Providing expeditions
since 2005

The team of the 7 Summits Club Denali 2019 gathered in Alaska and is ready to fly to the glacier. MANY PHOTOS

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:  Hello from Alaska!  Today  there was a long day. We met all the members of the group, solved the problems with equipment and food, visited the local cult bar. Tomorrow we ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:

 Hello from Alaska!  Today  there was a long day. We met all the members of the group, solved the problems with equipment and food, visited the local cult bar. Tomorrow we fly to the glacier and  for 2 weeks we will be without Internet.

 By the way, the whole second floor of the bar is dedicated to Russia.





























Three groups of the 7 Summits Club 7 Peaks spend acclimatization rotation before climbing Elbrus

Elbrus. Today it was a day of bad weather in the area of Elbrus.  Rain and thunderstorm caught the group of "7 tigers" during the ascent to the Pastukhov Rocks. Guide Denis Abramov decided to limit this acclimatization climb by  height of ... read more

Today it was a day of bad weather in the area of Elbrus.  Rain and thunderstorm caught the group of "7 tigers" during the ascent to the Pastukhov Rocks. Guide Denis Abramov decided to limit this acclimatization climb by  height of 4800 meters.  And at the bottom  of the valley two new groups came on acclimatization rotation. The team led by the guide Andrei Berezin climbed the slopes of mount Cheget.  A group with guide Alexander Dorojukov climbed the slopes of mount Terskol to the waterfall Girlish braids.







Expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Denali. This will be the seventh peak on the project "Seven summits in seven months"

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:  A team of 10 members flies to Alaska to climb Mount Denali. This is our last group of the season. We are the last of all in the summer of 2019.  We hope to meet no one but ... read more

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club:

 A team of 10 members flies to Alaska to climb Mount Denali. This is our last group of the season. We are the last of all in the summer of 2019.  We hope to meet no one but polar bears.



This climb will be last in the project of Alex Abramov "Seven summits in seven months"


Congratulations! Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov climbed mount Denali and completed the program "Seven  summits". Hurray!

We were happy to receive a message from Alaska that the team of our friends, on June 17, successfully reached the top of Denali, the highest point of North America! By this ascent Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov completed the program ... read more

We were happy to receive a message from Alaska that the team of our friends, on June 17, successfully reached the top of Denali, the highest point of North America! By this ascent Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov completed the program of ascent to all the highest points of all continents - the program "Seven summits"!  Congratulations!

 Artem Rostovtsev is the pride of the 7 Summits Club, one of our leading guides, multi-sportsman and ultramarathon runner, a great friend.



Alexander Popov, representative of Nizhny Novgorod, he is 55 years old. He climbed all peaks with the Summits Club.


From photos of our Malaysian friend RJ Nagarajan:














SUMMIT! Two groups of the 7 Summits Club, having overcome doubt, have climbed Mount Elbrus!

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, the 7 Summits Club guide: the night was snowy. By the time we reached the saddle, there was a new snowfall. While we rested, gained strength, there were doubts whether to go further.  But then it began to clear up. When ... read more

Andrey Berezin, the 7 Summits Club guide: the night was snowy. By the time we reached the saddle, there was a new snowfall. While we rested, gained strength, there were doubts whether to go further.  But then it began to clear up. When we started climbing the Western summit, the weather was getting better and better. As a result, at the top we were in complete calm and almost without clouds in the sky.

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club (guides Alexander Dorojukov and Andrey Berezin) reached the summit of  Elbrus with a difference of less than one hour. Congratulations!



Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks, where met each other

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club completed the acclimatization cycle on the slopes of Elbrus. Today they climbed the Pastukhov Rocks, to a height of about 4800 meters.  There they met with each other and made common photos.  ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club completed the acclimatization cycle on the slopes of Elbrus. Today they climbed the Pastukhov Rocks, to a height of about 4800 meters.  There they met with each other and made common photos.  Guides, Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorojukov believe that all groups are ready to storm Elbrus. Tomorrow all members will rest. The weather is great, the mood is great, the main thing – that the day of the assault was with good weather.





