Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" has completed the acclimatization cycle and is preparing to climb Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! The Campeones group spent the night on Nido de Condores, at 5600 meters. And to consolidate acclimatization, we went to the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! The Campeones group spent the night on Nido de Condores, at 5600 meters. And to consolidate acclimatization, we went to the Colera camping place, to see the assault camp, from where all the groups go out to summit climb. After that we returned to the Plaza de Mulas.  Next, according to the plan, there will be a day of rest and recuperation.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.







There are at least three reasons to climb Mount Everest this year, 2023

Everest. The 7 Summits Club invites you this year, 2023, to join an expedition to the Himalayas and climb the highest peak in the World, Mount Everest. If there is an opportunity – you need to go, there is no opportunity - you need to look! The ... read more

The 7 Summits Club invites you this year, 2023, to join an expedition to the Himalayas and climb the highest peak in the World, Mount Everest. If there is an opportunity – you need to go, there is no opportunity - you need to look!  The first reason not to postpone your participation in the attempt to climb Mount Everest is obvious. The world is far from political stability. The softest thing to say.

And if there is still an opportunity to celebrate something, we celebrate! This year Nepal is preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest. What is our benefit? The anniversary will be felt all along the route. And at the end of the expedition to Kathmandu, we will be greeted by a real carnival. There is every reason to assume that in 2024 China will open a route to Mount Everest from the north. And the main expedition of the 7 Summits Club will be conducted from there. If you want to climb Everest in the team of the legendary man Alex Abramov from Nepal, then it is unknown when the next opportunity will be. Probably from 2024 we will be on the north side.


Program and details









The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above the ground" has completed the program, and the guides are already waiting for new participants  

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina, from the group "7000 above the ground"! Our group completed the program and safely descended to Mendoza. Here the guides handed over ... read more


The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina, from the group "7000 above the ground"!  Our group completed the program and safely descended to Mendoza.  Here the guides handed over certificates of ascent to the participants. Now we are warming up in a hot city and waiting for the next participants.  Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.








The Style of the 7 Summits Club. About morning coffee at Aconcagua Base Camp

Aconcagua. Guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov from Argentina: What is better: a morning cup of coffee or an evening glass of wine? At the Base Camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua, at an altitude of 4,300 m, our participants do not ... read more

Guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov from Argentina:

What is better:  a morning cup of coffee or an evening glass of wine?  At the Base Camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua, at an altitude of 4,300 m, our participants do not have such a dilemma, because there is an opportunity to enjoy both. Malbec and Chardonnay are traditionally served for dinner, but we took care of the morning coffee ourselves. The organization of the process took some time. We have purchased a capsule Nespresso coffee machine, with a choice of 10 varieties of natural coffee for every taste.  Not every Mendoza coffee shop has such an assortment!   At the same time, we have a separate solar panel that feeds only our coffee machine. Do you think it was worth doing such a laborious process for a cup of coffee in the morning?  We didn't even have such a question. We always think about how to make the stay of our participants in the expedition as comfortable as possible. And again, no company on the Plaza de Mulas has such a service. So our friends, neighbors and the staff of the Aconcagua Vision kitchen come to us to enjoy a fragrant drink. And maybe you will have time this season? Well, if it doesn't work out in this, then welcome to the next one!... Bienvenidos a Argentina! From Aconcagua Base Camp Valery Myasoedov.













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" went up to Camp Canada and descended back to the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! The Campeones group continues to acclimatize and prepare for the ascent on Aconcagua. Yesterday we went 5000 meters to the Plaza Canada. Everyone is in a ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! The Campeones group continues to acclimatize and prepare for the ascent on Aconcagua. Yesterday we went 5000 meters to the Plaza Canada.  Everyone is in a fighting mood. The weather is beautiful.  Along the way, we radioed with the groups of the 7 Summits Club, who climbed to the top that day.  Today we are resting. And tomorrow we go to Nido de Condores with an overnight stay. We will master a new height - 5600 meters. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.








Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above ground" made a successful ascent on Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above ground"! We have successfully climbed our peak, which is the highest for the two Americas and is included in the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above ground"!  We have successfully climbed our peak, which is the highest for the two Americas and is included in the list of "Seven Summits". We immediately escaped from the mountain to the base camp. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.







Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club Quatro Mosqueteros made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina: Hello to all from the Quatro Mosqueteros group! Yesterday we had the summit. Despite the so-so forecast with strong winds along the top, the weather yesterday was ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

Hello to all from the Quatro Mosqueteros group! Yesterday we had the summit. Despite the so-so forecast with strong winds along the top, the weather yesterday was almost exceptionally perfect and, for our part, did not prevent us from going to the mountain in any way. Moreover, in full force. The Musketeers did not think it was enough to walk to the top and they decided not to stay in the assault camp on the descent, but to go straight down to the base camp - Plaza de Mulas. Today we come to our senses, blow off the dust from the equipment.

Tomorrow he goes down and we move to Chile to Atacama, to our next goal - the volcano Ojos del Salado. Active assistance in the ascent was provided by another guide of the 7 Summits Club, Valera Myasoedov, who played the role of de Treville.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" acclimatizes in the area of the Plaza de Mulas base camp

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! The Campeones group took a walk on the day of rest to the Casper House - that's what we called the abandoned hotel. It took half an hour to walk from the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! The Campeones group took a walk on the day of rest to the Casper House - that's what we called the abandoned hotel.  It took half an hour to walk from the base camp. We took pictures, looked at Aconcagua, and returned to the camp. Tomorrow we go to Plaza Canada, it's 5000 meters. We begin high-altitude acclimatization. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.





The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" climbed to the base camp of the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! The Campeones group made a long march from the Confluencia camp to the Plaza de Mulas camp. There, as always, we were hospitably welcomed. The next day, ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! The Campeones group made a long march from the Confluencia camp to the Plaza de Mulas camp. There, as always, we were hospitably welcomed. The next day, according to the plan, we have a rest and a short walk to the abandoned hotel. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.






Two groups of the 7 Summits Club leave the Plaza de Mulas camp to climb Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the ground"! Our team has become smaller, unfortunately. Today we are going to the summit climb, we will be ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the ground"!  Our team has become smaller, unfortunately. Today we are going to the summit climb, we will be out of touch. We hope for good weather and our strength. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.

 The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

A group of four Musketeers come out of the Plaza de Mulas. The plan is simple - to climb to the top of Mount Aconcagua in a couple of days. We are ready for this. The wind calmed down a little, fingers crossed, fists held.






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" made an acclimatization rotation to the Plaza France

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Meanwhile, the Campeones group continues to actively prepare for the ascent on Aconcagua. And for this we made an acclimatization rotation towards Plaza France, which ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Meanwhile, the Campeones group continues to actively prepare for the ascent on Aconcagua.  And for this we made an acclimatization rotation towards Plaza France, which is located under the Southern Face of Aconcagua.  We reached the height of 4000 meters, where we held a photo shoot. Then we returned to the camp, where we had to pass a medical check in the evening.  We passed this event with dignity. Tomorrow we will go to the Plaza de Mulas, our base camp, where we will prepare for the ascent by acclimatization rotation. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.




We continue to form a team of climbers for Mount Everest-2023 expedition. You are welcome!

Everest. The 7 Summits Club continues to invite members for participation in the 2023 Everest expedition! Alexander Abramov, the permanent leader of all Everest expeditions, will lead our next ascent to the highest peak in the World. Our twenty ... read more

The 7 Summits Club continues to invite members for participation in the 2023 Everest expedition!  Alexander Abramov, the permanent leader of all Everest expeditions, will lead our next ascent to the highest peak in the World. Our twenty years of experience, our twenty years of efforts to improve service, to ensure security – everything is at your service! To all those who are ready for this, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our program, with our additional materials and make the right decision.  We advise you not to postpone your attempt to climb to the highest peak in the World, you understand why.  

Everest Climb (8848m) South Side, Nepal. (Full guides and high Sherpa service)










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Campeones" went up to the Confluencia camp

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! The Campeones group is on its way to the summit of Aconcagua. First we started from the Penitentes to Horcones - this is the entrance to the park. Here we ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! The Campeones group is on its way to the summit of Aconcagua. First we started from the Penitentes to Horcones - this is the entrance to the park. Here we registered our permits, and then walked 7 km to the Confluencia camp.  This camp is located at an altitude of 3500. Here we will spend 2 days, in order to acclimatize. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.




