Providing expeditions
since 2005

The 7 Summits Club Group is approaching the summit of the Vinson Massif

Vinson. Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev, from the slopes of the Vinson Massif in Antarctica. It's getting late, midnight. But the light is so bright that at least put on two pairs of glasses. But in a couple of days they promise that ... read more

Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev, from the slopes of the Vinson Massif in Antarctica. It's getting late, midnight. But the light is so bright that at least put on two pairs of glasses. But in a couple of days they promise that clouds will creep in and the wind will blow. Therefore, we are a little worried and are already trying to go higher. So maybe in a couple of days we will climb on the top of Vinson. We are doing well, everything is going according to plan. Soon we will please you with other good news.


Photos from the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club of previous seasons







The Everest Blitz is not about a speed record! But you will be able to get acquainted with the record holders

Everest. How fast can you climb Mount Everest? This general question is divided into two. How fast can you climb from the base camp to the top? And – how quickly you can climb to the top from the beginning of the expedition. We are talking about ... read more

 How fast can you climb Mount Everest? This general question is divided into two. How fast can you climb from the base camp to the top?  And – how quickly you can climb to the top from the beginning of the expedition. We are talking about records, and not about them. The program of the 7 Summits Club "Blitz" is not about records. This is expediency and rationality. One of the solutions to the problem: "there is a desire to climb Mount Everest – there is no way to spend two months on an expedition"…



And the record holders… You will be able to meet them at the base camp. Karl Egloff and Marc Batard plan to set new achievements for 2022, and for Sherpa Kami Rita, records are the main job.



Proposals of the 7 Summits Club, Everest Expedition 2022. Leader Alex Abramov.


This is American Roxanne Gonzalez Vogel.

Her record is unofficial. Perhaps one of the climbers could prove that he was on the expedition for a shorter period. For example, someone flew over from another eight-thousandth and already acclimatized went to the mountain. Or someone even lives in the Khumbu Valley and, after leaving home, only stopped at the base camp for a day. Records of the shortness of stay in the expedition are still a novelty.

 But Roxanne (Roxy) showed the whole world the action of a program similar to our "Blitz". Even much shorter - 14 days from home to home in California.

 (1) The program is available for well-trained people. Roxy has been doing sports all her life, professionally - sports nutrition. She runs ultra-marathons at a competitive level.

 (2) The program is available for those who already know their body's reaction to altitude. Roxy has been climbing for many years. She went, in particular, to Denali and Aconcagua, dozens of routes in the mountains of the USA. And just before Everest, Roxy visited South America, where she climbed three five-thousand meters in Ecuador in five days and on Ojos del Salado in just five days (from home to home).

 (3) But the most important thing is that the program includes long-term training at home. The training consists of regular prolonged sleep in a specially equipped, so-called hypoxic tent.  Nitrogen is pumped into it by a special generator and an atmosphere similar to high-altitude conditions is created.



Alex Abramov on the air about the Everest expedition and the Blitz program.




Record holders, who can be found at the base camp.

 Kami Rita will be 52 years old, he has climbed to the top of the World 25 times.



Karl Egloff aims to set speed records on all the "seven summits".  There are four of them in his collection: Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro and Elbrus. An Ecuadorian Swiss or Swiss Ecuadorian hopes that nothing will prevent him from fighting time on the slopes of Mount Everest this year.

 Marc Batard

Karl Egloff intends to break the record of this Frenchman. In 1988, Mark ran from base camp to the summit of Mount Everest in 22.5 hours.  Several Sherpas walked much faster, but they all used oxygen tanks. And the Batar climbed without the use of additional (artificial) oxygen.  The 69-year-old Frenchman returned to Everest this year to find and equip a way bypassing of the Khumbu icefall.  Already in the mountains he celebrated his 70th birthday. And in 2022, he plans to officially open this path and climb to the top again without oxygen. And thus set an age record for oxygen-free ascent. It belongs so far to the Italian guide Abele Blanc - 55 years old.

The group of the 7 Summits Club is already at the base camp of the Vinson Massif. And the "stash" was found in full!

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Antarctica: Hello, Seven Summits! This is the White Continent, Artem Rostovtsev. We arrived at the Vinson Massif base camp and have already managed to settle down. Moreover, we dug up ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Antarctica: Hello, Seven Summits! This is the White Continent, Artem Rostovtsev. We arrived at the Vinson Massif base camp and have already managed to settle down. Moreover, we dug up equipment and food buried in the snow two years ago. It was all found quickly - literally in five minutes. Thanks to the one who correctly set the coordinates. Some delicacies were left over from the last time. We'll be having dinner soon. In general, the expedition has begun. Wish us good luck! Now the weather is favorable. We'll start going up slowly tomorrow.


