Providing expeditions
since 2005

The storm ended and our group under the leadership of Alex Abramov is ready to continue climbing Mount Vinson

Vinson. Hello! It is Alexander Abramov from Antarctica. Yesterday the weather turn to better. We dug up all the tents that were broken with snow, found all the things that were covered with snow. Yesterday we had a day of rest – we ate three ... read more

Hello! It is Alexander Abramov from Antarctica. Yesterday the weather turn to better. We dug up all the tents that were broken with snow, found all the things that were covered with snow. Yesterday we had a day of rest – we ate three times, finally. Today, we're going to go upstairs to the High camp. At  25th December there will be good weather, we are promised...

In general, at 3 p.m., we're going up. Up to 11 in the evening we will climb to the High camp. The next day we will try to go climbing...

All 16 people on our team feel great... All, bye!

Message of Alexander Abramov from Mount Vinson: there is a struggle with an unprecedented strong wind

Vinson. Hello! Today we have bad weather. We just tonight came to Low camp. In general we were warned by the Rangers that there will be a strong wind. Somewhere 60 knots, about 110 km per hour (?) but somehow we did not believe it. This morning I ... read more

Hello! Today we have bad weather. We just tonight came to Low camp. In general we were warned by the Rangers that there will be a strong wind. Somewhere 60 knots, about 110 km per hour (?) but somehow we did not believe it.

This morning I was awakened by the Japanese – they have broken one arc on the tent.  It begun to blow hard. All day we have struggled with wind made snow walls, repaired tents etc…

Also, thank God, we have one big tent, which is called Sensei. And now this tent, it now tries to break by the wind, the wind about 110 km per hour.

Trying to break, but as long as it stays.

But inside the tent we're fine, we've got a lot of food,  there are tables, chairs. We have enough fuel, the main thing – not to break the main tent. We only have two tents that are visually not affected. The rest is either one arc is broken, either all...

If the wind will weaken, we will repair...

All, all, goodbye!


Information from Alexander Abramov from Antarctica: the team is in a race with bad weather

Vinson. Hello! Alexander Abramov from Antarctica, from the base camp of Vinson Massif. Yesterday, we came here. The weather was gorgeous. We made a movie and a group of porters went to the Low camp and put a new tent. And took all the products. ... read more

Hello! Alexander Abramov from Antarctica, from the base camp of Vinson Massif. Yesterday, we came here. The weather was gorgeous. We made a movie and a group of porters went to the Low camp and put a new tent. And took all the products. Today we plan to move to an altitude of 3200 meters...

  Today, the rangers said that at night  there will be a very strong hurricane in Low camp. Up to 60 knots So now we urgently collect base camp and moved to the Low camp, because we don't want the bad weather caught us on the road. Now visibility is very bad. It is seen that bad weather is approaching. In general, we will try to escape it  this afternoon.

The team we have ... 12 Japanese members, one Japanese tour guide, Vladimir Kotlyar, Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Abramov.




Our second group is ready to fly to Antarctica

Vinson.   Alexander Abramov from Punta Arenas: Today we packed and put into the plane with all our things. Our Japanese group have 30 bags. And plus 15 public bags. A total - 45 bags! And now we will try to fly with all that weight, about 800 ... read more


Alexander Abramov from Punta Arenas: Today we packed and put into the plane with all our things. Our Japanese group have 30 bags. And plus 15 public bags. A total - 45 bags! And now we will try to fly with all that weight, about 800 kg. Of that 200 kg is just equipment  for movies. We have a team of 12 members and 4 guides. A strong team.


In the evening we had a meeting. The guides told about how to behave in Antarctica. In the office, we met old and new friends. And Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev has rested from the first group waiting for us at Union Glacier. Tomorrow we must fly to Antarctica. The adventure continues!!!










Congratulations to members of the first of our group on Mount Vinson with the victory and awarding of medals!

