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29 December 2018, 18:48. South Pole, all programs »

Hello, Seven Summits! This is Artem Rostovtsev, from Antarctica, à from the Last degree to the South Pole expedition. At the moment I am exactly at the South pole. Here I go around all the meridians around the obelisk – a ball, which symbolizes the South Pole. We had a hard day yesterday. We covered 24 kilometers to the South Pole. We came tired, spent the night at tent, and the remaining 500 meters quietly went this morning.

We took a lot of photos and now we inform the whole world about our success.

Greetings from Antarctica, from the team "Last degree"! We've probably got another day or half a day and we're going back to Union Glacier. Next, we join our second team, to climb together Mount Vinson…