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since 2005

Expedition the 7 Summits Club on Everest 2019 succeeds. All members successfully descended from the mountain!

Everest. In total, 11 members of the 7 Summits Club team and two guides Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev reached the top of Mount Everest. With them, the highest point was reached by 15 Sherpas as high-altitude porters and guides.  So we ... read more

In total, 11 members of the 7 Summits Club team and two guides Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev reached the top of Mount Everest. With them, the highest point was reached by 15 Sherpas as high-altitude porters and guides.  So we have 28 PAX  made the ascent.

 May 23 at the top of Everest stood:

Alexander Abramov (for the 10th time),

Irina Zisman,

Dmitry Ghinkulov,

Arno Ter-Saakov (Latvia),

Andrew Polyakov,

Ivan Pominov, 

Bartolomiej Paczoski (Poland).



May 24 at the top of Everest stood:

Artem Rostovtsev,

Igor Smirnov,

Ludmila Tolstokorova,

Vadim Vokryachko (Azerbaijan) ,

Mircea Baciu (Moldova),

Eugene Staroselsky (Cyprus).



SUMMIT-2!  The second group of the 7 Summits  Club climbed to the top of Mount Everest. The first group continued descent in the morning

Everest. According to the information received: The first group of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Alex Abramov in the morning continued the descent and is now approaching the North Col. Artem Rostovtsev's group (second) successfully ... read more

According to the information received: The first group of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Alex Abramov in the morning continued the descent and is now approaching the North Col. Artem Rostovtsev's group (second) successfully reached the top of Everest and started the descent.


SUMMIT!  The first group successfully reached the top of Mount Everest! Alexander Abramov did it for the 10th time!

Everest. According to the information available to date, the group took the route around 1 am. About 7-8 am in Nepal time they were halfway (passed the Second step). Go slowly. Hard traffic. Strong wind.  At 10:30 the whole group stood at the ... read more

According to the information available to date, the group took the route around 1 am. About 7-8 am in Nepal time they were halfway (passed the Second step). Go slowly. Hard traffic. Strong wind.  At 10:30 the whole group stood at the top. Now the team is on the descent.



 Heroes of the day: Alexander Abramov, Irina Zisman, Dima Ghinkulov, Arno Ter-Saakov, Andrey Polyakov, Ivan Pominov, Bartholomey Paczoski. And our Sherpa friends.


The Team of the 7 Summits Club is climbing to the assault camp

Everest. A group of Tibetan climbers who hang and fix ropes now is  on the snow triangle. It's 8700M. So they have to finish line to the top by afternoon and reach  the summit! Today we continue our ascent to 8300 m. And in the evening, ... read more

A group of Tibetan climbers who hang and fix ropes now is  on the snow triangle. It's 8700M. So they have to finish line to the top by afternoon and reach  the summit!

Today we continue our ascent to 8300 m. And in the evening, almost at night, probably at 9 PM we will go to the summit bid.







The first group of 7 summits Club on Everest spent the night at 7700, but there are no fixed ropes to the summit

Everest. Hello! This is Alexander Abramov from Everest.  Now the first team is staying for the night at 7700. All members came to the camp for 4.5-5 hours.  Everything is OK..  But here is too many people. At least 150 people are ... read more

Hello! This is Alexander Abramov from Everest.  Now the first team is staying for the night at 7700. All members came to the camp for 4.5-5 hours.  Everything is OK..  But here is too many people. At least 150 people are going to the summit at the same time…

Our second team  with Artem Rostovtsev climbed to the North Col…

 Wind is strong. We're coming to 8300 tomorrow. But there are still no fixed ropes to the top .







Alexander Abramov sends a message from the North Col of Everest: the first group spendsa night at an altitude of 7000 meters

Everest. Alexander Abramov from Everest. The height of 7000 meters. North col. Today we climbed  from ABC, for 3-4 hours.  We used oxygen, now the team sleeps in tents. Tomorrow's - 7700. And through day – 8300 and immediately ... read more

Alexander Abramov from Everest. The height of 7000 meters. North col. Today we climbed  from ABC, for 3-4 hours.  We used oxygen, now the team sleeps in tents. Tomorrow's - 7700. And through day – 8300 and immediately  the summit bid, start at night. The whole team feels great. The weather forecast for the 23rd and 24th is good.  I hope we will succeed.






Alexander Abramov about plans of climbing Mount Everest by the team of the 7 Summits Club

Everest. Dear Friends!  We decided on the plan of our climbing schedule on Everest.  Tomorrow morning, the Chinese "Rope Team" goes to Camp 2 and begins to fix the rope. 21st and 22nd they have to finish work on fixing ropes to the top. ... read more

Dear Friends!  We decided on the plan of our climbing schedule on Everest.  Tomorrow morning, the Chinese "Rope Team" goes to Camp 2 and begins to fix the rope. 21st and 22nd they have to finish work on fixing ropes to the top.

The first team of the 7 Summits Club (leader Alex Abramov) should be on following schedule. May 20 – North  Col. May 21 - 7800. May 22 - 8300. 23 of May, a summit bid and descent to ABC.  May 24 -  descent to the Base Camp.

