Providing expeditions
since 2005

Team of the 7 Summits Club on Kilimanjaro, led by Alexander Abramov, went on the route Marangu

Kilimanjaro. Anastasia Kuznetsova, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club:   That is all! We did it – we finally got on the route!  All documents are completed, the ultimate goal is defined.  Today we passed the zone of ... read more

Anastasia Kuznetsova, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club:

  That is all! We did it – we finally got on the route!  All documents are completed, the ultimate goal is defined.  Today we passed the zone of Equatorial forests. On the road met the blue monkeys and the elegant endemics of Kilimanjaro - black-and-white colobus monkeys.  We ascended a kilometer and reached the first camp on the upper border of the forest -  Mandara Hut at 2800 m. And for Mandara there is news. First, there were sockets, which were not there before (they are few, but they are). And secondly, (and most importantly) there's  new huts, which is still not officially opened. We had to solve this issue informally, and we were the first group that settled there. Tomorrow we will move to Horombo at 3800….


Project  of Alex Abramov "Seven summits in seven months”.





The big expedition team led by Alexander Abramov gathered in Tanzania

Kilimanjaro. Anastasia Kuznetsova, guide and manager of 7 Summits Club:  Greetings from Tanzania! Alexander Abramov's group is practically gathered!  It remains to wait only two members arriving late flight. The rest of all we met, all ... read more

Anastasia Kuznetsova, guide and manager of 7 Summits Club:

 Greetings from Tanzania! Alexander Abramov's group is practically gathered!  It remains to wait only two members arriving late flight. The rest of all we met, all equipment checked, all in hire remeasured.   There was a briefing and an evening of “dating” with live music on the outdoor terrace, under the stars.  In general, we are ready to go on the route! 


Project of Alex Abramov Seven summits in seven months…














Russian camp on Aconcagua: group El Fuego has completed acclimatization cycle with climb up to 6000 meters

Aconcagua. Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:  Hello everyone, from Aconcagua, from El Fuego group! Yesterday we went up to our high-altitude camp (Nido de Condores) at 5500 meters. There is now a little warmer and you can ... read more

Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

 Hello everyone, from Aconcagua, from El Fuego group! Yesterday we went up to our high-altitude camp (Nido de Condores) at 5500 meters. There is now a little warmer and you can eat right outdoor, because in the tents are hot. For dinner, for breakfast and lunch thanks to our guide-chef - handyman-all-trades Andrey Berezin!

  We spent here a night, unfortunately, not all slept well, because the height. And in the morning we went for acclimatization on 6000 meters, to camp of Colera. We very quickly went there and back, in just 2.5 hours! And for a couple of hours we returned to the Base camp - Plaza de Mulas where we will accumulate the oxygen and strength to further climb after a day of rest. The forecasts are not good again, so today we went to 6000 meters for better acclimatization. We may have to go  to the summit from 5500 meters - well, let's see, while we hope for the best!






The new group started climbing Kilimanjaro with guide Dmitry Ermakov

Kilimanjaro. The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Ermakov from Tanzania: The 7 Summits Club, hello! Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. Today a new group has started a program in Kilimanjaro.  I gave them the name "swift-footed deers".  Because the ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Ermakov from Tanzania:

The 7 Summits Club, hello! Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. Today a new group has started a program in Kilimanjaro.  I gave them the name "swift-footed deers".  Because the members of the group got from the gate to the Machame camp in 2.30 minutes! Looks like a record! That is all right. We got the rain, but it's the little things in life!  We are all OK…


Summit!  Group of the 7 Summits Club with guide Dmitry Ermakov successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

Kilimanjaro. The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Ermakov from Tanzania: Hello, Seven Summits! This is Dmitry Ermakov from Africa. Today our team climbed the highest point of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. We're OK. The group members are a bit tired, but ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Dmitry Ermakov from Tanzania:

Hello, Seven Summits! This is Dmitry Ermakov from Africa. Today our team climbed the highest point of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. We're OK. The group members are a bit tired, but everything is within normal. We're going down slowly.…


Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua: group El Fuego is out on the glacier Horcones – nice day!

Aconcagua.  Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:  Greetings from the group of El Fuego from the slopes of Aconcagua! Today we finally have the sun and we went for a walk on the glacier Horcones, look at penentos ... read more

 Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

 Greetings from the group of El Fuego from the slopes of Aconcagua! Today we finally have the sun and we went for a walk on the glacier Horcones, look at penentos (calgaspors), snow-ice cool forest, very beautiful. Now we have lunch, delicious mushroom soup, red fish and sweet melon. And then we'll visit Miguel in the highest gallery in the world and then just resting.





