Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club went up to the assault camp on Ararat

Ararat. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: Everything is calm on the slopes of Ararat. Today we went up to the assault camp for 4200. On the way we met an Armenian group of about 40 people, we will go climbing ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:

Everything is calm on the slopes of Ararat. Today we went up to the assault camp for 4200. On the way we met an Armenian group of about 40 people, we will go climbing together at night. In the assault camp, we had lunch, rested, adjusted the crampons and after a delicious dinner, went to the tents to sleep before the summit assault. The weather is promised to be good. We hope for the best, for panoramic views on the ascent.




The group of the 7 Summits Club "Vympel" made the final acclimatization rotatio climb, to the Pastukhov Rocks

Elbrus. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region: Greetings from the Elbrus region from the Vympel group! Today we climbed up to the Pastukhov Rocks. There was a slight wind blowing, the weather changed ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region:

Greetings from the Elbrus region from the Vympel group!  Today we climbed up to the Pastukhov Rocks.  There was a slight wind blowing, the weather changed often, but in general, everything is fine. Tomorrow is a day of rest and then climbing for the summit.











The team of the 7 Summits Club at Lenin Peak climbed to the comfortable first camp at 4400

Lenin Peak. Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan: Greetings to all from the first camp of Lenin Peak, from our group. We reached the height of 4400. We were lucky with the sun, the weather is starting to please! ... read more

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan:

Greetings to all from the first camp of Lenin Peak, from our group. We reached the height of 4400. We were lucky with the sun, the weather is starting to please! Tomorrow we are planning an acclimatization rotation, but for now we are resting and gambling.









The group of the 7 Summits Club moved to the base camp of Ararat

Ararat. Sergey Avtomonov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: A new group arrived in Ararat today and due to the delay in departure, we left for Dogubayazit immediately after the airport. We had lunch there and went to the base camp. We managed to get ... read more

Sergey Avtomonov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club: A new group arrived in Ararat today and due to the delay in departure, we left for Dogubayazit immediately after the airport. We had lunch there and went to the base camp. We managed to get there before dark, at dusk. After all, we usually arrive earlier, but in general everything went fine. We had a delicious dinner and celebrated the birthday of one of the participants. Tomorrow we will go for acclimatization rotation.





The group of the 7 Summits Club arrived at the base camp of Lenin Peak in bad weather

Lenin Peak. Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan: Greetings to all from the Lenin Peak base camp, from our group! We got there! And apparently we are not alone... The camp is full of people, because it's snowing at the ... read more

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan:

Greetings to all from the Lenin Peak base camp, from our group! We got there! And apparently we are not alone... The camp is full of people, because it's snowing at the high slopes now and everyone is resting here. But if it's snowing there, what do we have? That's right, it's raining!!! Tomorrow we will try to catch the weather before lunch and go to the crest of Petrovsky Peak for acclimatization.









The new Elbrus group of the 7 Summits Club went to Cheget for acclimatization

Elbrus. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region: A new group has begun its acclimatization in the Elbrus region. Everything, as always, the slopes of Cheget, views, mountains. The weather is great, even a ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region:

A new group has begun its acclimatization in the Elbrus region. Everything, as always, the slopes of Cheget, views, mountains. The weather is great, even a little hot. The real summer in the mountains has come.







Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko in Karakorum. Diary of the expedition to Broad Peak. Days 26-28. Part 2

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club: Exploration at Broad Peak, Pakistan. Days 26-28. July 26-28. Via Gondogora Pass. Return to civilization. Part 2. By 9-10 in the morning we came to the Huspang camp at 4600 in a ... read more

 Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club:

Exploration at Broad Peak, Pakistan.  Days 26-28. July 26-28. Via Gondogora Pass. Return to civilization. Part 2.

By 9-10 in the morning we came to the Huspang camp at 4600 in a picturesque place on the green near the lake. Then we had a snack, took a break and decided to go to the Saicho camp (3500). But instead of the promised 5-6 hours, we went 7-8 in the end.  But in places it was very picturesque: first, a glacier with ice-mushrooms, cracks and waterfalls; then a side moraine with grass and flowers. Then came herds of cows, goats and sheep. At some point, the Masherbrum (K1) suddenly opened - wow, a terrible mountain - beautiful, but it's scary to imagine how to climb there.