Pictures from the season 2019-2020 




The group of the 7 Summits Club is ready to fly to Antarctica, the word is up to the pilots

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas: Expedition on the Vinson Massif, while from Fin del mundo, aka the edge of the world, is in touch. According to the plan, we have to fly to Antarctica tomorrow. We are waiting ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas: Expedition on the Vinson Massif, while from Fin del mundo, aka the edge of the world, is in touch. According to the plan, we have to fly to Antarctica tomorrow. We are waiting for the promised news from the pilots of the aircraft, and they took a break for 1-2 hours to make a decision. What makes us worry a little. We are in full readiness, all the freight forwarding is packed, weighed, delivered.  We would like to fly tomorrow and calmly act according to the plan.










The first Antarctic group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Punta Arenas

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas: Antarctic programs of the 7 Summits Club begins. Ahead we have 4 expeditions on the Vinson Massif, an expedition on the Sidley volcano, an expedition The Last Degree to ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas: Antarctic programs of the 7 Summits Club begins. Ahead we have 4 expeditions on the Vinson Massif, an expedition on the Sidley volcano, an expedition The Last Degree to the South Pole on skis.

The advanced small group has already gathered and is located in the windy city of Punta Arenas, a free translation into Russian is "the edge of the earth". Before the arrival of the group, we managed to find and prepare the expedition equipment, purchased and are preparing products for shipment. An exciting moment: will it be possible after a two-year break to immediately find the equipment left and buried on the slopes of Vinson? Therefore, we have to duplicate it. In any case, it will all come in handy during the season. Every day in the morning we do a PCR test, everyone should get to Antarctica "clean". And we begin to hold our fists and occasionally pray for not always stable weather at the beginning of the season. The flight to the White Continent is scheduled for November 26th, let it be so. Greetings from the ends of the earth from the guide Artem Rostovtsev and the team!














The Big Antarctic season of the 7 summits Club has begun. The first group arrives today

Sidley. Our season in Antarctica has started! A few days ago, the first part of the 7 Summits Club Team arrived at the edge of the world, in the Chilean city of Punta Arenas. This is a super-guide Artem Rostovtsev and our representative in Punta ... read more

Our season in Antarctica has started! A few days ago, the first part of the 7 Summits Club Team arrived at the edge of the world, in the Chilean city of Punta Arenas. This is a super-guide Artem Rostovtsev and our representative in Punta Arenas Elena Abramova. They dismantled our depot with equipment, made purchases and prepared everything necessary for the start of the first group on Mount Vinson, which arrives in Punta Arenas this evening.

We remind you that in this Antarctic season, the 7 Summis Club will have 4 groups on Mt.Vinson, 1 groupl at the Last Degree (skiing to the South Pole), 1 group on Mt.Sidley and a Flight to the South Pole. And there's even one parachute jump. And also among the participants of our expeditions is a climbing star - Nirmal Purja.

Vladimir Kotlyar, Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Dorozhukov are among the super-guides of the 7 Summits Club in Antarctica this season.

And besides, from December 1, Alexander Abramov will start to Antarctica with a unique automobile expedition.










EVEREST 2022. A fresh idea and a unique offer! Trekking with the crossing of the Khumbu icefall!  

Everest. A completely new idea from Alexander Abramov! Not just to go through the most important world trekking to the foot of Mount Everest, but also to feel like a full-fledged participant in a climbing expedition. Not just to spend the nights at ... read more


A completely new idea from Alexander Abramov! Not just to go through the most important world trekking to the foot of Mount Everest, but also to feel like a full-fledged participant in a climbing expedition. Not just to spend the nights at the base camp, but also to climb along with other mountaineers the famous Khumbu icefall. By the way, the transfer of the route to the right side of the icefall made it much safer. However, impressions and adrenaline there will be enough for the most demanding participant!


Touching Everest. Classic trekking and climbing the Khumbu icefall to Camp 2 (6400m), with oxygen and with one sherpa per participant

April 22 - May 9

Cost: $14,900


   A cool program for those who are planning to climb Mount Everest in the future. To pass the Khumbu Icefall is the dream of any climber, it is the key of Climbing Everest. Try yourself in a real Himalayan expedition.

  The number of places is limited!

 Those who paid the deposit before December 1 – 5% discount!



















In 2022, Everest in a new way!  New programs from Alex Abramov and the 7 Summits Club

Everest. In 2022, Everest in a new way! New programs from Alex Abramov and the 7 Summits Club In the spring of 2022, the 7 Summits Club invites you to a new Everest expedition! This time, in addition to the Classic climbing program, we are ... read more


 In the spring of 2022, the 7 Summits Club invites you to a new Everest expedition! This time, in addition to the Classic climbing program, we are announcing two new programs! And we invite you to become their first ever participants!

 Blitz Climbing Everest in just 29 days!

