Providing expeditions
since 2005

May Day Holiday – our groups spent it on the Pastukhov Rocks

Elbrus. Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed for acclimatization rotation on the Pastukhov Rocks. They slept in different refuges and climbed in different ways and at different times.  May Elbrus showed itself in all its glory: it is a ... read more

Two groups of the 7 Summits Club climbed for acclimatization rotation on the Pastukhov Rocks. They slept in different refuges and climbed in different ways and at different times.  May Elbrus showed itself in all its glory: it is a bright sun, and the wind with snow grains, and clouds, and frost. From the Rocks of Pastukhov (4600m) climbers could see the Western and Eastern peaks and the saddle between. After admiring the magnificent panorama, all people went down to rest in the camp.





The team of the7 Summits Club  is preparing for the main acclimatization rotation to the North Col of Everest

Today there was the last day of rest in our comfortable Base camp.   And tomorrow we go to ABC camp and then to the North Col (7000 m) of Everest. Also today it marks exactly 20 years since the wedding of Igor and Natalia Smirnov. ... read more

Today there was the last day of rest in our comfortable Base camp.   And tomorrow we go to ABC camp and then to the North Col (7000 m) of Everest.

Also today it marks exactly 20 years since the wedding of Igor and Natalia Smirnov. We congratulate them!






This year's first groups of the 7 Summits Club started acclimatization rotation on the slopes of Elbrus

Elbrus. Greetings from Elbrus Region!  Today a group under the leadership of guides of Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov climbed the slopes of Mount Cheget, visited  cafés Ay.  There they drank delicious tea and ate ... read more

Greetings from Elbrus Region!  Today a group under the leadership of guides of Andrei Berezin and Alexander Dorozhukov climbed the slopes of Mount Cheget, visited  cafés Ay.  There they drank delicious tea and ate local pies. During the ascent, they came to the observation point, overlooking the Elbrus. It impressed many of the team members. The second group with a guide Sergey Avtomonov for acclimatization rotation climbed to a height of 3100 on the slopes of Elbrus.






Фотографии от Александра Абрамова о ходе экспедиции Клуба 7 Вершин на Эверест

Everest. Александр Абрамов, руководитель экспедиции на Эверест Клуба 7 Вершин:   Всем привет! Мы снова в базовом лагере. Вчера привыкали к высоте 6400, познакомились с командой наших шерпов и провели занятия с использованием шерпа-роуп.   ... read more

Александр Абрамов, руководитель экспедиции на Эверест Клуба 7 Вершин:


Всем привет! Мы снова в базовом лагере. Вчера привыкали к высоте 6400, познакомились с командой наших шерпов и провели занятия с использованием шерпа-роуп.


Фото из АВС Эвереста 6400 м и сейчас команда отдыхает в Базовом лагере. Завтра утром 1 мая планируем выход вверх.


Пресс-релиз экспедиции



 Проект Александра Абрамова «Семь вершин за семь месяцев»
































The team of 7 Summits Club Everest expedition is back to the base camp after the acclimatization rotation to camp ABC

Everest.  Artem Rostovtsev, guide the 7 Summits Club:  The team returned to the base camp. The strategy of successful ascent is the same for all: consistently rotation after rotation to get used, as far as possible, to new heights. And ... read more

 Artem Rostovtsev, guide the 7 Summits Club:

 The team returned to the base camp. The strategy of successful ascent is the same for all: consistently rotation after rotation to get used, as far as possible, to new heights. And then rest at base camp. So the day before we got used to the height of the Advanced camp (ABC) at 6400. We also got acquainted with our team of Sherpas, and conducted training with them using fixed ropes.  And now we will observe the forecasts and may have to speed up the climb to the North Col. It is exciting!





































Beautiful day at the base camp.  News and photos from  the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest

Everest. Alex Abramov, expedition leader of the expedition:  Today our team rested in the Base Camp.  Official representatives of the Tibetan mountaineering federation came to us and took money for the arrangement of fixed ropes way. So ... read more

Alex Abramov, expedition leader of the expedition:

 Today our team rested in the Base Camp.  Official representatives of the Tibetan mountaineering federation came to us and took money for the arrangement of fixed ropes way. So far, the route is not equipped, even to the North Col. They say that avalanche danger exist.

 Life in the camp went on as usual: shower, massage, bar, visiting. The neighbors played Rugby, which was the first time here. And we were learning a new invention: “Sherpa rope”. So we called a short link between the membert and Sherpa. It was my idea to improve security. Now the responsible Sherpa will be connected to his member with a 3-meter rope.




































The first acclimatization rotation of the 7 summits Club team Everest-2019 is completed

Everest. Alex Abramov, the expedition leader from the base camp: Yesterday our team climbed to the camp 5800 m. This is the so-called Intermediate or Middle camp. All members felt good.  It snows half a day, but this is usually in April.  ... read more

Alex Abramov, the expedition leader from the base camp:

Yesterday our team climbed to the camp 5800 m. This is the so-called Intermediate or Middle camp. All members felt good.  It snows half a day, but this is usually in April.  We spent a night in the Middle camp and returned to the Base camp, in absolutely comfortable conditions.
