 At the end, almost Baltic landscapes began - sandy areas among coniferous forests (thuja, juniper) - aromatherapy is real!!!!

Closer to 6 pm we came to the camp. It feels like there was a cool campsite here, but during the recent heavy rains and floods on July 7, most of the camp was washed away by mudslides…

We had a quick dinner and soon went to bed to the sound of the beginning rain.

 In the morning, in a couple of hours, along a convenient (albeit blurred by floods) scenic trail, we moved to the village of Khushe. Everything is over – then Jeeps, civilization.

An hour later, we were visiting our chef Ibragim in the neighboring village of Kande (his sixth child was born just 3 weeks ago while he was in the exp).

We looked at the house of a real Pakistani, or rather a Baltistani - everything is very functional, unfurnished, women and men live in different rooms, pets on the first floor, people on the second. We tried real Baltistan tea. At first I thought that this tea was pink because of the Himalayan salt. By the way, there is a huge salt mine in Pakistan, one of the largest in the world. But it turned out that spices give this color to tea…

Hushe is also famous for the fact that there are a lot of snow leopards in these places. Even tours are arranged here specifically to watch at these animals.

An hour later we were at the palace. Here Serena also did her best - they made a hotel out of a hundred-ring palace in the town of Kaplu. And around - apricot orchards. We pick and eat apricots, recover, get vitamins.













Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko in Karakorum. Diary of the expedition on Broad Peak. Days 26-28. Part 1

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club: Exploration at Broad Peak, Pakistan. Days 26-28. July 26-28. Gondogora Pass. Return to civilization. Part 1. After resting in BC on July 24 and waiting for Israfil to return from Broad ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club:
Exploration at Broad Peak, Pakistan. Days 26-28. July 26-28. Gondogora Pass. Return to civilization. Part 1.
After resting in BC on July 24 and waiting for Israfil to return from Broad Peak, we planned to leave BC on the morning of July 26. We decided to go back not along the classics (as we were climbing up), but along a shorter path - through the Gondogora La pass. These are two overnight stays instead of 3-4 on the way, but tougher.

On the first day of July 26, we walked from BC Broad Peak 3 hours back to Concordia. And it's almost 6 hours from Concordia to Ali Camp, already in another gorge. We spent the night in Ali Camp at an altitude of 5000 m in an interesting place - under a rock near a glacial lake. And at one o'clock in the morning on July 27, we stormed the Gondogora pass in full uniform - cats, gazebos with zhumars and self-insurance, helmets. However, a third of the people went without it and even managed to pass the pass.

Two hours - approach under the fixed ropes with the crossing of the glacier. Two hours on the fixed ropes - and we are at the pass. There are stunning views here - K2, Broad, all Gasherbrums, in the other direction - Leila Peak and the entire Khushe gorge.
At the highest point we met Vova Kotlyar - he was walking with his SST group along the same route. We took a photo (Vova took timelaps) and began the descent. More precisely, at first we were horrified when we saw where and how to go down - steep and very long abseiling on the scree slope. While we were mentally preparing for the descent, just then a huge avalanche descended - at a fairly safe distance from us, but still impressed.
We descended normally, only a couple of times large stones came down from above, but it worked out.

Gondogoro La is a pass that we were a little afraid of (they tell us everything about it), but which we really wanted to pass.















Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Creative Ermines" made an ascent on the Mount of Elbrus

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the group "Creative ermines". Early this morning, our group in full force climbed to the top of Elbrus. From there we had amazing ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region:
News of the Elbrus region from the group "Creative ermines". Early this morning, our group in full force climbed to the top of Elbrus. From there we had amazing views, as the weather was perfect today: calm and clear. The entire Main Caucasian Ridge, the Northern Elbrus region, as well as Georgia were visible. Such a beautiful morning today we met at the summit of Elbrus. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Alexey Lonchinsky.









Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Hichiny and Wine" made an ascent on Elbrus

Elbrus. A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region: Greetings from the Elbrus region from the group "Hichiny and Wine"! Today we did it! The top of Europe! The weather was gorgeous, the dawn was just fire! One ... read more

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region:

Greetings from the Elbrus region from the group "Hichiny and Wine"! Today we did it! The top of Europe! The weather was gorgeous, the dawn was just fire! One member climbed even two Summits. We're already down the valley.












Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Gopher Hunters" made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Ararat

Ararat. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: News from the group "Gopher Hunters"! Hooray, we have climbed on the summit of Ararat! The weather was just fine, light wind and sun. The hunt was a success! All the ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:
News from the group "Gopher Hunters"! Hooray, we have climbed on the summit of Ararat! The weather was just fine, light wind and sun. The hunt was a success! All the hunters who went out to climb, climbed to the top.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Gopher Hunters" moved up to the assault camp of Ararat

Ararat. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: Today, the "gopher hunters", saddled with passing horses, moved up to the assault camp. The weather is great, it's warm, there is almost no wind. We plan to go to the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:
Today, the "gopher hunters", saddled with passing horses, moved up to the assault camp. The weather is great, it's warm, there is almost no wind. We plan to go to the summit at night. And check for gophers on top!







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Creative Ermines" climbed the Pastukhov Rocks, completing acclimatization rotation

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. The group "Creative Ermines", as planned yesterday, went to the Pastukhov Rocks. The weather this season does not please us with ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region:
News of the Elbrus region. The group "Creative Ermines", as planned yesterday, went to the Pastukhov Rocks. The weather this season does not please us with clear days. Therefore, as always, we took the necessary amount of warm clothes. So, we went to acclimatize to the Pastukhov Rocks. In 3 hours we gained more than 800 meters vertically. The wind was blowing with grits above. Ski masks, buffs and warm gloves came in handy here. Tomorrow we rest. According to the plan, we are going to climb the summit on Friday. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Alexey Lonchinsky.









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Gopher Hunters" made an acclimatization rotation to the Ararat assault camp

Ararat. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: Greetings to all from the group "Gopher Hunters"! Today we went up to the assault camp at 4200. Hunting ground squirrels again failed, but we got the necessary ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:
Greetings to all from the group "Gopher Hunters"! Today we went up to the assault camp at 4200. Hunting ground squirrels again failed, but we got the necessary acclimatization. We are preparing for the next hike, already on the top of Ararat!






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Creative Ermines" climbed on the slopes of Elbrus and conducted snow and ice training

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region: News from the Elbrus region. The group "Creative stoats". Today we went up to the refuge National Park. We settled in comfortable houses, after which we went to ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region:
News from the Elbrus region. The group "Creative stoats". Today we went up to the refuge National Park. We settled in comfortable houses, after which we went to snow and ice classes. Where the band members mastered self-arresting with an ice axe and moving in crampons on snowy slopes. Tomorrow we are going make rotation to the Pastukhov Rocks. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Alexey Lonchinsky.










Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko in Karakorum. Diary of the expedition to Broad Peak Days 19-23. July 19-23. Part 5.

By 7 pm, Alex came down to Camp 2 completely tired. It turned out that he took an active part in the descent of the victim. Chileans passing by, also exhausted to the limit, thanked Alex and called him their teacher. Alex said he was ... read more

