Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club is preparing to climb Mera Peak and walks around the village of Khare

Olga Rumyantseva, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Hello everyone from Nepal! From the foot of Mera Peak, where today our team is resting and preparing for the ascent. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun lit up the slopes of the ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Hello everyone from Nepal!  From the foot of Mera Peak, where today our team is resting and preparing for the ascent. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun lit up the slopes of the surrounding mountains and warmed the air a little, we went to a lesson where participants learned to climb and descend on a fixed rope on a steep slope. This skill can be very useful to us during the ascent on Mera Peak. After the lesson, we walked around the village. We looked at how they live in other loggias, saw greenhouses where lettuce and cabbage grow.  This is a very strange sight at an altitude of 4900 meters, among snow and cold.













The group of the 7 Summits Club went up to the village of Tagnak, good weather - great photos

Olga Rumyantseva, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Hello everyone from Nepal! Today we continued to move towards the Mera Peak. The peak is getting closer, the views are getting better. Today we went up to the village of Tagnak. It's hard to ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, guide of the 7 Summits Club:  Hello everyone from Nepal! Today we continued to move towards the Mera Peak. The peak is getting closer, the views are getting better. Today we went up to the village of Tagnak. It's hard to call it a village. Rather, several loggias located at an altitude of 4,300 meters. Everyone is in a great mood. In the evening we rest and prepare for the next day – we plan to  reach the village of Khare.










Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the Cotopaxi volcano

The group's guide Lyudmila Korobeshko: Hello everyone from Ecuador! From the group "Toropygas and Tortugas". This morning we were standing at the top of Cotopaxi - the highest active volcano in the world! Even yesterday we could hardly ... read more

The group's guide Lyudmila Korobeshko: Hello everyone from Ecuador!  From the group "Toropygas and Tortugas". This morning we were standing at the top of Cotopaxi - the highest active volcano in the world!

Even yesterday we could hardly believe it - when we drove up to the national park of Ñotopaxi, a heavy downpour began and, accordingly, snowfall at the top. The bad weather continued until almost midnight. And in the previous days there were heavy snowfalls.

But our group was lucky - after midnight the snow stopped (all because in Quito we were given change with a few pieces of paper for $ 2). And by dawn, even the clouds parted and the stars appeared. There was still some avalanche danger after the snowfall, but our valiant Ecuadorian guides led us through safe paths. So at 7.30 we were standing at the top, tired but happy.

Now we have arrived in the town of Baňos - the gateway to the jungle. We listen to the murmur of waterfalls and relax in the spa. We are thinking what to do next…












Boris Manevich's ascent to Chimborazo was interrupted at an altitude of 5700 meters due to bad weather. Very expressive photos!

News from Ecuador from the slopes of the highest peak - Chimborazo (6310 m)! Today there was a day of the assault for Boris Manevich and guide Franklin. The weather decided to surprise and show how it can be different in Ecuador. This time ... read more

News from Ecuador from the slopes of the highest peak - Chimborazo (6310 m)! Today there was a day of the assault for Boris Manevich and guide Franklin. The weather decided to surprise and show how it can be different in Ecuador. This time there was a lot of snow, wind and snow rain - a fairly common natural phenomenon in Ecuador. Not the most optimal conditions for climbing! Under these conditions, the climbers reached the level of 5700 m . Now they are resting already downstairs. Chimborazo is not an easy peak.












The group of the 7 Summits Club started their trip to Mera Peak with an excursion to the Bodnath Stupa

Olga Rumyantseva, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Hello everyone from Nepal! Today, the participants of the ascent of Mera Peak arrived in Kathmandu and began to get acquainted with this amazing country. For most of the ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, super-guide of the 7 Summits Club, from Nepal: Hello everyone from Nepal! Today, the participants of the ascent of Mera Peak arrived in Kathmandu and began to get acquainted with this amazing country. For most of the participants, this is the first visit to Nepal, so when we finished everything, in the evening we went to one of the most beautiful places in Kathmandu and iconic places in Nepal - the Bodnath Stupa. It is the largest Buddhist stupa in the world, built in the sixth century. Tomorrow morning on the first flight we will fly to Lukla and start trekking towards Mera Peak…