Vinson. Alexander Abramov from Punta Arenas: Congratulations!!! The first group of the 7 Summits Club came back from Antarctica from Mount Vinson. And here in Punta Arenas, they received a well-deserved silver medal "For the ascent on the Massif ... read more

Alexander Abramov from Punta Arenas: Congratulations!!! The first group of the 7 Summits Club came back from Antarctica from Mount Vinson. And here in Punta Arenas, they received a well-deserved silver medal "For the ascent on the Massif Vinson". The 7 Summits Club has produced 7 medals for each of the seven summits. Elbrus and Kilimanjaro - Bronze. Vinson, Denali, Aconcagua and Carstensz - silver. And Gold - for Everest.

Today the first awarding ceremony of medals took place in a café in Punta Arenas. The guys and a girl were happy!!



























SUMMIT! Our group climbed Vinson. Our congratulations!

Vinson.   Vladimir Kotlyar,a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Antarctica: Aloha, 7 Summits! The group of Artem Rostovtsev and Vladimir Kotlyar successfully climbed to the top of the Vinson Massif. Unfortunately, one participant did not get up, ... read more


Vladimir Kotlyar,a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Antarctica:

Aloha, 7 Summits! The group of Artem Rostovtsev and Vladimir Kotlyar successfully climbed to the top of the Vinson Massif. Unfortunately, one participant did not get up, but it's okay. This is our friend from Canada, with him everything is OK.

Now we went down to Low Camp and Artem here cooked an amazing risotto with seafood ... In general ... I'm now salivating a chill ..

In general, he met us with a teapot. It was great!  Unfortunately, Low Camp has suffered a little, so now we have such a beautiful snow picnic ... Everyone is happy, everything is fine. Slowly everything, the group is going to go home. All thanks for your attention! And before the connection!

And a second, now I'll give you!


Tatiana Yalovchak, participant of the group:

Hello! I am Yalovchak Tatyana. Igor Grushko and I have finished the Seven summits proram today, thanks to the Seven Summits Club company, Kotlyar and Artem. Thank you very much!


Vladimir Kotlyar:

In general, Tatyana is the first Ukrainian woman who made the program "Seven Summits".




Our team Vinson is waiting for better weather. A message from our guides

Vinson. Hello 7 Summits! It is Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev, we're calling from the High camp on Mount Vinson. We now have for the third overnight here. It is sunny and very southern Antarctica. Why are we still here? Because there's a ... read more

Hello 7 Summits! It is Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev, we're calling from the High camp on Mount Vinson.

We now have for the third overnight here. It is sunny and very southern Antarctica. Why are we still here? Because there's a very strong wind. We wait for the better weather. We have promised by forecast that tomorrow may be good weather. So tomorrow we have to go to the top.  Wake up, and let's see whether this is so. Let's hope so. We hope to please you with my next call, after our ascent. Everyone, Hello!





Strong winds prevent our group from summit bid on Mount Vinson

Vinson. Message from a guide of the 7 Summits Club  Vladimir Kotlyar. The group is in the High (assault) camp. There is very strong wind up to 80 km per hour. They are waiting for the weather. According a forecast the weather will be better ... read more

Message from a guide of the 7 Summits Club  Vladimir Kotlyar. The group is in the High (assault) camp. There is very strong wind up to 80 km per hour. They are waiting for the weather. According a forecast the weather will be better  by December 13-14. In the lower camp there is also a very strong wind. The group has a large stock, they have enough products, and fuel. The members feel good. We are waiting for further reports.


Rest day in camp 1 for our first Vinson group

Vinson. Hello! There are guides of the 7 Summits Club  Rostovtsev Artem and Vladimir Kotlyar. We are broadcasting from Antarctica, from Mount Vinson. Today we had a day of rest, almost complete relaxation. But we did not rest especially. ... read more

Hello! There are guides of the 7 Summits Club  Rostovtsev Artem and Vladimir Kotlyar. We are broadcasting from Antarctica, from Mount Vinson. Today we had a day of rest, almost complete relaxation. But we did not rest especially. Without ceasing, we built our tent camp for the following groups. We built walls from snow blocks, dug pits, improved the kitchen. There was  work  enough for everyone. Also, the group made a training exit, we went through one pitch for training on jumars ...

