Providing expeditions
since 2005

Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club "16 happy Persian Lions" made a successful ascent on Demavend!

Damavand. Salam from Iran! Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the Mount of Damavand (5671 m), the highest volcano in Asia! The dome was smoking fumaroles today like never before… Unfortunately, at ... read more

Salam from Iran!  Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the Mount  of Damavand (5671 m), the highest volcano in Asia! The dome was smoking fumaroles today like never before… Unfortunately, at 5100 one participant stopped climbing.

The rest of the group at 12-30 was standing at the maximum height of the crater!  I was surprised by Dr. Sergey, who unexpectedly treated everyone to a delicious melon on the top of the volcano!

Guides Valery Myasoyedov and Evgeny Fedyunin.

















The group of the 7 Summits Club "16 happy Persian Lions" climbed to the base camp of Damavand

Damavand. Salam from Iran! Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club started in the direction of the Demavend base camp called Bargoh-E-Sevom (4150 m). At first, there was a drop of up to 3000 m on local jeeps. In a camp ... read more

 Salam from Iran!  Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club started in the direction of the Demavend base camp called Bargoh-E-Sevom (4150 m).

At first, there was a drop of up to 3000 m on local jeeps. In a camp with a mosque of 3020m, luggage was loaded onto mules and trekking started. “Pole pole” tactics were correct again, we walked without choking and without losing our breath. Now there are more people on the hut, there is a large tent camp around.

Our chefs never cease to amaze! Baked stuffed chicken is, of course, SOMETHING for 4150! Now we are resting and preparing for tomorrow's acclimatization day.

Guides Valery Myasoyedov, Evgeny Fedyunin.










Summit! The group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent to the top of Mount Tochal

Damavand. Greetings from Iran! Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club climbed our second acclimatization peak - Tochal (3964m) in the morning. The majestic Damavand and the stunning beauty of the Elburs mountain range ... read more

Greetings from Iran! Today, the group of "16 happy Persian Lions" of the 7 Summits Club climbed our second acclimatization peak - Tochal (3964m) in the morning. The majestic Damavand and the stunning beauty of the Elburs mountain range opened up to us. After the photo shoot, we went down to the cable car and along it to the valley of Tehran.

Now we are moving closer to our main goal - the volcano Damavand.  Not far from the shelter of the Iranian Mountaineering Federation in Polur, where they usually spend the night before the start of the Damavand, we stopped for lunch at the best restaurant serving the juiciest lamb on a bone.

An info briefing and a traditional group photo with the owner of the shelter took place in Polur.

An hour later we found ourselves in hotels with hot springs.  At dinner, in a cool kebab shop, we congratulated our guide Valera on his birthday!

Your guides are Valery Myasoyedov, Evgeny Fedyunin.














A new group of the 7 Summits  Club has started a trip to Iran under the program of climbing the Damavand volcano

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: All Salam from Tehran! A new program of climbing the Damavand 5671m has started. Today was an oversaturated day full of impressions. A short rest after an international ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits  Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran:

All Salam from Tehran!  A new program of climbing the Damavand 5671m has started. Today was an oversaturated day full of impressions. A short rest after an international flight and a full immersion in the flavor of the hot eastern city.

National cuisine in the oldest restaurant of the capital, in the Grand Bazaar area, in the historic building of the first bank in Iran.  Golestan Palace with diamond and mirror halls, royal gifts for the Shah - very impressive for its luxury and immodesty!

Our Maryam, professor of the University Department of the Russian language and an expert in local history, as always at the height of his professionalism! The welcome dinner, without breaking the tradition, was held in the panoramic restaurant of the Milad TV tower, overlooking the evening lights of Tehran, at an altitude of 290m. Tomorrow we start the active part of the program!

The guides of the group are Valery Myasoyedov and Evgeny Fedyunin.












