Providing expeditions
since 2005

A new group of the 7 Summits Club has arrived in Turkey to climb Ararat

Ararat. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: Ararat is in touch, we continue climbing. The program of the new group has begun. We gathered in the city of Van, spent the night in a hotel and moved to Dogubayazit. We ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:

Ararat is in touch, we continue climbing. The program of the new group has begun. We gathered in the city of Van, spent the night in a hotel and moved to Dogubayazit. We drove along a picturesque road along the lake to the mountains. We changed the car, got to the horses and then walked for 4 hours to the base camp, where we had a delicious lunch and rested. In the evening we admired the lights of the city and now we are resting before tomorrow's acclimatization rotation. And we are thinking about the name of the group.









A new group of the 7 Summits Club began acclimatization for climbing Elbrus from the ascent to the Ai cafe

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. A new group began preparations for climbing Elbrus. Today we went to the Ai cafe, on the slope of Cheget Mountain. The morning ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region:

 News of the Elbrus region. A new group began preparations for climbing Elbrus. Today we went to the Ai cafe, on the slope of Cheget Mountain. The morning turned out to be rainy, so we shifted the exit time so as not to get wet through before reaching Cheget. We climbed along a picturesque forest path that smoothly crossed the Alpine meadows. When we passed under the cable car, we heard encouraging wishes from tourists climbing up. After spending some time in the Ai cafe, we went back to the hotel, from where we went to rent the necessary equipment after lunch. Tomorrow we will go up to the refuge, where we will continue to prepare for the ascent.












Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 24. The third group went up to Camp-1

We haven't waited for good weather yet, but there is still hope. Today our third group went up to Camp-1. And groups 1 and 2 continued to "sit out" in Camp-2. Tomorrow is a key and decisive day - either up or down to rest and wait for ... read more

We haven't waited for good weather yet, but there is still hope. Today our third group went up to Camp-1. And groups 1 and 2 continued to "sit out" in Camp-2.

Tomorrow is a key and decisive day - either up or down to rest and wait for the weather window.

Summit! The 8000 Club group made a wonderful ascent on the peak of Evgenia Korzhenevskaya

Korzhenevskaya peak. The guide of the 7 Summits Club and 8000 Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Tajikistan: Greetings from Tajikistan! Sorry for the long forced silence, there was a problem with the Internet in a remote mountainous area on Moskvin's Glade. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club and 8000 Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Tajikistan:

Greetings from Tajikistan! Sorry for the long forced silence, there was a problem with the Internet in a remote mountainous area on Moskvin's Glade. It's time to call our group "In search of Wi-Fi". During this time, we completed the acclimatization program and on July 22 we climbed the Peak of Korzhenevskaya, 7105 m. Acclimatization went according to plan, the day of the assault was chosen correctly, almost the entire group successfully reached the top. Unfortunately, one participant felt unwell in the third camp at 6300 m and nobly refused the assault, saying that he would not prevent the main group from reaching the top. The first half of the day delighted us with fantastic landscapes at the Peak of Communism and the entire ridge route of Korzhenevskaya Peak. And in the afternoon, on the contrary, it was covered with clouds, which made it easier for us to descend. The team showed indomitable character and willpower. Together with six other climbers, we were practically the first commercial group of this season on the summit that day. Before us, only a team of guides and Aksai Travel porters came to the top. As communication improves, there will also be a video as a separate block. In the meantime, we are happy and enjoying our rest at the Base Camp.








The second trekking group of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on K2 descended in Ascole, the route was successfully completed

Greetings to all from Ascole from the "Don't even think" team! Since we left the K2 base camp, our trek has been going through torrential rains every day. But everyone has their advantages: firstly, there is no sweltering heat, and ... read more

Greetings to all from Ascole from the "Don't even think" team!

Since we left the K2 base camp, our trek has been going through torrential rains every day. But everyone has their advantages: firstly, there is no sweltering heat, and secondly - the mountains surrounding us, wrapped in clouds, look quite gloomy, but no less beautiful.

Yesterday was a long and physically energy—consuming day - we walked 22 km from the Urdukas camp to Paiju. Before reaching a couple of kilometers to the campsite, we made a big halt on the river bank, spread out the mats, lay, chatted, drank tea and looked at the turbulent flow of the dark waters of the river. It was great!