Today there was a hot day ...

We send greetings to our homeland! ....





Group of the Club of 7 Summits safely descended to the ice of Antarctica, and even flew to base camp Vinson

Vinson.     Hello, Seven Peaks! Says Vinson's base camp, Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev. We flew out of Punta Arenas this morning and flew to Union Gletcher for lunch. The weather was so perfect that we did not want to be ... read more

  Hello, Seven Peaks! Says Vinson's base camp, Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev. We flew out of Punta Arenas this morning and flew to Union Gletcher for lunch. The weather was so perfect that we did not want to be detained and quickly "kicked out" to Vinson's base camp. In general, we stuffed our bales with food, filled our thermos with hot tea and flew to the base camp of Massiva Vinson by two planes. We have been here for two or three hours already.
By the current moment we have a headquarters tent, it's a dining room-kitchen, all the tents are installed. In general, life is adjusted ... Literally in about 10 minutes we will eat food .. Pelmeni! We took frozen ravioli with us. We decided to experiment and ...
took a little of their food ...
In short, today we took dumplings for the first day.
In general, everything is fine here, we are in the base camp of Vinson. Tomorrow at 10-11 we plan to go higher, to Camp Low Camp. Hello! All, bye!


Our Antarctic inter-brigade came together and is going to watch penguins

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas:   Hello, 7 Summits, from Chile! Our first Vinson team finally gathered in Punta Arenas last night. The team turned out to be very international, from 6 countries: ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Punta Arenas:


Hello, 7 Summits, from Chile! Our first Vinson team finally gathered in Punta Arenas last night. The team turned out to be very international, from 6 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Canada and Nepal. We conducted the first acclimatization (to the time zone) joint dinner, planned the next day. The brightest people outlined the morning running along the Strait of Magellan. Those who flew a little earlier, were lucky to participate in the preparation of the expedition - we have already prepared 200-250 public goods of equipment and food for a trip with us to Antarctica.


For today, the plan is to see penguins, decided to immediately reduce risks of not meet them. After all, when you return home, you will be asked if you saw or not penguins? And in Antarctica we will be deep in the continent and away from these birds, we will solve the issue with penguins today. Tomorrow we are already setting up the equipment for dispatch and are preparing to take off for the white continent.


Greetings from the friendly international team from the far south!










Our people in Punta Arenas: style above all!

Vinson.     Guides of the 7 Summits Club Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev met in Punta Arenas the first participant of the expedition to the Vinson Massif. This is Tatyana Yalovchak, who, if successful, will become the first ... read more


  Guides of the 7 Summits Club Vladimir Kotlyar and Artem Rostovtsev met in Punta Arenas the first participant of the expedition to the Vinson Massif. This is Tatyana Yalovchak, who, if successful, will become the first Ukrainian citizen to complete the "Seven Summits" program. Tanya went to sleep, and our guides still have to meet the rest of the team. Hard work, but we all envy them! They have an incredible Antarctica ahead! And we are proud of their style! Guys, you are the best!














The ritual of presenting on honor medal for the ascent to one of the Seven Summits, almost on-line

Today in the office of the 7 Summits Club we once again worked out the award ceremony with an honorary medal with a personal certificate for climbing Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa, 5,895 m). This time, we practiced the ceremony on ... read more

Today in the office of the 7 Summits Club we once again worked out the award ceremony with an honorary medal with a personal certificate for climbing Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa, 5,895 m). This time, we practiced the ceremony on the representative of ourClub in Tanzania - Valeria Polunina. She pleased us with her presence on this winter evening.







