Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Beautiful" climbed to the village of Tagnak

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal: Hello everyone from Nepal from the Beautiful group! Today we had the simplest and most pleasant day. Just some four hours of smooth ascent. So smooth that when we walked ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal:

Hello everyone from Nepal from the Beautiful group! Today we had the simplest and most pleasant day. Just some four hours of smooth ascent. So smooth that when we walked for about an hour and gained almost 300 meters out of 700 expected, I was asked: "Have we gained at least some?" Here, of course, good acclimatization also affects. So good that at an altitude of more than 4000 meters, instead of sweating tiredly, everyone goes and constantly chatter.

Today our path was not too diverse. From a height of 3500 we climbed along the river to a height of 4300 meters to the village of Tagnak.

But was he any less handsome for that? Firstly, the river itself with incredibly blue water and mini waterfalls.  Secondly, very soon after we started walking, a pyramid of a very beautiful mountain loomed in front of us. This mountain with a height of almost 6000 meters (the name will not tell you anything, and it constantly flies out of my head) is sacred. Climbing it is prohibited.  Thirdly, there was a small monastery on our way, inscribed in an overhanging stone. 

By lunchtime we came to Tagnak and after a little rest, we went to wander around the village in search of beauty. The beauty was hidden by clouds. But never mind, we are not just a band ourselves, but a Beautiful one.














Ornithological and culinary continuation of the cultural program of the 7 Summits Club group in Papua New Guinea

Giluwe. Boris Egorov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea: Greetings from Papua New Guinea! Our cultural program continues in this country. The day began with a trip to a special place in the jungle, on a photo hunt for ... read more

Boris Egorov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

Greetings from Papua New Guinea! Our cultural program continues in this country. The day began with a trip to a special place in the jungle, on a photo hunt for local birds. We were lucky to see an unusual feathered creature with a long, beautiful white tail, which is even depicted on the flag of PNG. After that we visited a new village, where we were shown how to cook the national dish mumu. To do this, first small stones are heated in the fire, and then vegetables and meat are laid in layers in the pit, interspersed with banana leaves. While the food was languishing in the ground, we watched the female and male dances and got acquainted with some of the customs of this tribe. Finally, after this, we tasted the food, delicious! Well, in the evening, chess and preference are already traditional. 






The 8000 Club team "We are just tourists!" managed to see all the main attractions of Kathmandu during one day

Everest. Svetlana Kotlyar, manager of the 7 Summits Club and a member of the expedition, reports from Nepal: Today the 8000 CLUB team "We are just tourists!" visited all the main attractions of colorful Kathmandu! After breakfast, we went to the ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar, manager of the 7 Summits Club and a member of the expedition, reports from Nepal:

Today the 8000 CLUB team "We are just tourists!" visited all the main attractions of colorful Kathmandu!  After breakfast, we went to the most sacred place in the capital of Nepal — the Buddhist temple complex Bodnath, in the center of which there is a stupa founded in the V century. It is the main symbol of Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal.

Then we visited Pashupatinath, a Hindu temple complex located on the banks of the sacred Bagmati River. This temple is known for its cremations, which are carried out here, on special pedestals.

Closer to lunch, we got to Svayambunath, where we received a blessing to climb Mount Everest from local monks. This place offers a beautiful view of the whole city!

On the way to Thamel, we stopped at the central Durbar square.

Over dinner, we discussed plans for tomorrow. At 2.00 am we will start at the airport and go to meet the highest mountains of our planet!























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Beautiful" descended into spring today and for the first time saw a beautiful Mera peak

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal: Greetings from Nepal from the group "Beautiful"! Today we moved from winter to spring. We woke up at an altitude of 4200 in the snow and began to descend towards the ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal:

Greetings from Nepal from the group "Beautiful"! Today we moved from winter to spring. We woke up at an altitude of 4200 in the snow and began to descend towards the village of Kothe.  As we descended, the winter landscape changed to spring one.  There was less and less snow, more and more trees. Soon leaves appeared on them, and then we descended into a fabulous forest with trees covered with thick moss, paths strewn with flowers and blooming rhododendrons.  It can't be said that it was an easy way, but it was beautiful.

