August, the next expedition of "7 Summits Club" under the guidance of Victor Bobok has begun. First two days the group has devoted to visiting the National Parks of Tanzania (accompanied by our local partners). Today our guide Victor Bobok will join the group. He will lead the team on Machame route. Wait for the news!


To Celebrate the New Year in Antarctica!!! There are 3 places in Antarctica to the South Pole, and Massif Vinson.

South Pole. Programs: The ascent of Massif Vinson - the highest peak of AntarcticaExpedition to the South Pole. "The last degree" (Ski tour 111êì). Antarctica Hello friends! We still have the last 3 places in Antarctica to the South Pole, and ... read more


The ascent of Massif Vinson - the highest peak of Antarctica
Expedition to the South Pole. "The last degree" (Ski tour 111êì). Antarctica

Hello friends!

We still have the last 3 places in Antarctica to the South Pole, and Vinson Massif.
Vinson Massif - check in from December 26 to January 12.
The South Pole - check in from 2 to 19 January.
On all other dates groups have already been formed and there are no places!

Now we have 2 groups of "the Last degree" at the South Pole:
From 13 to 29 December (full)
and from 2 to 19 January (there are 3 places)

2 groups on the Vinson Massif:
From 13 to 29 December (full)
From December 26 to January 12(there are 2 places)

Be defined urgently till August, 15th
Opportunity only knocks once!










Congratulations to Ludmila Korobeshko happy Birthday!!!

Ours congratulations to our guide, Lyudmila Êîðîáåøêî, which is now somewhere on the way to the height of the 5100ì at the Peak Korzhenevskaya, happy Birthday!!!We wish Ludmila, that she always stay the same beautiful, strong and cheerful ... read more

Ours congratulations to our guide, Lyudmila Êîðîáåøêî, which is now somewhere on the way to the height of the 5100ì at the Peak Korzhenevskaya, happy Birthday!!!
We wish Ludmila, that she always stay the same beautiful, strong and cheerful and a lot of new, interesting places and meetings!
Well, for those who want to congratulate her and write something warm in this day, here is her satellite phone number, to which you can send a message: +8821621278807




Summit !!!

Everest. According to Alexander Abramov, the summit of Everest was climbed by seven members of the expedition 7 Summits Club, guides Victor Bobok and Noel Hanna, and seven Sherpas. We were the first in this decisive day, because we started first. ... read more

According to Alexander Abramov, the summit of Everest was climbed by seven members of the expedition 7 Summits Club, guides Victor Bobok and Noel Hanna, and seven Sherpas. We were the first in this decisive day, because we started first. Our team reached the summit about 3:30 local time.



Members of the expedition 7 Summits Club:

Karina Mezova (28 years) Nalchik

Andrew Podolyan (39) Moscow

Dmitry Sokov  (43) Sakhalin

Igor Prinzyuk (33) Khabarovsk

Yuri Beloivan (44) Moscow

Roman Gretzky (39) Moscow

Christopher Cannizzaro (25) U.S.


Noel Hanna (44) Ireland

Victor Bobok (50) Moscow

And our beloved friends Sherpas ( 7 persons)

Team 7 Summits Club starts in 40 minutes

Everest.   All day it was snowing, but we have no choice. About 170 people are now in the assault camp. We need to leave early to avoid stuck in traffic jams on the Second step. And tomorrow, according to the forecast, the weather will ... read more


All day it was snowing, but we have no choice. About 170 people are now in the assault camp. We need to leave early to avoid stuck in traffic jams on the Second step. And tomorrow, according to the forecast, the weather will deteriorate in the middle of the day.  Forecasters promised an almost windless night with a weak clouds. So that the exit is scheduled at 7 p.m. local time (in Tibet - 8 p.m.). All 19 people are preparing for a summit push.




Evening news from Everest, good enough ....

Everest. Today, in a day, Tibetan climbers have completed the preparation of route, now the rope fixed up along the whole route to the summit. The way is open. Weather still gives hope for a successful ascent. Wind is within allowable in power. On ... read more

Today, in a day, Tibetan climbers have completed the preparation of route, now the rope fixed up along the whole route to the summit. The way is open. Weather still gives hope for a successful ascent. Wind is within allowable in power. On the scheduled day, it should not worsen. The whole team (8 members, 8 Sherpas and 3 guides) are now in a camp at an altitude of 7800 meters. On May 20, in the morning, they will go to the assault camp at 8,300 m. And the same evening, that is, tomorrow, the whole team should go into the assault of Everest. All are doing well. A. Abramov.