A video how Alexander Abramov handed out memorable signs to new Everest summiters. Photo!

Everest. The Federation of Mountaineering of Russia on December 2 held an annual gala evening devoted to summing up the results of the year. On it the president of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov presented memorable signs "Summiter of ... read more

The Federation of Mountaineering of Russia on December 2 held an annual gala evening devoted to summing up the results of the year. On it the president of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov presented memorable signs "Summiter of  Everest" to the climbers who have climbed the highest point of the World in 2017 ...



Thanks to the organizers of the evening for the excellent opportunity to communicate with good, close in spirit people!


Photos of different authors from facebook:















New Everest summiters will be awarded by the sigh "Everest Climber" on the gala evening of Federation of mountaineering of Russia

Everest.   On 2 December, the Federation of mountaineering of Russia (FMR) holds an annual gala evening devoted to summarizing the year. On it, in particular, the President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov will present a commemorative ... read more


On 2 December, the Federation of mountaineering of Russia (FMR) holds an annual gala evening devoted to summarizing the year. On it, in particular, the President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov will present a commemorative signs "Everest Climber". Climbers who have ascended to the highest point of the planet in 2017 first time, will receive this award. A list is provided below.


Gala evening of FMR will be held on 2 December 2017 in the hall of the Russian auction house (the building of Gostiny Dvor)


Arrival of guests at 18.00…


We invite all friends of 7 summits Club!




A list of reward climbers 2017:


Lyulyaev Cyril (38 years old) 16.05.2017 (Summit)


Dzeitov Mohammed (32) 22.05 2017


Telnov Alexander (39) 22.05.2017


Grushko Igor, Ukraine (42) 22.05.2017


Sadecki George (53) 22.05.2017


Kochanski Janusz, Poland (54) 19.05.2017


Tebiev Valery (46) 22.05.2017


Akkaev Aznaur (44) 22.05.2017


Briman, Daniil (46) 22.05.2017


Kravt Eugene (41) 22.05.2017


Savchenko, Oleg (50) 19.05.2017


 Starikovsky, Andrei  USA/Russia (52) 19.05.2017


Sidyakin Alexander (39) 19.05.2017


In the framework of the gala evening also there  will be held:


-  awarding of the Champions of Russia in the high-altitude and high-altitude-technical classes;

-  awarding  of the Champions among veterans;

- presentation of nominees and  awarding of Steel angel Award  for the best women's climbing of the year;

-  presentation of nominees and awarding of the Golden ice axe of Russia 2017 Award for the best climbing achievement of the year.


More than one thousand people visited the Memorial Evening of Vladimir Bashkirov

Everest.   On December 1, there was a significant event - an evening dedicated to the famous Soviet, Russian alpinist Vladimir Bashkirov. Many thanks to the organizers of the event - companies BASK, Swell and MONT! Surprisingly a large number ... read more


On December 1, there was a significant event - an evening dedicated to the famous Soviet, Russian alpinist Vladimir Bashkirov. Many thanks to the organizers of the event - companies BASK, Swell and MONT! Surprisingly a large number of mountain lovers, mostly not the youngest, managed to get together. Full hall! Everyone who knew Vladimir remembered the glorious pages of mountaineering of the past. If he were alive now, he would have walked with us along trekking trails, having already passed all 14 eight-thousanders a couple of times. But, alas, Bashkirov remained a 45-year-old, a master, a leader full of enthusiasm climber. Remained in our memory and became a legend ...


The main event of the evening is the premiere of the documentary "Vladimir Bashkirov. Love dissolved in the air. " Director - Natalia Makhanko, who completed the work begun by her husband, who untimely left us Leonid Mach.


On the stage, we saw the widow of the hero Natalia, the coach and teacher of Bashkirov - Vladimir Kavunenko, his partners from the team of Spartak and the team of alpinists of Moscow.







