Distinguished guests at our office: Ecuadorian guide Edgar Parra and his protege Tom Biñksler from US
Our partner in Ecuador, the famous local guide Edgar Parra, who is also founder and director of his own company, brought to office a very interesting person. This is his client, his client from the United States, from California. His name is Tom Biñksler. 42-year-old American is living with a diagnosis of diabetes type 2 and besides suffered a serious operation for Crohn's disease.
Formally, he is twice the invalid. He is not just a living, he had come to climb Mount Elbrus. The highest peak of Europe should be a third of his planned collection "Seven summis". Tom is going to become the first diabetic to complete this program. While in his collection there are Kilimanjaro - 2012, and Aconcagua - 2013. Trying to climb Mount McKinley in 2015, ended in failure due to prolonged bad weather:
Tom Bixler at McKinley. 2015. Without top.
In Moscow