Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Igoryashki" celebrated the ascent on the Tolima volcano and is ready for new adventures

Nevado del Tolima. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia: Hello everyone from Salento! The team of "Igoryashki" safely descended from the mountains to civilization yesterday! The mountain part of our program ended yesterday. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia:

Hello everyone from Salento! The team of "Igoryashki" safely descended from the mountains to civilization yesterday! The mountain part of our program ended yesterday. From the farm "La prima verá" from a height of 3800 we went down to the entrance of the National Park "Los nevados". We sat down in our cozy hotel and in the evening the whole team gathered at a huge festive table.

The team is happy! Toasts, congratulations, smiles, loud laughter! Everyone received well-deserved silver medals and certificates for the successful ascent on the Nevado Del Tolima volcano!

Today we are resting and after lunch we fly to Santa Marta, where we will continue our trekking program to the Lost city. Guides of the 7 Summits Club: Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Svetlana Kotlyar.










Photos and videos from the ascent of  the "Igoriashki" team on the summit of the Nevado del Tolima volcano

Nevado del Tolima. On February 14, the group of the 7 Summits Club "Igoriashki" in full (16 participants and 8 guides) climbed on the summit of the most beautiful volcano in Colombia - Nevada del Tolima (5221 m). The ascent was not easy: strong wind, snow and ... read more

On February 14, the group of the 7 Summits Club "Igoriashki" in full (16 participants and 8 guides) climbed on the summit of the most beautiful volcano in Colombia - Nevada del Tolima (5221 m). The ascent was not easy: strong wind, snow and almost complete lack of visibility. Now the team is preparing for new adventures in this wonderful country.




























Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Igoryashki" made a successful ascent on the summit of the Tolima volcano in severe weather conditions

Nevado del Tolima. The guides of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Sveta Kotlyar report from Colombia: Greetings to all from Colombia from the team of the 7 Summits Club "Igoryashki"! Congratulations to everyone on Valentine's Day! ... read more

The guides of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Sveta Kotlyar report from Colombia:

Greetings to all from Colombia from the team of the 7 Summits Club "Igoryashki"! Congratulations to everyone on Valentine's Day! Including all those in love with the mountains! Today at 7 am our full team (16 participants and 8 guides) stood on the top of the most beautiful volcano in Colombia  - Nevada del Tolima (5221)! The ascent was not easy: strong wind, snow and almost complete lack of visibility. But the stronger the emotions from reaching the top! For the four team members, this peak became the first mountain summit in their lives. We went down to the assault camp at 10 a.m., now we are packing our things and preparing to descend to the Prima Vera farm.

 Photos from local guide Juan





The group of the 7 Summits Club "Cash for Tango" made an acclimatization rotation to Camp Canada

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina from the group "Cash for Tango"! Our team continues to acclimatize on the slopes of Aconcagua. Today we took a walk to Plaza Canada. We ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina from the group "Cash for Tango"!  Our team continues to acclimatize on the slopes of Aconcagua. Today we took a walk to Plaza Canada. We climbed very briskly and well. Tomorrow we have a rest day before spending the night on Nido de Condores. In general, we are resting, relaxing before difficult days.  Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.







The group of the 7 Summits Club " Lucky Chyk-chyryk" completed the program in Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: So Lucky Chyk-chyryk African adventures are over. Today the whole group flew away: someone at home, someone in Zanzibar. This week we became very friends, and it was a ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

So Lucky Chyk-chyryk African adventures are over. Today the whole group flew away: someone at home, someone in Zanzibar. This week we became very friends, and it was a shame to break up. But we hope to meet again. In the mountains. Or not in the mountains.













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Tango for Cash" acclimatized today near the base camp of the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina, from the group "Tango for Cash"! Today is our first day at the base camp at the Plaza de Mulas. The day went very well because it's a day ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina, from the group "Tango for Cash"!  Today is our first day at the base camp at the Plaza de Mulas. The day went very well because it's a day off.  Today we walked to an abandoned hotel located on the other side of the gorge. And then we visited the highest art gallery. Tomorrow is a harder day, we will have a rotation to the Plaza de Canada (5000m.). The group's leaders are Alexander Dorojukov and Dmitry Semenov.











