Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club safely descended to the base camp after climbing to the summit of the Vinson Massif

Vinson. Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica: Aloha, the 7 Summits Club! This is Vladimir Kotlyar and a group of climbers on the highest point of Antarctica, the Vinson Massif. As you already know, we reached to the ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica:

Aloha, the 7 Summits Club! This is Vladimir Kotlyar and a group of climbers on the highest point of Antarctica, the Vinson Massif. As you already know, we reached to the top yesterday. All the participants have ascended, which they are very happy about. Today we went down to the base camp. We pitched tents, had a delicious meal, drank a little. We did another PCR test, well, this is already the reality of our trips and travels. And, in general, we had a good time.  We are preparing to fly to Union. I hope he will be here soon. But! Having learned from the experience of past expeditions, I did not allow us to drink all the available liquids in stock today. And we decided to divide them into four days. So as not to sit and not get bored waiting for the plane. But who knows, maybe the plane will be quite soon.  In general, everything is cool ... We send you warm hugs, strong handshakes from here, from Antarctica! The season can be considered over.

The group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua Los Bandidos had a rest physically and culturally. Today is the start of ascent

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Victor Volodin from Argentina: Good afternoon to all! News from Aconcagua Base Camp. We are doing well, and everything is going according to plan. Yesterday there was a day of rest, we went to the art ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Victor Volodin from Argentina:

Good afternoon to all!  News from Aconcagua Base Camp. We are doing well, and everything is going according to plan. Yesterday there was a day of rest, we went to the art gallery, looked at the paintings.  Today we are starting and we will try to make an ascent before bad weather. Guides Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.













Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club has climbed on the highest point of  Vinson Massif and has already descended to the Lower Camp!

Vinson. Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica: Hello! This is Vladimir Kotlyar. We climbed on the top of Mount Vinson and we have already descended. It is cool! All members of our group, on January 13 at 7 pm Chilean ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica:

Hello! This is Vladimir Kotlyar. We climbed on the top of Mount Vinson and we have already descended. It is cool!  All members of our group, on January 13 at 7 pm Chilean time, we stood at the top. Everything is fine. Now we have already gone down to the Low Camp, have set up a camp. We fry burgers, drink pisco, in short, celebrate, normally. In three days we were able to reach the summit - it's cool! Greetings from us, big, big, and the warmest Antarctic hugs!



The second group of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua could not move to the Confluence camp due to the river overflowing its banks

Aconcagua. The 7 Summits Club Guide Sergey Avtomonov, from Argentina: News from Aconcagua. According to the plan, we went up to the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park, issued permits, handed over things. As soon as we got on the trail, a storm ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Guide Sergey Avtomonov, from Argentina:

News from Aconcagua. According to the plan, we went up to the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park, issued permits, handed over things. As soon as we got on the trail, a storm began with a wall of rain and hail. For an hour we walked in the rain and when it ended, the sun came out and we began to dry, our team was stopped by a ranger. He said there was a river running along the trail and it wasn't safe to go any further. We had to turn around and go down. So all the groups who tried to go to the Confluencia camp were deployed. Now we have gone down to the village of Penitentes and are spending the night here. Tomorrow morning we plan to move up.







Our Lyudmila has no equal in the whole world! There are three times on the "Seven Summits" - a world record! Not the first one, by the way

Vinson. Having climbed the summit of the Vinson Massif, Lyudmila Korobeshko fulfilled the norm of the "Seven Summits" program for the third time, ascents on the highest peaks of all continents. Actually, not even two times has any woman in the ... read more

 Having climbed the summit of the Vinson Massif, Lyudmila Korobeshko fulfilled the norm of the "Seven Summits" program for the third time, ascents on the highest peaks of all continents.   Actually, not even two times has any woman in the world done it. So the advantage in this game of the director of the 7 Summits Club  is absolute!  And there are only a few men with such an achievement. Let's add two poles on skis, two more eight-thousand-meter Cho-Oyo and Manaslu, seven-thousand-meters peaks, six of the seven volcanoes, Mount Kosciusko, climbing and trekking around the world. And the management of the company and the family. At the same time, natural beauty and intelligence, the ability to learn, charm, a unique husband and a talented son.