Everest: our team is climbing to the camp 7500 meters

Everest.  All 19 climbers of the 7 Summits Club expedition on Everest are climbing from the North Col (7000 m) to a camp at an altitude of 7500 meters. Summit bid is scheduled for the night of 20 to 21 May for whole group. At this time, due to ... read more

 All 19 climbers of the 7 Summits Club expedition on Everest are climbing from the North Col (7000 m) to a camp at an altitude of 7500 meters. Summit bid is scheduled for the night of 20 to 21 May for whole group. At this time, due to weather conditions, most expeditions have shifted final attemts, both in North and South. However, on the north side, the route to the summit has not yet climbed and fixed with ropes. This is alarming. Tibetan climbers from the local mountaineering association should have been updated all ropes along the route.


Plans are defined, a summit bid will begin at midnight ....

Everest. Expedition leader Alexander Abramov has sent information from the camp ABC. A summit bid for the expedition 7 Summits Club is scheduled for the night of 20 to 21 May. The Chinese have promised to finalize the route and fix ropes up to the ... read more

Expedition leader Alexander Abramov has sent information from the camp ABC. A summit bid for the expedition 7 Summits Club is scheduled for the night of 20 to 21 May. The Chinese have promised to finalize the route and fix ropes up to the summit on May 20. Tomorrow, May 18, the entire group of 19 people pulled out of ABC to the North Col camp (7000 meters). May, 19 – to the camp at 7500 meters. May, 20 – to the assault camp at altitude of 8300 meters. May, 21 - an attempt to climb the summit. Now all members of the expedition is preparing for exit

Specifically, members:

Karina Mezova (28 years) Nalchik

Andrey Podolyan (39) Moscow

Dmitry Sokov (43) Sakhalin

Igor Prinzyuk (33) Khabarovsk

Yuri Beloivan (44) Moscow

Roman Gretzky (39) Moscow

Christopher Cannizzaro (25) U.S.

guides of the expedition:

Sergey Larin (51) Tver

Noel Hanna (44) Ireland

Victor Bobok (50) Moscow

and 9 Sherpas ....

Alexander Abramov, plans to stay the climb from camp ABC.




News from the Himalayas: on the north of Everest is still waiting ...

The 7 Summits Club Everest expedition continues to wait for completing preparation of route. Under contracts, it had to be done by Tibetans, employees of the local Association of mountaineering. However, their forces are not enough, a lot ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Everest expedition continues to wait for completing preparation of route. Under contracts, it had to be done by Tibetans, employees of the local Association of mountaineering. However, their forces are not enough, a lot of snow, wind ... It must be other solutions, they need help by expeditions. However, a potential for this is not so big, every expedition leader takes care of his Sherpas to work with clients. But there is no other exit, you need to sacrifice something for the common cause.

Last week, in two days more than 40 climbers reached the summit of Everest from the south. Including a large number of commercial members. And one of the guides of Alpine Ascent Michael Horst made a significant achievement - he climbed the summits both Everest and Lhotse in a day.

Our other expeditions. Israfil Ashurly in the team of Alexey Bolotov attempted to climb Kanchenjunga. However, our climbers were stopped by strong wind and now they are preparing for the second attempt. Also, the wind did not allowed to climb Shisha Pangma for Donetsk team of climbers led by Sergei Kovalev. They will also prepare for a new assault.

Search on for Belarusion climbers!

May 15th, 2011 by fishtailair. On the 14th and 15th May, we had done aerial search on Thulagi Peak 7057 m (which is also called Mansiri Himal). The mountain had been scouted in the entire altitude, from the top till the bottom in all ... read more

May 15th, 2011 by fishtailair. On the 14th and 15th May, we had done aerial search on Thulagi Peak 7057 m (which is also called Mansiri Himal). The mountain had been scouted in the entire altitude, from the top till the bottom in all the faces. No life could be seen and today 15th we saw a tent at around 6300 m. It was dark green in color, and it was located on the south face. We landed and one of our rescuers jumped out from the helicopter and went inside the tent. There were sleeping bags and some equipment but no human sign. Few pieces of equipment have been taken as a proof of our research to be recognized by the family. When we took off from that place (6300 m) and we found some footprints above the tent, ending in a sharp ridge. We searched a lot below that ridge and above. We also went to other directions starting from other potential climbing routes but nothing could be found. From my climbing experience I’m quite sure that they fell in a crevasse or from that ridge because that place was really dangerous.