Providing expeditions
since 2005

MAIN EVENT OF SPRING – Gala Evening of the 7 Summit Club, dedicated to the departure of the group on Everest ...

On April 12, on Wednesday, the 7 Summit Club conducts its traditional evening dedicated to the departure of our team for Everest.   First time in a new place and in a new format!     We are waiting for you at the Trade Center ... read more

On April 12, on Wednesday, the 7 Summit Club conducts its traditional evening dedicated to the departure of our team for Everest.


First time in a new place and in a new format!



We are waiting for you at the Trade Center Tsvetnoy - on the 6th floor ...

The presentation starts at 19.00.


In the program:

Alexander Abramov, the permanent leader of all our Everest expeditions and the president of the 7 Summit Club, will talk about the peculiarities of the attempt to climb this year and will present the team ...



Valery Rozov will tell about his records in  basejumping: from the slopes of Mount Everest ...

And for the first time about a new record - a jump from the top of Cho Oyu ...



Ivan Dusharin will share his memories of climbing K2, a legendary mountain, even steeper and more difficult than Everest ....


New photos and VIDEO from Lyudmila Korobeshko

Carstensz Pyramid. For the first time in many years, the team of the 7 Summit Club used a helicopter to reach the base camp of the Pyramids of Ñarstensz. Sorry a bit of the Papuans in the jungle, they are so bored without our tourists. Terrorists again lost ... read more

For the first time in many years, the team of the 7 Summit Club used a helicopter to reach the base camp of the Pyramids of Ñarstensz. Sorry a bit of the Papuans in the jungle, they are so bored without our tourists. Terrorists again lost their feeding, but they are not sorry. The mountain, as usual, did everything to make the climb memorable for a long time: fog, snow, streams of water ... all as  for grown-up!

































Maksut Zhumayev: Expedition of the 7 Summits Club to the Ñarstensz Pyramid (4884 m). PHOTOS (Cool!)

Carstensz Pyramid. SUMMIT!   March 17, the night before the ascent I could not sleep. At first it was chill, after midnight the moon came out, illuminating everything around as in a daytime, in the morning it began to rain. But we decide to go on ... read more


March 17, the night before the ascent I could not sleep. At first it was chill, after midnight the moon came out, illuminating everything around as in a daytime, in the morning it began to rain. But we decide to go on the route.

 March 18, 2017 at 4:30  it was a light breakfast and at 5:30 we leave for an assault. We walked calmly. During the day the weather changed rapidly, then the sun, then fog, then rain, then snow. By noon the whole team had successfully climbed to the top of the Carstensz Pyramid (4884 m)!

 First thing I called home, to my loved ones! I told my dear wife Olga that we had climbed and started the descent. Thanks to IEC Telecom Kazakhstan, satellite communications connect our family regardless of distances;)

 On the descent, we were in a thunderstorm and wet snow. We descended into the inner corners, along which streams flowed. Through wet, we went down to the base camp.


Everything is fine ;)
















Blitz is the end of the blitz program at Carstensz The group is already resting in Bali!

Carstensz Pyramid. Ludmila Korobeshko: Early this morning, a helicopter flew in the Yellow Valley  for taking  us. So our the fast expedition to Pyramid Carstensz ends quickly, successfully and cheerfully. P.S. Maksut Zhumayev is with us, but for ... read more

Ludmila Korobeshko: Early this morning, a helicopter flew in the Yellow Valley  for taking  us. So our the fast expedition to Pyramid Carstensz ends quickly, successfully and cheerfully.

P.S. Maksut Zhumayev is with us, but for some reason he is not in the photo again. Probably, he loads things in the helicopter.

  Alex Safonov, Dmitry Parpiev, Vasily Shakhnovsky, Valery Rozov, Lyudmila Korobeshko, helicopter pilots and a local guide ...







SUMMIT! Our team conquered Pyramid Carstensz

Carstensz Pyramid. Ludmila Korobeshko:  The first night, today, March 18, we climbed to the top in 5 hours and 15 minutes. Then we descended in the pouring rain along the riverbeds. Now I know what canyoning is! We are waiting for the helicopter ... read more

Ludmila Korobeshko:  The first night, today, March 18, we climbed to the top in 5 hours and 15 minutes. Then we descended in the pouring rain along the riverbeds. Now I know what canyoning is! We are waiting for the helicopter tomorrow.












