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since 2005
11 January 2023, 15:55. Ojos del Salado, all programs »

President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

Today, the team "Lucky Ones" went by car to the highest mountain refuge in the world "Tejas", which is located at an altitude of 5800m on the slopes of Ojos del Salado. And made an acclimatization rotation to 6200m on the slopes of Ojos. Everyone was amazed by the road to Tejas, as it has been difficult to pass lately and only the super drivers of the 7 Summits Club can drive it. The mountain has shown its scale. And this morning, participant Fedor and guide Mario went to storm the summit. Now there is waist-deep snow there, so they took shovels to dig a trench.

Guides Alexander Abramov, Alexander Dorozhukov and Nikita Slotin.