Providing expeditions
since 2005

Video sketches from Alexander Abramov. Climbing Denali

There are video fragments of the ascent on Denali of the team of the 7 Summits Club. June-July 2019. The author, who is also the expedition leader, Alexander Abramov. It was the successful completion of his project "Seven summits in seven ... read more

There are video fragments of the ascent on Denali of the team of the 7 Summits Club. June-July 2019. The author, who is also the expedition leader, Alexander Abramov. It was the successful completion of his project "Seven summits in seven months" with over-fulfillment of the plan. It turned out – for 6 months.



61 photos from the expedition to Alaska.  Climbing Denali through the eyes of Vasily Shakhnovsky

On 7 July, the team of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Alexander Abramov, 13 persons, climbed to the top of Mount Denali.  Among the climbers there was Vasily Shakhnovsky, who by this ascent "closed" the program "Seven ... read more

On 7 July, the team of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Alexander Abramov, 13 persons, climbed to the top of Mount Denali.  Among the climbers there was Vasily Shakhnovsky, who by this ascent "closed" the program "Seven summits". A great achievement for a great person!  Congratulations!






























































Bad weather on Elbrus. Three teams of the 7 Summits Club failed to reach summit of Mount Elbrus  

Elbrus.   Three groups of the 7 Summits Club were successfully acclimatized and after a rest ready for the summit attempt of Elbrus. But nature has made its changes to our plans, in the form of a cyclone from the Atlantic. For a few days on ... read more


Three groups of the 7 Summits Club were successfully acclimatized and after a rest ready for the summit attempt of Elbrus. But nature has made its changes to our plans, in the form of a cyclone from the Atlantic. For a few days on Elbrus settled bad weather: hurricane wind, snow and thunderstorms - the source of our today's retreat. The result: the height of 5200 meters, the maximum where we were able to climb. But our members are not discouraged, they met with the real character of Elbrus. They promise to come back.




Elbrus - the sixth summit of the project by Alexander Abramov. HD-video

Elbrus. Project "Seven summits in seven months". President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov climbs on Elbrus, the sixth summit of the project. June 2019.   read more

Project "Seven summits in seven months". President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov climbs on Elbrus, the sixth summit of the project. June 2019.


54 photos.  Report of Alexander Abramov of the 7 Summits Club Denali expedition. Project "Seven summits in seven months"!

  The team of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of its President Alexander Abramov in full, 13 people, climbed to the top of Denali on Sunday, July 7th at 8 PM. As a result, three people completed the "Seven summits": Vladimir ... read more


The team of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of its President Alexander Abramov in full, 13 people, climbed to the top of Denali on Sunday, July 7th at 8 PM. As a result, three people completed the "Seven summits": Vladimir Kotlyar, Irina Zisman and Vasily Shakhnovsky.  Alexander Abramov did it for the third time. This time – in record time – all "seven summits" for 6 months and 1 day.

























































Three groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks for acclimatization

Elbrus. Three groups of the 7 Summits Club are now on the acclimatization rotation on the slopes of Elbrus.  Today they climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks, to a height of about 5 thousand meters under the guidance of their guides Andrey Berezin, ... read more

Three groups of the 7 Summits Club are now on the acclimatization rotation on the slopes of Elbrus.  Today they climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks, to a height of about 5 thousand meters under the guidance of their guides Andrey Berezin, Alexander Dorozhukov and Dmitry Ermakov. Everything is going according to plan. Tomorrow is a rest day, then - a peak assault.










SUMMIT!  The team of the 7 Summits Club climbed Mount Denali. Congratulations!

Hello!  Here is Abramov Alexander from Alaska, from Denali slopes.  Today our team, all 13 people, reached the top of Mount McKinley-Denali. It was on Sunday, 7th  July at 8 PM. As a result, three people have fulfilled the ... read more

Hello!  Here is Abramov Alexander from Alaska, from Denali slopes.  Today our team, all 13 people, reached the top of Mount McKinley-Denali. It was on Sunday, 7th  July at 8 PM. As a result, three people have fulfilled the standard of "Seven summits". This is Vladimir Kotlyar, this  is Irina Zisman, this  is Vasily Shakhnovsky. And Alexander Abramov for the third time climbed all the "seven peaks". And he did it  this time in exactly  in 6 months.  Thereby setting a new record, of Russia or CIS felts or all over Europe… It dies not matter…

We feel ourselves very good, we have already gone down to the camp 17000. And tomorrow we start the descent down. Everyone's happy. All right,  bye!