Yesterday we spent the last night in tents, and early this morning we went out towards Ascole. We walked 14 km at a brisk pace in the rain, and then switched to jeeps, which brought us to our destination.

Our caring local partners have sent us the ripest and juiciest mango from Skardu for dinner!!! So today we have a real holiday! Tomorrow we leave for Skardu!

Svetlana Kotlyar and Alexander Spirin were in touch.
















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Everything is going according to plan" has safely descended to the base camp and accepts congratulations! Photos from the ascent and descent

Lenin Peak. Nikita Slotin, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan: Greetings to all from the Lenin Peak base camp from the group "Everything is going according to plan"! On 22.07.23, the group in full force at 13:30 stood on the ... read more

Nikita Slotin, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan:

Greetings to all from the Lenin Peak base camp from the group "Everything is going according to plan"! On 22.07.23, the group in full force at 13:30 stood on the peak with a height of 7134 meters. For many, this height has become a personal record, at which none of the participants is going to stop! We left Camp 3 at 2:00. An unpleasant wind was blowing, but the sky was starry, it remained to trust our gut and forecast. At 8:00 we climbed the 6800 "knife", the sun came out, and life immediately got better. The wind died down, and we began to roast our carcasses, slowly wandering to the top. The ascent from the Plateau of Parachutists was not easy, especially these takeoffs, behind which, as you think, there should be a peak, and there turns out to be another takeoff. And here it is!!! The summit! And on the descent, a bonus was waiting for us - a climb from the jumper to the third camp, to the long-awaited tents... And today our team is already at the height of 3600 in the bar.


























Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 23. Bad weather on K2 everyone stayed in their tents

Bad weather has descended on K2 again. Rain in the base camp, snow along the route. The first and second groups are together in Camp-2, and the third remained in the ABC Camp. While waiting for news. There is a very strong company of ... read more

Bad weather has descended on K2 again. Rain in the base camp, snow along the route. The first and second groups are together in Camp-2, and the third remained in the ABC Camp. While waiting for news. There is a very strong company of Sherpas on the route, whose task is to make a route to the top. And it is possible that they will succeed.



The team of the 7 Summits Club "Kiliman 23" has successfully completed the program. And a new group has already arrived to replace them

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: The Kilimanjaro climbing program of the “Kiliman 23” team has ended. Yesterday morning we woke up to the sound of rain - the first rain in all seven days of travel. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

 The Kilimanjaro climbing program of the “Kiliman 23” team has ended. Yesterday morning we woke up to the sound of rain - the first rain in all seven days of travel. Before that, the weather was perfect. And on the last day, the rain only wetted the road so that it was not very dusty. After breakfast, the traditional farewell ceremony with the team took place. Everyone sang and danced heartily. Many kind words were said. Saying goodbye to those who helped us these seven days, the guys left a lot of clothes, shoes and other things useful in the mountains as a gift.

After twelve kilometers of descent through a beautiful and slightly foggy forest, we came to the gates of the national park, where there was a farewell festive lunch.  At the hotel we continued to celebrate the end of the expedition. All climbers on Kilimanjaro received diplomas and commemorative medals for climbing.

And yesterday I met a new band on Kilimanjaro. Today the Kilimans flew home, a new group, which has no name yet, went on an excursion to the waterfall.

And tomorrow morning we will go on the route.











Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the Club 8000on K2. July 22. The third group went on the ascent, the first two are in Camp-2

Today, the final, third group headed by Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko set off on their way to the summit of K2. They will spend the night in the ABC camp and tomorrow they will presumably go up to camp-2. The first and second ... read more

Today, the final, third group headed by Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko set off on their way to the summit of K2. They will spend the night in the ABC camp and tomorrow they will presumably go up to camp-2.

The first and second group are in Camp-2. Everything is fine with them, tomorrow they will go to the Camp-3.

Vladimir Kotlyar, high-altitude operator: We are in the second camp, altitude 6550. The weather is bad, for the second day in a row. A lot of snow has fallen. Yesterday there were several avalanches along the route, but we were not hooked, almost. We are idling in a tent, baiting stories. Tomorrow we will make our way to Camp-3.






Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "We don't change habits" made the ascent on Elbrus in unexpectedly difficult conditions

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. The group "We don't change habits" is on the top of Elbrus! We did it, no matter what! More precisely, we did it to spite the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region. The group "We don't change habits" is on the top of Elbrus! We did it, no matter what! More precisely, we did it to spite the weather. The forecast promised sunshine and a light breeze, but we got a fog cap and wind gusts of 40 km/h. The result:  only 10 minutes of a photo shoot at the top.







The second group of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2 began the ascent

The RD Studio team reports from the base camp: Yesterday, July 21, the second group, consisting of: Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and Bartek. They went out into the rain. And higher it is already snowing. Bad weather again on K2. ... read more

The RD Studio team reports from the base camp: Yesterday, July 21, the second group, consisting of: Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and Bartek. They went out into the rain.  And higher it is already snowing. Bad weather again on K2. The news from the first group is good. They are already in the first camp, the height is 6100 m. They are doing well!  Today, the third group headed by Alexander Abramov is going up.



Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Elbrus

Elbrus. Dmitry Semenov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region: Greetings from the Elbrus region! Today our group in difficult weather conditions made an ascent on Elbrus. We climbed to its Western peak (5642m.). read more

Dmitry Semenov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region:

Greetings from the Elbrus region! Today our group in difficult weather conditions made an ascent on Elbrus. We climbed to its Western peak (5642m.).






Summit! The team of the 7 Summits Club "Kiliman 23" climbed the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on the birthday of the initiator of the project

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Hello everyone from Tanzania! Today our team ascended Mount Kilimanjaro. It was not easy, but it left many indelible impressions. And today we celebrated Andrey's ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Hello everyone from Tanzania! Today our team ascended Mount Kilimanjaro. It was not easy, but it left many indelible impressions.

And today we celebrated Andrey's birthday.  It was he who gathered a company of his friends to climb to the top of Africa with them that day.















Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 20. The first group went on the ascent!

July 20. All salaam from Pakistan from the participants of the expedition to K2 "High Altitude Gene 2" or briefly GenKa2! The suspense with the fixed ropes is already pretty boring. Therefore, in the morning we went with Abramov to the ... read more

July 20. All salaam from Pakistan from the participants of the expedition to K2 "High Altitude Gene 2" or briefly GenKa2!  The suspense with the fixed ropes is already pretty boring. Therefore, in the morning we went with Abramov to the camps to talk with the leaders. We had a very productive conversation with Ozzy (an Ecuadorian from SST, we had just been to Makalu with him). As a result, at 14.00 in BC K2, a general meeting of all the leaders was held, at which a new team was assembled for hanging the ropes and the release dates of this team were determined - July 22 so that they would come to the top on July 24.

 Based on this, we have developed our plans.

  1. Team 1 - Bogomolov, Moskalev, a high-altitude operator and 3 Sherpas are released on July 20. The peak is July 25.
  2. Team 1.1 - The twins and Bartek are released on July 21. The peak is July 25.
  3. Team 2 - all others are released on July 22. The summit is scheduled for July 26.

By the evening, the first three were on their way.

 The heads of the expedition to K2 Alex Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko and the expedition doctor Andrey Selivanov are in touch.










The team of the 7 Summits Club "Kiliman 23" climbed up to the Kosovo camp and goes out to storm the summit at night

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Day 5. Karanga Camp 3900 - Kosovo Camp 4900. So the day has come, to which we have been walking for almost a week. Today we came to the assault camp, from where we ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Day 5. Karanga Camp 3900 - Kosovo Camp 4900.  So the day has come, to which we have been walking for almost a week.  Today we came to the assault camp, from where we plan to climb at night.  The first part of the march from Karanga to the Barafo camp was quite easy.

Here we drank tea and went on.

However, our people, I don't know who, got everything mixed up and first put our tents in the Barafo camp, from where they mostly start to the top. Of course, we were a little surprised, passing by a familiar camp. While we were drinking tea, our home front workers managed to remove the tents set up, take them to the Kosovo camp and set them up for our arrival. And they also met us at the camp again with songs and dances.

After lunch, we sat in the sun, warmed up (and in February it snowed here every time) and had leisurely conversations before going to rest before climbing, the exit for which was scheduled at midnight.








