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since 2005

Alex Abramov from the slopes of Everest: the team successfully reached camp on the North Col, the night passed quietly

Everest. Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the North Col camp: Day 21. May 7. The Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.   In the morning our whole team was ready to quickly run to the North Col for acclimatization. But ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the North Col camp:

Day 21. May 7. The Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.


In the morning our whole team was ready to quickly run to the North Col for acclimatization. But then from the heaven came the order came to organize Puja. All expeditions have a mortar, but we do not. Therefore, only 9 am for Nepal time we were able to get out of ABC in the direction of the North Col, 7000 metres. The team was in good condition. Sometimes, though, the criticism sounded in the address of the leader: why go fast, why stand, why not stand, why not go… Difficult to satisfy all 12 people. But I think I managed – experience of old-school.


And here we climbed to the Saddle. Immediately it began to snow. Generally, there is snow falls afternoon every day. Now the wind is almost off, but the crazy snow is predicted for all next week. On the North Col at 7000 meters, we have a cook. And large tent with tables and chairs is installed. Thanks to this comfort, members feel more free. There is even a tent as a toilet. In short, we have a full camp. We all sleep surprisingly  good and excellent. In the morning, the Sherpas got coffee in bed. Now we have a long way down to the base camp. And tomorrow is a Holiday on May 9. We want to organize a Super-Party, which has already become traditional.







Alex Abramov on the records of our expedition and future plans

Everest. Alex Abramov from camp ABC: Day 20. May 6. The expedition of the 7 summits Club Everest-2017.  By the way, I slept on my 5800 fine, which indicates a good acclimatization. Yesterday to the Middle camp I came in 4:50. Today, from ... read more

Alex Abramov from camp ABC: Day 20. May 6. The expedition of the 7 summits Club Everest-2017.

 By the way, I slept on my 5800 fine, which indicates a good acclimatization. Yesterday to the Middle camp I came in 4:50. Today, from Middle camp to ABC - 5:30. A good time, given that it was snowing, and the strong wind on the path. Weather was not the best. But in the camp ABC it is cozy. At 6400 – cozy, unbelievable! But it's true. Excellent food, heaters in the tents.



Today  there was a joyful event,  Janusz (Kochanski) join us, our Pole. He just went from Mount Denali, that climbed in the "off season" in April. And already he is here. He is now doing the program "SevenSummits" a second time, as the first in Poland. He also currently completing  by Everest the program "Seven summits" for 4 months. This must be a new world record for speed. All his predecessors beginning with Mount Vinson in late January, and finally climbed Everest in May and then go on Denali in June. And Janusz decided to go to Denali before Everest. And he has a chance to finish high-speed version of the "Seven summits" already on May 20-21. Here are our recorsmen. As Lhakpa Sherpa, who  goes to Everest with our team for the eighth time. And may set a new world record among women.


 I'm going to sleep... Tomorrow we will exit to the North Col for the purpose of acclimatization. And on May 9th we have planned a festive evening in the base camp where we would like to invite all 14 expeditions.



Alex Abramov from the slopes of Everest: nobody wants to take responsibility. The issue with the equipment of the route to the top is not solved...

Everest. Day 19. 5th of May. The expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest 2017.  First day of second acclimatization. The report from the height of 5800 meters. We will again rise to 5800, 6500 and then to 7000 meters. I reached Middle camp in ... read more

Day 19. 5th of May. The expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest 2017.

 First day of second acclimatization. The report from the height of 5800 meters. We will again rise to 5800, 6500 and then to 7000 meters. I reached Middle camp in 4:50.  On the way I spoke with many leaders of expeditions. 7th of May there will be a meeting on the organization of the route, securing fixed ropes above 8300 meters and to the top. No one wants to do it. The Chinese took it upon themselves last 5 years. But they are always scolded that they do it late. And they don't want to take responsibility now. I also don't want to. And nobody wants that.


I think it is a simple money question. And the Chinese will do as in previous years, but for more money than usual. I can bet!


Alexander Abramov: Day 18. Photo of the best the base camp in the history. It is like a resort...