Lyuda is a real hero of Russia!  She is worthy of the memory of her grandfather, the Hero of the Great Patriotic War Miron Korobeshko!

We are proud of you! Your 7 Summits Club.












The group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua Los Bandidos climbed 6000 meters and completed the acclimatization cycle

Aconcagua. 7 Summits Club Guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina: Los Bandidos group news. Today we went up to Colera camp. There our guides have previously installed a base tent for future ascents. Part of the group made an ascent to a height of 6000 ... read more

7 Summits Club Guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina: Los Bandidos group news. Today we went up to Colera camp.  There our guides have previously installed a base tent for future ascents. Part of the group made an ascent to a height of 6000 meters for acclimatization.  Now we have gone down to the Plaza de Mulas camp. Tomorrow is our day of rest. The day after tomorrow we plan to start climbing Aconcagua, first we want  to climb Nido de Condores.  Guides Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.

The final, fifth, group of the 7 Summits Club on Vinson immediately went up to the Lower Camp and settled there

Vinson. Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica: Aloha, 7 Summits Club! Vladimir Kotlyar and his final expedition to the Vinson Massif in Antarctica are in touch. Today we arrived at the Vinson Massif base camp. And by ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica:

Aloha, 7 Summits Club! Vladimir Kotlyar and his final expedition to the Vinson Massif in Antarctica are in touch. Today we arrived at the Vinson Massif base camp. And by chance we reached Low Camp right away, all together, with full equipment.  We have already set up a camp here thoroughly, set up a dining tent, tents for sleeping. Now we are cooking dinner, frying meat, delicious. With some alcohol and something else…

Photos and video from the ascent of the Orizaba volcano in Mexico.  7 Summits Club Group

Once again, we congratulate our Mexican team, who ascended the highest volcano in North America and the highest peak in Mexico - Orizaba Peak (5636 m) under the strict guidance and care of the guide Lyubov Ivanova-Pershina! With the ... read more

Once again, we congratulate our Mexican team, who ascended the highest volcano in North America and the highest peak in Mexico - Orizaba Peak (5636 m) under the strict guidance and care of the guide Lyubov Ivanova-Pershina! With the Summit!!!! Now the team descends, visits the pyramids, sums up the results and already remembers how it was.













The members of the group of the 7 Summits Club  returned to the Mainland. A portion of wonderful photos from Antarctica

Vinson. Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club, from Punta Arenas (Chile): Hello everyone from Antarctica! Yesterday (or rather today) our friendly group finally escaped from the snow captivity of Antarctica! On the way to the ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club, from Punta Arenas (Chile):

Hello everyone from Antarctica! Yesterday (or rather today) our friendly group  finally escaped from the snow captivity of Antarctica! On the way to the breakthrough - on the Union - we met Nims (he climbed Vinson with our previous group, then went to the South Pole and also got into Antarctic captivity). We had a little photo shoot with him. And after midnight we arrived on the Mainland, in Punta Arenas.  There, the guides awarded all the participants of our group with certificates for climbing and large commemorative medals. Now we already miss Antarctica and our friends  Vladimir Kotlyar and Alexandr Dorojukov, who stayed there to work with the next group.











The first group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua Los Bandidos goes out the final acclimatization rotation

Aconcagua. The 7 Summits Club Guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina: Buenos Dias! Today, the group of Los Bandidos goes up to spend a night on Nido de Condores. And tomorrow we will try to go to Colera. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and ... read more

The 7 Summits Club Guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina:

Buenos Dias!  Today, the  group of Los Bandidos goes up to spend a night on Nido de Condores. And tomorrow we will try to go to Colera. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.






Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro today. What is remarkable about the ascent? Four Butko sisters, aged 14 to 30, climbed on the summit at once, ... read more

Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania:

The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro today.  What is remarkable about the ascent?  Four Butko sisters, aged 14 to 30, climbed on the summit at once, together with their father. Kirill Tergalinsky, who is 11 years old, also reached the top. And it was the first ascent of Kilimanjaro without alcohol in my memory. With the exception of the guide, he could of course do it, but he was warned too late.





The group of the 7 Summits Club broke out of the snow captivity of the Vinson Massif and flew to the Mainland, and a new expedition began in Antarctica

Vinson. Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica: Aloha, the 7 Summits Club! The guides Alexander Dorojukov and Vladimir Kotlyar are in touch. Well, today we finally flew out of the Vinson Massif base camp to Union Glacier. ... read more

Vladimir Kotlyar, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica:

Aloha, the 7 Summits  Club! The guides Alexander Dorojukov and Vladimir Kotlyar are in touch. Well, today we finally flew out of the Vinson Massif base camp to Union Glacier. And here we immediately met a large plane from Punta Arenas. The previous group, which climbed the summit, flew to a populated land, to a large continent. Well, we met a new group. In general, everything happened so quickly. What I would like to say. Hugged, kissed, shook hands with the previous group. There was a lot of it. But when the friends left and boarded the plane, it seems that this was not enough.

Therefore, Sasha and I sent our warmest Antarctic hugs and handshakes there, to the Mainland, to the friends from the previous group. We've missed you a lot, to be honest, although it's only been a couple of hours since you left. So come on, drink a can of beer for us there, eat a piece of meat! Well, Sania and I are announcing a new expedition to the Vinson Massif open. I hope we will fly to base camp tomorrow, and today we will stay at Union Glacier. Everyone, thank you all!






The group of the 7 Summits Club went up to the assault camp of the Machame route. Tomorrow - to the summit!

Kilimanjaro. Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: Hello! The group of the 7 Summits Club is preparing to climb Kilimanjaro in the Kosovo camp (4860m). Everything is going according to plan, so the main news tomorrow is on the day ... read more

Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania:

Hello! The group of the 7 Summits Club is preparing to climb Kilimanjaro in the Kosovo camp (4860m). Everything is going according to plan, so the main news tomorrow is on the day of the ascent!






The first group of the 7 Summits Club Los Bandidos returned to the Plaza de Mulas camp from the acclimatization climb

Aconcagua. The 7 Summits Club’s guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina: Buenos Dias, everyone! News of the Los Bandidos group, from the slopes of Aconcagua. Yesterday we made an acclimatization climb to Plaza Canada, an altitude of 5000 meters. We ... read more

The 7 Summits Club’s  guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina:  Buenos Dias, everyone! News of the Los Bandidos group, from the slopes of Aconcagua. Yesterday we made an acclimatization climb to Plaza Canada, an altitude of 5000 meters.   We also made a depot for the camp on Nido de Condores . Today we are resting, we are going through a medical check. And also we hand over some of our personal belongings with porters and prepare for tomorrow's exit with an overnight stay at Nido de Condores. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.

Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of the Orizaba Volcano!

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Lyubov Ivanova: Summit! On January 8th at 10:30 am we were at the top. The group left the glacier 5000 m at 7 am. After 2.5 hours, everyone was on the top, the first Natasha Sklyar! The descent from the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Lyubov Ivanova: Summit! On January 8th at 10:30 am we were at the top. The group left the glacier 5000 m at 7 am.  After 2.5 hours, everyone was on the top, the first Natasha Sklyar!  The descent from the summit was also made in record time: 2 hours from the top to the upper camp at 4650 m. I must say that the weather has been seriously scaring us all these days, and there was a snowfall (hail) and a thunderstorm in earnest. And not a very good forecast, even from the Oso itself, for the night of the ascent.  But our team went into battle without hesitation and doubt, and reached the top in the shortest possible time!  I recommend all participants without exception for further ascents with the 7 Summits Club.
















