The team went 21 kilometers per day for Ilyas birth, the South Pole is getting closer
Good afternoon! Lyudmila Korobeshko, ski expedition "The last two degrees." So this is the fourth day of our expedition comes to an end. The first day, we walked 7 kilometers. The next day - 17. Yesterday it was very cold and windy, we walked 15 kilometers and stopped earlier than planned. Because we're cold and tired. Today, Dec. 24, in our group, the birthday of one of the participants, Ilyas. He was 21 years old. And in honor of this event, we decided to go 21 kilometers. Make him a gift. We were able to fulfill it. We walked 21 km today. However, in the end, it turned out about 9 hours of travel. Today it was a little warmer. Probably somewhere minus 20-25, the wind was also relatively strong.
Today is the day of Christmas and the birth of Elias. All right, slowly drawn into the rhythm. I would like to continue to be held by 20 kilometers. Well, let's see if we will have it prepared.
In general, for all - Merry Christmas! Yere it is still December 24, 11 pm Chile, and 25th in Moscow. All, all is!