Summit!  A group of the 7 Summits Club with guide Maxim Shakirov climbed Elbrus from the North

Elbrus. A group of the 7 Summits Club with guide Maxim Shakirov climbed Elbrus from the North. Three members and two guides reached the top, Eastern Peak (5621 m). Two couples stopped climbing on the Upper rocks of Lenz, due to lack of training of ... read more

A group of the 7 Summits Club with guide Maxim Shakirov climbed Elbrus from the North. Three members and two guides reached the top, Eastern Peak (5621 m). Two couples stopped climbing on the Upper rocks of Lenz, due to lack of training of the female part. But everyone was satisfied, as the ascent gave unforgettable emotions. It is enough to watch the video, which was shot by the guide Azamat Uyanayev:









“Salem Elbrus” group from Kazakhstan climbed  Mount Elbrus

Elbrus.  Women's group "Salem Elbrus" from Kazakhstan climbed Western summit of Mount Elbrus. It happened on July 6,  at 8:45. All team members were able to climb to the top and go down the same day to the hotel Azau Star. Guide the 7 ... read more

 Women's group "Salem Elbrus" from Kazakhstan climbed Western summit of Mount Elbrus. It happened on July 6,  at 8:45. All team members were able to climb to the top and go down the same day to the hotel Azau Star. Guide the 7 Summits Club Sergei Avtomonov was the leader of that climb.











Two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Today, two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed Western Peak of Mount Elbrus. The weather was favorable, sunny and without strong wind.  The teams reached the highest point early in the morning and quickly went down. ... read more

Today, two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed Western Peak of Mount Elbrus. The weather was favorable, sunny and without strong wind.  The teams reached the highest point early in the morning and quickly went down.


The group "Red hose" under guidance of Alexander Dorojukov



A group of "Marusa" under guidance of Andrey Berezin









Audio message from the expedition on Denali.  Today the team made a depot in the assault camp

Hello!  This is Alex Abramov, Alaska, Denali. We've been sleeping at 14,000 feet for the third night. And today our valiant team climbed already in assault camp on 17 thousand feet. The walk was very interesting. Well, first of all, it ... read more

Hello!  This is Alex Abramov, Alaska, Denali. We've been sleeping at 14,000 feet for the third night. And today our valiant team climbed already in assault camp on 17 thousand feet. The walk was very interesting. Well, first of all, it was nice weather. Sunny weather.  Secondly, a very strong wind on the crest. The route is  in very good condition. It's not ice or very deep snow. 

 And we have to plan tomorrow a day of rest. 6yh of July, the entire team must climb to the assault camp.  And the 7th to climb to the top. According to the forecast, the best weather is the 6th and 7th. So let's hope that we will succeed.

 Listen to the audio message (in Russian):




Audio message from the expedition on Denali.  Today is a day of rest at the Ranger Camp

Hello!  Abramov Alexander, Alaska, expedition on Denali. Today there  was the best day of our expedition – a day of rest. Today we didn't drag anything anywhere, didn't go anywhere. Only have  three meals. What else to ... read more

Hello!  Abramov Alexander, Alaska, expedition on Denali. Today there  was the best day of our expedition – a day of rest. Today we didn't drag anything anywhere, didn't go anywhere. Only have  three meals. What else to say?  We have a good, fun team. And according to the plan, tomorrow we go to lift loads to High camp.  The day after tomorrow we will have a day of rest and preparation for the ascent. Well, everything. And then we go. Weather is incomprehensible. The first half-day it was snowing, half-day the sun was shining. Let's see what happens next. Bye, everyone!






Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed  the Pastukhov  Rocks for acclimatization. Video

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Alexander Dorojukov and Andrey Berezin completed an acclimatization cycle before climbing Mount Elbrus. Today they have successfully climbed the Pastukhov Rocks, reached the ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Alexander Dorojukov and Andrey Berezin completed an acclimatization cycle before climbing Mount Elbrus. Today they have successfully climbed the Pastukhov Rocks, reached the height of 5000 meters. All of members and guides feel good. Ahead of them there will be a day of rest and preparation for the assault on the summit.










