Providing expeditions
since 2005

Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Forward to the past" made an ascent on Damavand

Damavand. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran: News from the group "Forward to the past" from Iran from the summit of Damavand, 5670m. Today the team, consisting of 11 participants and 5 guides, ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran:

News from the group "Forward to the past" from Iran from the summit of Damavand, 5670m. Today the team, consisting of 11 participants and 5 guides, heroically ascended on the summit. A lot of impressions. The weather was great. We were lucky.  We started around 7 am. There were clouds of sulfur near the top, because this is an active volcano. And at 19:30 all the participants went down to the shelter. The whole team is happy! This year, the 7 Summits Club has many groups in Iran. The people here are wonderful, the attitude towards us is excellent. And the mountain is great. Come here! Guides Alexander and Denis Abramov.









No good weather on Ararat for the 7 Summits Club group. Cool completion of acclimatization

Ararat. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, reports from Turkey: Ararat continues to "delight" us with the weather. Today we went up to acclimatize to the base camp. The camp was in complete fog, met us with cold. We sat for a ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, reports from Turkey:

Ararat continues to "delight" us with the weather. Today we went up to acclimatize to the base camp. The camp was in complete fog, met us with cold.  We sat for a while, drank tea and went downstairs. Upon returning, it began to rain almost immediately!  The cooks cooked our meat on the fire in the tent! After dinner, we danced a little and went to rest before going to the assault camp for the night!







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Plan Vulkan" climbed the Pastukhov Rocks. Acclimatization rotation is over

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the Plan Vulkan group. Today, when we went to the Pastukhov Rocks, it was cloudy and hot. We went up to 4700 in four and a half hours. ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region from the Plan Vulkan group. Today, when we went to the Pastukhov Rocks, it was cloudy and hot.  We went up to 4700 in four and a half hours. During the ascent, we made rest stops. Memorable photos with the flag of the 7 Summits Club were taken on the Rocks. Next, according to the plan, we have rest and preparation for the ascent. We will wait for the weather window, as a cyclone is coming tomorrow. The guides Berezin and Semenov.









The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the base camp of Mount Ararat

Ararat. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey: News from the slopes of Ararat! Today we moved out of the hotel in the city of Van towards Ararat! With excellent views, we reached the foot, went on foot to the base camp. By ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey:

News from the slopes of Ararat! Today we moved out of the hotel in the city of Van towards Ararat! With excellent views, we reached the foot, went on foot to the base camp. By the middle of the way we were caught in the rain. We were lucky and for some time we waited out the downpour in a tent with the Kurds.  There we were offered tea and a light snack of cheese and tortillas. As soon as the rain stopped, we went out to the camp.  But we didn't have time to reach the camp without rain. Not far from it, snow and rain began to fall and we finally got to the camp, frozen and soaked! It was difficult, but we managed! Tomorrow we go out for acclimatization to the assault camp and hope for the favor of the weather!













The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the refuge at an altitude of 4150 m before storming Damavand

Damavand. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran: Today our team "Forward to the future" started climbing volcano Damavand in Iran. Long journeys and shifting loads were compensated by a gorgeous ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran:

Today our team "Forward to the future" started climbing volcano Damavand in Iran. Long journeys and shifting loads were compensated by a gorgeous view of the mountain and fields of red poppies. By 6 pm we reached the refuge at an altitude of 4150m. Tomorrow is the day of acclimatization and preparation for the ascent. The summit is getting closer!

Guides Alexander Abramov and Denis Abramov.















The new group of the 7 Summits Club took the name "Plan Vulcan" and started acclimatization rotation, first on Cheget

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the Plan Vulkan group. Our large and friendly team began to acclimatize before climbing Elbrus. We went to the slopes of Cheget, admired ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region from the Plan Vulkan group. Our large and friendly team began to acclimatize before climbing Elbrus.  We went to the slopes of Cheget, admired pine forests along the way, which were replaced by alpine meadows, as well as flowering rhododendrons. Tomorrow we are going up to the refuge National Park, where we will continue to acclimatize and prepare for the ascent.  Guides Berezin&Semenov.