The second team (leader Artem Rostovtsev)  May 21 – North Col. May 22 - 7800. May 23 - 8300. May 24 - the summit and the descent to ABC. May 25 - descent to the Base Camp.

 On May 25 in the morning yaks take all the members ' belongings to the Base Camp.

May 25th in the evening there will be a farewell party.  May 26th morning departure of the entire team of 14 people in Shigatse.  May 27 move to Lhasa. May 28 - flight to Chengdu and then on the flight home.


Buses and yaks are all booked!




The first part of the expedition the 7 Summits Club on Everest is in camp ABC

Everest. Alex Abramov, the expedition leader: The first Everest 2019 team, 6 members and Abramov as guide, came to the ABC Advanced Base Camp. The mood is cheerful. One problem, the Chinese still haven't fixed the ropes to the top of Everest. So ... read more

Alex Abramov, the expedition leader:

The first Everest 2019 team, 6 members and Abramov as guide, came to the ABC Advanced Base Camp. The mood is cheerful. One problem, the Chinese still haven't fixed the ropes to the top of Everest. So probably tomorrow it will be a Day of rest in ABC at 6400 m. Waiting for a miracle.

 By the way the ABC camp we have a very comfortable, warm and dry. There is satellite Internet, gas heaters and even jacket potato…












The second group of the 7 Summits Club expedition went  to storm Mount Everest

Everest. Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the expedition: The second team starts from the base camp towards the summit. We are promised good weather and fixed ropes to the top. We hope and believe.  Standing: Igor Smirnov, Mircea Baciu, Vadim ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the expedition:

The second team starts from the base camp towards the summit. We are promised good weather and fixed ropes to the top. We hope and believe.

 Standing: Igor Smirnov, Mircea Baciu, Vadim Vokriachko, Sergei Larin (will work in a camp on the North Col), Eugeny Staroselsky, Pawel Janczarski, Artem Rostovtsev (guide).




The team of the 7 Summits Club goes on the assault on Mount Everest

Everest. Alex Abramov, expedition leader: Hello from Everest!  The first team left the Base Camp for the summit assault:  Alexander Abramov, Irina Zisman, Dima Ghinculov, Arno Ter-Saakov, Andrey Polyakov, Ivan Pominov, Bartolomiej ... read more

Alex Abramov, expedition leader:

Hello from Everest!  The first team left the Base Camp for the summit assault:  Alexander Abramov, Irina Zisman, Dima Ghinculov, Arno Ter-Saakov, Andrey Polyakov, Ivan Pominov, Bartolomiej Paczoski. According to the plan, the summit bid for the first team is scheduled for May 22 or 23. The second team led by Artem Rostovtsev leaves the base camp tomorrow. Plan – the summit for 23 or 24 May.




The 7 Summits Club on Everest. Rest and wait.  Birthday of Irina Zisman

Everest. Alex Abramov, Everest-2019 expedition leader: we have rest days now. We decided not to hurry, the weather is bad… Today there was really strong wind on Everest… The team of the 7 Summits Club celebrates Irina Zisman's Birthday ... read more

Alex Abramov, Everest-2019 expedition leader: we have rest days now. We decided not to hurry, the weather is bad…

Today there was really strong wind on Everest…

The team of the 7 Summits Club celebrates Irina Zisman's Birthday on the bank of small river, where the team members catch trout…

The next two or three days, our team goes up to Everest…

























News of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest: rest is over, now there will be period of waiting

Everest. Alex Abramov, expedition leader:  Hello! Expedition Everest-2019 continues. Also my Project “7 summits for 7 months” continues.   But our vacation down in the village is over.   On May 9, we were already ... read more

Alex Abramov, expedition leader:

 Hello! Expedition Everest-2019 continues. Also my Project “7 summits for 7 months” continues.   But our vacation down in the village is over.   On May 9, we were already at the Base camp and celebrated the Victory Day there.  It was fun. About 100-150 people were visiting us. We danced, sang war songs. And the next day, on May 10, we rested from rest, restored the spent forces.

 Now a period of waiting for good weather is coming.  First of all, we expect the Sherpas to hang all the fixed ropes.














News of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest: the rest is over, today there will be the "party" already in the base camp!

Everest. Greetings from Everest!  Today our recreation time is over. For three days we slept, ate, drank, fished and relaxed. Tonight we are holding a party in honor of May 9th at the Base camp.               ... read more

Greetings from Everest!  Today our recreation time is over. For three days we slept, ate, drank, fished and relaxed. Tonight we are holding a party in honor of May 9th at the Base camp.




































Summit!  The team of the 7 Summits Club climbed Elbrus on the second attempt!

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: Greetings from the Elbrus Region!  Part of the group was able to change tickets and make a second attempt to climb Mount Elbrus.  Let me remind you: the first attempt was stopped at ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club:

Greetings from the Elbrus Region!  Part of the group was able to change tickets and make a second attempt to climb Mount Elbrus.  Let me remind you: the first attempt was stopped at an altitude of 5300 meters due to the high avalanche danger. The weather forecast was favorable on the weather Internet resources. In fact, the weather was not what the weather sites said. Tonight a large number of people startede. But in the end on the route to the top we met only a few people. Wind, snow, fog and frost are our companions of this ascent.