Russian camp  of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua: El Fuego group climbed to the base camp

Aconcagua. Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: Hello from the Russian camp on Aconcagua with 4300m! We finally got here, though! We - this group El Fuego (Lights!), and came quite quickly, just 7 hours and 21 km at 1000m drop ... read more

Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

Hello from the Russian camp on Aconcagua with 4300m! We finally got here, though! We - this group El Fuego (Lights!), and came quite quickly, just 7 hours and 21 km at 1000m drop from camp Confluencia. Great result! And yesterday, in Confluencia we passed successfully medical-check - with all very cool indicators, physicians were surprised. The team members, of course, were tired after two days of difficult walking.  But no worries, tomorrow is a holiday, and finally  internet here it is!









Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua: a group of El Fuego comes on route

Aconcagua. Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina, from a group of El Fuego! This morning we said goodbye to hot Mendoza and went to the mountains, to the village of Penitentes. On arrival, after we gave ... read more

Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina, from a group of El Fuego! This morning we said goodbye to hot Mendoza and went to the mountains, to the village of Penitentes. On arrival, after we gave things to the mules, we went for a walk to 3100m. Tomorrow we will go to the zone without communication for 2 days, we will go to the Confluence camp. And then we will try the day after tomorrow to come to the Plaza de Mulas, in our cozy Russian camp of the 7 Summits…





Group of the 7 Summits Club with a guide Dmitry Ermakov reached camp Shira

Kilimanjaro. Seven Summits, hello! Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. We reached Shira's camp. Today we are more fortunate. There was even sun and we were able to dry all our wet things. We went up a little bit higher, now we are resting and waiting for ... read more

Seven Summits, hello! Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. We reached Shira's camp. Today we are more fortunate. There was even sun and we were able to dry all our wet things. We went up a little bit higher, now we are resting and waiting for dinner. We are doing well and all people are feeling fine. The mood is fighting.


A new group of the 7 Summits Club begins today climbing Kilimanjaro with a guide Dmitry Ermakov

Kilimanjaro. Dmitry Ermakov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club in Tanzania:  Hello! Dmitry Ermakov started working with a new group in Kilimanjaro. Tonight the last members arrived in Tanzania.  In the morning we packed up and now we are at the ... read more

Dmitry Ermakov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club in Tanzania:

 Hello! Dmitry Ermakov started working with a new group in Kilimanjaro. Tonight the last members arrived in Tanzania.  In the morning we packed up and now we are at the gates of Machame. Now we will register the group and go higher. The weather is beautiful. Today has even been seen Kilimanjaro in the morning. Compared to the New Year time, there are practically no people  on the route. In General, everything is fine and everything is going according to plan.




Group the 7 Summits Club  "Aconcagua-3" completes the program in the wine capital of Argentina Mendoza. Awards and congratulations!

Aconcagua. Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina:  Hello 7 Summits Club from the hot Mendoza! The Aconcagua-3 team descended to the exit of the Aconcagua national Park. We checked into the hotel and in the evening we were at a dinner dedicated to our ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina:

 Hello 7 Summits Club from the hot Mendoza!

The Aconcagua-3 team descended to the exit of the Aconcagua national Park.

We checked into the hotel and in the evening we were at a dinner dedicated to our ascent.

 Guides of the 7 Summits Club Vladimir Kotlyar, Andrei Berezin and Viktor Ershov  awarded participants that have reached the coveted summit of Aconcagua 6962!

 It's sad to know it's over. This expedition was special. We became friends.

Yesterday there were talks about the brightest moments, laughter through tears, happy smiles, many words of gratitude.

 And today — walks in Mendoza, rafting and visiting local restaurants with tasting the best Argentine wines.













Diaries of the Russian camp  of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua. Chronicle of the summit assault

Aconcagua. 28 Jan.  The final and culminating part of our journey to the Andes and  ascent of Aconcagua begins. Today we leave Plaza de Mulas and again climb to the 5500 camp Nido de Cóndores. The transition took 6 hours, only the ... read more

28 Jan.  The final and culminating part of our journey to the Andes and  ascent of Aconcagua begins.

Today we leave Plaza de Mulas and again climb to the 5500 camp Nido de Cóndores.