The team of the Everest expedition of the 7  Summits Club held the first acclimatization training sessions

Everest. Alex Abramov, the expedition leader from the base camp: Today we climbed a little higher than the base camp and held training sessions. All members have worked well, we have mastered a new for many system climbing on fixed ropes. We checked ... read more

Alex Abramov, the expedition leader from the base camp:

Today we climbed a little higher than the base camp and held training sessions. All members have worked well, we have mastered a new for many system climbing on fixed ropes. We checked the readiness of people and equipment.

Tomorrow early in the morning the team leaves to spend a night in camp 5800. The health of the members is excellent. The weather is bad, no visibility, periodically it snowing strong.



















Puja, massage, yoga, bar – this is the beginning of Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club

Everest. Alex Abramov, leader of Everest expedition  of the 7 Summits Club :  News of my project "7 summits in 7 months". Greetings from Everest! Today we had a Puja, the consecration of the camp.  It was fun, all smeared with ... read more

Alex Abramov, leader of Everest expedition  of the 7 Summits Club :

 News of my project "7 summits in 7 months". Greetings from Everest! Today we had a Puja, the consecration of the camp.  It was fun, all smeared with Jampay.  A massage salon was opened today. There was a yoga session after lunch. And at 5 PM, the bar was opened. Many guests from other expeditions come to us.  Today we sent a new caravan of cargo for the higher camps on yaks. Tomorrow we are going to acclimatize to the frozen cascades.

























Alex Abramov about arrival of the team of the 7 Summits Club in the base camp of Everest. PHOTOS

Everest. Today our team Everest-2019 came to our super-comfortable "luxury camp". On the way we passed 10 check posts. But nothing bad happened. At the entrance of the camp we were met with champagne. We congratulated Ivan Pominov on his birthday. ... read more

Today our team Everest-2019 came to our super-comfortable "luxury camp". On the way we passed 10 check posts. But nothing bad happened. At the entrance of the camp we were met with champagne. We congratulated Ivan Pominov on his birthday. After a delicious lunch with borscht, there was training to work with oxygen equipment. Then birthday party continued in our bar (cabin company). Today the team sleeps in masks with artificial oxygen…












Photo report from Tibet: the team of the  7 Summits Club  Everest 2019 moved from Lhasa to Shegar

Everest. Today our team had a day full of adventures and impressions.  We moved from Lhasa in Shegar, admired the scenery of Tibet.   Visiting the market was the main thing in the new place.  This is our traditional place to buy ... read more

Today our team had a day full of adventures and impressions.  We moved from Lhasa in Shegar, admired the scenery of Tibet.   Visiting the market was the main thing in the new place.  This is our traditional place to buy blankets and pillows for the base camp.

























Photos of Everest-2019 team from Lhasa

Everest. While one part of our team is already coming to the Everest base camp, the second team yesterday arrived in Lhasa. The members sleep off after the flights, then visited the Potala -  Palace of the Dalai Lama. We bought different ... read more

While one part of our team is already coming to the Everest base camp, the second team yesterday arrived in Lhasa. The members sleep off after the flights, then visited the Potala -  Palace of the Dalai Lama. We bought different differences today.









Alexander Abramov  from Chengdu on the preparation of the base camp Everest

Everest. Alexander Abramov, head of the Everest expedition:  Members and guides of the 7 Summits Club  Everest expedition visited the city of Chengdu, looked at the pandas, tried Chinese cuisine…         ... read more

Alexander Abramov, head of the Everest expedition:

 Members and guides of the 7 Summits Club  Everest expedition visited the city of Chengdu, looked at the pandas, tried Chinese cuisine…





Construction of a Luxury camp near Everest continues.  We are sure that the best camp on Everest will be built by the arrival of our team. We have developed a new kind of kitchen. It is equipped better than kitchens in restaurants of Kathmandu.  Kitchen is done in the tents form a semicircle, with hardwood floors.  There are made extractor fan, freezers, storerooms. And now we've built wooden floors in all the public tents.

 Need simply to see! Now in the Base camp from Tibet there is a constant electricity 24 hours, so all this has become possible.













The main part of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club  on Everest flies to the Himalayas from Sheremetyevo airport

Everest.  Eight members of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club and two guides took off tonight from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.  Their way goes through the Chinese city of Chengdu to the Tibetan capital Lhasa, where they will ... read more

 Eight members of the Everest expedition of the 7 Summits Club and two guides took off tonight from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.  Their way goes through the Chinese city of Chengdu to the Tibetan capital Lhasa, where they will begin their March to the base camp Everest. Another six members of the expedition arrive by other flights, and a guide Sergey Larin is already in the base camp.

 Good luck!