The group of the 7 Summits Club “Quatro mosqueteros” descended to the base camp after an acclimatization rotation at 6000m

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina: Yesterday-today on Aconcagua. We went up to the Nido de Condores camp. We are almost not tired. We even managed to sleep well. The forecast was for the whole day ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

Yesterday-today on Aconcagua. We went up to the Nido de Condores camp. We are almost not tired. We even managed to sleep well. The forecast was for the whole day 90-100km/h along the summit, and we need to complete acclimatization by walking at 6000m. So we packed up and went out thinking that if it gets really bad, we'll be back in half an hour. However, we returned after 4 hours, reducing the plan quite a bit, we did not reach 50 meters in height. Now the group is already resting under the howling wind in the Plaza de Mulas. The forecast for the next few days looks so-so, but we will try to conjure.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above the ground" made the final acclimatization rotation

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the ground"! Our acclimatization stage has come to an end. Yesterday we spent the night at Nido de Condores, ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the ground"!  Our acclimatization stage has come to an end. Yesterday we spent the night at Nido de Condores, altitude 5500m.  Then we walked up to a height of about 6000m. A gusty strong wind was blowing, so we tested ourselves and our equipment. Now we have a day of rest and according to the program only our goal remains, the assault on Mount Aconcagua. We are waiting for the weather and only up! Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.












A new group of the 7 Summit Club has arrived in Argentina and tomorrow begins its climb to the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! Argentina is in touch! A new team called "Campeones" begins its journey to the top of Aconcagua. Yesterday we all gathered in the hot Mendoza, checked the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! Argentina is in touch! A new team called "Campeones" begins its journey to the top of Aconcagua. Yesterday we all gathered in the hot Mendoza, checked the equipment, ate the famous Argentine steaks. And today we are already spending the night in Penentes, in comfortable camping tents. Tomorrow we go to the park and move to the Confluencia camp. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.



The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above the Ground"  made a rotation to the Plaza Canada

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the Earth"! We continue the acclimatization program, went to Plaza Canada, then rested. Today we are going to ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the Earth"!  We continue the acclimatization program, went to Plaza Canada, then rested. Today we are going to spend the night on Nido De Condores. The connection is very unstable, so we write news with a delay. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.










The group of the 7 Summits Club Quatro mosqueteros has already made an acclimatization rotation to Camp Canada

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina: Diary of the expedition on Aconcagua. January 22. We walked to an abandoned hotel, it didn't seem enough. We went higher. Upon returning to the camp, we looked into ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

Diary of the expedition on Aconcagua.

January 22. We walked to an abandoned hotel, it didn't seem enough. We went higher. Upon returning to the camp, we looked into the high-mountain art gallery to Miguel Doura.

January 23.  The acclimatization rotation to the Canada camp. On the way we met our friend Maksut Zhumaev. We spent some time at the top point, enjoyed the scenery and had lunch with quesadillas. We went down, along the way we learned to move along the scree slopes. Those who arrived with new shoes collected shoals. We will glue the scuffs on the feet until they take the shape of a shoe. The evening was spent in the company of Rustam Nabiyev (a disabled man without legs), who had climbed on the top of Aconcagua the day before.



Everyone is inspired and delighted by his feat – to ascend on hands only!















Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the Plaza de Mulas base camp

Aconcagua. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club came to the Plaza de Mulas camp. The group "7000 above the Earth" with guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov and the group Quatro mosqueteros with a guide Artem Rostovtsev. The weather pleases: ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club came to the Plaza de Mulas camp. The group "7000 above the Earth" with guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov and the group Quatro mosqueteros with a guide Artem Rostovtsev.  

The weather pleases: clear, sunny, warm. They walked slowly, without hurry and cheerfully. Plaza de Mulas welcomed us hospitably.  The mood is excellent, we are working according to the program.









Photos from the ascent and descent.  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" returned safely from the ascent on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jumbo! Today the program included the descent and awarding of climbers. The group "Mashujaa Tisa" (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club has finished its Whiskey ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo! Today the program included the descent and awarding of climbers. The group "Mashujaa Tisa" (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club has finished its Whiskey route... that is, Machame Route! The knights escaped quickly, beer and champagne were waiting at the gate, everyone is happy! In the evening, medals are waiting for their heroes! Guides Avtomonov Sergey and Fedyunin Evgeny.