The second trekking group of the expedition to K2 of the 7 Summits Club left the base camp and began the journey home. They're at Camp Concordia today

Greetings from Pakistan from the team "Don't even think!", which got its name closer to the end of the program! We have reached the goal of our incredible trip to Pakistan: we visited the K2 base camp, met with a team of climbers, our ... read more

Greetings from Pakistan from the team "Don't even think!", which got its name closer to the end of the program!  We have reached the goal of our incredible trip to Pakistan: we visited the K2 base camp, met with a team of climbers, our favorite leaders — Alex Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko, shook hands with Sergey Bogomolov, for whom we are very sick and worried!

Together with our trekking group, Valdis Pelsh reached the Base Camp and yesterday the RD Studio crew began shooting eyeliners for the film "High Altitude Gene-2"!

The day before yesterday we moved from Concordia Camp to K2 Base Camp, admiring the stunning views of K2 and Broad Peak on the way, from one look at these mighty giants breathtaking!

We were very warmly welcomed at the camp, the evening was soulful: together with a team of climbers, we played guitar and sang songs.  In the morning, the expedition's doctor, Andrey Selivanov, walked with us to the memorial dedicated to those who died on K2 and Broad Peak.

We spent two nights in the camp, had a good night's sleep and rested before returning.

And now we are back at Camp Concordia and tomorrow we will move to Urdukas.

The guides of the 7 Summits Club are Svetlana Kotlyar and Alexander Spirin.


















The group of the 7 Summits Club "We don't change habits" completed the acclimatization cycle by climbing the Pastukhov Rocks

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. The group "We do not change habits" in preparation for the ascent made an acclimatization rotation to the Pastukhov rocks. The ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region. The group "We do not change habits" in preparation for the ascent made an acclimatization rotation to the Pastukhov rocks. The weather in the first half of the day was clear, in places it was even hot on the rise (it was summer after all), after lunch the weather deteriorated, a light snowfall and wind. Today we are resting, preparing for the ascent tomorrow. 




Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 18. Trekkers and Valdis Pelsh came to the base camp

Deputy head of the expedition Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Pakistan: All salaam from Pakistan from the participants of the expedition to K2 "Høïð Altitude Gene 2" or briefly GenKa2! After breakfast, Alex Abramov arranged oxygen ... read more

Deputy head of the expedition Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Pakistan:

All salaam from Pakistan from the participants of the expedition to K2 "Høïð Altitude Gene 2" or briefly GenKa2!

After breakfast, Alex Abramov arranged oxygen classes. Refreshed our memory of how to use oxygen equipment. And after lunch, the second group of trekkers, led by Sveta Kotlyar and Sasha Spirin, came to visit us. Yead of the RD Studia Valdis Pelsh also arrived with this group. He plans to stay with our expedition and make some live broadcasts for Channel One. The way to us was not easy - 6 long marches under the scorching sun and rains. But the team  overcame it!

In the evening, a "Guitar in a circle" evening was held in a large tent - the trekkers brought with them a guitar bought in Islamabad. We knew that Sveta sings well. But the fact that Dmitry Moskalev has a good voice and a cool repertoire has become a revelation for many.

The heads of the expedition to K2 Alex Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko and the expedition doctor Andrey Selivanov are in touch.






The group of the 7 Summits Club "We don't change habits" climbed to the Shelter National Park and held snow and ice classes

Elbrus. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. The group "We do not change habits" climbed to the National Park shelter, where it will stay for several days. We went to snow and ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region. The group "We do not change habits" climbed to the National Park shelter, where it will stay for several days. We went to snow and ice classes, where we mastered the skills of movement in crampons, self-arrest with an ice pick and moving the slope in ropes. Tomorrow we go to the Pastukhov Rocks, we will try a new height.






The team of the 7 Summits Club "Kiliman 23" visited the Lava Tower and moved to the Baranko camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Greetings to all from the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Kiliman 23 group! Today we had a very long day, and a rather difficult march. From the Shira camp, we climbed ... read more

 The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Greetings to all from the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Kiliman 23 group! Today we had a very long day, and a rather difficult march. From the Shira camp, we climbed the Lava Tower, which is located at an altitude of 4600 meters, had lunch, felt the altitude a little and went down to the Baranko camp at an altitude of 3900 meters.

On the way, we admired armfuls of flowers, a carpet of clouds under us and a view of the summit of Kilimanjaro. Fortunately, the weather welcome us with beautiful views, without dragging them into clouds.

And after lunch we went down to the forest of wonderful senecia plants, which impressed everyone. And there was also a view of the Kilimanjaro wall, which impressed no less.