The transition took 6 hours, only the weather unlike the previous acclimatization exit - like heaven and earth!  On Nido the sun is shining, a little cool breeze is blowing, almost like on Mulas, maybe a few degrees lower.

 And we waited for another beautiful sunset over Aconcagua, then scattered to the tents and getting ready for bed.


29 Jan.  Transfer from Nido de Cóndores to camp Cólera.

 Climb 500 meters, we have overcome that distance in three hours.

The camp Cólera is very beautiful - it is surrounded by picturesque rocks, and closer you can see our goal — the summit of Aconcagua!

Super-guides of the 7 Summits Club prepared chicken soup. At 6000 -  real masterpiece of Alpine cuisine!  We dined in the open air and discussed  upcoming plans for tomorrow.

We went to the tents around 6 PM, we are saving up for the ascent! Start at 2: 30.


30 Jan.

Team "Aconcagua-3" consisting of 12 people heroically climbed to the highest point of the two Americas - the summit of Aconcagua 6962!

We left camp Cólera at 4 am, the way to the top took almost 12 hours!

 The weather was excellent: only at the site with the traverse the wind was blowing about 40 mph, but in General, the conditions for climbing were very favorable!

 The last climberss went down to the camp for about 10 PM, all the forces left on the ascent. And in the camp we were waiting for a hot chicken soup prepared by Viktor Ershov.

 We woke up on the morning of January 31 and soon ran down to the Plaza de Mulas! Now we are resting, recuperating and accept your congratulations!!!







Video about climb of Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev on Aconcagua

Aconcagua.  From the video clips sent by Alexander Abramov, we have mounted a small video film. This is the story of how on January 27 he and Artem Rostovtsev climbed to the top of Mount Aconcagua. Details, emotions and colors in the video: ... read more

 From the video clips sent by Alexander Abramov, we have mounted a small video film. This is the story of how on January 27 he and Artem Rostovtsev climbed to the top of Mount Aconcagua.

Details, emotions and colors in the video:



Photo report on Aconcagua climb of Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev

Aconcagua. On January 27, 2019, Alexander Abramov climbed the highest peak in South America, Mount Aconcagua,  it was a part of “Seven summits in seven months” project. Artem Rostovtsev, also the guide of the 7 Summits Club, was his ... read more

On January 27, 2019, Alexander Abramov climbed the highest peak in South America, Mount Aconcagua,  it was a part of “Seven summits in seven months” project. Artem Rostovtsev, also the guide of the 7 Summits Club, was his climbing partner.  Climbing took place in difficult weather conditions, the summit was not easy.




























Diary of the Russian camp on Aconcagua. Group "Aconcagua-3"  come out of the base camp for the summit of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina: Hello 7 Summits Club from "Aconcagua-3"!  Yesterday we had a great day of rest here: we had time to sunbathe, and walk to the waterfall, and pass the medical check.  At Plaza de Mulas there is ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina:

Hello 7 Summits Club from "Aconcagua-3"!

 Yesterday we had a great day of rest here: we had time to sunbathe, and walk to the waterfall, and pass the medical check.

 At Plaza de Mulas there is almost summer — by 10 am the sun comes out and a cool breeze blows.

 For lunch, our Alpine chef Anya cooked us mushroom soup of real Russian mushrooms, for dinner there was fried potatoes with mushrooms! The team members were thrilled!

 Everyone feels good! Now we have breakfast and prepare to go up. Today again we spend a night at 5500 m in Nido de Cóndores, tomorrow we rise to 6000, and from there we will try to storm the top of Aconcagua!

 Wish us luck!






Diary of the Russian camp in Aconcagua. Group "Aconcagua-3" rose for a night on Nido de Condores

Aconcagua. Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina: Hello, 7 Summits Club!  Group Aconcagua-3 with you! Yesterday we made quite a difficult marsh up to the camp Nido de Cóndores, gaining more than 1000 m in height. The weather changed.  ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar from Argentina: Hello, 7 Summits Club!  Group Aconcagua-3 with you!

Yesterday we made quite a difficult marsh up to the camp Nido de Cóndores, gaining more than 1000 m in height.

The weather changed.  Already in the morning the summit of our "stone guard" was tightly tightened dark gray clouds, and we were blown by unpleasant wind.

 We left Plaza de Mulas at 10: 00 am, less than three hours before we reached Canada Camp.  And then a strong wind came up, by feelings up to 30-35 km/h, and after a minutes it started to snow.