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the base camp: The expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017. It was the second and final rest day in BC. On this day for everyone it was not recommended to wash and itch. So everyone just ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the base camp:

The expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.

It was the second and final rest day in BC.

On this day for everyone it was not recommended to wash and itch. So everyone just crowded in the Base camp. Cards, table tennis, billiards, TV, internet, beer, coffee well different conversations.

 The day today off,  and  it is good. Tomorrow, we exit to the Camp ABC (6400m) and then to the North Col. Probably there will be no connection for 4 nights. Please wait for more information on return.























Legitimate and well deserved rest day

Alex Abramov reporting from Everest!Day 17th, May 3, 20177 Summits Club Everest Expedition 2017.Legitimate and well deserved rest day. We slept like rolled over with asphalt paver)). I didn't ever roll or move. Canceled the Wake Up Tea! And ... read more

Alex Abramov reporting from Everest!
Day 17th, May 3, 2017
7 Summits Club Everest Expedition 2017.
Legitimate and well deserved rest day.

We slept like rolled over with asphalt paver)). I didn't ever roll or move. Canceled the Wake Up Tea! And we moved the breakfast onto later. Yeah, and out of nowhere... tibetans has started really loud music in the kitchen at the sunrise, like they missed the nepali music soooo much!

I was rolling over and over for 15 minutes and then went on and let the dogs out.... all of them... saved for 10 days. Music has gotten down. It was the most pleasurable half and hour under the sun.
We got Vobla (Sun dried salted fish) for breakfast! Without bear((. Vobla gave us salt and reminded of Motherland!

After breakfast the Monê came by from Rongbuk monastery and we had Pudzha ceremony, blessing of the Camp..

We have a terrific team! After spending serious time in Lotus poster, we finally covered each other with Dzampa flour))

The whole team went down to each chinese noodles and get the blessings from the Monks and we together with Sergey Larin were left in Base Camp to clean and prepare the shower and the souls.

Rest day in not complete without relaxing drinks. The whole team relaxed completely by the end of the day. It's understandable, and it's a necessity, when you are deprived of heat, O2, and overloaded with various irritations... Complete article about that is here
Later on the snowfall came down onto Base Camp. Surprise)) The one thing that really makes the difference is our coffeemaker, which unconditionally makes Cappuccinos and Lattes))












The team returns to the base camp, all are healthy and deserve a rest. A new approach to acclimatization has justified itself!

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from camp ABC: Day 16. May 2. Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest – 2017.   It rumbled all the night. All members slept poorly:  because the first night sleeping without ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from camp ABC: Day 16. May 2.

Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest – 2017.


It rumbled all the night. All members slept poorly:  because the first night sleeping without oxygen or because the wind was really strong. Snow flew into tents, the frost was falling from the roof. It was impossible to sleep. Dream was sticky ...

This morning I woke up and saw the camp covered with snow. Snow flags on the clear summit of Everest complements the landscape. Today, no one will  go up, was the first thought.



And then the Chinese started: 35 clients and 45 Sherpas. The picture is not for the faint of heart. Some Chinese go so slow that doing about one step per 30 seconds. And then stand, breathe. You know what's even more amazing... they will reach the top.


And today we will run down. To warmth and to shower, to the food that is digested. To warm tent and more with the fact that in everyday life you are not considered luxury items.


The first stage of our Oxygen Acclimatization is completed. 6 nights, three of which we  slept with artificial oxygen, rising to a height of ABC – 6400 meters. I want to say that after this test the whole team feels healthy. Nobody coughs and complains about the respiratory system. It is very unusual for Himalayan expeditions. So we will consider the first stage of the expedition successful. Now we have three legitimate days and nights to rest in the base camp.


Two groups  of the 7 Summits Club started  for acclimatization already on the slopes of Elbrus

Elbrus. Alexander Dorozhukov, guide of the 7 summits Club: a group of the 7 Summits Club made acclimatization  outing to the area of the Shelter Eleven. The weather was good. The team is in order.  Andrey Berezin, guide of  the 7 ... read more

Alexander Dorozhukov, guide of the 7 summits Club: a group of the 7 Summits Club made acclimatization  outing to the area of the Shelter Eleven. The weather was good. The team is in order.