The rains left the group in Timika, maybe tomorrow we will be lucky

Carstensz Pyramid. Lyudmila Korobeshko, guide and director of the 7 Summits Club: Today we stood at 4.30. At 5.00 we were already at breakfast. All the night it was raining. But we hoped that by the time of our flight it will stop. However, this did not ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, guide and director of the 7 Summits Club: Today we stood at 4.30. At 5.00 we were already at breakfast. All the night it was raining. But we hoped that by the time of our flight it will stop. However, this did not happen. Waited in stand-by mode until 13.00. Then we relaxed. Then we again gathered with strength and conducted classes on horizontal and vertical fixed ropes. Tomorrow we will rise again at 4.30 and try to fly to the base camp of Carstensz. We are stubborn!





Lyudmila Korobeshko: a dramatic day over the jungle of the country of the Papuans

Carstensz Pyramid. This morning at 6:00 the main team came  to Timika. We quickly overloaded everything into a helicopter. There was a lot of  cargo, so the helicopter must became as easy as possible. When they took off the back door, I felt somehow ... read more

This morning at 6:00 the main team came  to Timika. We quickly overloaded everything into a helicopter. There was a lot of  cargo, so the helicopter must became as easy as possible. When they took off the back door, I felt somehow uncomfortable. When we loaded into the salon, in the center of it we saw a big hole - also the consequences of relief. For 15 minutes, the pilots warmed up the screws. Finally, we took off. After 20 minutes, not far from the landing site, we got into a very dense fog. The altimeter showed 3800. I realized that there were a number of mounts about 5000. It became completely creepy. We sharply gained altitude to 5000. Then the sharp icing of the salon began. We were forced to return. The next attempt is scheduled for tomorrow.






Volgograd (EXPEDITION OF DEVELOPMENT) on Kilimanjaro. PHOTOS from the Machame route, a huge gallery

 The group from Volgograd 11 people, including children, climbed to the highest peak of Africa in February 2017. They traveled on a seven-day version of the Machame route. And although it was not easy, the impressions were the most ... read more

 The group from Volgograd 11 people, including children, climbed to the highest peak of Africa in February 2017. They traveled on a seven-day version of the Machame route. And although it was not easy, the impressions were the most vivid and positive. This is a note of their leader Stanislav Vinnikov.




So our journey began. In a light T-shirt, in the middle of lush greenery



This effect is called "shyness of crowns," when trees, despite the thickness of the forest, do not touch the crowns, forming mysterious drawings on the foliage.



There are even palm trees (or rather, dendrikestones) in the form of a heart. It is immediately evident that Kilimanjaro loves us



Sturm, 5895 m. The new height, 253 m above Elbrus








Conclusions. I am often asked "why?". Why are you going to the mountains?






Continuation of travel around Tanzania, safari, visiting the Maasai.









 Mom - they are in Africa, Mom!

The most interesting expedition of the year, to Ñarstensz, begins today. Follow the news from New Guinea

Carstensz Pyramid. Lyudmila Korobeshko, expedition guide and company director of the 7 Summits Club: Today, Monday, March 13, the expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Pyramid Carstensz begins. This is the most mysterious and hard-to-reach mountain from the 7 ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, expedition guide and company director of the 7 Summits Club: Today, Monday, March 13, the expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Pyramid Carstensz begins. This is the most mysterious and hard-to-reach mountain from the 7 Summits project.

 This morning  the main part of the team and most of the expeditionary cargo depart from Geneva. In the plane there will also be a legend of world basejumping and baseclimbing Valery Rozov.

I personally already have halfway to the goal of our trip - the island of Papua New Guinea - specifically, I am in Hong Kong.

And one more participant of our expedition and a part-time star of world mountaineering, a man who made  no oxygen climb on all 14 eight-thousanders - Maksut Zhumayev - is already waiting for us on that island, in the town of Timika, where he arrived this morning.


The next day we all should meet in Timika and go straight to the foot of the Pyramid of Carstensz. We'll see how it goes. Follow our news!