The group of the 7 Summits Club moved to the next farm, closer to the summit of the Tolima volcano

Nevado del Tolima. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia: Greetings to all from our team from Colombia! Our adventures in this amazing country continue! Our morning started with a cup of coffee in bed! Then we had breakfast ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia:

Greetings to all from our team from Colombia! Our adventures in this amazing country continue! Our morning started with a cup of coffee in bed! Then we had breakfast and went on route: 16 participants, 3 guides from the 7 Summits Club and 5 local guides. The task of the day is to gain another 300 meters in height and go to the farm "La prima verá".

The views are spectacular, along the way we stopped at a tall Columbian pine tree, which is only 3 years younger than our main boss.  Here we drank delicious tea made from coca leaves.

The whole route took about 4 hours. After lunch it became overcast, it started to rain a little. Now we are already resting on the farm, waiting for lunch and checking the equipment. Tomorrow we go to the assault camp.  The guides of the 7 Summits Club: Alexe Abramov, Boris Egorov and Sveta Kotlyar.










Today the group of the 7 Summits Club "Tango and Cash" moved to the base camp of Aconcagua Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Greetings from the group from Argentina "Tango for Cash"! Today we moved to our base camp Plaza de Mulas. The walk took us 7 hours with all stops. The weather is ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from the group from Argentina "Tango for Cash"!  Today we moved to our base camp Plaza de Mulas. The walk took us 7 hours with all stops. The weather is gorgeous, everyone's condition is excellent. Now we are resting, gaining strength after a long walk. Guides Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.







The first walking day of the group of the 7 Summits Club took 6 hours and brought to the farm "La Argentina"

Nevado del Tolima. The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Colombia: Greetings to all from Colombia! The mountain part of our program started today. In the morning, we loaded into jeeps and drove up to the beginning of the route. ... read more

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Colombia:

Greetings to all from Colombia!  The mountain part of our program started today. In the morning, we loaded into jeeps and drove up to the beginning of the route. Today we had to walk 11 km to the first location, La Argentina farm. We coped with the task and completed the route in a little more than 6 hours. The surrounding views are beautiful! Today we saw wax palms - the tallest in the world. We have already settled in, now we will have dinner and discuss plans for tomorrow. The mood is great, the team has become very friendly over these two days. Tomorrow we go higher, at 3800. We embrace everyone! The guides of the 7 Summits Club are Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Svetlana Kotlyar.







Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Today our Lucky Chyk-chyryk group in full force ran up, ascended, crawled to the top of Kilimanjaro. The weather decided to test us. And it was un-African cold. ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Today our Lucky Chyk-chyryk group in full force ran up, ascended, crawled to the top of Kilimanjaro. The weather decided to test us. And it was un-African cold. Everyone was frozen, despite the good clothes and warm down jackets. That's how Africa is. And yet we endured everything and reached the summit. For which they were rewarded with incredible views and beautiful glaciers.












The group of the 7 Summits Club got acquainted with the work of the coffee farm and bought boots for climbing mountains

Nevado del Tolima. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia: Hello to the 7 Summits Club from Colombia! Today we left the capital of Colombia and moved to Salento, a small provincial town in the Colombian Andes. After arriving ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia:

Hello to the 7 Summits Club from Colombia! Today we left the capital of Colombia and moved to Salento, a small provincial town in the Colombian Andes. After arriving by jeep, we moved to the Finka del Ocaso coffee farm, where we learned a lot about the traditions of coffee cultivation. We collected coffee beans and tried to brew Colombian coffee on their own.

After checking into the hotel, we were preparing for the upcoming expedition — we bought rubber boots.  Tomorrow we will start in the mountains! Follow the news!

Group guides: Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Svetlana Kotlyar.
