 Andrey Berezin, guide of  the 7 summits Club: Hello Everyone! Today, a group called Diacarb moved to a Shelter at an altitude of 3900 meters. Where we made acclimatization outing to the altitude of 4200, which was carried out snow training. Weather in output current was changed several times from sunny to severe, with snowfalls...


















Alexander Abramov on May Day on the glacier of Rongbuk

Everest. Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from camp ABC: Day 16. May 2. Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest – 2017.  Morning in the camp ABC was beautiful, the wind is not strong, the sun. All night we were breathing ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from camp ABC: Day 16. May 2. Expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest – 2017.

 Morning in the camp ABC was beautiful, the wind is not strong, the sun. All night we were breathing artificial oxygen. All of the participants feel great! Cheerful and fun. All  are ready for new challenges. Celebrate  May Day  by best acclimatization! In the morning, the Sherpas brought tea and coffee in the tent. It was very useful, you can lie still for half an hour, take a nap in a solar-powered tent. 7:30 – Breakfast. 9:00 exit to acclimatize. We reached Crampon point in 55 minutes. The altitude of 6,500 meters. Our team looked much fresher other teams who came up here without  sleeping oxygen.

 Just as we descended to ABC, started  a blizzard, that had filled the whole camp with snow. But we have a good basic tent. No one from the others expedition. So we quietly played cards, having dinner-supper. We talked about life and discussed the plans, in warmth and comfort. All trails were filled with snow. But, thank God, we have planned for tomorrow only the descent to base camp. In warmth and comfort. To the shower in which we are not bathed from the time of departure from Kathmandu. It was necessary to avoid getting sick with pneumonia on high altitude.

 All, once again, happy May Day!


The first outing  to the high altitude zone. Report  of Alex Abramov

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the camp ABC: Day 13. April 29.  The expedition  of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017. Saying goodbye to accompanying the expedition three girls who really didn't want to leave, we ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the camp ABC:

Day 13. April 29.

 The expedition  of the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.

Saying goodbye to accompanying the expedition three girls who really didn't want to leave, we went in Middle camp, 5800. There were to continue our ACCLIMATIZATION OXYGEN. Everything was going as usual and 6 hours under the scorching sun we got to our comfortable camp Middle camp. 5800ì. After the "water chicken" soup, all climbers feel better. Even played with playing cards. However, winning those who have indicators of oxygen in the blood above. Before bed all persons put on oxygen at 0.5 liters per minute and forgotten the sweet sleep.


Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition from the camp ABC:

Day 14. April 30.

The expedition of the 7 Summits Club Everest 2017. It turns out that not all the participants breathed oxygen all night. Some of them economizeâ oxygen and breathing just 3-4 hours. Moreover, in the morning, all climbers feel equally well. Even doubts began to arise in the need to breathe artificial oxygen in the night. But when we started moving up that those who spent the night breathing and recovered well, they were better than those who claimed that without oxygen they feel good. We came all the way from the Middle Camp to camp to ABC, it takes about 7 hours. Needless to say, it was not easy. But camp ABC immediately impressed everyone with its comfort. The main attraction - a big tent with a diameter of 8 meters, with a large transparent window with views of Everest. And equipped with heaters. Our camp is at the top of place, so yaks don't go near our camp. Tomorrow is May 1th Holiday, we will go to mention his drum lessons on the ice.


Experiment with oxygen continues: tomorrow the team leaves for three days up

Alex Abramov,  leader of the expedition from base camp: Day 12. 28 April. The expedition the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017. The health state of members  is excellent. No one is sick. We attribute this to our Experiment the USE of ... read more

Alex Abramov,  leader of the expedition from base camp:

Day 12. 28 April. The expedition the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.

The health state of members  is excellent. No one is sick. We attribute this to our Experiment the USE of OXYGEN DURING ACCLIMATIZATION.

All the participants were happy to take part in the first outing to the glacier with the use of crampons and fixed rope training.