Summer is over. Impressions of participants of the expedition to Antarctica, on Mount Vinson - photo and video

Vinson. Our New Year groups climbers on Mount Vinson (guide - Alexander Abramov, guide-intern - Vladimir Kotlyar) shares their  impressions. Eugene Lesnitsky offers a wonderful video clip, we have not seen such  Antarctica before!   ... read more

Our New Year groups climbers on Mount Vinson (guide - Alexander Abramov, guide-intern - Vladimir Kotlyar) shares their  impressions.

Eugene Lesnitsky offers a wonderful video clip, we have not seen such  Antarctica before!



And our foreign members Nicolas Magnin (France) and Krzysztof Sabisz (Poland) published a selection of beautiful photos. Plunge into the world of the Antarctic summer, New Year, in which the sun never sets, cosmic landscapes and beautiful people ...


Full photo gallery here











Goodbye, Kilimanjaro! The goal is made, thank you all!

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club: Today the group Pili-Pili Manga (translated from Swahili means "black pepper") leaves home. Yesterday our Tanzanian friends prepared a romantic farewell breakfast for us and ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club: Today the group Pili-Pili Manga (translated from Swahili means "black pepper") leaves home. Yesterday our Tanzanian friends prepared a romantic farewell breakfast for us and in the Millennium camp  they gave us a farewell concert. We were not in debt, answering them by Russian folk dancing. All were pleased with each other. Today we take off for home.




Season on Aconcagua completed, our guides dried tents ...

Aconcagua. For our tandem "Sturdy and Powerful" (Sergej Larin and Vladimir Kotlyar) – today is a great day of drying. We're getting ready to leave home. But first, we need to prepare equipment to preserve it for a year in Mendoza.     ... read more

For our tandem "Sturdy and Powerful" (Sergej Larin and Vladimir Kotlyar) – today is a great day of drying. We're getting ready to leave home. But first, we need to prepare equipment to preserve it for a year in Mendoza.





SUMMIT! Our team under the leadership of Lyudmila Korobeshko and Ivan Dusharin climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide, director of the 7 Summits Club: Pili-Pili Mango Team today February 24 at 6.45 reached the roof of Africa. Our climb we decided to dedicate the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution and ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide, director of the 7 Summits Club: Pili-Pili Mango Team today February 24 at 6.45 reached the roof of Africa. Our climb we decided to dedicate the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the 167th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Zanzibar.



   On the very spot where it joins routes Marangu (Coca-Cola) and Machame (Whiskey) at Stella Point, we have combined these two drinks and solemnly drank.










Day of Defender of the Fatherland on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Tomorrow - summit attempt

Lyudmila Korobeshko: Since morning we congratulated our men on the holiday, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. At night we go to the summit bid. Local guides promise one meter of snow on top. Let's see and check ...       read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko:

Since morning we congratulated our men on the holiday, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. At night we go to the summit bid. Local guides promise one meter of snow on top. Let's see and check ...




Lyudmila Korobeshko from Tanzania: Group climbed in the Karanga camp on the southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro. PHOTO

Lyudmila Korobeshko from the slopes of Kilimanjaro: We have come to Karanga ("Peanuts") camp at 4050. Everything is in the fog. Today we will brew beer instead of wine.                Yesterday's hike ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko from the slopes of Kilimanjaro: We have come to Karanga ("Peanuts") camp at 4050. Everything is in the fog. Today we will brew beer instead of wine.








Yesterday's hike  from  Shira Camp to Barranco Camp:






SUMMIT! TWO SUMMITS !!! Two groups of the 7 Summits Club defeated the upcoming autumn and reached the summit of Aconcagua. Our congratulations!

Aconcagua. Our two groups: large - under the leadership of Vladimir Kotlyar and small - under the direction of Sergei Larin successfully reached the summit of Aconcagua and descended safely to base camp Plaza le Mulas. Our congratulations! Climbing ... read more

Our two groups: large - under the leadership of Vladimir Kotlyar and small - under the direction of Sergei Larin successfully reached the summit of Aconcagua and descended safely to base camp Plaza le Mulas. Our congratulations! Climbing has been made ahead of schedule, due to the completely of the weather in the area.

