Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club made an acclimatization ascent on the way to the highest peak in Mexico

Group guide Lyubov Ivanova: Hello everyone! This is Lyubov Pershina from Mexico. The 7 Summits Club Group, “Ascent on Orizaba” program. Today, on January 5, we climbed the mountain Cofra de Peroto. The height is 4280 meters. The ascent ... read more

Group guide Lyubov Ivanova:  Hello everyone! This is Lyubov Pershina from Mexico.  The 7 Summits Club Group, “Ascent on Orizaba” program. Today, on January 5, we climbed the mountain Cofra de Peroto. The height is 4280 meters. The ascent was very pleasant, beautiful and quite fast. Despite the diversity of the group, we all got up very cheerfully - less than four hours.   We sat on the top, took pictures and went down in two and a half hours. In the evening we arrived at the Zaapan shelter, our hotel. And tomorrow we will move very slowly and calmly to base camp 4200.














The ascent on Kilimanjaro was started by a group of the 7 Summits Club led by guide Artyom Brown

Kilimanjaro. The "Dream Team" of guide Artyom Brown gathered in Tanzania in full and went on the classic Marangu route. During the first day, the group managed to do a lot: how to get acquainted, learn and rehearse the welcome Tanzanian song Jamba ... read more

 The "Dream Team" of guide Artyom Brown gathered in Tanzania in full and went on the classic Marangu route.  During the first day, the group managed to do a lot:  how to get acquainted, learn and rehearse the welcome Tanzanian song Jamba Bwana, taste local fruits, taste Kilimanjaro beer, sing together and much more. And this is only on the first day! Now the team is on its way to the summit!









New prices for the participants of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Mount Everest. Team recruitment continues

Everest. As we promised, since January 1, there has been an increase in prices for the Everest expedition programs of the 7 Summits Club. The main part of the participants has already been formed and is now preparing for a serious ascent. But we ... read more

As we promised, since January 1, there has been an increase in prices for the Everest expedition programs of the 7 Summits Club.  The main part of the participants has already been formed and is now preparing for a serious ascent. But we are waiting for new bookings. For those who doubt, let's say - it's better not to postpone! There is an opportunity – you need to use it! No one gives guarantees for the day after tomorrow. Only for tomorrow…

A classic climbing program along the Hillary and Tenzing route, from the South through the Khumbu Icefall, the Lhotse Face and the South Col.

New price: 74990 USD.

Climbing Everest (8848 m) with Alexander Abramov.

1.5 Sherpa per participant.










The program of climbing Kilimanjaro of the new group of the 7 Summits Club begins

Kilimanjaro. Sergey Larin, the 7 Summits Club guide, from Tanzania: Hello, 7 Summits Club! Today, the ascent program of Kilimanjaro by the group formed by the expedition headquarters of Fyodor Konyukhov begins. The Machame route. Initially, 20 people ... read more

Sergey Larin, the 7 Summits Club guide, from Tanzania: Hello, 7 Summits Club! Today, the ascent program of Kilimanjaro by the group formed by the expedition headquarters of Fyodor Konyukhov begins. The Machame route. Initially, 20 people had tickets. But due to COVID restrictions, 7 people refused to travel.





The first group of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua went up to the Confluence camp, and Alexander Abramov and other guides reached the base camp Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. Victor Volodin, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: The morning of January 5 was stressful for the 7 Summits Club group. Accelerated packing, weighing of equipment, packing, shrinkage, and, finally, we are loaded into buses. We are ... read more

 Victor Volodin, guide of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: The morning of January 5 was stressful for the 7 Summits Club group. Accelerated packing, weighing of equipment, packing, shrinkage, and, finally, we are loaded into buses. We are going in the right direction and in four hours we are at the place, at the gates of the national park. Here we register the permits and go out towards the first camp. 3.5 - 4 hours trek and we are on the spot, in the Confluencia camp. Everyone feels good, everyone is happy. Tomorrow we plan to make an acclimatization outing.