This morning another 40 Yaks gone up, its carry oxygen and a lot of things  for the camp ABC (6400m) for the higher camps.



 Our world record holder Lhakpa Sherpa went up with the yaks caravan. She was already 7 times on the summit of Everest and this is an absolute record for women. Doctor Sergey Larin measured her pressure: 160/100. It seems a bit high.



But doctor Sergey said that all the Sherpas has  the high pressure and frenzied sexual activity.

 Tomorrow we are also going to leave up to 3 days. First, we will spend a night at Middle camp ( 5800ì) and we will be there at night breathing artificial oxygen. Then, we will climb up to the camp ABC (6400m) and so we will use oxygen for  the first night. In the morning we will hold on-ice practice and the next night we plan not to use the oxygen for best acclimatization.


I'm afraid that the next 3 days we will have no connection... Although... we'll see.

Bye everyone!









News from the Everest expedition. Sensation: we present a new oxygen acclimation program

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader: Day 10. April 26 (evening). The expedition 7 summits Club Everest 2017. NEW OXYGEN POLICY OF ACCLIMATIZATION Given the experience of last year, AND the EXPERIENCE of a 17-year-Himalayan expeditions of ... read more

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader:

Day 10. April 26 (evening).

The expedition 7 summits Club Everest 2017.


Given the experience of last year, AND the EXPERIENCE of a 17-year-Himalayan expeditions of Alexander Abramov and doctor of  expeditions  Sergey Larin, we have developed a plan for "Soft Acclimatization in a short time."

This is a new feature of the 7 Summits Club on Everest. We  will sleep every time at a new altitude the first night with Oxygen. This is very unusual. No one does that. But, we believe that this helps to avoid sick the next morning. And the members of expedition will be more energetic and acclimatization will go more softer. Last year none of climbers who used this feature  did not get sick. I mean in the first days of acclimatization, the most critical.

And now we held classes for oxygen equipment and sleep with oxygen at the Base camp of Mount Everest. The altitude of 5100m.

And we do that when the first night we'll sleep in the Middle of Kemp 5800ì and the first night at ABC 6400m.

For this purpose, we purchased enough additional oxygen.

This is a new word in acclimatization and we are ready to listen to criticism. Really don't promise to take it seriously. )))


Here is the list of climbers and trekkers:




 Permit Everest


GREBNEVA Irina (33) Moscow

KOCHANSKI Janusz Mieczyslaw (53) Cracow, POL

TEBIEV Valery (46) Noginsk

AKKAEV Aznaur (44) Nalchik

BRIMAN Daniil (46) St.Peterburg

KRAVT Evgenii (42) Samara

SAVCHENKO Oleg (50) Moscow

STARIKOVSKIY Andrey (52) Plainsboro USA

SIDYAKIN Alexander (39) Moscow



Permit Base camp


GREBNEVA Anastasiia. Moscow

OSIPOVA Olga. Moscow

GUBINA Nadezda Moscow


Guides to Summit


ABRAMOV Alexander (53) Moscow

LARIN Sergei (57) Tver






















The team of the 7 Summits Club came to base camp Everest!

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader: Day 10. April 26. The expedition 7 Summits Club Everest 2017. Today early  leaving Xegar, we went to Everest Base camp. On the way we stopped at a wonderful pass from which can be seen immediately ... read more

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader: Day 10. April 26.

The expedition 7 Summits Club Everest 2017.

Today early  leaving Xegar, we went to Everest Base camp. On the way we stopped at a wonderful pass from which can be seen immediately 5 eight-thousanders. On that background we jumped. The base camp met us with good weather. And with our special soup (borsch) that are prepared by our Sherpas. They also prepared a cake and a plate of French cheese.

Tomorrow we will have an acclimatization day. We'll go near the camp. And now, in the evening, we held classes for oxygen equipment and  going to sleep with oxygen. This new feature of the 7 Summits Club. We will sleep every time at a new altitude the first night with oxygen.