April 29 - May 27.

The program and its features

 This is an extremely fast ascent of Mount Everest, in less than 30 days. For such an ascent, it is necessary to have experience of high-altitude ascents. And also to undergo the pharmaceutical and 30-day acclimatization training developed by us in a hypoxic tent.



Trekking to the Everest Base Camp with ascent to the Camp-2 (6400m) via Khumbu Icefall

April 22 - May 8.

The program and its features

 A cool program for those who are planning to climb Mount Everest in the future. And also for those who, for financial or other reasons, "do not pull" participation in a full-fledged expedition. 

To pass the Khumbu Icefall is the dream of any climber, it is the key to reaching the summit of Everest. Try yourself  in a real Himalayan expedition!





















Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "To Save Private Nikolai" made a successful ascent on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: Hello everyone from Africa! From the group "To Save Private Nikolai" ascended Mount Kilimanjaro. Today at 8 am we were at the top of Africa. The weather did not let us ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: 

 Hello everyone from Africa!  From the group "To Save Private Nikolai" ascended Mount Kilimanjaro. Today at 8 am we were at the top of Africa.  The weather did not let us down, we drank champagne at the highest point and admired the views. Now we are already down in Horombo Hut, resting.












The group of the 7 Summits Club "To Save Private Nikolai" climbed to the Horombo hut. Photos from the two days of the march

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa from the group "Save Private Nicholas", going on Kilimanjaro! Yesterday we went up through the rainforest to the first camp. Beautiful forest, rivers, ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: 

Greetings from Africa from the group "Save Private Nicholas", going on Kilimanjaro!  Yesterday we went up through the rainforest to the first camp. Beautiful forest, rivers, small waterfalls, clean humid air. Today we moved to the second camp - Khorombo. Along the way, we were accompanied by beautiful views, snow peaks were periodically shown. Upon arrival, we had a delicious meal, settled in comfortable houses and assumed a horizontal position.


















Argentina is open to tourists!  The big season in the "Russian Camp" of the 7 Summits Club  on Aconcagua will begin on January 3

Aconcagua. Join our groups, become participants of the "Russian camp" on the highest mountain of South America! Aconcagua is waiting! The programs of the 7 Summits Club will begin on January 3, 2021. Since November 1, the Argentine authorities have ... read more

Join our groups, become participants of the "Russian camp" on the highest mountain of South America! Aconcagua is waiting! The programs of the 7 Summits Club will begin on January 3, 2021.

Since November 1, the Argentine authorities have been opening the borders to all vaccinated tourists, including travelers from Russia. It is allowed to enter the territory of the country with a vaccination certificate with any drug recognized in the country where the vaccination was received. Tourists with this document are exempt from the antigen test and quarantine upon arrival. At the same time, at least 14 days must pass from the moment of receiving the vaccine.









A new group of the 7 Summits Club today went on the route of climbing Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa! Our team on Kilimanjaro has started its journey! All participants are healthy and cheerful, we hope we will be lucky with the weather. The team is ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania:

Greetings from Africa! Our team on Kilimanjaro has started its journey! All participants are healthy and cheerful, we hope we will be lucky with the weather.  The team is called "Save Private Nikolai".  Today we are going on a route. We issue permits, repack things at the entrance to the National Park and - on the way.










The solemn presentation of the honorary badges " Everest Summiter" will take place on November 20

Everest. According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering ... read more

According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering Federation.  This award was invented by Alexander Abramov and he will personally present its.



The annual gala evening of the RMF will take place on November 20.

It will be held at the Palace of Culture of MIIT. Address: Moscow, Novosushchevsky lane, 6 p.1.



In the framework of the gala evening also there will be held:

-  awarding of the Champions of Russia in the high-altitude and high-altitude-technical classes;

-  awarding  of the Champions among veterans;

- presentation of nominees and  awarding of Steel angel Award  for the best women's climbing of the year;

-  presentation of nominees and awarding of the Golden ice axe of Russia 2017 Award for the best climbing achievement of the year.




Book seats on Aconcagua!  Now is the most convenient time. 7 Summits Club Tour Schedule

Aconcagua. The authorities of the Aconcagua National Park are in doubt as to how they should behave in a pandemic. On the one hand, they cannot afford another missed season. And they need income, and hotels, and guides, and mules need food. However, ... read more

The authorities of the Aconcagua National Park are in doubt as to how they should behave in a pandemic. On the one hand, they cannot afford another missed season. And they need income, and hotels, and guides, and mules need food. However, you also need to show your concern about the possible spread of infection through the base camp. The example of Everest shows that this is not fiction.  The body's defenses weaken at altitude and it is easier for the virus to penetrate it.  It is extremely difficult to separate people, to ensure social distance. No one will seriously do this.

