Providing expeditions
since 2005

Group of the 7 Summits Club with a guide Artem Rostovtsev is at the South pole! Congratulations!

South Pole. Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev, from Antarctica, à from the Last degree to the South Pole expedition. At the moment I am exactly at the South pole. Here I go around all the meridians around the obelisk – a ball, which ... read more

Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev, from Antarctica, à from the Last degree to the South Pole expedition. At the moment I am exactly at the South pole. Here I go around all the meridians around the obelisk – a ball, which symbolizes the South Pole. We had a hard day yesterday. We covered 24 kilometers to the South Pole. We came tired, spent the night at tent, and the remaining 500 meters quietly went this morning.

We took a lot of photos and now we inform the whole world about our success.

Greetings from Antarctica, from the team "Last degree"! We've probably got another day or half a day and we're going back to Union Glacier. Next, we join our second team, to climb together Mount Vinson…



The second group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua received permits and is ready to leave the mountains

Aconcagua. Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:  Aloja, 7 Summits!!!! All members of the group “Los Heros” gathered in the capital of Argentine winemaking! Finally, all the luggage got to Mendoza after the ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

 Aloja, 7 Summits!!!! All members of the group “Los Heros” gathered in the capital of Argentine winemaking! Finally, all the luggage got to Mendoza after the participants, paid and received permits for the mountain, purchased products and resolved other domestic issues. Tomorrow we will move to the mountains together! Wish us luck!






Alexander Abramov and the group Antarctica-2 are already in Antarctica!  Report on the minutes before departure

South Pole. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from the plane flying to the South:  We're going to Antarctica!! Bye, everyone! Happy New year! No Internet more !!   It looks like the weather will be good after December 31th. ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from the plane flying to the South:

 We're going to Antarctica!! Bye, everyone! Happy New year! No Internet more !!


It looks like the weather will be good after December 31th. So for a couple of days, we'll be at Union glacier. And then we are promised a week of good weather. We have enough time to climb on Vinson.




Alexander Abramov. Project 7 summits in 7 months. Join the legend!


On the map you can see that Alexander Abramov is already on the base Union Glacier!#actors












A group of the 7 Summits Club "Merry New year" spends a night in the camp of Shira. They go and sing, they stopped - they sing again

Kilimanjaro. Guide the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Ermakov: Seven Peaks, Hello!   A group of the 7 Summits Club "Merry New year!" continues its journey. Today we reached the height of 3750, this is our Shira camp.  The height is felt, some are ... read more

Guide the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Ermakov:

Seven Peaks, Hello!   A group of the 7 Summits Club "Merry New year!" continues its journey. Today we reached the height of 3750, this is our Shira camp.  The height is felt, some are already beginning to have a headache. But, in general, all is well.  We sing songs, have fun. Weather today was almost all day foggy, but, thank God, in a rain we didn't get.

Tomorrow go up through the Lava tower. Best regards!


A group of the 7 Summits Club with guide Artem Rostovtsev is rapidly going to the South pole

South Pole. Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev. From Antarctica, from the white snow desert. We are rapidly approaching the pole. Today there was a good running day. We just stopped, set up camp, had dinner. Weather... well, we are not ... read more

Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev. From Antarctica, from the white snow desert. We are rapidly approaching the pole. Today there was a good running day. We just stopped, set up camp, had dinner. Weather... well, we are not upset. The slight breeze, mostly sunny, occasionally cloudy. Now, we're planning on getting up early tomorrow and moving on. In a day or two we hope to be at the South pole.



Follow the map!#actors


Group of the 7 Summits Club  "Happy New year" on Kilimanjaro goes to the approaches to the Mountain

Kilimanjaro.  Seven Summits, Hello!  There is Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. Group "Happy New year" today starts on the Mountain.  According the plan the ascent we will have at 31th December to 1th of Janury. All people feel great and ... read more

 Seven Summits, Hello!  There is Dmitry Ermakov from Kilimanjaro. Group "Happy New year" today starts on the Mountain.  According the plan the ascent we will have at 31th December to 1th of Janury. All people feel great and  are in high spirits. We are preparing now and in an hour we will start up the mountain.







The second Antarctic group of the 7 Summits Club gathered together in Punta Arenas

Vinson. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, a group guide: Well, all of our team Antarctica number 2 has come together.  This is Sasha, Alla and Rajan. And I'm Alex Abramov. Today Alla Mishina had a birthday. And she invited ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, a group guide:

Well, all of our team Antarctica number 2 has come together.  This is Sasha, Alla and Rajan. And I'm Alex Abramov. Today Alla Mishina had a birthday. And she invited the team to the restaurant. Everyone's mood is cheerful and sometimes fighting. Tomorrow will be the day of preparation. Checking equipment, buying food. And the team wants to see  penguins. Weather is improving. It became warmer. We hope the flight will be on schedule.