News  from Everest expedition: after two high-altitude passes, the team arrived in the city Xegar

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition: Day 8. The expedition of the 7 summits Club - Everest 2017. Today our team was in a very beautiful monastery in Tashi Lompo. It was considered by all participants, much more interesting than the ... read more

Alex Abramov, the leader of the expedition: Day 8. The expedition of the 7 summits Club - Everest 2017.

Today our team was in a very beautiful monastery in Tashi Lompo. It was considered by all participants, much more interesting than the Potala in Lhasa. We are very well walked on it and talked to Tibetans.


Then we checked out and spent the whole day traveling in the bus, drove two mountain passes at an altitude of 4530ì and  5200m. The second pass by height is just as our base camp. The wind was blowing and we understood that the Everest is not joking. But the mood of the team  still is fighting.

We settled in the hotel in Xegar. In the rooms  it is warm. Air conditioning warm air.

Tomorrow we will go for acclimatization outing. And tomorrow we should arrive in Base camp.














A team of climbers on Everest bought pillows and blankets in the city of Shigatse. PHOTOS

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader on Everest:  Day 7. The expedition of  the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017. Today was moving day from Lhasa to Shigatse 3400m - 3900m. The morning a part of our team was not feeling very well. 7 ... read more

Alexander Abramov, expedition leader on Everest:

 Day 7.

The expedition of  the 7 Summits Club Everest-2017.

Today was moving day from Lhasa to Shigatse 3400m - 3900m. The morning a part of our team was not feeling very well.

7 hours we were driving at a speed of 30 km per hour. Faster in Tibet are forbidden to go. Good thing that we have 2 comfortable minibus 14-seater. In one is going 7  persons and the other 6.

 The weather is unpredictable. It began to rain. Means in the Base camp it is snowing heavily. Thank God that we are not there yet.

The city of Shigatse - the second largest city of Tibet. It is  liked  by every our members: clean and comfortable.

Here we buy blankets and pillows. It is to sleep with comfort at Base camp and ABC.

All managed to do it – all you need to buy.

The team is friendly, like a family. And of course, the presence of four women very diverse our life.

For a while! Tomorrow moving to Xegar. A cold place, but interesting...











The expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest had a great day in Lhasa. PHOTO

Alexander Abramov, the expedition leader: Day 6.  Today the day was dedicated to Lhasa and the palace of the Dalai Lama - Potale. Also I with Sergey Larin was engaged in purchase of sim-cards and all that is useful in the base camp. ... read more

Alexander Abramov, the expedition leader: Day 6.

 Today the day was dedicated to Lhasa and the palace of the Dalai Lama - Potale. Also I with Sergey Larin was engaged in purchase of sim-cards and all that is useful in the base camp.

 This is 10 electric heaters, now the base camp has electricity, a new billiards table and a new table for table tennis.

 All this took a whole day until 19:00. The rest of the team, meanwhile, visited holy places.

 In the evening we celebrated Nadia Gubina's Birthday. It was fabulously fun.

 Tomorrow we leave for Shigatse, the second largest city in Tibet. At 3900m.

 See you on the net!





















Team Everest-2017 successfully flew to Lhasa and began to acclimatize with pleasure

Alex Abramov:  Day 5. Today is a chic day. It is evident how our team of 13 people rallies on our eyes. Today we left Kathmandu and in 1 hour had already landed in Lhasa. Lhasa simply shocks by the speed of its development. For the ... read more

Alex Abramov:  Day 5. Today is a chic day. It is evident how our team of 13 people rallies on our eyes.

Today we left Kathmandu and in 1 hour had already landed in Lhasa. Lhasa simply shocks by the speed of its development.

For the 10th year I arrive here and do not recognize it every time.

 Now we stay in a great hotel, we visited an excellent restaurant. Then we took a walk through the historic center around the Jokhang temple. Seen the stretching Buddhists. Every members likes Lhasa. We did the right thing, that we are not going early. In the city  it is very warm and even hot.

 Our Sherpas team is already 7 days in the Base Camp. They have already set up the Base Camp and the Middle-Camp. Therefore, as soon as we arrive, we will begin the process of our "Soft-but-fast acclimatization". When by a certain plan, for some nights we will sleep with oxygen: one night at the Base Camp, Middle Camp and the Advanced Base Camp.

