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10 January 2023, 04:40. Ojos del Salado, all programs »

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 9.  Greetings to all from Atacama, Chile from the Papas Bravas group!  Today we woke up in a magical place - on the shore of Laguna Verde Lake at an altitude of 4300. First of all, we went along the shore of this beautiful lake, surrounded by snow peaks, to the hot springs - to take a hot shower and do exercises.

Then we went to acclimatize to the slopes of the volcano with the romantic name Mulas Muertas (death to mules). We took a lot of pictures with Laguna Verde Lake, went down and went on a road trip to the border of Chile and Argentina to the San Francisco pass at 5000m. There we turned on the downshift and arranged an off-road race. By evening, tired but happy, they returned to the camp. Here we were pleased with Russian borscht, abalones (the largest clams) and a pisco sour cocktail.

Tomorrow we will have a serious test - climbing to the top of Mount San Francisco (6018m).  For almost the whole group, this will be the first ascent above 6000m. I hope we will succeed!