Bottom line: we're on the top! Elbrus climbing season is open!


Expedition Everest-2019 of the 7 Summits Club. Results of acclimatization. PHOTOS

Everest.  From April 15 to May 5, the team made three acclimatization rotations: 5800, 6400, 7000 m. All 17 members climbed the Northern Col of Everest and spent a night there in severe weather conditions: wind up to 90 km/h, avalanche-prone ... read more

 From April 15 to May 5, the team made three acclimatization rotations: 5800, 6400, 7000 m. All 17 members climbed the Northern Col of Everest and spent a night there in severe weather conditions: wind up to 90 km/h, avalanche-prone slopes, snow up to 0.5 meters. Dozens of other expedition tents were torn by the wind. For the 7 Summits Club 100% tents  were without any loss. All this thanks to the experience of guides Sergey Larin, Artem Rostovtsev and wise intuition of Alex Abramov  - it is his 20th expedition on 8000 m mountains and attempt for  the 10th ascent to the top of Everest.

Tomorrow morning all 17 members going on rest for 3 nights in the village  of Tashijong to a height of 4200m. And May 9 our expedition invites all 160 people from the base camp of Mount Everest  to celebrate Victory Day!!!

































Summit!  The team of 7 Summits Club climbed Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Viktor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Hello everyone from Kilimanjaro! Today around 8 am the whole group of “Falcons-2019” climbed the highest free-standing mountain in the world! Than lived up to the name of group - it ... read more

Viktor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club:

Hello everyone from Kilimanjaro! Today around 8 am the whole group of “Falcons-2019” climbed the highest free-standing mountain in the world! Than lived up to the name of group - it was fast, clear, a real Express! Now we went down to the camp Horombo, all wildly tired, because not every day you pass about 20 km in the mountains with a large difference in height. Tomorrow we run down and rest! Hurray!








Everest raged. Acclimatization rotation of the team of the 7 Summits Club on the North Col was held in extreme conditions

  Alexander Abramov, leader of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club: Greetings from 6400 – from the ABC camp on Everest! During the day we descended from our last acclimatization rotation, after spending a night on the ... read more


Alexander Abramov, leader of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club:

Greetings from 6400 – from the ABC camp on Everest! During the day we descended from our last acclimatization rotation, after spending a night on the North Col.  Altitude 7000m.  Yesterday in the evening the weather deteriorated.  All night long our camp (all members and guides) groaned and coughed under snow. But this was not heard, because of the strong wind and heavy snow.  In the morning we were forced to punch the trail down and pull the rope out of the half-meter layer of snow.  It wasn't easy. But no one tent of our camp was tumbled down. In previous days, dozens of tents were demolished and torn down by many expeditions. Tomorrow we go down to the Base camp…






















The snow and wind did not allow a group of the 7 Summits Club to reach  the top of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus.  Greetings from Elbrus!  Today, according to the program, we had a day of ascent. After looking at the weather forecast for the main and reserve days, we decided to go climbing today. Wind and snow were our companions all the ... read more

 Greetings from Elbrus!  Today, according to the program, we had a day of ascent. After looking at the weather forecast for the main and reserve days, we decided to go climbing today. Wind and snow were our companions all the way.  Eventually we reached the saddle, where the snow on the trail was about 80 cm.   Climb higher was  too dangerous.  We decided to come back. The principle is known: the mountains stood and will stand. And we will come back and climb to the top of the highest point of Europe next time.


Guide the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev on the second  acclimatization rotation on the slopes of Mount Everest. PHOTOS

Everest. Guide the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev: Team Everest-2019. We have adopted for it the name of "Change the bottle!"  We'll climb up for acclimatization from Base camp to the North Col. Today there will be climb from ABC camp to the ... read more

Guide the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev:

Team Everest-2019. We have adopted for it the name of "Change the bottle!"  We'll climb up for acclimatization from Base camp to the North Col. Today there will be climb from ABC camp to the Saddle, there we will spend a night at 7000 meters. The wind is blowing very strong, which worries us.













Group of the 7 Summits Club Sapsan-2019 climbed to Mandara camp

Kilimanjaro. Guide Viktor Ershov: Hello from the wet  Tanzania from the group of Sapsan-2019! In the morning we started from the hotel to the entrance of Kilimanjaro National Park under heavy rain.  On the way we stopped at the supermarket for ... read more

Guide Viktor Ershov: Hello from the wet  Tanzania from the group of Sapsan-2019! In the morning we started from the hotel to the entrance of Kilimanjaro National Park under heavy rain.  On the way we stopped at the supermarket for batteries and repellent. Then we checked in at the Park reception.  The rain stopped and we moved to the camp of Mandara.  We got there quickly in 3 hours, but the shoes were soaked through. In the evening we passed the medical check, all the members have excellent performance and good health, and  we tasted a delicious dinner. We hope that there will be no more such heavy rains..