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Back to the Future" made an acclimatization rotation to Mount Tochal and returned to Tehran

Damavand. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran: This morning we woke up and boldly moved towards the goal of our acclimatization hike: the Tochal Mountain 4000m. The top has been reached. And then ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran:

This morning we woke up and boldly moved towards the goal of our acclimatization hike: the Tochal Mountain 4000m.  The top has been reached. And then the weather turned bad, it almost snowed. Therefore, a quick descent to Tehran was necessary.

But in Tehran, two fully cooked sheep were waiting for us. And a toast for the successful ascent. True, everyone was clinking glasses with what they could: juice, ayran, water and delicious non-alcoholic beer.

Tomorrow we will move to the hot springs, to warm clogged muscles and joints battered by climbing.

Guides Abramov Alexander and Abramov Denis.










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Back to the Future" will try out an experimental version of acclimatization before climbing Damavand

Damavand. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran: Today, the Back to the Future team tried a new way of acclimatization program. We took the cable car up to the Ski hotel situated at 300 m from ... read more

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran:

Today, the Back to the Future team tried a new way of acclimatization program. We took the cable car up to the Ski hotel situated at 300 m from the top of the mountain Tochal 3960m. Then, having had a delicious lunch, we went on an acclimatization ascent to the summit of Shah 3800m. And now all the participants are tired and go to bed. Tomorrow morning we plan to climb on the summit of Tochal and descend to Tehran.











Climbing Damavand. Assault day of the 7 Summits Club team

Damavand. Details about the ascent of Asia's highest volcano Damavand (included in the 7 Volcanoes project) from the guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov. Summit day is the most difficult one. Here, in addition to good acclimatization, ... read more

Details about the ascent of Asia's highest volcano Damavand (included in the 7 Volcanoes project) from the guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov.

 Summit day is the most difficult one. Here, in addition to good acclimatization, motivation and strong-willed qualities play an important role. A late start at 5.30 am justified itself, a strong gusty wind would complicate the ascent in the early hours. We went out without lanterns, we took a leisurely pace, comfortable for all participants. Friday is a day off in Tehran, there were many local climbers on the mountain. When they see foreigners, they greet them, it was nice. We went smoothly and steadily, which is important.  The second half of the climb was completed at approximately the same pace as the first. And in less than 7 hours, almost simultaneously, all the participants reached the top! Strong-willed qualities also proved to be on top!

 We went down the climbing path, crampons and ice axes were not needed. But this does not always happen, it was the decision of the Iranian guides. On the descent, everyone was tired, but the desire to run down as soon as possible and go down to Polur, to a comfortable 2.200 m, was even stronger. As a result, there was further descent to the mosque, moving to Polur, and we are in relatively comfortable conditions. And after taking a shower, everyone noticeably moved away and cheered up, still a set of 1400 m and a descent of 2600 m on their feet is a decent load for the day!





















The new group of the 7 Summits Club will be led to the Demavend by two Abramovs at once

Damavand. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran: A new program of the 7 Summits Club of climbing Demavend has started today in Iran. Two Abramovs will be guides: Alexander and Denis (son). The ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, the group's guide, reports from Iran:

A new program of the 7 Summits Club of climbing Demavend has started today in Iran. Two Abramovs will be guides: Alexander and Denis (son). The command is called "Back to the Future". The team members and I walked through the "hot spots" of Tehran. These are the markets, the palaces of the Iranian shahs and ended the evening with dinner on a TV tower.

Everyone is delighted with the country. Especially from beer with 0.0% alcohol of lemon and apricot flavor. Generally, in Iran, the people are wonderful, the food is very tasty.

Tomorrow, according to the plan, we have an acclimatization ascent to the mountain Tochal 4000m and an overnight stay at an altitude of 3700 m.