 In the meantime, we enjoy Tibet!























The first day in my favorite city. Photos from  Kathmandu from Alexander Abramov

Day 1. Everest 2017.  Kathmandu is beautiful as always, and I gladly come here every year to organize another expedition to Mount Everest. There are many friends here, there is our office of the 7 Summits Club. There is a unique hotel ... read more

Day 1. Everest 2017.

 Kathmandu is beautiful as always, and I gladly come here every year to organize another expedition to Mount Everest. There are many friends here, there is our office of the 7 Summits Club. There is a unique hotel Yak and Yeti in which we place all our expeditions for many years.

 This, in my opinion, is the best 5 * hotel in Nepal, with own territory, where you can run and train. This hotel can be compared only with the hotel Hayat. But that is very far from the center. Our hotel Yak and Yeti is  just the wing of the Royal Palace.

  Day 1. Everest 2017.

 It's nice to be photographed in Kathmandu at the newly opened Red Fox store  with its owner, Mingma. And at the same time feel involvement in the opening of this corner of Russian culture.

 Mingma Gelu is my partner, Vlad Moroz (Red Fox) - friend. The store constantly has Russian visitors. A charming saleswoman and part-time daughter of Mingma - teaches Russian at the Russian Cultural Center in Kathmandu.















The expedition's guides arrived in Kathmandu ...

Alex Abramov: Day 1. Everest 2017. Guides  of the 7 Summits expediton on Everest arrived in Kathmandu. They are Alexander Abramov and Sergey Larin. Mingma Gela Sherpa, an eight-time Everest summiter meets us at the airport. He is the ... read more

Alex Abramov: Day 1. Everest 2017. Guides  of the 7 Summits expediton on Everest arrived in Kathmandu. They are Alexander Abramov and Sergey Larin.

Mingma Gela Sherpa, an eight-time Everest summiter meets us at the airport. He is the organizer of all our expeditions.

The expedition is started and going on.





VIDEO. Presentation of the expedition to Everest-2017 at the 7 Summits Club

April 12, at the evening of the 7 Summits Club in the Tsvetnoy Shopping Center, Alexander Abramov presented the next expedition on Everest. Watch the video...          So, the regular, traditional, 14th expedition ... read more

April 12, at the evening of the 7 Summits Club in the Tsvetnoy Shopping Center, Alexander Abramov presented the next expedition on Everest. Watch the video...




   So, the regular, traditional, 14th expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Everest actually  is started. This time we have  nine climbers, two guides and three people just as visitors to the base camp taking part in our team.


Here is the list:


 Permit Everest


  1. GREBNEVA Irina (33) Moscow
  2. KOCHANSKI Janusz Mieczyslaw (53) Cracow, POL
  3. TEBIEV Valery (46) Noginsk
  4. AKKAEV Aznaur (44) Nalchik
  5. BRIMAN Daniil (46) St.Peterburg
  6. KRAVT Evgenii (42) Samara
  7. SAVCHENKO Oleg (50) Moscow
  8. STARIKOVSKIY Andrey (52) Plainsboro USA
  9. SIDYAKIN Alexander (39) Moscow


Permit Base camp


  1. GREBNEVA Anastasiia. Moscow
  2. OSIPOVA Olga. Moscow
  3. GUBINA Nadezda Moscow


Guides to Summit


  1. ABRAMOV Alexander (53) Moscow
  2. LARIN Sergei (57) Tver




Faces of friends in the photographs of Roman Reutov. Gala Evening of the 7 Summits Club, April 12

Everest. Everest summiter of 2016, a professional photographer and an athlete actively practicing  in our Mountain School -  it is Roman Reutov. Thanks to him for the wonderful photos that fully reflect the friendly character of the ... read more

Everest summiter of 2016, a professional photographer and an athlete actively practicing  in our Mountain School -  it is Roman Reutov. Thanks to him for the wonderful photos that fully reflect the friendly character of the evening of the 7 Summits Club  and happiness, which is to meet friends.

 All photos, and there are 50 it, you can see here >>>>>>>