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Tango and Cash" made an acclimatization rotation to the Plaza Francia to a height of 4000 meters

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina: Greetings from Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Today our group reached a height of 4000m. We took a walk towards Plaza Francia, which is located under the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Today our group reached a height of 4000m.   We took a walk towards Plaza Francia, which is located under the Southern Face of Aconcagua. After staying there for about an hour, we started the descent. The weather today was "for us", without wind and sunny. Everyone is resting now. Tomorrow we will have a difficult trek to our base camp Plaza de Mulas 4300m.











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" climbed up to the Kosovo camp, at midnight – a start to the assault on the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Hello to all from the Lucky Chyk-Chyryk group! Today we moved up to the Kosovo assault camp at an altitude of 4900 meters. Now it remains only to rest for a few hours ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Hello to all from the Lucky Chyk-Chyryk group! Today we moved up to the Kosovo assault camp at an altitude of 4900 meters. Now it remains only to rest for a few hours before the assault and go out at midnight to climb Mont Kilimanjaro. Everyone's mood is moderately combative. We hope that everything will work out.


















The group of the 7 Summits Club spent a bright day in Bogota, the capital of Colombia!

Nevado del Tolima. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia: Hola amigos! Hello everyone from sunny Bogota! Today our group gathered in full 16 people in the capital of Colombia! In the morning we walked around the historical ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia:

Hola amigos! Hello everyone from sunny Bogota! Today our group gathered in full 16 people in the capital of Colombia!

In the morning we walked around the historical center of Bogota. We walked around the central square of the city — Plaza de Bolivar, built in the early 19th century. Life is in full swing here at any time of the day: street performers, numerous fruit stalls, ice cream shops, souvenir shops, coffee shops with delicious coffee, vendors of handicrafts from banknotes and sellers of fried ants — a local delicacy.

After lunch we visited one of the best places in Bogota — Mount Montserrat. Here, at an altitude of 3100, there is an observation deck with a view of the whole city. We visited the temple dedicated to the Black Madonna of Montserrat, watched hummingbirds, and then tasted coca leaf tea in one of the cafes. They say that it helps the body to adapt better to altitude. Well, we'll check it out in a couple of days!

In the evening, we celebrated the arrival of all the team members for a festive dinner, and at the same time congratulated our guide — Boris Egorov on his birthday!

Tomorrow we change the location, leave the already beloved Bogota and fly to Salento for an excursion to one of the coffee farms. And from there the mountain part of our program will begin.

The guides of the 7 Summits Club were with you: Alex Abramov, Boris Egorov and Svetlana Kotlyar.































The group of the 7 Summits Club "Tango and Cash" on the way to the Confluencia camp. Report from the dusty trail

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina: Hello from sunny Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Our team entered Aconcagua National Park today. The weather is hot, beautiful views, a dusty road - ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Argentina:

Hello from sunny Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Our team entered Aconcagua National Park today. The weather is hot, beautiful views, a dusty road - everything is as we like. In general, we started our climbing program.

Guides Alexander Dorojukov and Dmitry Semenov.







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" climbed to the Karanga camp, passing the famous Baranko Wall

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: The group "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" sends greetings from the Karanga camp from a height of 4020 meters above sea level! Every day we are getting closer to the summit. In ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

The group "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" sends greetings from the Karanga camp from a height of 4020 meters above sea level! Every day we are getting closer to the summit. In fact, we have one step left before the assault camp. And everyone is already a little worried. But, in the same way, everyone was worried yesterday, looking at the incredible Baranko Wall, which we had to climb today. However, everything turned out to be not so terrible. And slowly-slowly, or as they say "pole-pole" here, we all crawled to the top of the wall, and then walked a long way to the Karanga camp.

The weather today decided not to test us. It started to rain exactly fifteen minutes after we arrived at the camp. Due to the rain, the acclimatization rotation had to be canceled. We decided that we had acclimatized well enough.























We announce the recruitment of the K2 team to participate in the filming of the High-Altitude Gene-2! Alexander Abramov invites heroes!