Yes... now we live in the best presidential hotel in Tehran.





















Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Zephyr" made a successful ascent on the summit of Mount Elbrus

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr". Zephyr is the west wind of the ancient Greeks. Today it accompanied us throughout the entire ascent. At night, as ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr".  Zephyr is the west wind of the ancient Greeks. Today it accompanied us throughout the entire ascent. At night, as promised the forecast, it was 30 km / h, and with dawn it began to intensify. We went to the top with gusts up to 50 km/h. On the highest point we congratulated each other and set off on our way back. By this time, clouds appeared and light snow began to fall with the wind. Such a day of wind was our day of ascent.





Summit! Sergey Avtomonov's short report on the successful ascent of the 7 Summits Club group on Ararat

Ararat. A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey: Today we climbed on the top of Mount Ararat with a full team! The weather was far from the best, but we gathered all our strength and ascended! Now we have gone down to the base ... read more

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey:

 Today we climbed on the top of Mount Ararat with a full team! The weather was far from the best, but we gathered all our strength and ascended! Now we have gone down to the base camp to rest and realize what happened to us! Tomorrow we go down to civilization.








The group of the 7 Summits Club is in the Damavand assault camp. A unique photo shoot!

Damavand. Valery Myasoedov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Iran: The fourth day of the program initially did not seem difficult. Not the earliest rise, slept off, for the first time, as they say, took a breath. Breakfast in one of the ... read more

 Valery Myasoedov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Iran:

The fourth day of the program initially did not seem difficult. Not the earliest rise, slept off, for the first time, as they say, took a breath. Breakfast in one of the restaurants of Larijan, a leisurely transfer to Gusfand-Saro, or also this place is called a Mosque. On the way, a fantastic photo shoot of Svetlana against the background of a Demavend. A short rest, loading things on mules and getting out to Borgoh-e Sevvom. This is the last shelter on the route, from where all already go to the mountain. We gained 1200 meters at a good pace, reached the camp in less than 4.5 hours. The conditions in the camp are Spartan, but we managed to get the best "rooms". Surprisingly, in such conditions, our Iranian friends manage to cook amazingly, the highest class!

Today we have a very simple day in terms of load, we made an acclimatization exit for 400 meters along the assault trail in the direction of the summit, but a very important day for rest and morale for tomorrow. And tomorrow we have an assault on the summit of Demavend. Wish us good luck!












The group of the 7 Summits Club "Zephyr" climbed the Pastukhov Rocks and completed the acclimatization cycle

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr ". We went to the Pastukhov Rocks. It was very warm, the down jackets that we took with us were not useful to us that ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr ". We went to the Pastukhov Rocks.  It was very warm, the down jackets that we took with us were not useful to us that day. In the mountains, the weather is changeable, especially with the climb. We went up in a fairly good pace, and also quickly descended to the refuge National Park. According to the plan, we have an ascent on Friday.  We will prepare and rest.




Summit! Climbers of the 7 Summits Club reached the top of Damavand according to the program of the Gornyashka (Mountain Fever) project

Damavand. While Valery Myasoedov's group is acclimatizing and gathering strength before storming the summit, Alexander Slesarev and Olga Poriyadochnykh are completing the program. Today they climbed to the top of the highest volcano in Asia - ... read more

While Valery Myasoedov's group is acclimatizing and gathering strength before storming the summit, Alexander Slesarev and Olga Poriyadochnykh are completing the program. Today they climbed to the top of the highest volcano in Asia - Damavand (5671 m). Congratulations with the Summit! It was unforgettable!





The group of the 7 Summits Club made an acclimatization rotation to the assault camp on Mount Ararat

Ararat. A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey: Today we went to the assault camp for acclimatization. There was sun, snow and fog, though without rain. The weather in general was not pleasant, but the forecast promises good ... read more

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey:

Today we went to the assault camp for acclimatization.  There was sun, snow and fog, though without rain.  The weather in general was not pleasant, but the forecast promises good conditions for the next few days. Tomorrow we will move to the assault camp already for summit climbing. It feels like all the participants are in good enough shape to go to the top. Let's hope for good weather and great views on the ascent!