 Vladimir Kotlyar, "... we caught the window. We have already on Aconcagua winter came with rain and storm ... ".

 Sergej Larin: "I would like to add that you need to climb to Aconcagua in January ..."








Festival "Seven Summits", summer 2017, Elbrus, Russia. Press release

Elbrus. Dear friends!  The 7 Summits Club announces for the summer of 2017 a new festival dedicated to the program of climbing the highest peaks of all continents - "Seven Summits".    Dates of the festival: June 24th to July 2th, ... read more

Dear friends!

 The 7 Summits Club announces for the summer of 2017 a new festival dedicated to the program of climbing the highest peaks of all continents - "Seven Summits".


Dates of the festival: June 24th to July 2th, 2017

Location – Polyana (Glade) Azau in Terskol village, the slopes and the summits of Mount Elbrus.


The festival will consist of two parts.


The Official Part:  29th June – 2th July

 Meeting of climbers on the "Seven Summits", the presentation of medals and diplomas, awarding ceremony.


The Informal Part: 24th June – 29th June

Mass ascent on Elbrus, setting a Guinness record.


 We want to make the main event of the festival a gala evening with the presentation of medals "All Seven Summiter" and the relevant certificates. All Russian SevenSummiters will be invited, as well as special guests, the climbers on the "Seven Summits" from the various countries of the world.


  But no less important, we believe…


A mass ascent on The Mount of Elbrus



In order to establish the Guinness record for the number "seven summits climbers" gathered together on the same mountain.


 Also in the festival program scheduled: speed races (competitions) on Elbrus, presentations and guest speaking, exhibition of photographs, best films and movies awarding, cultural program ...


And a lot of communication with fans to collect the summits in an informal atmosphere.


To participate in the festival "Seven Summits", except for Russian climbers  we will invite to the first Seven Summits climbers from each country, first  of the project, as well as other authors of unique achievements. We expect coming many interesting guests, new acquaintances, “a sea of communication”!


We would be grateful for any comments and suggestions for the organization of our festival.


 Program here


 Especially welcome sponsorship!


Write to us at:



The first day was marked by a terrible downpour ...

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko: The first day of the ascent was not easy. 30 minutes after the beginning of the path we were in a terrible downpour. We were soaked to the skin. For 5 hours we sailed in the 3000, gaining 1,200 meters in height to the ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko: The first day of the ascent was not easy. 30 minutes after the beginning of the path we were in a terrible downpour. We were soaked to the skin. For 5 hours we sailed in the 3000, gaining 1,200 meters in height to the first camp. Now we relax, drink whiskey, check the oxygen and pulse. Pulse has increased from the indescribable beauty of the surrounding mountains and the night sky ...










Our main year’s expedition on Kilimanjaro begins, a group led by Ivan Dusharin and Lyudmila Korobeshko

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko: Today we begin the expedition 7 Summits Club on the highest point in Africa - Kilimanjaro. The selected route - Machame, one of the most picturesque. Expedition Guides vice president of the Mountaineering Federation of ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko: Today we begin the expedition 7 Summits Club on the highest point in Africa - Kilimanjaro. The selected route - Machame, one of the most picturesque. Expedition Guides vice president of the Mountaineering Federation of Russia, Ivan Dusharin and director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko are ready for the meeting members of the expedition.










News from Aconcagua: our group went on an acclimatization trip... Today to the Plaza Canada...

Aconcagua.   During stay and preparation in the camp Plaza de Mulas, our climbers from groups with guides Vladimir Kotlyar and Sergei Larin walked to the glacier. And, of course, they looked for a visit to the artist Miguel, in his unique picture ... read more

  During stay and preparation in the camp Plaza de Mulas, our climbers from groups with guides Vladimir Kotlyar and Sergei Larin walked to the glacier. And, of course, they looked for a visit to the artist Miguel, in his unique picture gallery at 4200. After that,  groups went up to the camp Canada, where they set up tents and sat in them to wait out a strong wind with snow and rain. For tomorrow the weather should be better and the joint team plan to go up to the camp Nido de Condores where they check, survived or not our big tent, staged by Alexander Abramov...