On this day, our advanced team of guides Alexander Abramov, Nikita Slotin and Valery Myasoedov climbed up to the Base Camp of the Plaza de Mulas 4300m. Tomorrow they will start lifting loads to the upper camps and will take care of their equipment.











A new group of the 7 Summits Club started a trip to Mexico

Hello everyone and Happy New Year from North America! A group of five participants is located somewhere in the vastness of Mexico on the way to the highest volcano on the continent - Orizaba Peak (5636 m). On the way to the volcanoes, they ... read more

Hello everyone and Happy New Year from North America! A group of five participants is located somewhere in the vastness of Mexico on the way to the highest volcano on the continent - Orizaba Peak (5636 m). On the way to the volcanoes, they get to know Mexico, its culture, history and, of course, gastronomy. The guide Lyubov Ivanova, an expert on Mexico, an ethnographer and an expert on ancient Indian culture, helps them to immerse themselves in the culture of the country.

  The team members walked around the historic center of Mexico City and the colorful Santo Angel district. They walked through the streets of colonial Puebla, the capital of the eponymous state of Mexico. And of course, they visited the largest pyramid in the world, Cholula. This pyramid with a cathedral on top against the background of volcanoes is one of the most photographed places in Mexico.











The team of the 7 Summits Club "7 Nations Army" has safely descended to the base camp and is waiting for departure to the Union Glacier base

Vinson. A message from Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica: In short, everything is fine. Yesterday we successfully climbed to the top of the Vinson Massif. And today we went down to the base camp. Everything is ... read more

A message from Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica:

In short, everything is fine.  Yesterday we successfully climbed to the top of the Vinson Massif. And today we went down to the base camp. Everything is fine. We are sitting, waiting for the weather, when we will be taken to the Union Glacier. We are resting. Now we will only have rest days. 

The expedition is almost completed, its main part has already been completed: everyone has climbed the summit. Now we are just resting at the base camp, celebrating a successful ascent.

Happy New Year to everyone!




The team of guides of the 7 Summits Club, led by Alexander Abramov, ascends the slopes of Aconcagua to prepare for the service of the first group of climbers. Photos and video

Aconcagua. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina: Today, the team of guides of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov, Valera Myasoedov and Nikita Slotin went on a route on Mount Aconcagua 6964m. Our task is to set up ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club from Argentina:

Today, the team of guides of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov, Valera Myasoedov and Nikita Slotin went on a route on Mount Aconcagua 6964m. Our task is to set up high-altitude camps for the first group, which now has 23 participants. Now we are spending the night in the Confluence camp, at an altitude of 3400m. Great camp. Excellent nutrition. And free fast internet.  We are happy that we have started our journey to the top of the highest mountain in South America and the entire Southern hemisphere. 7 Summits Club, forward and up! Who hasn't signed up for Aconcagua yet, make up your mind urgently! It's great here! And there are still places in the following groups.









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Without Olivier" has completed the program, the guide Maxim Shakirov sums up the results

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings to all from the team "without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch! We're spending the night in Deboche tonight. Part of the team is already in Lukla, they are waiting for ... read more

 Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal:

Greetings to all from the team "without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch! We're spending the night in Deboche tonight. Part of the team is already in Lukla, they are waiting for tomorrow's departure to Kathmandu - they have an early flight to Moscow. The full results of our track are as follows.  Nikita and Sergey, who initially decided to go only to Kala Patthar, found the strength to walk to the Everest base camp as well.  Anna was able to put on a dress in a decent "minus" and the wind and appear before Everest in all its glory. Mikhail brought and photographed in the EBC with the flag "re:Store”. Valery Tebiev showed his son Alexander the Peak he climbed a few years ago from the closest possible distance. Alina and Yulia fulfilled their New Year's wish. Everyone is happy and satisfied and is already planning their future trips with the 7 Summits Club.