The first  Aconcagua group of the 7 Summits Club “Los Bandidos”  is in the Plaza de Mulas camp and made its first acclimatization climb

Aconcagua. The 7 Summits Club guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina: Buenos Dias, everyone! Today, a group of Los Bandidos, in order to get acquainted with local attractions, visited an abandoned hotel. Built in the 80s of the 20th century, now the ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Andrey Berezin from Argentina:

Buenos Dias, everyone! Today, a group of Los Bandidos, in order to get acquainted with local attractions, visited an abandoned hotel. Built in the 80s of the 20th century, now the hotel is mothballed and no one lives in it.  Next to the hotel, we held a warm-up exercise, under the guidance of Viktor Volodin.  Now we are back in the Plaza de Mulas, having lunch and relaxing. Tomorrow, according to the plan, it will be an acclimatization ascent to Plaza Canada.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.






The group of the 7 Summits Club has completed a training cycle before the main ascent in Mexico

Boris Egorov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mexico: And we continue to warm up on the rocks in the Northern part of Mexico. We came to El Potrero Chico precisely because there are a huge number of multi-pitches (long climbing routes). ... read more

Boris Egorov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mexico: 

And we continue to warm up on the rocks in the Northern part of Mexico. We came to El Potrero Chico precisely because there are a huge number of multi-pitches (long climbing routes).  And this is exactly what you need to work out the interaction on the wall and develop strength endurance.   Yesterday we quickly climbed a rather long route of 12 pitches. Alexey was in the lead all the way, and the guides only served the delays and enjoyed the views like tourists. After the descent, we decided to run to a small tower before the pile, it looks like we have a solid collection of such rock "spires". At this point, we believe that the preparation is over and we have a whole day of flights and transfers to get to the canyon with a big rock walls.























The group of the 7 Summits Club is moving along the Machame route. Everything is going according to plan

Kilimanjaro. Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania: News from Kilimanjaro from the group formed by the expedition headquarters of Fyodor Konyukhov. Our high-altitude trekking is going according to plan. On January 6, the group went ... read more

Sergey Larin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Tanzania:

News from Kilimanjaro from the group formed by the expedition headquarters of Fyodor Konyukhov. Our high-altitude trekking is going according to plan. On January 6, the group went up to the Shira 3000m camp. On January 7, we moved to the Shira 3900m camp. On January 8, the group goes to the Baranko 4000m Camp, through the Lava Tower 4600m. I am writing these lines on Lava Tower, where we have lunch. The participants' well-being corresponds to the heights achieved.









A serious rock climbing program of the 7 Summits Club group in Mexico has begun

Boris Egorov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mexico: Hello everyone from Mexico! A new adventure has begun, prepared especially for Alexey Sivkov and Zhenya Lesnitsky. We were going to climb the big wall again, in an adult way, with ... read more

Boris Egorov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mexico: 

Hello everyone from Mexico! A new adventure has begun, prepared especially for Alexey Sivkov and Zhenya Lesnitsky. We were going to climb the big wall again, in an adult way, with overnight stays in suspended platforms and with huge trunks, which we ourselves will drag up on ropes. But we will have it all in a few days, and in the meantime we are warming up on the rocks of the El Potrero chico massif. This is the most famous rock climbing area of Mexico, located near the city of Monterey. Guides Boris Egorov and Vladimir Murzaev.










The first group of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua was named and made a trek under the majestic Southern Face of Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Argentina: News from Aconcagua. Our team is now called Los Bandidos. Yesterday we came to the Confluencia camp, and this morning we made an trek under the Southern Face of Aconcagua. We ... read more

Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Argentina:

News from Aconcagua. Our team is now called Los Bandidos. Yesterday we came to the Confluencia camp, and this morning we made an trek under the Southern Face of Aconcagua.  We reached an altitude of 4000 meters, where we spent half an hour eating sandwiches and drinking tea for acclimatization. After that, we returned to Confluencia, where we rested for the rest of the day and prepared for tomorrow's move up to the Plaza de Mulas base camp. In the evening, the whole group passed a Medical Check - a mandatory confirmation of physical condition for the visit  to the Base Camp.  Tomorrow we leave for the Plaza de Mulas camp.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.