The 7 Summits Club opens a new season in the North of Elbrus

Elbrus. The new international group of the 7 Summits Club is acclimatized on the Northern slopes of Elbrus, preparing for the ascent. The group is fast, cheerful and optimistic! Group guide - Max Shakirov. This is the first group of the season in ... read more

The new international group of the 7 Summits Club is acclimatized on the Northern slopes of Elbrus, preparing for the ascent. The group is fast, cheerful and optimistic! Group guide - Max Shakirov. This is the first group of the season in the Northern direction.








Alexander Abramov from the expedition to Denali: the team climbed to the Camp 14,000 feet - Ranger Camp

The 7 Summits Club, Hello!  Alexander Abramov, Alaska, climbing Mount McKinley (Denali). The whole team feels good, we are going at a very good pace. This morning we woke up at one in the morning, as usual. We ate, loaded, went ... read more

The 7 Summits Club, Hello!  Alexander Abramov, Alaska, climbing Mount McKinley (Denali). The whole team feels good, we are going at a very good pace. This morning we woke up at one in the morning, as usual. We ate, loaded, went upstairs. Snow fell. The weather was really bad, but nevertheless we managed to move to the Camp 14000 Feet. This is very important as this camp is key for climbing. This so-called "Camp of Rangers" - a very large, comfortable glade. And then we do getting to High camp and continue the ascent. This should take us 4 days.

Tomorrow - strengthening of snow, increase of wind. In General, we will look, dig ourselves. But by the weekend, by the 6th and 7th as we planned, by our ascent, the weather should, like, get better. 

Lots of hugs for everyone! Hot, warm greetings from Alaska!


Audio in Russian:




Two groups of the 7 Summits Club held training in snow climbing and belay on the slopes of Elbrus. Video

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Alexander Dorozjukov and Andrey Berezin have training sessions on the slopes of Mount Elbrus. Before climbing  it is always necessary to refresh the ability to climb ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Alexander Dorozjukov and Andrey Berezin have training sessions on the slopes of Mount Elbrus. Before climbing  it is always necessary to refresh the ability to climb  in a team and ensure safety. The weather was great, everyone is happy!










Audio message from our Denali expedition.  Loads are lifted to the Camp 11000, tomorrow the whole group will go up there

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:   Hello! Alexander Abramov from Alaska, from the Denali expedition.  Once again I remind, we have 10 Russian members and three American guides. Of our ten members we ... read more

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:

  Hello! Alexander Abramov from Alaska, from the Denali expedition.  Once again I remind, we have 10 Russian members and three American guides. Of our ten members we also have three guides of the 7 Summits Club and I, Alexander Abramov, as the head of the expedition. Today we are at a very good pace dragged loads from the camp 8000  to the camp 11000. That is, it was a height difference of almost one kilometer. We walked with heavy backpacks for four hours and forty minutes.  It's fast. Then we went down to the camp at 8000. The camp is in a beautiful place here, very warm, even hot at times. But we know that after a while all this, of course, will end. Tomorrow we will move our camp from 8000 to 11000 feet. We will also spend two more nights there.

 The weather is good, but promise deterioration.  All, Bye!



 Listen to the audio message (in Russian):





Summit!  Two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed to the top of Mount Elbrus. VIDEO

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed to the top of the Western Peak of Mount Elbrus in one day. All members and guides reached  the highest point. The weather was close to perfect, there was almost no wind and the air ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed to the top of the Western Peak of Mount Elbrus in one day. All members and guides reached  the highest point. The weather was close to perfect, there was almost no wind and the air temperature was comfortable.









 The team of the 7 Summits Club Denali-2019 is already on the plane! Photo report of Alexander Abramov from Alaska

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:  We are in Talkeetna. We leave for the glacier in 30 minutes. All loads is collected and packed.  The departure to the glacier is preceded by a mandatory briefing, during which ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:

 We are in Talkeetna. We leave for the glacier in 30 minutes. All loads is collected and packed.

 The departure to the glacier is preceded by a mandatory briefing, during which all the mandatory rules of conduct in the National Park during the ascent to Denali are explained. The harsh laws of a liberal country!






























Unique video from Alaska. Around Mount Denali by plane

The members of the 7 Summits Club expedition flew in a plane around Mount Denali, the purpose of their trip to Alaska. The view is stunning, breathtaking and unique.   read more

The members of the 7 Summits Club expedition flew in a plane around Mount Denali, the purpose of their trip to Alaska. The view is stunning, breathtaking and unique.