Details of climbing the Demavend of the 7 Summits Club group "Deniski"

Damavand. In the mountains to the stars can be reached by hand. Mountains fulfill dreams! Our climbing night started at 04:20, we started from the Base Camp at an altitude of 4200 meters. The full moon illuminated the mountain peak of Demavend. ... read more

In the mountains to the stars can be reached by hand. Mountains fulfill dreams! Our climbing night started at 04:20, we started from the Base Camp at an altitude of 4200 meters.

The full moon illuminated the mountain peak of Demavend. Everyone was in anticipation and expectation. The weather favored us and our group "Deniski" went out to storm.

After completing one third of the climb, our team divided into two groups: fast and active, and measured and calm. 

The way to the top of the first group took 8 hours. The second group stood at the top of the Demavend at 12:50. Total: On July 4, 2023, the Deniski team of the 7 Summits Club in full force ascended to the summit of Demavend (5671m), the highest volcano in Asia!  The ascent was 100% successful!

Tired, but happy, we went down to the Base Camp at 17:00. There we were waiting for a hot delicious soup from our super chefs.  It is noteworthy that on the day of our ascent, Demavend Day is celebrated in Iran and in the evening we heard an ancient legend from our local guide Hamid and admired the fireworks.

Guides Valery Myasoedov, Evgeny Fedyunin, Olya Startseva.














The group of the 7 Summits Club "Deniski" made the final acclimatization hike before climbing Mount Damavand

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: Hello from Iran! Today the group "Deniska" has a simple day, an easy acclimatization hike, 300 m above the shelter along the path towards the summit. The focus was on ... read more

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The group of the 7 Summits Club "Deniski" climbed to the base camp of Damavand

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: Greetings from Iran! Today, the Deniski group of the 7 Summits Club leaves civilization for a few days. ahead of the high-altitude acclimatization and climbing the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran:

Greetings from Iran!  Today, the Deniski group of the 7 Summits Club leaves civilization for a few days. ahead of the high-altitude acclimatization and climbing the summit of Demavend 5671m.

After spending a night in Larijan, a village with hot springs at the foot of Damavand, in the morning we boarded local jeeps and drove to the parking lot with a mosque 3020m. There we loaded the luggage onto mules and started trekking.  There were noticeably more people on the Mountain. But the second wave of blooming poppies went, the beauty is indescribable.

 We were walking in one group, the first long part, it's definitely not worth rushing! Slight fatigue and everyone is happy! In the evening, we congratulated our participant Anya on her Birthday with a cake (our chefs surprised her with their skill again)! She's thrilled! We invite everyone to Iran!

Your guides are Valery Myasoyedov, Evgeny Fedyunin, Olga Startseva.
















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Deniski" made an acclimatization ascent to Mount Tochal

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: Greetings from Iran from the band that finally got its name! We are now "Deniski"! The second day of the Damavand program began with a climb to the ski hotel at 3600 m. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran:

 Greetings from Iran from the band that finally got its name! We are now "Deniski"! The second day of the Damavand program began with a climb to the ski hotel at 3600 m.  We were lucky that we climbed in comfortable conditions in the cabins to the hotel itself, because frequent stops of the cable car in the off-season are not uncommon. We stayed in a beautiful hotel "Tochal ", the comfort of which is especially appreciated at such a height. "Deniski" was checked out by local kebabs, but they still don't know what kind of "belly" holiday will be tomorrow!

 After lunch and a medical examination, mandatory for this hotel, we went at a calm pace to acclimatize to the Tochal Mountain, 3964 m high. We talked a lot on the way, took pictures, the team stuck together before our eyes. This is wonderful, because a good atmosphere in the group is the key to a successful ascent! Tomorrow we will move to Damavand, get permits and gourmet day. Guides Evgeny Fedyunin, Valery Myasoyedov and Olga Startseva.









The new group of the 7 Summits Club began exploring Iran from the sights of the capital

Damavand. Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: All salaam from Tehran! A new program of Damavand has started! The third group, most of the participants had previously climbed Elbrus and Kilimanjaro together. And ... read more

Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran:

All salaam from Tehran! A new program of Damavand has started! The third group, most of the participants had previously climbed Elbrus and Kilimanjaro together.