New Year's tour of the 7 Summits Club on Kilimanjaro begins. The first report from Dmitry Ermakov

Kilimanjaro. Seven Summits, Hello!  This is Dmitry Ermakov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Africa. I arrived last night, late reached the hotel. Here I met three members of our group. Today we checked equipment, in general it was a day of ... read more

Seven Summits, Hello!  This is Dmitry Ermakov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Africa. I arrived last night, late reached the hotel. Here I met three members of our group. Today we checked equipment, in general it was a day of rest. Now I will start at the airport in an hour to meet the other members. The weather is fine, the mood is great.







The first report of the season of the 7  Summits Club in Antarctica. The adventure has finally begun!

South Pole.  Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev. I'm finally calling from Antarctica. We successfully took off today and successfully landed.  ... it was clear that there was bad weather, a lot of snow. It was necessary to clear ... read more

 Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev. I'm finally calling from Antarctica. We successfully took off today and successfully landed.  ... it was clear that there was bad weather, a lot of snow. It was necessary to clear anew  the  airstrip - more than half a meter of snow fell out on the driest continent, unexpectedly. We arrived, accommodated, now all go to sleep. In the morning we wake up and try to move on. We have to fly towards the South pole.

I hope that we will succeed. Hello everyone from the snow-white edges of Antarctica!



An on-line map


Listen to the audio message:

The first Antarctic group of the 7 Summits Club flew to the ice continent after a week delay

South Pole. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas, Chile: Hurray! The program 7 summits in 7 months started!! Finally, our first group after seven days of waiting for the weather flew to Antarctica.  To ski  the ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas, Chile:

Hurray! The program 7 summits in 7 months started!! Finally, our first group after seven days of waiting for the weather flew to Antarctica.  To ski  the South pole and climb the Vinson Massif.





We had a great Christmas. Today the whole town was resting. All shops are closed. Tomorrow we are buying products for the second group, which has already started to come to Punta Arenas. The next flight is scheduled for December 29. Onward and upward!



 Even I had to kiss the big toe of the Indian's right foot to do it. It is a tradition!







New project of the 7 Summits Club. "7 Summits s in 7 months with Alexander Abramov". Join the record of Russia!

Everest. The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov announced plans to establish a new record of speed of climbing all of the "Seven summits".  That is, he intends to climb all the highest peaks of the continents in a total of about ... read more

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov announced plans to establish a new record of speed of climbing all of the "Seven summits".  That is, he intends to climb all the highest peaks of the continents in a total of about six months.  But since the ascent will be carried out from January to July, it can be called "Seven Summits in seven months."

 The project will start on January 1, 2019.  At the same time, Alexander Abramov acts as a guide in all programs. And he gathers groups of climbers.  You have a great chance to join them and climb in good company and under the guidance of the legendary leader, the Prisident of the 7 Summits Club. The project starts in January 2019 and is to be completed in July 2019 by climbing all 7 summits. See the program below…

 The speed record from this year belongs to the Australian Steve Plain -117 days, 6 hours and 50 minutes (from the top to the top).  The previous world achievement of Pole Janusz Kochanski remained the record of Europe - 129 days. The record of Russia now belongs to Masha Gordon - 201 days (October 2015 – June 2016).  It's all climbers who specifically set out to show a record time. Some (short) time the record holder was the famous guide from the USA Vernon Tejas. He completed  the "Seven Summits" in 134 days. However, Vern is on some of the ascents series was not a guide went on vacation.

 So Alexander Abramov claims two records: national - for Russians and  probably World for guides at work.



List of programs

 Vinson Massif, Antarctica

1-9 January

 Aconcagua, South America

17-25 January

 Kilimanjaro, Africa

16 - Feb 24

 Carstensz, Australia and Oceania

10 - March 16

 Everest, Asia

15 April-27 May

 Elbrus, Europe

June 10-17


June 26-July 12.



Summit!  Group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the top of Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of  the 7 Summits Club: Four members and one guide of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the top of Aconcagua! There was no one else on the mountain that day. The climb took 24 hours and the locals called us crazy. ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of  the 7 Summits Club:

Four members and one guide of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the top of Aconcagua! There was no one else on the mountain that day. The climb took 24 hours and the locals called us crazy.











Summit!  The first group of the 7 Summits Club  climbed the top of Mount Aconcagua. Congratulations to Victors!