The guides of the first group of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua meet the participants and prepare for a trip to the mountains

Aconcagua. Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mendoza (Argentina): Today was a very busy day: we received permits (partially), did another PCR test, checked the equipment, bought the missing items. And we also met the participants - ... read more

Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Mendoza (Argentina): Today was a very busy day: we received permits (partially), did another PCR test, checked the equipment, bought the missing items.  And we also met the participants - one by one. One trouble is that one participant did not have her luggage. Otherwise, everything is fine. We wish in 2022 for all the best and happiness! Wait for new news. It's very warm here, which is what we wish you! Guides: Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.






Summit! The team of the 7 Summits Club "7 Nations Army" climbed the summit of Vinson Massif and descended to the High Camp

Vinson. Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica (from audio message): Greetings to all from Antarctica from guides Lyudmila Korobeshko, Vladimir Kotlyar and Alexander Dorojukov! All the participants and guides of the group ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Antarctica (from audio message): Greetings to all from Antarctica from guides Lyudmila Korobeshko, Vladimir Kotlyar and Alexander Dorojukov! All the participants and guides of the group climbed on the top of Vinson Massif. We are in a High camp now, already resting. Tomorrow we will plan the descent down. There was a slight breeze, but in general we are doing well. Hello everyone!





There is a South Pole! Our team with guides Tashi Lakpa Sherpa and Nirmal Purja successfully completed the Last Degree program

South Pole. A team of six people, two of whom, Tashi and Nims, were in the role of guides, reached the South Pole on January 1. They successfully coped with the "Last Degree" program, having skied about 110 kilometers. Now all the participants and ... read more

A team of six people, two of whom, Tashi and Nims, were in the role of guides, reached the South Pole on January 1. They successfully coped with the "Last Degree" program, having skied about 110 kilometers. Now all the participants and guides are already resting at the Union Glacier base. Part of the group is waiting for departure to Punta Arenas, and some (those who have not been there) are planning to climb on the summit of the Vinson Massif.

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Without Olivier" climbed to the Everest base camp, and two participants also climbed Kala Patthar

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings to all from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. Today our team reached the top point of our trek - the Everest base camp. And two of our team were able to ... read more

 Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings to all from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. Today our team reached the top point of our trek - the Everest base camp. And two of our team were able to climb Kala Patthar before that. The views were beautiful, but it was cold. Details later, but for now only one "final" photo.

The team of the 7 Summits Club "7 Nations Army" moved to the High Camp and is preparing to storm the summit of the Vinson Massif

Vinson. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, director of the company: Hello everyone from Antarctica! Now we are in the High Camp. Just recently, the last participants came here. We went up in three groups. Someone faster, someone ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, director of the company: Hello everyone from Antarctica! Now we are in the High Camp. Just recently, the last participants came here. We went up in three groups. Someone faster, someone slower. The fastest – in 6 hours, the slowest - in 10 hours. The group, of course, is large and the forces are very unequal. Nevertheless, tomorrow, January 3rd, we want to storm the whole team and hope for a successful ascent. Moreover, the weather is still good. We are a little worried, because not everyone was given last trek easily. Nevertheless, we are planning an assault by the whole team tomorrow. Wish us good luck!




The group of the 7 Summits Club "Without Olivier" came in Lobuche. Wonderful weather - wonderful photos

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings from Lobuche, from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. As yesterday and the day before yesterday, in excellent weather, we reached the highest overnight ... read more

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings from Lobuche, from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. As yesterday and the day before yesterday, in excellent weather, we reached the highest overnight stay of our trek. Tomorrow we go to the Everest base camp and return back to Lobuche. The mood and conditions of all of us is fire!