By 7 pm, Alex came down to Camp 2 completely tired. It turned out that he took an active part in the descent of the victim. Chileans passing by, also exhausted to the limit, thanked Alex and called him their teacher.
Alex said he was wildly tired and wanted to stay overnight at Camp 2. I began to persuade him to go down to the BC, assuring him that in 2-3 hours we would do it even in the dark. As a result, for an hour and a half in the dark, we went down to Camp 1 and realized that there was no strength to go further and it was dangerous (the lower part breaks through most of all with stones).
In general, we spent the night in Camp 1 and went down to BC early in the morning on July 23. There were also enough adventures on the way - the ropes were half worn out, the station hooks fell out. And a suitcase stone whistled a meter away from Sasha (Sasha immediately remembered the story on Aconcagua with a girl whose leg was torn off by a stone). Fragments of this stone also reached me, but they hit the backpack and not much…
By breakfast we were already in the camp. Warm and cozy. By the evening of that day, George also went down to the base, accompanied by heroic Latin American climbers and several porters whom Akbar sent up.
In the evening, a festive dinner and barbecue were arranged in honor of the climbers and the miraculous rescue. Everything was fine. Only one thing worried - how was Israfil going alone to the top that night? It seems like no one else was going to storm this night...
P.S. - this morning on July 25, Israfil was already in BL - he came down late last night!!!
July 25. Today we went to BC K2 to say goodbye (tomorrow we go down through Gondogora Pass). We congratulated Volodya Kotlyar on the summit of K2, listened to his stories about this difficult ascent. Stones are flying, stones… He was going to Gasherbrum-2 after Chogori, but it didn't seem to work out.... We'll probably go down together tomorrow. We talked to Nims and congratulated him on the successful ascent of his entire team to K2. They not only climbed in, but also shot a movie! We met Dava, the head of SST in our T-shirt (the three of them - three brothers - went to Antarctica with us this year) - it's nice. They also have a large part of the team going to the top of K2. We caught a glimpse of Harila - she was climbing K2 on the same day with Vova. Now she will go to the Broad and Gasherbrums - the Iron lady!
The weather has deteriorated sharply today. Most of the expeditions are being curtailed. Good luck and patience to those who still continue their ascents here!
Well, we ... into the hustle and bustle of cities and traffic....
Until the future mountain!















The new group of the 7 Summits Club began preparations for climbing Elbrus with an acclimatization rotation on Cheget

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region News of the Elbrus region. The group "Creative Ermines" has started acclimatization and preparation for the ascent of Elbrus. Today we climbed the slope of ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the Elbrus region
News of the Elbrus region. The group "Creative Ermines" has started acclimatization and preparation for the ascent of Elbrus. Today we climbed the slope of Cheget, to the first station of the cable car. Our way passed along a picturesque forest trail, which smoothly moved from the forest zone to the alpine meadows. After spending some time in the Ai cafe, we returned to the hotel where we had lunch. After that, the participants went to rent the equipment we needed. Tomorrow we go up to the refuge National Park. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Alexey Lonchinsky.





A new group of the 7 Summits Club has arrived in Turkey and has already climbed to the base camp Ararat

Ararat. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey: Greetings to all from the slopes of Ararat! Our climbing program started today, we got to the base camp. In good sunny weather, we walked a little up. Now we are just ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov reports from Turkey:
Greetings to all from the slopes of Ararat! Our climbing program started today, we got to the base camp. In good sunny weather, we walked a little up. Now we are just resting at the base camp. We were well fed and placed in tents. Tomorrow we are going to acclimatize to the assault camp!









Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko in Karakorum. Diary of the expedition to Broad Peak

Exploration on Broad Peak, Pakistan. Days 19-23. July 19-23. Part 3 About 2-3 nights (when Alex and I were trying to get out) at an altitude of 7800-7900, Canadian Andy, going to the assault, met a Romanian who had already spent the second ... read more