Two new groups of the 7 Summits Club started acclimatization rotation before climbing Elbrus

Elbrus. Two new groups arrived in the region of Elbrus. On the first day they climbed the slopes of Mount Cheget. Our guides, Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorogunov work with these groups. The weather is great, the mood is great, it all started as ... read more

Two new groups arrived in the region of Elbrus. On the first day they climbed the slopes of Mount Cheget. Our guides, Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorogunov work with these groups. The weather is great, the mood is great, it all started as it should.





Summit!  Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed today Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhkov climbed today Western Peak of Mount Elbrus. So today we have two hundred percent success! As well the guides of the 7 Summits Club made a ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of guides Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhkov climbed today Western Peak of Mount Elbrus.

So today we have two hundred percent success!

As well the guides of the 7 Summits Club made a planned replacement station of fixed ropes on the slope of the Western summit of Elbrus.






Summit!  Group Wild Guanabana successfully climbed Mount  Elbrus

Elbrus. An international team named Wild Guanabana, under the leadership of guides of the 7 Summits Club Sergei Avtomonov, Denis Abramov and Boris Yegorov climbed the highest point of Europe! Now all members and guides are already in the hotel. All ... read more

An international team named Wild Guanabana, under the leadership of guides of the 7 Summits Club Sergei Avtomonov, Denis Abramov and Boris Yegorov climbed the highest point of Europe! Now all members and guides are already in the hotel. All the heroes of today received congratulations and diplomas, then celebrated the successful ascent!





Three groups of the 7 Summits Club work on the slopes of Elbrus

Elbrus. Today, two groups with guides Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov trained in climbing on the snow on the slopes of Elbrus. And the international group WildGuanabana rested before attempting to storm Elbrus. Three guide of the 7 Summits ... read more

Today, two groups with guides Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov trained in climbing on the snow on the slopes of Elbrus. And the international group WildGuanabana rested before attempting to storm Elbrus. Three guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergei Avtomonov, Denis Abramov, and Boris Yegorov will climb together with the members of the group. They will start at night.






Summit! Alexander Abramov climbed Mount Elbrus at a breakneck speed!  There are six of seven!

Elbrus. Alexander Abramov, President of  the 7 Summits Club: Hi! Today I, Alexander Abramov, made my 6th ascent from the project "7 summits in 7 months". It was Elbrus. At the top I stood at 5:30 in the morning in calm, warm weather, which is ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of  the 7 Summits Club:

Hi! Today I, Alexander Abramov, made my 6th ascent from the project "7 summits in 7 months". It was Elbrus. At the top I stood at 5:30 in the morning in calm, warm weather, which is very rare to find on Elbrus. I stood alone, because due to acclimatization on Everest, the speed of ascent was furious.  All the rest of the group was behind for a few hours.  Now ahead it will be Denali with a group from 23 June.


















The group of the 7 Summits Club “Wild Guanabana” continues acclimatization on the slopes of Elbrus

Elbrus. Hello!  International group Wild Guanabana continues an acclimatization rotation and climbed to the refuge at 3800. Today later we were at the Obelisk, at the height of 4100, visited the burnt Priut of 11 and passed the first practice ... read more

Hello!  International group Wild Guanabana continues an acclimatization rotation and climbed to the refuge at 3800. Today later we were at the Obelisk, at the height of 4100, visited the burnt Priut of 11 and passed the first practice using crampons. All members of the team begin to walk in mountain shoes and learnt to feel the snow. All people have a fighting spirit, tomorrow we go to the Pastukhov's rocks!

Three guides of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, Denis Abramov and Boris Egorov work with the group.