But even in such difficult conditions the group reached 5500 m in six hours! Our super guides say it's a good time!

  In the upper camp there is a large tent-dining room (“Strong hall”), where we were waiting for hot soup and tea prepared by Andrei Berezin! We settled in large comfortable triple tents, walked around the camp.

In the late afternoon the sun came out and you could see how fast the clouds are running over the top of Aconcagua!

Today we spend a night at a new height and tomorrow we run down to the Plaza de Mulas!










Russian camp on Aconcagua.  Abramov and Rostovtsev are ready to go for the summit

Aconcagua. Alexander Abramov from Argentina:  Today  there was a day of rest and preparation for the ascent. Tomorrow morning I and Artem Rostovtsev go to Nido de Condores.  And today we walked through the camps, went to the Studio of ... read more

Alexander Abramov from Argentina:

 Today  there was a day of rest and preparation for the ascent. Tomorrow morning I and Artem Rostovtsev go to Nido de Condores.  And today we walked through the camps, went to the Studio of Miguel.

 There we met a Japanese guide Hiro (Kazuya Hiraide). He brought 86-year-old Yuichiro Miura and his son. Son ascended the summit, but Old Miura would not reach 300 m to the summit.

















Diary of the Russian camp in Aconcagua. A new group came to the base camp, where everything was ready for a great rest

Aconcagua. Svetlana Kotlyar from the base camp under mount Aconcagua: Greetings from the group "Aconcagua-3" from the base camp Plaza de Mulas!  Yesterday we made a long trek: we gained almost 900 m in height and walked more than 20 km. The whole ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar from the base camp under mount Aconcagua:

Greetings from the group "Aconcagua-3" from the base camp Plaza de Mulas!

 Yesterday we made a long trek: we gained almost 900 m in height and walked more than 20 km. The whole trekking took about 8.5 hours with snacks and rest stops.

We left the Confluence camp at 8: 00 am. Just a couple of minutes the sun came out and warmed with its rays.

Trekking can be divided into two segments: the first,  so-called "frying pan", a fairly long (about 13 km) area of almost flat surface. Second — is the steep  path to the  base camp.

The weather is good. At these altitudes become warmer — the previously frozen streams melted, and several times we were looking through them the crossing.

The idea that the Plaza de Mulas is waiting for us helped made the way warmer! Anya Ershova (mountain chef) and guide Andrey Berezin have prepared everything for our arrival: what could be better than a hot lunch after such a hard day?

 Service at height level: members of the group live in separate tents, we have our own kitchen and a large tent-dining room, where it is warm and cozy to gather together. Food, drinks, vegetables, fruits, sweets - all this in abundance!

 Today, the plan is a small acclimatization walk.











Alexander Abramov: the Beginning of our trip to Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Alexander Abramov, President of 7 Summits Club from Argentina: The team of «7 Summits in 7 months” decided to make a new project: "Each of 7 summits in 7 days". I and Artem Rostovtsev go to Aconcagua for 7 days. Today is the ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

The team of «7 Summits in 7 months” decided to make a new project: "Each of 7 summits in 7 days".

I and Artem Rostovtsev go to Aconcagua for 7 days. Today is the second day. We came to the Plaza de Mulas, height - 4300 m. Health - so-so. But we finally saw our Russian camp on Aconcagua. Perfectly. Super camp. Cheerfully. The neighbors came: Irina Galai, Dasha and the rest…



























The 7 Summits Club congratulates the expedition "Antarctica. 200 years of research " with the successful completion of an unprecedented  journey!

South Pole. Our friends from the  team of  Vasily Yelagin and our friends from the RD Studio led by Valdis Pelsh successfully completed the Antarctic program and returned to the Mainland. Record, unprecedented automobile campaign is ... read more

Our friends from the  team of  Vasily Yelagin and our friends from the RD Studio led by Valdis Pelsh successfully completed the Antarctic program and returned to the Mainland. Record, unprecedented automobile campaign is successfully completed, we will wait for reports and the main thing – the movie. 



RD Studio: in 1820 the Russian expedition Bellingshausen and Lazarev gave the world the sixth continent. On the eve of the bicentennial of this event, we went to Antarctica to create a documentary about the brightest pages of its history. And at the same time we did something that no one else did: a unique Autonomous auto vehicle run on the ice through the Antarctic Continent! For 38 days we passed 5519 km on all-terrain vehicles "Yemelya" without refueling and replenishment of stocks on the way!