The team of the 7 Summits Club "7 Nations Army" spent a day of rest at the Low Camp and is preparing to go up

Vinson. Lyudmila Korobeshko, guide of the 7 Peaks Club, director of the company, from Antarctica: Hello everyone from Antarctica! Lyudmila Korobeshko speaks. Now we are, as yesterday, in the Low Camp. Today we had a rest day. We had a good rest, ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, guide of the 7 Peaks Club, director of the company, from Antarctica: Hello everyone from Antarctica! Lyudmila Korobeshko speaks. Now we are, as yesterday, in the Low Camp. Today we had a rest day. We had a good rest, ate, and had training sessions. And now we go to bed early. We want to move to High Camp tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow we plan to storm the summit. It will be on January 3rd. So far, the weather forecast is good. We hope in this good forecast and go to the top. Everyone feels well, they send greetings to their relatives and friends! The super-guides of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko, Alexander Dorojukov and Vladimir Kotlyar were in touch.

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Without Olivier" celebrated the New Year in Deboche and climbed in Dingboche. The weather and views are great!

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings and congratulations on the New Year from Dingboche from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. On December 31, in the evening, we reached Deboche, admiring on ... read more

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings and congratulations on the New Year from Dingboche from the team "Without Olivier"! Max Shakirov is in touch. On December 31, in the evening, we reached Deboche, admiring on the way to Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse and Ama Dablam. The weather and hundreds of photos taken on the way made the mood of our New Year's party. Having opened a bottle of champagne brought from Moscow, we amicably celebrated the New Year in Magadan time. True, without olivier salad, but for that with jamon and sausage.

January 1st. The weather did not cease to please us and all the way from Deboche to Dingboche we stopped every now and then to capture the splendor surrounding us.

Tomorrow we leave for Lobuche. And we hope for the continuation of the weather extravaganza!












The team of the 7 Summits Club "7 Nations Army" went up to Low Camp and celebrated the New Year there

Vinson. Lyudmila Korobeshko, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, director of the company, from Antarctica: Hello everyone from Antarctica! This is Lyudmila Korobeshko from Low Camp. First of all, happy New Year 2022! Today, our friendly team of ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, director of the company, from Antarctica:

Hello everyone from Antarctica! This is Lyudmila Korobeshko from Low Camp. First of all, happy New Year 2022! Today, our friendly team of 15 people made a heroic transition from Base Camp to Low Camp, to a height of almost 2000 meters. In general, it was not easy, because we had to carry a lot of cargo. In general, the march took about eight hours. And we celebrated the New Year in Russia somewhere along the way.  But the Chilean New Year has already been celebrated directly at the camp, where a good party was held. We joined up with groups of other expeditions that came here, some yesterday, some today. Tomorrow, according to the plan, we have a rest day. Our guides, Sasha Dorojukov and Volodya Kotlyar plan to bring all our necessary equipment to the High Camp. And if all this works out, then the day after tomorrow, on January 2, we want to move completely to the High Camp and try the next day, on the 3rd, to storm the summit.





Aconcagua begins! The guides of the 7 Summits Club flew to Argentina to prepare the best base camp for our four groups

Aconcagua. The team of guides of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov, Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin flew to Argentina to organize the ascents of four groups on Aconcagua. This year, the 7 Summits Club has 50 participants in climbing programs to ... read more

The team of guides of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov, Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin flew to Argentina to organize the ascents of four groups on Aconcagua. This year, the 7 Summits Club has 50 participants in climbing programs to the highest peak in South America. A total of 8 guides will work with the groups. And the service in the camps will always be the best in the area!!!


Namche Bazaar is in the snow. The group of the 7 Summits Club is delighted with the pictures of the winter valley of Khumbu

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Greetings to all from the team of the 7 Summits Club from Namche! Max Shakirov is in touch. Half a meter of snow fell here last night, the beauty is indescribable. Weather disasters ... read more

Maxim Shakirov, guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal:  Greetings to all from the team of the 7 Summits Club from Namche! Max Shakirov is in touch. Half a meter of snow fell here last night, the beauty is indescribable. Weather disasters have made changes to the schedule of our progress to the goal. Now we have to go up without stopping to rest. We will celebrate the New Year in Deboche. Our team wishes everyone a Happy New Year and wishes each of you health, love and beautiful ascents!