Local guides and tour organizers strongly object to the shortening of the season. In their opinion, this will only lead to more dense accommodation of tourists, which will have the opposite effect. After all, there are willing, given the delayed demand due to the missed season.  There is still a little time to change something. But for now, the season is officially shortened and will begin on January 1, 2022.

The schedule of programs of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua






Urgent!  There are places in groups in Antarctica!   This has never happened before, and here it is again!

South Pole. We usually complete preparations for Antarctica in the calendar summer. That is, by the beginning of September, all the lists of tourists traveling and flying to Antarctica were always ready. But this year we are just getting out of the ... read more

A chance!  One place was vacated in the group following  Sidley Volcano in Antarctica. From January 6. Group Leader: Lyudmila Korobeshko.



We usually complete preparations for Antarctica in the calendar summer. That is, by the beginning of September, all the lists of tourists traveling and flying to Antarctica were always ready. But this year we are just getting out of the covid press.  Will there be a season in Antarctica? There was no affirmative answer to this question for a long time.  And it took longer than usual to form groups.  There was demand, and the demand is deferred. Since last season was completely canceled by the American logistics organizers on the Ice Continent.  Now all issues have been resolved and agreed. There will be a season and we already have groups.  But in other countries, booking is worse than usual. And there are unsold seats in many positions.  We publish a full list of our arrivals.  The availability of seats may be confirmed, maybe not. Guaranteed to have one place from January 6 on Vinson and Sidley.


Antarctica. Climbing Vinson. November 23 - December 8, December 4 - December 19, December 15 - December 30, December 26 - January 10. January 6 - January 21.

Guide Artem Rostovtsev. Cost: $45,900.


Antakrtida. The South Pole. December 4 - December 19, December 15 - December 30, December 31 - January 15. Guide Artem Rostovtsev. Cost: $65,900


Antarctica. Sidley (The Seven Volcanoes program). January 6 - January 21.  Guide: Lyudmila Korobeshko. Cost: $60,990.













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Birch Crew" climbed the Western peak of Elbrus, catching the weather window

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. The Birch Crew group of the 7 Summits Club climbed the Western peak of Elbrus in difficult weather conditions. We managed to get into the weather window, which was ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club:  News of the Elbrus region. The Birch Crew group of the 7 Summits Club climbed the Western peak of Elbrus in difficult weather conditions.  We managed to get into the weather window, which was from 2 am to 11 am. We were at the top at 8 am. Besides us, three groups have risen today. Above the saddle there was a strong wind with gusts up to 60 km/h. We had to fight with such weather conditions today. 





A new group of the 7 Summits Club took the name "Birch Crew" and began preparing for the ascent on Elbrus

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. A group of the 7 Summits Club called "Birch Crew" has started an acclimatization program on the slopes of Mount Cheget. Today we went to the first station of the cable ... read more


Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. A group of the 7 Summits Club called "Birch Crew" has started an acclimatization program on the slopes of Mount Cheget. Today we went to the first station of the cable car. Today was a normal day, with rain falling from time to time. In the afternoon, the participants took the necessary equipment for rent, and tomorrow we will climb the refuge National Park for further acclimatization before climbing Elbrus.








The group of the 7 Summits Club "Children of Yeti" made an ascent on Elbrus, despite the unfavorable weather

Elbrus. Andrey Berein, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. The group of the 7 Summits Club "Children of Yeti" successfully climbed on the top of Elbrus today. The weather was not favorable for us, but we made it in spite of ... read more

Andrey Berein, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. The group of the 7 Summits Club "Children of Yeti" successfully climbed on the top of Elbrus today. The weather was not favorable for us, but we made it in spite of everything!











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Children of Yeti"  has completed its acclimatization rotation and will be preparing for the assault on Elbrus on Friday

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. The group "Children of Yeti" today made a climb to the Pastukhov Rocks. The weather has already been established in autumn. The sun is shining, but the frost from the ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: News of the Elbrus region. The group "Children of Yeti" today made a climb to the Pastukhov Rocks. The weather has already been established in autumn. The sun is shining, but the frost from the wind is felt. This is especially noticeable on the Pastukhov Rocks. That's why we dress warmly. Tomorrow, according to the plan, we have a day of rest and preparation for the ascent, which is planned for Friday. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Alexander Avtomonov.





Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed the summit of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: Greetings to all from the summit of Elbrus from the 7 Summits Club group! In severe weather conditions, the group made an ascent on the Western peak of Elbrus! The team experienced everything ... read more

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club:  Greetings to all from the summit of Elbrus from the 7 Summits Club group! In severe weather conditions, the group made an ascent on the Western peak of Elbrus! The team experienced everything on the route: wind, snow, fog. Surprisingly, the highest point gave the climbers a ray of sunshine!