Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club “Quatro mosqueteros” could not miss to visit the Plaza France

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina: The Quatro Mosqueteros group on the slopes of Aconcagua. D'Artagnan was quickly sorted out, but Athos, Partos and Aramis did not decide which of us was right away. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Argentina:

The Quatro Mosqueteros group on the slopes of Aconcagua. D'Artagnan was quickly sorted out, but Athos, Partos and Aramis did not decide which of us was right away. But the scales do not lie, they have put all the dots over i. Today we acclimatized with a walk towards Plaza Francia, where we were marked at 4000m. Passed the medical check perfectly.  The admission is received. We finished the day with delicious Argentine meat products with a drop of malbec. Tomorrow we will go to the Base Camp, aka Plaza de Mulas.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above the Ground" admired the Southern Face of Aconcagua as part of the acclimatization

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the Earth"! We walked today between large and beautiful rocks along the most beautiful trails. We came very ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "7000 above the Earth"!  We walked today between large and beautiful rocks along the most beautiful trails. We came very close to the mountain, our goal, at an altitude of 4000. We sat there for about an hour and went downstairs, where they were already cooking meat on the fire. Passed the medical check. Everyone is healthy and cheerful, tomorrow we move on – to Plaza de Mulaz. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.











Summit! The group "Nine Knights" of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Yevgeny Fedyunin, reports from Tanzania: Rise at midnight, exit at one, we will try. One of the knights, unfortunately, dropped out. The rest of the members of the group "Mashuta Tisa” (Nine Knights) of ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Yevgeny Fedyunin, reports from Tanzania:

Rise at midnight, exit at one, we will try.  One of the knights, unfortunately, dropped out. The rest of the members of the group "Mashuta Tisa” (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club and two guides reached Uhuru peak 5895 m quite cheerfully in 6 hours!

At 10:00 we went back to the Kosovo assault camp, rested and ate. And again, the dry season plays its role - snow and rain up to 3800 meters above sea level of the Millennium Camp. But, despite this, all the participants of the ascent were satisfied! Tomorrow departure to the hotel and awarding party.







The group of the 7 Summits Club "7000 above the Ground" started the walking part of the route and climbed from the Confluencia Camp  

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Argentina: Hello! News of the 7 Summits Club group "7000 above the Earth", the program "Ascent on Aconcagua". Today we went to the national park and moved to our first ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Argentina:

Hello! News of the 7 Summits Club group "7000 above the Earth", the program "Ascent  on Aconcagua". Today we went to the national park and moved to our first Confluencia camp. The weather is gorgeous, we walk in two groups, it's even hot on the way, the breeze saves us. When we arrived at the camp, we settled into comfortable tents and rest. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.








The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" has climbed to the Kosovo camp and is ready to go out for the night assault on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: 19.01. Jambo Rafiki! Today the Group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the assault camp of Kosovo 4800m. Something is not working out with ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

19.01. Jambo Rafiki! Today the Group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the assault camp of Kosovo 4800m. Something is not working out with the dry season... in the camp of Barafu 4600m there was a snow grain, which continues to pour into Kosovo! Otherwise, everything is fine, the group is positive, we will try to climb the Mountain at night! Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.











A new group of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua has arrived in Mendoza and is preparing to leave for the mountains

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina: Hello! Our new group on Aconcagua took the name "7000 above the ground". The first day in Mendoza: the fuss with packing, everyone is slightly excited before the start. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina:

Hello! Our new group on Aconcagua took the name "7000 above the ground". The first day in Mendoza: the fuss with packing, everyone is slightly excited before the start. We buy all the necessary little things and goodies, in general, we are preparing. The mood of the group is fighting.







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" passed the Baranko wall and reached the Karanga camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! In the morning, the Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights) group of the 7 Summits Club overcame the Baranko wall - the main technical obstacle of the entire route! ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki!  In the morning, the Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights) group of the 7 Summits Club overcame the Baranko wall - the main technical obstacle of the entire route! The fog has returned again... the boundless lava fields of Kilimanjaro fascinate with fabulous views! By lunchtime we got to the Camp Karanga 4030m and here we turned on the rain with cereals. Two streams run through the tent-canteen. Serge closes the group, he still has an hour to go, so much fun. But dinner, as always, is wonderful! And  all knights are happy!






