The group of the 7 Summits Club "Zephyr" climbed the slopes of Elbrus and continued acclimatization

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: Today is a scheduled day on the cable car, so we took an early flight, until 9 am. The weather in the morning was overcast and it was snowing. By lunchtime, the ... read more

Andrey Berezin, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

Today is a scheduled day on the cable car, so we took an early flight, until 9 am. The weather in the morning was overcast and it was snowing.  By lunchtime, the wind and snowfall had stopped.  Meanwhile, we went to a mini-acclimatization under the shelter Diesel Hut.  There we conducted snow and ice classes, mastered the technique of self-arrest with an ice pick, climbing in crampons, and also learned how to fasten on inclined fixed ropes. There was lunch after class.  Now the group is resting and gaining strength before tomorrow's ascent to the Pastukhov Rocks.







The group of the 7 Summits Club on Ararat moved up to the base camp

Ararat. A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey: Greetings to all from the slopes of the holy Mount Ararat. We've had a long day today. First we left the city of Van and drove along the shore of the lake of the same name ... read more

A Guide of the 7 Summits Club Sergey Avtomonov, from Turkey:

Greetings to all from the slopes of the holy Mount Ararat.  We've had a long day today. First we left the city of Van and drove along the shore of the lake of the same name towards the city of Dogubayazit. Then we changed the car there.  Another 30 minutes on a dirt road and the first ascent in our program began, in the form of a move to the base camp. We reached it  in an average pace - of 4 hours. Everyone feels good. Tomorrow we continue acclimatization and go to the upper camp at 4100.











The new group of the 7 Summits Club has started acclimatization before climbing Elbrus

Elbrus. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr". Yesterday, a new group of climbers arrived, which began to prepare for the ascent on Elbrus. Today we went up to the ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region from the group "Zephyr". Yesterday, a new group of climbers arrived, which began to prepare for the ascent on Elbrus.  Today we went up to the first station of the cable car on Mount Cheget, where we spent some time, so useful for acclimatization, in the Ai cafe.  After lunch, we went for a rental, for the equipment necessary for climbing.  Tomorrow we will go to the refuge National Park, where we will continue to acclimatize and prepare for the ascent. 






The first day in Tehran for the 7 Summits Club group: a sea of emotions and impressions

Damavand. Valery Myasoedov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Iran: The first team for the Damavand of the 2022 season has arrived in Tehran! Even a night flight and an early morning arrival cannot reduce the emotional mood for the long-awaited ... read more

Valery Myasoedov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Iran:

The first team for the Damavand of the 2022 season has arrived in Tehran! Even a night flight and an early morning arrival cannot reduce the emotional mood for the long-awaited meeting with Iran! Well, Aeroflot, as always, is on top!.. Already at 6 a.m., Tehran begins to seethe, 15 million inhabitants, almost like in Moscow... A short rest at the hotel and departure for an excursion: a visit to Golestan, literally translated as the "palace of roses", the residence of several dynasties of rulers of Iran and, of course, acquaintance with Iranian cuisine. Dizi-e Sangi - stewed meat with vegetables in a stone pot.  Everyone appreciated and admired the delicious dish with the original serving. Sharbat is also a traditional drink, with a bunch of herbs and additives, but non-alcoholic, with alcohol in Iran in any way, is prohibited...

 Our organisms demanded rest, returned to the hotel, regained their senses, and in the evening went to a gala dinner at the Milod Tower. It is one of the highest towers in the world, with a rotating restaurant at an altitude of almost 300 m. The tower itself is amazing, and the panorama of evening Tehran, and the wonderful cuisine for every taste. There are a lot of local visitors, they are all so elegant and beautiful, it is clear that this is an event for them, to visit the famous landmark. And what kind of tea with saffron is there!..