 The team flies to Everest








Construction of the base camp of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest  is completing

Everest. The base camp of the expedition  of the 7 Summits Club on Everest is certainly the best, most comfortable in the Himalayas. The accumulated vast experience in its organization allows the team of our Sherpas  quickly and ... read more

The base camp of the expedition  of the 7 Summits Club on Everest is certainly the best, most comfortable in the Himalayas. The accumulated vast experience in its organization allows the team of our Sherpas  quickly and efficiently recreate it from year to year. Now in the base camp  preparation works  are finishing. By the arrival of the guests, that is, the main part of the expedition, everything will be ready – the camp will be provided with everything necessary…



 The first members, guide and doctor in one person Sergey Larin, base camp manager Elena Abramova, our main Sherpas Mingma and Dendi on the way to the base camp…








The film to adulthood  of Dmitry Tertychny, the hero of  project "Seven summits" on the channel of the 7 Summits Club

Everest. Dmitry Tertychny in May 2018 climbed the highest peak of the world, Everest, at the age of just over 17 years and 1 month.  He became the youngest European who managed to do it. And the youngest European who managed to complete the ... read more

Dmitry Tertychny in May 2018 climbed the highest peak of the world, Everest, at the age of just over 17 years and 1 month.  He became the youngest European who managed to do it. And the youngest European who managed to complete the program of climbing all the seven highest peaks of the continents. Dmitry owes all his successes, first of all, to his father, Alexander Tertychny, who not only paid for the trips, but was with him on all these mountains. By the 18th anniversary of the hero was prepared this movie. The  7 Summits Club, which was the organizer of the majority of Dmitry's ascents, presents it to you!


11 April Dmitry performed in the 7 Summits Club a lecture and showed the film…





See the lecture recording on Facebook page


Photos from the gala evening of the 7 Summits Club, dedicated to the departure of the team of Alexander Abramov on Everest

Everest.  The traditional evening of the meeting of friends of the 7 Summits Club 7 Peaks, dedicated to the departure of the expedition on Everest, took place on the eve, April 10, in the lecture hall of the Club of travelers "Sport ... read more

 The traditional evening of the meeting of friends of the 7 Summits Club 7 Peaks, dedicated to the departure of the expedition on Everest, took place on the eve, April 10, in the lecture hall of the Club of travelers "Sport Marathon".  Thanks to everyone who came, thanks to the owners!   The atmosphere of the meeting was wonderful, the organization – at the highest level.



Group Everest-2019, not in full. There will be 14 participants and three guides.



All photos are here (62 photos)


























We invite our friends to a traditional evening dedicated to climbers going to Everest

Everest. The next expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Everest starts in April. By tradition, which is already 15 years old, we are going on the eve of departure of the main group for a friendly evening party. This year we will do it in a new place, ... read more

The next expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Everest starts in April. By tradition, which is already 15 years old, we are going on the eve of departure of the main group for a friendly evening party. This year we will do it in a new place, with our friends from The Sports-Marathon. Last year they made an incredible feat: they opened a Club of Travelers almost in the center of the capital. In the lecture rooms everything is thought out and well arranged, there is a well-established equipment. The 7 Summits  Club hopes for long-term and fruitful cooperation with the creative team of The Sport-Marathon.



We are waiting for you on April 10, 2019, beginning at 19: 00.


Address of venue: Moscow, 5-ya Kozhukhovskaya d. 10. Metro station Avtozavodskaya.

Everything is close, by Moscow standards.




The program of the evening will be specified, which we will regularly report. It is clear that there will be Alexander Abramov's speech with the story about the forthcoming expedition, about his project "Seven summits in seven months". As well as  will be a presentation of the participants of the new expedition, words of farewell from the "veterans". There will be significant guests, there will be interesting stories, inspiring videos. There will be beautiful girls and beautiful men.

New video about an expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Kilimanjaro within the project of Alexander Abramov "7 summits in 7 months»

Kilimanjaro.  On February 21, 2019, a group of the 7 Summits Club, consisting of 17 members and 3 guides, climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. The ascent took place along the Marangu route.   It was the third summit in the ... read more

 On February 21, 2019, a group of the 7 Summits Club, consisting of 17 members and 3 guides, climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. The ascent took place along the Marangu route.   It was the third summit in the implementation of Alexander Abramov's project "7 summits in 7 months".  The President of the 7 Summits Club  intends to climb the highest peaks of all continents in the shortest possible time. He began with Mount Vinson in Antarctica in January and intends to complete the epic in July, on the top of Mount Denali in North America.


News of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest.  Tomorrow a team of Sherpas leaving for  the base camp…

Everest. On April 6, the team of Sherpas of the 7 Summits Club goes to Tibet, to the base camp of expedition. On April 12, the first participants will arrive in Kathmandu.   On May 15, the main part of the expedition team will fly to ... read more

On April 6, the team of Sherpas of the 7 Summits Club goes to Tibet, to the base camp of expedition. On April 12, the first participants will arrive in Kathmandu.   On May 15, the main part of the expedition team will fly to Lhasa, from where they will get to the base camp by auto transport.


The best team...


The best camp