Summit!  The group of  the 7 Summits Club with guide Andrey Berezin climbed the summit of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus.  Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Elbrus Region: Patience and again patience!  That was the motto of our team.  We spent a sleepless night in doubt whether to go out to storm the summit.  The weather was ... read more

 Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Elbrus Region:

Patience and again patience!  That was the motto of our team.  We spent a sleepless night in doubt whether to go out to storm the summit.  The weather was unstable and that day no one reached the top.  We made the right decision, went to bed and used the reserve day. And the weather smiled on us!  The weather the next day was perfect.  And in such good conditions we climbed  Mount Elbrus, and this after a week of thunderstorms, snowfalls and frosts.





Ascent of the group of  the 7 Summits Club "1+1"  on Elbrus ended on the Saddle

Elbrus. Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov of Elbrus: Hello from the slopes of Elbrus from group  “1+1”!  Early this morning we were waiting for the weather to climb. All night snow fell, lightning flashed, and we ... read more

Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov of Elbrus:

Hello from the slopes of Elbrus from group  “1+1”!  Early this morning we were waiting for the weather to climb. All night snow fell, lightning flashed, and we did not hope for good weather. And as soon as someone at 4 am, turned off blizzard and  storm - we decided to go. But, unfortunately, we reached only the saddle. Apparently, the expectation of weather windows and lots of snow  made us too tired. We went down - all is well!




Two groups of the 7 Summits Club on acclimatization rotation reached the Pastukhov Rocks

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club today climbed the Pastukhov Rocks for acclimatization. The altitude of 4800 meters. The weather deteriorated by the time they reached this height. However, the mood of the teams is wonderful!  Both ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club today climbed the Pastukhov Rocks for acclimatization. The altitude of 4800 meters. The weather deteriorated by the time they reached this height. However, the mood of the teams is wonderful!  Both groups returned to their shelters. Tomorrow is rest and then the summit bid. Our guides: Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov.




The first two groups of the summer season on Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. The 7 Summits Club started working with the first two groups on Elbrus. Guides: Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov.       read more

The 7 Summits Club started working with the first two groups on Elbrus. Guides: Andrey Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov.




Video from Everest by Alex Abramov

Everest.   Video from Everest by Alex Abramov   read more


Video from Everest by Alex Abramov


Portraits of members of Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club in Lhasa and  in the base camp

Everest. Members of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club  relax in a luxury hotel in Lhasa. Tomorrow morning, at 9-20 they are waiting for a plane to Chengdu and then home.  Goodbye Tibet, goodbye Everest!       ... read more

Members of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club  relax in a luxury hotel in Lhasa. Tomorrow morning, at 9-20 they are waiting for a plane to Chengdu and then home. 

Goodbye Tibet, goodbye Everest!




































Pictures from the summit day  of the 7 Summits Club team on Everest

Everest.  Only after descent and a short rest the heroes of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club were able to share photos taken on the mountain.                           ... read more

 Only after descent and a short rest the heroes of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club were able to share photos taken on the mountain.



























































Alexander Abramov's new record. 10th time at the summit of Mount Everest!

Everest. Our leader, captain and head of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov est successfully coped with all the tasks. He climbed to the highest peak of the world for the 10th time! A few climbers in the world can boast of such an ... read more

Our leader, captain and head of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov est successfully coped with all the tasks. He climbed to the highest peak of the world for the 10th time! A few climbers in the world can boast of such an achievement. This is a record for Russia, the CIS and all of continental Europe. Only a couple of English guides and couple of their colleges from USA  have more  Everest summits. We do not take Sherpas into account, they have their own statistics.



How Everest is given – just look at this photo…




Alexander Abramov continues his epic program "Seven peaks in seven months". Ahead -  Elbrus and Denali!




24-05-2004. Alexander Abramov (1-e summit)

20-05-2007. Alexander Abramov (2nd summit) 

20-05-2009. Alexander Abramov, from the South (3rd summit) 

19-05-2012. Alexander Abramov (4th summit) 

19-05-2013. Alexander Abramov (5th summit)

26-05-2014. Abramov Alexander (6th summit)

20-05-2016. Alexander Abramov (7th summit)

22-05-2017. Alexander Abramov (8th summit)

17-05-2018. Alexander Abramov (9th summit)

23-05-2019. Alexander Abramov (10th summit).