Our guides fly far to the South. The immediate plans of the 7 Summits Club

  On the last day of autumn, November 30, guides of 7 summits Club open the season in South America. Today the best our guides Artem Rostovtsev and Vladimir Kotlyar fly in the direction of Antarctica. After a few days they will meet in ... read more


On the last day of autumn, November 30, guides of 7 summits Club open the season in South America. Today the best our guides Artem Rostovtsev and Vladimir Kotlyar fly in the direction of Antarctica. After a few days they will meet in Punta Arenas, numerous participants of the first group, that go to the highest peak of the Ice continent, Mount Vinson (in total we will have three groups up to January)



As we have already mentioned, also it started the climbing program in Bolivia...


3th December next two programs will start:

 - in Mexico the program climbing Orizaba begins  for our regular participants - Natalia and Igor Smirnov;

-  in Ecuador, three of our comrades will go to climb Cayambu (the highest volcano, located exactly on the equator).


December 7th , a guide of  the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov meets a group that will lead to the most interesting places of Argentine and Chilean Patagonia.


December 25th  Sergei Larin will go to Argentina, he will lead the first group a great season on Aconcagua.

You can still join one of our groups on the highest point of South America.


Here is the schedule for  Aconcagua:

28 Dec - 14 Jan, guide Sergey Larin Andrey Berezin;

16 Jan - 02 Feb, guide Vladimir Kotlyar and Valeriy Myasoedov;

4 - 21 Feb, guide Vladimir Kotlyar and Andrey Berezin.

Exclusive beer in honor of Everest. You have an opportunity to try…

Everest. An active member of our Club Daniil Briman, Everest climber this year in the team under the leadership of Alex Abramov, made an unusual gift to us and to all climbers. He released a beer called “8848”…     ... read more

An active member of our Club Daniil Briman, Everest climber this year in the team under the leadership of Alex Abramov, made an unusual gift to us and to all climbers. He released a beer called “8848”…



 Beer is made from water from the glaciers of mount Everest (this is unconfirmed). As confirmed by the data: hops is from the USA, malt is from Germany, juniper and Goji berries – from the Altai. Design and production - Russia.

 The first informal tasting will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at the 7 Summits Club on the lecture of Olga Rumyantseva.




And the official tasting - December 2th, at the year meeting of the Russian Mountaineering Federation. Where Alexander Abramov,  8th times Everest climber, will be presenting the medals to the climbers for Everest 2017.


We invite all mountain lovers!

SUMMIT! The team of our Brazilian friends successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro.  Our friends from Brazil successfully summited the highest peak in Africa Kilimanjaro (5 895 m). They are in a good mood, continue their journey through Africa. On their return home, we are waiting for more photos and impressions! And ... read more

 Our friends from Brazil successfully summited the highest peak in Africa Kilimanjaro (5 895 m). They are in a good mood, continue their journey through Africa. On their return home, we are waiting for more photos and impressions! And now there is only such nice photo from the top. Congratulations!


The continuing adventures in Papua. Many beautiful and funny PHOTOS!

Carstensz Pyramid.   Lyudmila Korobeshko and Alex Abramov from Papua.   You already know that our entire group at full strength climbed to the top of Carstensz. But the adventure is not over. Taking off from Carstensz, the group split up. The male ... read more


Lyudmila Korobeshko and Alex Abramov from Papua.


You already know that our entire group at full strength climbed to the top of Carstensz. But the adventure is not over.

Taking off from Carstensz, the group split up. The male part went to the meeting with the scary Komodo dragons. And the female part under the leadership of President Alex flew into the heart of the island to look at the scary on the outside but good inside of the Papuans.

Now we compete who have cooler adventures.

We (women's team) have participated in hostilities, witnessed the brutal murder of a pig (which women of the Dani tribe carefully nurtured breast), ate meat from the pit and went through a huge cave with bats before the start of the underground river. A group of men, meanwhile, backs of dragons and bathed in ice sources.

The total score is 1:1