Exploration on Broad Peak, Pakistan. Days 19-23. July 19-23. Part 3
About 2-3 nights (when Alex and I were trying to get out) at an altitude of 7800-7900, Canadian Andy, going to the assault, met a Romanian who had already spent the second night at this altitude. Andy gave him all his water and food and stopped his own ascent. Around 4 am, almost at the same height, the Romanian was discovered by Israfil Ashurli and a Chilean couple. As a result, Israfil decided to lower the Romanian and stop his attempt to climb. Israfil has long impressed me with his amazing human qualities - willingness to help, deep decency and correctness in everything. As a result, Israfil quite successfully lowered the Romanian alone to a height of 7300-7400. At 10 in the morning, he informed us that he was letting George down, but when Sasha asked if he needed help, he said that he didn't and that they would be at the camp in an hour or two. Then the connection disappeared.
At about 15.00, an exhausted Israfil came to Camp 3 and said that he had been fighting with a Romanian for the last 5-6 hours - he tried to give oxygen, which was brought from below, but he refused. I tried to lower the victim further, but he fell into an inadequate state. In general, the story began to look a little like the "Miracle on Everest" - the case of Lincoln Hall in 2006 in our Everest expedition.
At this point, Jorge from Chile stayed with George, but he, too, is already at the limit. I need help.
Alex and I said we were ready to go. To be honest, I thought that a group of high-altitude porters and strong climbers would gather now. But in the end it turned out that only three people were ready to go - Alex, Magda and I (a Polish climber, by the way, who attempted an assault that night and therefore tired). The rest were absolutely nothing after the assault attempt
Magda delighted me - she ran ahead to help an unknown climber, although she was very tired herself. I ran after her, or rather we crawled down the slope like snails. But stubbornly. Alex followed me out a little later. An hour later, the weather suddenly deteriorated sharply - a strong cold wind blew, a blizzard began. I realized that I had taken the rescue lightly - I dressed lightly (we went out at 16.00, when it was still hot).
Days 19-23. July 19-23. Part 4
Two hours later, two figures appeared on the slope. The closest to me was Jorge, who had already spent 5-6 hours with a Romanian and was very tired. When I got to the Romanian, I gave him some water and talked to him for a while. Soon Alex came up and we somehow lifted George to his feet and began to lead him down, he walked a little and sat down. Okay, Jorge came over and started helping too. Together with Alex, they very slowly pulled off the Romanian. Soon another Chilean came up from below. The three of them descended a little faster. I walked ahead and helped with fixed ropes, sometimes gave George tea. He refused Dex and oxygen …
In general, this story with the descent lasted for 3 hours. Already in the dark we came to the camp, where other Chileans warmly welcomed us, put the Romanian in a tent and thanked us for a long time for the descent of their comrade…
In this story, I was struck by the behavior of Chileans. In principle, George was not their friend, but they bought a tour from the same company and sat at the same table with him in BC. However, they did everything to save him.
By the way, the story didn't end there.
It is clear that we did not go on any ascent that night. And going to the rescue, I already understood that I was unlikely to have the strength to storm. In the morning Israfil came to us to talk about plans. He was determined to try again. We, after a little consultation, refused. I definitely did not feel the strength in myself, and the motivation somehow disappeared… We gave Israfil the leftovers of food and snacks, deciding that we would descend in a few hours and without food, and around 11 a.m. we began the descent.
And at the same time, a group of Chileans undertook to lower the Romanian further - the helicopter does not fly at such a height.
After seeing that the Romanian was being lowered by 5-6 men, I decided that I had nothing to push there and went ahead. After 2 hours I was already in Camp 2. I had a timid hope that Alex would not become a hero again - yesterday's rescues are enough, and he will soon catch up with me. But, of course, this did not happen. 2 hours passed, I heated the water, then two more, three more ... all hopes for a descent to the BC and a comfortable overnight melted.











SUMMIT! The team of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on Lenin Peak

Lenin Peak. Nikita Slotin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan: All hola from the group "All on the 215th" from the base camp of Lenin Peak. On July 23, the full team in 12-13 hours made an ascent to a height of 7134 meters, reaching ... read more

Nikita Slotin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Kyrgyzstan:
All hola from the group "All on the 215th" from the base camp of Lenin Peak. On July 23, the full team in 12-13 hours made an ascent to a height of 7134 meters, reaching the top, and in the evening went down to camp 3! On July 24, we went down to camp 1 and today we are in the base, going to Osh. The route is incredibly beautiful, all the members coped! It was hard, but we did it! The weather was perfect, the mountain let to climb and let go in peace. Love the mountains, appreciate the mountains, go to the mountains and treat them with respect, then you will succeed! Peace, goodness and mountains to all!!! Now we have a well-deserved rest! Guide Nikita Slotin.