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club: Hello everyone! I want to inform you that this year the 7 Summits Club and RD Studio will shoot the film "High-Altitude Gene-2. K2". I want to invite you to an expedition to K2, that ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club: 

Hello everyone! I want to inform you that this year the 7 Summits Club and RD Studio will shoot the film "High-Altitude Gene-2. K2".  I want to invite you to an expedition to K2, that is, to become participants in the ascent and in the film. The dates are June 15 – August 8.



Dear friends! We are going to K2 to shoot the film "The Height Gene-2". We'll take it off. There is no doubt. But the task is to make it more interesting and cooler than the movie " High-Altitude Gene-1". In the success of the film, money will still not be the main thing, they are in second place. The first is the people, the main characters of the film. Their characters, their history, victories and defeats, team relationships, emotions of the participants…



In general, we need heroes, participants. Different in characters and life stories, one thing will unite them: they will all burn both by climbing K2 and by participating in the film. We want to limit the number of team members to 10-12 people. I think half of the participants (the best half) should be women. The second condition is the experience of climbing Summits above 8000 meters. I am sure that we will finish assembling the team by March 1. On March 1, we have to announce the composition of the expedition. Therefore, hurry up with applications. Write to!

 Program and details






A new big adventure of the 7 Summits Club group in Colombia begins

Nevado del Tolima. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia: Greetings to all from Colombia from Alex Abramov, Borya Egorov and Sveta Kotlyar! Our adventures in Colombia have begun! Today we arrived in Bogota and met the first ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Svetlana Kotlyar reports from Colombia:

Greetings to all from Colombia from Alex Abramov, Borya Egorov and Sveta Kotlyar!  Our adventures in Colombia have begun! Today we arrived in Bogota and met the first participants. We checked into a very nice authentic hotel “Hotel de la Opera". We solved all the organizational issues and in the evening celebrated the arrival in the capital of Colombia at a local restaurant.

The main part of the team arrives tomorrow, we have 16 participants in total. The program is as rich as possible: over the next two weeks we will plunge into the metropolitan atmosphere of Bogota, climb the most beautiful volcano Nevado Del Tolima, visit an Indian city lost in the jungle, visit coffee plantations and relax on the Caribbean coast.

Follow the news!














The new, sixth group of the 7 Summits Club set off on a journey to the top of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina: Hello, from sunny Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Today we left the hospitable, but very hot Mendoza, and moved to our first camp - in Puente del Inca. It ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Dmitry Semenov reports from Argentina:

Hello, from sunny Argentina, from the group "Tango and Cash"! Today we left the hospitable, but very hot Mendoza, and moved to our first camp - in Puente del Inca.  It is located in front of the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park. Today we visited a local landmark, the Inca Bridge. In the evening we are preparing for tomorrow's start of walking. Good luck to everyone in the mountains! Guides Alexander Dorojukov and Dmitry Semenov.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Chyk-Chyryk" climbed to the Baranko camp, having passed the Lava Tower in bad weather

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: The Lucky Chyk-chyryk band sends greetings from the Baranko camp from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today was a difficult, but very beautiful and eventful day. The ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

The Lucky Chyk-chyryk band sends greetings from the Baranko camp from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today was a difficult, but very beautiful and eventful day. The morning greeted us with the sun, a beautiful sunrise and a view of the summit of Kilimanjaro.

On this day, we had to climb the Lava Tower, gaining 800 meters of altitude, and then descend to the Baranko camp, dropping almost everything we had gained. Today the weather decided to test our strength. On the way to the Lava Tower, we got into the snow with the wind, and on the descent - in the rain. But you can't scare us like that.



Together with our guides, we sang songs and shouted chants: "One team - one dream!" and so on, ending with the invariable "chyk-chyryk! Hakuna matata!" So if you hear this from the guides on Kilimanjaro now, don't be surprised.

Thanks to the extraordinary team spirit, friendly support and inexhaustible optimism, our super team overcame all difficulties and came to the Baranko camp.  Everyone feels normal, and I would like to hope that it will be even better by morning, because this will be our second night at an altitude of 3900.