And again a long and eventful day full of impressions. Traditional local dishes - dizi, various kebabs, fruits. The most famous restaurant in the Grand Bazaar area in a historic building, the first bank in Iran. Golestan Palace with a diamond hall, royal gifts for the shah - very impressive, and well, very immodest!

The beautiful Maryam, professor of the University Department of the Russian language and an expert in local history, again impressed with her stories and local legends! The welcome dinner, according to tradition, was held in the panoramic revolving restaurant of the Milad TV tower with a view of the evening sparkling Tehran, at an altitude of 290m. Tomorrow we begin active acclimatization!

Guides Valery Myasoyedov, Evgeny Fedyunin, Olga Startseva.









Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Polk and its daughter" made a successful ascent on the summit of the volcano Demavend

Damavand. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran: Hello everyone! The group "Polk and his daughter" of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the summit of Demavend (5671m), the highest volcano in Asia! The whole group (18 ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Iran:

Hello everyone! The group "Polk and his daughter" of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the summit of Demavend (5671m), the highest volcano in Asia! The whole group (18 participants and 8 guides) stood at the maximum height of the crater at 13-30! Climbing 100% of participants and guides!

Russian guides are Valery Myasoedov, Evgeny Fedyunin, project coordinator Anastasia Kuznetsova.















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Congo" made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region: Hello everyone! The "Congo" group of the 7 Summits Club has successfully climbed the Western Peak of Elbrus 5642m! Natalia, a member of the group, realized ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region:

Hello everyone!  The "Congo" group of the 7 Summits Club has successfully climbed the Western Peak of Elbrus 5642m! Natalia, a member of the group, realized her extreme dream on her birthday!

Sometimes believing, sometimes not believing in herself, she did not accept congratulations during the entire ascent, right up to the descent to the refuge.  Later, we awarded all participants with honorary badges and diplomas.















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Congo" climbed to the Pastukhov Rocks for acclimatization

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region: Hello! The Ñongo group of the 7 Summits Club made for acclimatization rotation to the Pastukhov Rocks, up to a height of 4800 meters. The weather mocked us ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region:

Hello!  The Ñongo group of the 7 Summits Club made for acclimatization rotation to the Pastukhov Rocks, up to a height of 4800 meters. The weather mocked us during the ascent. And when we went back down to 4,000, Elbrus finally opened up and smiled after us. Tomorrow we have rest and preparation for the summit assault! All the weather and good luck!











The new group of the 7 Summits Club started acclimatization and visited the Ai cafe on the slopes of Mount Cheget

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region: Greetings to all from the Elbrus region! The new group "Congo" of the 7 Summits Club has entered the primary acclimatization on the slopes of Cheget. We ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region:

Greetings to all from the Elbrus region! The new group "Congo" of the 7 Summits Club has entered the primary acclimatization on the slopes of Cheget. We visited the famous cafe "Ai", tasted local goodies… On the positive side, we went down, rented the missing equipment. Rest now!






The attempt of a blitz ascent of Elbrus by the 7 Summits Club group ended at the Saddle. It will have to be repeated in the best weather conditions

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region: Hello everyone! The group "It's snow time" of the 7 Summits Club made an attempt to climb Elbrus! It was, of course, not torture, but in conditions of zero ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region:

Hello everyone! The group "It's snow time" of the 7 Summits Club made an attempt to climb Elbrus! It was, of course, not torture, but in conditions of zero visibility, close to it. Blitz is always like roulette, and if you add bad weather, the chance is doubly reduced!

But we honestly trod and struggled with the snowfall. Having reached the saddle and weighed all the pros and cons, we decided to repeat what we started at a more favorable time.

All the weather and good luck!