And most importantly, today we saw the purpose of our trip - Mera peak, in all its glory.
















Photos and videos from the cultural program of the 7 Summits Club group in Papua New Guinea

Giluwe. Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea: A cultural program has begun on the island of Papua. Today we visited three tribes, watched theatrical performances arranged especially for us. We looked into ... read more

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

A cultural program has begun on the island of Papua. Today we visited three tribes, watched theatrical performances arranged especially for us. We looked into the homes of the aborigines and received detailed answers to our numerous questions about life in this country, before and after the arrival of the white man. We were well fed, and in the evening there was time for leisure. We played chess and played preference until nightfall. The rest continues. Tomorrow we will continue to explore the customs of the indigenous population, and we hope to finish our game of cards.











The team of the 8000 Club expedition on Everest reached Kathmandu 

Everest. The head of the Everest expedition of the 8000 Club Viktor Volodin reports from Nepal: Greetings to all from the capital of Nepal — the city of Kathmandu from the 8000 CLUB team! All our small, but already friendly company gathered today ... read more

The head of the Everest expedition of the 8000 Club Viktor Volodin reports from Nepal:

Greetings to all from the capital of Nepal — the city of Kathmandu from the 8000 CLUB team! All our small, but already friendly company gathered today at the Yak & Yety Hotel. In the first half of the day, we checked the equipment, held a briefing on the upcoming program, got to know each other.

After lunch, we walked through the bustling Thamel, a tourist area of Kathmandu, bought sim cards and missing equipment. We have received our cherished climbing permits! Over dinner we met our local partners.

Tomorrow we will have a rich excursion program in the capital, and the day after tomorrow we will start in the mountains!







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Beautiful" today passed the snow-covered high-mountain pass of Zatvra

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal: Greetings from Nepal from the Beautiful group! Today, on Cosmonautics Day, we made a space crossing over the Zatvra La Pass. We climbed to a height of 4650 meters. We ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal:

Greetings from Nepal from the Beautiful group! Today, on Cosmonautics Day, we made a space crossing over the Zatvra La Pass. We climbed to a height of 4650 meters. We walked almost the whole way through the snow. There is a lot of it this year. We had to climb and make efforts. But we managed.

Eight hours later we went down to Tuli Kharka and checked into a beautiful lodge. It was a very long and difficult day.












A new film about the volcano Ojos del Salado from the guide Nikita Slotin.  It's been a wonderful season!

Ojos del Salado. In the 2022-2023 season, there were a total of 32 participants in the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club in Chile. These are 4 groups with 6 guides. 30 participants of the expeditions reached the main peak of Ojos del Salado. The highest ... read more

In the 2022-2023 season, there were a total of 32 participants in the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club in Chile. These are 4 groups with 6 guides. 30 participants of the expeditions reached the main peak of Ojos del Salado. The highest point: 6893m. Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, shot and edited this short film. It very successfully combines the beauties of nature, shows the nature of the ascent and the attitude of the participants to the mountains.  Thank you, Nikita!  Not long, and all to the point!







Nepal met the advance group of our expeditions. We are always welcome here!

Makalu. The team of guides of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club arrived in Kathmandu. We settled into a hotel, sorting things out. There is also a team of the 7 Summits Club, which leaves tomorrow to climb Mera Peak. They also got into the ... read more

The team of guides of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club arrived in Kathmandu. We settled into a hotel, sorting things out.  There is also a team of the 7 Summits Club, which leaves tomorrow to climb Mera Peak. They also got into the frame together with Alexander Abramov, Lyudmila Korobeshko and the doctor of the Everest expeditions Andrey Selivanov. The group was met by our best (most important) Nepalese friend Mingma Sherpa.







News from Vitaly Lazo's team "Death Zone Freeride". Two days in Namche, today already in Dibuche  

Everest. Dear friends, we are happy to share the news from Vitaly Lazo and his team, who are going to Mount Everest as part of the 7 Summits Club and 8000 Club groups! "Now drones not only fly away from us, but also... float away! Crash again — ... read more


Dear friends, we are happy to share the news from Vitaly Lazo and his team, who are going to Mount Everest as part of the 7 Summits Club and 8000 Club groups!