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" passed through the Lava Tower to the Baranko camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! The first minus degree at night, but a clear morning and bright Sun! Again, cool views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru 4562m. The group "Mashujaa ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo Rafiki! The first minus degree at night, but a clear morning and bright Sun! Again, cool views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru 4562m. The group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club continues its Machame Route. In 3 hours we gained 900m and went to the Lava Tower 4640m, there is lunch.

And yet, they gave fog, drizzle and grits... Well, and to those who did not believe in pole pole, the mountain sickness knocked, not much, but made it clear what height and speed are! The descent from the Lava Tower, into the valley of the Senecio grass palms and Camp Baranco 3900m, was slower.  We are waiting for dinner now! Everyone is tired, but happy. Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.


























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" climbed to the camp Shira of the Machame route on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! We still hope that the dry season has come… Sunny morning.. Morning Sir, coffee please! Life is good! Everyone feels great, their appetite is fine! The ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo Rafiki!  We still hope that the dry season has come… Sunny morning.. Morning Sir, coffee please! Life is good! Everyone feels great, their appetite is fine! The group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club, after greeting and the performance of the escort team, moved along the rocky path between the heather thickets to the next point of our route - the Shira plateau 3750m. Only a little fog was given from Moorland… We were on the Shira plateau by 13-00, not to mention triathlon lovers who came to the camp before noon! While you relax.. after lunch, let's go for a walk on the plateau, for the best acclimation! Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" goes on the route of climbing Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Hello everyone, from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! The group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club is ready to start! The last preparation and departure to ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Hello everyone, from the slopes of Kilimanjaro!  The group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club is ready to start! The last preparation and departure to the Gate Machame Route. The jungle is calling again!  Today we are going to a height of 3000 meters. Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.








A large photo report by Artem Rostovtsev. Antarctica – goodbye!

South Pole. Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club: The season in Antarctica has ended. It was not the longest for the 7 Summits Club, but as always productive. All the participants and guides managed to stand on the top of the Vinson massif. ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club:

The season in Antarctica has ended. It was not the longest for the 7 Summits Club, but as always productive. All the participants and guides managed to stand on the top of the Vinson massif. And the final group was lucky to be on the summit in quiet sunny windless weather, so the predicted -32 felt like -10. Now everyone has already gone home, the expedition equipment has been checked, repaired, preserved and is waiting for the next season. We invite everyone! Everyone who is ready.













































The group of the 7 Summits  Club "Argentina one love" made an acclimatization rotation to the Nido de Condores

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias! After a day of rest and a medical examination, the team of "Argentina one love" went for an acclimatization overnight at Nido de Condores. In the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits  Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias! After a day of rest and a medical examination, the team of "Argentina one love" went for an acclimatization overnight at Nido de Condores. In the afternoon, the weather turned bad and they went out to the camp in bad weather.  We settled in tents two by two, ate buckwheat porridge for dinner, then went to sleep in tents. So to speak, to get a high-altitude experience. At night, the wind was gusting more than 40 km/h. In the morning, we quickly gathered, shared our impressions of the overnight stay, had breakfast and went down to the Mulas. Snow fell decently overnight. In places it was above the knee. As a result, we successfully completed the acclimatization exit, tomorrow we rest and prepare for the summit assault. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.





The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" successfully descended into the valley after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo! Today is the descent and the award ceremony. The Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club decided that Kilimanjaro would just us let go. But the "dry season" made ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo! Today is the descent and the award ceremony. The Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club decided that Kilimanjaro would just us let go. But the "dry season" made a joke again, and turned on a rainstorm in the jungle!

It was fun before the gate, and at the exit champagne and Kilimanjaro beer! There were medals in the evening..  Guides Avtomonov Sergey and Fedyunin Evgeny.





















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love" made an acclimatization rotation to the Plaza Canada 

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dia! The group "Argentina one love" continues to acclimatize. Today we went to Plaza Canada, our first 5000 meters. There was a lot of snow on the mountain, so the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dia! The group "Argentina one love" continues to acclimatize. Today we went to Plaza Canada, our first 5000 meters. There was a lot of snow on the mountain, so the high-altitude boots fit like never before. By lunchtime, the fog had also descended, the surrounding views disappeared. Tomorrow we rest and prepare for the ascent to Nido de Condores, where we plan to spend a night. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.