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Wanderers" climbed the slopes of Elbrus and held classes on the technique of movement in the snow

Elbrus. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region: Hello everyone! The group "Wanderers" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the refuge National Park, at an altitude of 3900m for high-altitude acclimatization on ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from the Elbrus region:

Hello everyone!  The group "Wanderers" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the refuge National Park, at an altitude of 3900m for high-altitude acclimatization on the slopes of Elbrus.  After being placed, we went up to the area  of the Refuge of 11 and conducted classes on the technique of movement and self-retention in the snow.  Then we went down and after a hearty lunch, we got a well-deserved rest and beautiful panoramas of the Caucasian ridge. Tomorrow we will go to the Pastukhov rocks, at 4700m.

All the weather and good luck!










Photos from the ascent and descent.  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" returned safely from the ascent on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jumbo! Today the program included the descent and awarding of climbers. The group "Mashujaa Tisa" (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club has finished its Whiskey ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo! Today the program included the descent and awarding of climbers. The group "Mashujaa Tisa" (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club has finished its Whiskey route... that is, Machame Route! The knights escaped quickly, beer and champagne were waiting at the gate, everyone is happy! In the evening, medals are waiting for their heroes! Guides Avtomonov Sergey and Fedyunin Evgeny.


































Summit! The group "Nine Knights" of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Yevgeny Fedyunin, reports from Tanzania: Rise at midnight, exit at one, we will try. One of the knights, unfortunately, dropped out. The rest of the members of the group "Mashuta Tisa” (Nine Knights) of ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Yevgeny Fedyunin, reports from Tanzania:

Rise at midnight, exit at one, we will try.  One of the knights, unfortunately, dropped out. The rest of the members of the group "Mashuta Tisa” (Nine Knights) of the 7 Summits Club and two guides reached Uhuru peak 5895 m quite cheerfully in 6 hours!

At 10:00 we went back to the Kosovo assault camp, rested and ate. And again, the dry season plays its role - snow and rain up to 3800 meters above sea level of the Millennium Camp. But, despite this, all the participants of the ascent were satisfied! Tomorrow departure to the hotel and awarding party.







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" has climbed to the Kosovo camp and is ready to go out for the night assault on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: 19.01. Jambo Rafiki! Today the Group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the assault camp of Kosovo 4800m. Something is not working out with ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

19.01. Jambo Rafiki! Today the Group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club moved to the assault camp of Kosovo 4800m. Something is not working out with the dry season... in the camp of Barafu 4600m there was a snow grain, which continues to pour into Kosovo! Otherwise, everything is fine, the group is positive, we will try to climb the Mountain at night! Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" passed the Baranko wall and reached the Karanga camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! In the morning, the Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights) group of the 7 Summits Club overcame the Baranko wall - the main technical obstacle of the entire route! ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki!  In the morning, the Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights) group of the 7 Summits Club overcame the Baranko wall - the main technical obstacle of the entire route! The fog has returned again... the boundless lava fields of Kilimanjaro fascinate with fabulous views! By lunchtime we got to the Camp Karanga 4030m and here we turned on the rain with cereals. Two streams run through the tent-canteen. Serge closes the group, he still has an hour to go, so much fun. But dinner, as always, is wonderful! And  all knights are happy!






















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nine Knights" passed through the Lava Tower to the Baranko camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! The first minus degree at night, but a clear morning and bright Sun! Again, cool views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru 4562m. The group "Mashujaa ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo Rafiki! The first minus degree at night, but a clear morning and bright Sun! Again, cool views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru 4562m. The group "Mashujaa Tisa (Nine Knights)" of the 7 Summits Club continues its Machame Route. In 3 hours we gained 900m and went to the Lava Tower 4640m, there is lunch.

And yet, they gave fog, drizzle and grits... Well, and to those who did not believe in pole pole, the mountain sickness knocked, not much, but made it clear what height and speed are! The descent from the Lava Tower, into the valley of the Senecio grass palms and Camp Baranco 3900m, was slower.  We are waiting for dinner now! Everyone is tired, but happy. Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.