 "Now drones not only fly away from us, but also... float away! Crash again — the FPV copter swam in the river. But Farit, sacrificing himself, caught the fugitive! Now we dry it — not Farit, but a drone — in a bag of rice)) Rice absorbs water well!

As a result, we spent 2 days in Namche Bazaar. We did not sit at home, and went to the neighboring village — Komjung. There we met a really interesting person, his name is Pemba Sherpa. He is 84 old and worked as a porter on the famous 1953 Everest expedition with Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary. It was a great shooting day!
Today we spent the night in Dibuche, and in the morning — a trek to the village of Periche (4370 m)”









The President went first. Alexander Abramov flew to Nepal today. After the photo shoot. Let's go!

Makalu. Alexander Abramov before leaving : It is amazing! Immediately our 4 expeditions to the summits above 8000 meters begin on April 12-17. These are two expeditions of the 8000 Club. On April 12 to Everest with the leader Viktor Volodin. And ... read more

Alexander Abramov before leaving : It is amazing!  Immediately our 4 expeditions to the summits above 8000 meters begin on April 12-17. These are two expeditions of the 8000 Club. On April 12 to Everest with the leader Viktor Volodin.  And on April 17, an expedition to Makalu led by Lyudmila Korobeshko. Also, the expedition to Everest and Lhotse is organized by the 7 Summits Club. It starts on April 15. With Alexander Abramov as a leader.

That's the scope! 28 people take part in three expeditions. Good luck to everyone, the summit and a safe descent.

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Alex Abramov and Andrey Selivanov, the doctor of the Everest expedition, took part in the photo shoot.








The group of the 7 Summits Club “Beautiful” admired the mountains today, rested and got acclimatization

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal: Hello everyone from Nepal! Today our “Beautiful” group has a day of acclimatization and rest. The first night at an altitude of 3500 passed perfectly. Especially ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal:

Hello everyone from Nepal! Today our “Beautiful” group has a day of acclimatization and rest. The first night at an altitude of 3500 passed perfectly. Especially considering that we had very little sleep the night before. But now, finally, everyone has slept and rested.

After breakfast, we took a short walk, gaining another 400 meters in height. We looked at the beautiful mountains, basked in the sun and returned to the camp to rest before lunch. After all, tomorrow we will have a new difficult crossing of the pass.







Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the highest volcano in Australia and Oceania Giluwe

Giluwe. Boris Egorov, the super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea: News from Papua. Hurray! This morning, at a leisurely pace , all the participants, fathers and children, ascended the highest volcano in Australia and ... read more

Boris Egorov, the super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

News from Papua. Hurray! This morning, at a leisurely pace , all the participants, fathers and children, ascended the highest volcano in Australia and Oceania, Giluwe 4368. We slipped between the showers, although we still got into a cloud at the top. For the youngest participant Mark (16 years old) it was the debut, the first mountain. It was not easy for him, but the achievement is all the more valuable. We also celebrate Dima Tertychny's birthday today. In the morning he stood at the summit, and in the evening he blew out the candles in the lodge! Tomorrow the cultural program begins, we are going to explore the life of local tribes.










The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the base camp under the Giluwe volcano

Giluwe. Boris Egorov, the a Guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea: Today we walked for 6 hours through the jungle and swamps, almost all the time with a little rain. At the same time, we reached the base camp quite ... read more

Boris Egorov, the a Guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

  Today we walked for 6 hours through the jungle and swamps, almost all the time with a little rain. At the same time, we reached the base camp quite cheerfully. Here the weather improved, the stars became visible. After dinner we sat around the campfire for a while. With a fighting mood and most importantly in dryness, we go to bed. Tomorrow, the assault on the summit of the Giluwe volcano!









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Beautiful" has arrived in Lukla and begins the walking  part of the route to Mera Peak

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal: Hello everyone from Nepal from the group Beautiful! Today was a difficult day for us. More precisely, it was night. Since the flights to Lukla were transferred from ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Nepal:

Hello everyone from Nepal from the group Beautiful! Today was a difficult day for us. More precisely, it was night. Since the flights to Lukla were transferred from Kathmandu to another airport, at two o'clock in the morning we had to leave the hotel and go on an adventure. Four hours on a broken mountain road, and now small planes take us to Lukla to the beginning of the route.  After a small snack in Lukla, we went on a route towards Mera Peak.