Aconcagua. Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: Hello! Justified the name (Double Victor - that is a Double Victory!) and today at 14.15 we stood at the top of Aconcagua - one of the first this season in general and the first ... read more

Victor Ershov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

Hello! Justified the name (Double Victor - that is a Double Victory!) and today at 14.15 we stood at the top of Aconcagua - one of the first this season in general and the first from the Russian camp of the 7 Summits! The ascent took place in difficult conditions - in the morning and at night there was a strong wind with small grains, then for a few hours it spread and was relatively warm. And on the descent we were covered with a thunderstorm with fog – we were a little beat static.  There were four forecasts, which I compared before the ascent - none was justified! But this did not prevent us to successfully ascend and no less successfully descend immediately from the top to the base camp of Plaza de Mulas! Season's open! Hurray!









Flights to Antarctica resumed. Group of the 7 Summits Club is waiting for depart

South Pole. Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Chile: Antarctica is waiting for us. Tonight previous group, that were delayed, departed. We were supposed to fly according to plan this morning, but pilots can't fly without rest. So we ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Chile:

Antarctica is waiting for us. Tonight previous group, that were delayed, departed. We were supposed to fly according to plan this morning, but pilots can't fly without rest. So we waited for the evening, waiting for departure to the airport. We will continue to wait for the flight. It will take place only if there is 12 hours of good weather and here in Punta Arenas and Union Glacier in Antarctica. Chances are usually 50/50, or Yes or no.

Everyone crossed their fingers and clenched their fists.






Group  of the 7 Summits Club  "Gypsy camp" goes to spend the night in the " Condor's nest»…

Aconcagua. Andrey Berezin, Guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: Today, a group named as a “Gypsy camp” leaves, but not in the sky, but for acclimatization overnight in the camp Nido de Condores. Yesterday there was a day of rest, so ... read more

Andrey Berezin, Guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

Today, a group named as a “Gypsy camp” leaves, but not in the sky, but for acclimatization overnight in the camp Nido de Condores. Yesterday there was a day of rest, so we could gain strength. Tomorrow at evening, we are scheduled to return to the base Camp of the Plaza de Mulas.  Your guides: Kotlyar, Berezin, Miasoedov.



In Punta Arenas  a group of the 7 Summits Club is preparing for the departure to Antarctica

South Pole. Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Chile: The expedition to Antarctica to the South Pole and  Mount Vinson  spun in full swing. While it is true, Antarctica is not even visible, there is a stage of preparation in ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Chile:

The expedition to Antarctica to the South Pole and  Mount Vinson  spun in full swing. While it is true, Antarctica is not even visible, there is a stage of preparation in Punta Arenas. Purchase of equipment, its check, adjustment, purchase of food. Today, the whole team finally got together. In 2 days we should be ready for departure. We hope that it will not be postponed as the previous teams, which are already 2 days waiting for the weather in Punta Arenas for departure to the Ice Continent.










A group of the 7 Summits Club  " W " completed acclimatization with the rotation on 5800

Aconcagua. Guide the 7 Summits Club Victor Ershov: Greetings from the group "W"!  We reached 5800, then went down to the base camp  Placa de Mulas.  We are now resting one day and tomorrow we go back up the slopes  of Aconcagua, ... read more

Guide the 7 Summits Club Victor Ershov:

Greetings from the group "W"!  We reached 5800, then went down to the base camp  Placa de Mulas.  We are now resting one day and tomorrow we go back up the slopes  of Aconcagua, already with an eye to the top!


"Russian camp on Aconcagua." Photo-report of Vladimir Kotlyar  

Aconcagua.  Vladimir Kotlyar, a Guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:  Hello dears!!!! For two days we have accumulated a lot of photos and emotions!!! Group  is worthy of overcoming difficulties and gaining kilometers in height! ... read more

 Vladimir Kotlyar, a Guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

 Hello dears!!!! For two days we have accumulated a lot of photos and emotions!!! Group  is worthy of overcoming difficulties and gaining kilometers in height! Separately I want to note our girls!!!! They are beautiful and not inferior to men!



















The main news of Elbrus: our refuge will be better than others!  We will have mobile communications for phones and Internet!

Elbrus. Why should you go to Elbrus with the 7 Summits Club? The answer is simple. Because we take special care of our climbers. Here is proof: on Elbrus we place climbers at the most convenient in all respects shelter.  Where they care about ... read more

Why should you go to Elbrus with the 7 Summits Club? The answer is simple. Because we take special care of our climbers. Here is proof: on Elbrus we place climbers at the most convenient in all respects shelter.  Where they care about the guests and value their opinion about the quality of work.  Here for the convenience of climbers at the shelter we have installed a relay tower. Now all our shelter is provided with reliable communication. For phones  and Internet!!  

And hurry up to join our groups on Elbrus. More than 50% of the places in the summer groups have already been sold.

Watch programs and sign up!