The group of the 7 Summits Club  Mañana climbed high, but not to the top of Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina: Greetings from the slopes of Aconcagua from the Mañana group! Yesterday, our small but very friendly team, at 5 o'clock in the morning, went to storm the summit ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from the slopes of Aconcagua from the Mañana group!  Yesterday, our small but very friendly team, at 5 o'clock in the morning, went to storm the summit of Aconcagua (6962m). I would like to say that the weather all the days before the ascent was not for us, constant snowfalls did not contribute to a successful ascent.  And we felt it in full, at an altitude of 6400m at the beginning of the traverse. Winter snow, dry is very good for skiing, but not as for walking. There were three groups of us on this site, guys from Florida and two climbers from Mexico. In the middle of the traverse, only the Mexicans and we continued to fight. The most difficult climbing started after a place called La Cueva or cave. Where there was a stone scree, now a snowfield lay in front of us, the height of the snow in places reached the chest. The guys from Mexico and I joined forces and started trampling. Having reached the height of 6800, the Mexicans turned around, we continued climbing. But after an hour, it became clear that we would not reach our goal. We had to turn around. We were returning, already in the snowfall.  Valery was waiting for us in our assault camp with hot tea, thank you so much for that! Now we are in the base camp, warm and cozy, making plans for a rematch.












Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" made a successful ascent on the Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Midnight rise, "hard night eating", everyone is grumbling a little ... The group " Akukaracha" of the 7 Summits Club begins night preparation ... the exit was scheduled ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Midnight rise, "hard night eating", everyone is grumbling a little ... The group " Akukaracha" of the 7 Summits Club begins night preparation ... the exit was scheduled for 00-00! We reached Stella Point (5756 m) right cheerfully, at 5-30 we were on the crater! A little tea and then pole pole…

At 7-00, the whole group and guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin were at the top of Uhuru Peak 5895 m. Unlike the New Year's fuss, it was possible to take a picture and send greetings home! Only one participant set herself a high-altitude threshold of 4700, you can't argue with her health! By 9-30 we went down to the Kosovo assault camp, had a short nap, lunch, and today we need to drop another kilometer of altitude. We go further, to the Milenium camp 3800 m.

















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" is resting in the assault camp of Kosovo, at night they go out to climb summit!

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Today, the Akukaracha Group of the 7 Summits Club moved above the main assault camp Barafu 4600m to the Kosovo camp 4800m. We climbed a little higher for ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Today, the Akukaracha Group of the 7 Summits Club moved above the main assault camp Barafu 4600m to the Kosovo camp 4800m.  We climbed a little higher for acclimatization, had lunch, now relax. On the night of the assault! The Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club, under the guidance of guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin, is ready to climb Uhuru peak 5895m in the Kilimanjaro massif!











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love"  on the rest day  in the base camp of the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: The group "Argentina one love" on the day of rest visited a preserved hotel, now a tourist attraction, not far from the Plaza de Mulas base camp. We took some photos. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

The group "Argentina one love" on the day of rest visited a preserved hotel, now a tourist attraction, not far from the Plaza de Mulas base camp. We took some photos. About the weather: fresh and sunny in the morning, traditional snow in the afternoon. Tomorrow we will go to Plaza Canada - it's 5000 meters. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" climbed the Baranko wall and reached the Karanga camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club, without traffic jams, overcame the Baranko wall in 1.5 hours - much more pleasant than in the New ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club, without traffic jams, overcame the Baranko wall in 1.5 hours - much more pleasant than in the New Year's collapse! The only negative is the constant fog, and as a result, the lack of cool views and photos. On the way, we saw the consequences of the great October fire, the result of careless handling of fireworks - a very sad sight! We got to the camp Karanga 4030m by lunch.

After a very hearty lunch, fruit, guacamole... we hardly went for an acclimatization walk higher from the bivouac. And the food here is great! The whole group is happy!
























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love" climbed to the base camp of the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our team "Argentina one love" has finally arrived at the Aconcagua base camp – on the Plaza de Mulas. The whole day took the walk ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our team "Argentina one love" has finally arrived at the Aconcagua base camp – on the Plaza de Mulas. The whole day took the walk from Confluencia  to Mulas.  Just before the camp, a small snow began to fall, but this is no longer a hindrance when you see the long-awaited tents.  We were warmly welcomed and accommodated in the camp. We were treated to delicious Iranian tea, and in the evening we cooked Argentine meat.  Tomorrow we have a day of relaxation and recovery, as part of the rest we will go to the hotel of the last century.  Maybe we'll visit the gallery of the artist Miguel. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.

 As part of the project for the Guinness Book of Records, Tatiana Stupak plans to perform a concert on the gusli at the top of Aconcagua.  The first lucky ones bought tickets.