A new journey of the 7 Summits Club group to New Guinea under the "Seven Volcanoes" program has begun

Giluwe. Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea: An exotic program in Papua New Guinea has started today. All participants successfully crossed the half of the planet and ended up on a huge evergreen island. ... read more

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

An exotic program in Papua New Guinea has started today. All participants successfully crossed the half of the planet and ended up on a huge evergreen island. The expedition turned out to be a family one. It consists of two fathers and three sons. In the evening we had dinner at the lodge at an altitude of 2500. And tomorrow, early in the morning, we move to the Giluwe base camp at an altitude of 3200.








Information from the President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov. There are only a few days left before the start of the Himalayan expeditions

Everest. The base camp on Everest is under construction, large tents have already been set up. On Tuesday, April 11, the organizers and guides fly to Kathmandu. On April 15th, the main part of the Everest expeditions will start. The expedition on ... read more

The base camp on Everest is under construction, large tents have already been set up.  On Tuesday, April 11, the organizers and guides fly to Kathmandu. On April 15th, the main part of the Everest expeditions will start. The expedition on Makalu starts in 2 more days, on April 17th.





The group of the 7 Summits Club "In search of papaya" crossed the Torong La and safely reached the fast Internet

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Nepal: Namaste from Nepal! The group "In search of papaya" has reached civilization! We crossed the Torong La pass with a height of 5450 meters and descended to the town of ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Nepal:

 Namaste from Nepal!  The group "In search of papaya" has reached civilization! We crossed the Torong La pass with a height of 5450 meters and descended to the town of Muktinath.  After the spartan conditions in the loggias, the hotel feels like something unreal. Especially the speed of the Internet in it! Now everyone has bathed, eaten and rested after the hard trek. Then there will be days of rest and easy walking - we have already done all the most difficult things!!!












A new project of the team " Death Zone Freeride" has been launched.  It is for the highest goal - Everest

Everest. Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin with a small shooting and escort team are scheduled to fly to Lukla tomorrow. And from there start your march to the foot of the highest peak in the World. This year they will work in cooperation with the ... read more

Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin with a small shooting and escort team are scheduled to fly to Lukla tomorrow. And from there start your march to the foot of the highest peak in the World. This year they will work in cooperation with the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club, using our vast experience in organizing and conducting ascents of Mount Everest.  So we will be doubly worried and rooting for these outstanding athletes, wishing them the successful execution of their plans.

 One, two, three: GO! Death Zone Freeride team is pleased to announce the start of the next step of the project: an ascent and following skiing from Everest. Death Zone Freeride is the project of two Snow Leopards, Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin. On April 4, the team flew to Kathmandu to begin their way to the highest mountain in the world.

⠀During the ascent, a documentary film “Oxygen 2. Everest” will be filmed (with the support of Central Partnership, Red Media and Gazprom-Media Holding).

⠀Follow us on Instagram @deathzonefreeride


The group of the 7 Summits Club "In search of papaya" climbed to the foot of the Torong Pass

Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Nepal: The group "In search of papaya" is in touch. Yesterday we had no communication, so the news for two days. Yesterday we traversed from Shrekharka to Yak Kharka. This ... read more

Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Nepal:

The group "In search of papaya" is in touch. Yesterday we had no communication, so the news for two days. Yesterday we traversed from Shrekharka to Yak Kharka.  This is almost a kilometer of difference, but the height has not changed much. A beautiful warm day with a light breeze and beautiful views. We tried not to strain ourselves too much and recover from the tedious ascent to Lake Tilicho. We got there quickly, we were in the camp by lunch.  Rested and slept well. Today we moved to the upper camp of Torong Pedi.  We reached it in 3 hours, slowly. The altitude is already felt, although it is much easier to walk after the lake than if we had immediately climbed here. Today, according to the plan, an early dinner and at 5 am exit to the Torong pass. I hope the weather will be good and we will easily cross over to the other side.