Summit! A group of the 7 Summits Club ascended the Iliniza Norte volcano in Ecuador

Hello everyone from Ecuador! This morning our team climbed on the second peak in our Ecuadorian program - Iliniza Norte volcano with a height of 5126m. Yesterday morning we left Quito and arrived at the national park at the foot of the ... read more

Hello everyone from Ecuador! This morning our team climbed on the second peak in our Ecuadorian program - Iliniza Norte volcano with a height of 5126m.  Yesterday morning we left Quito and arrived at the national park at the foot of the mountain. We started from a height of 3900. After lunch we reached the Nuevos Horizontes refuge at 4700. Here we met two Andean wolves here, had a great dinner with special Ecuadorian dishes and went to bed early. Today we left at 5.30. The route was heavily covered with snow, the rocks were icy, but this did not prevent our team from climbing to the top. We were at the highest point at about 9 am.

Now we have come down and settled in one of the old Ecuadorian haciendas. We will prepare for the next ascent.













Summit! Boris Manevich climbed the legendary Cotopaxi volcano together with the Ecuadorian guide Franklin. Photos

Greetings from Ecuador! Yestoday Boris Manevich and guide Franklin Cardenas stood at the top of the Cotopaxi volcano (5897 m) - the second highest peak in Ecuador and the highest active volcano in the country. Cotopaxi is one of the highest ... read more

Greetings from Ecuador! Yestoday Boris Manevich and guide Franklin Cardenas stood at the top of the Cotopaxi volcano (5897 m) - the second highest peak in Ecuador and the highest active volcano in the country. Cotopaxi is one of the highest active volcanoes on the planet.









Boris Manevich's recreation program after climbing Iliniza Norte includes a visit to the unique Quilotoa Lake

Two days ago Boris Manevich climbed on the top of Iliniza Norte, 5126 m. After the descent, he had a day of rest and excursions in the Quilotoa crater lake area. Lake Quilotoa is one of the most beautiful places in South America, located in ... read more

Two days ago Boris Manevich climbed on the top of Iliniza Norte, 5126 m. After the descent, he had a day of rest and excursions in the Quilotoa crater lake area. Lake Quilotoa is one of the most beautiful places in South America, located in the Ecuadorian Andes. An amazing and original corner created by nature itself. It was formed here as a result of a strong volcanic eruption about 800 years ago. Locals believe that the lake has no bottom, but geologists estimate its depth at 250 meters.











Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club made an ascent on the top of Guagua Pichincha

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club and the group's guide: Greetings to all from Ecuador! Today we made our first ascent of Guagua Pichincha (4800) according to the program. With a sinking heart, we stood on the edge of the ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club and the group's guide: Greetings to all from Ecuador!  Today we made our first ascent of Guagua Pichincha (4800) according to the program. With a sinking heart, we stood on the edge of the huge Pichincha crater, from where a powerful charge of volcanic ash burst out several decades ago, covering the whole of Quito. On the descent from the summit we were caught by a small snowfall, which quickly ended. On the way to Quito, we tried some firewater (aguardiente) and returned to the hotel satisfied and almost not tired.

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Quito and leave for mount of Iliniza. We will have a high-altitude overnight at 4700 and in the morning we will storm Iliniza Norte.














The first day of the 7 Summits Club group in Ecuador: wonders of the equator and tastings, excursions to Quito

Lyudmila Korobeshko, director of the 7 Summits Club and guide of the group from Ecuador: October 16. Hello everyone from the Center of the World!!! Today our Ecuadorian team with the working name "Mitad del Mundo" visited the Equator ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, director of the 7 Summits Club and guide of the group from Ecuador:

October 16. Hello everyone from the Center of the World!!!

Today our Ecuadorian team with the working name "Mitad del Mundo" visited the Equator Line. On the way, we attacked a fruit stand and arranged a tasting of the most exotic fruits - tasted cherimoya, naranjilla, granadilla, taxo... you won't remember everything.

On the equator line, they admired the scalps of people (the inhabitants of Amazonia loved and knew how to cook them); they learned to determine the time of planting, harvesting and resting by the sundial, put eggs on nails (some even received diplomas of Egg Masters), turned the water in different directions and dropped 1-2 kg of weight each.

Then we returned to the historic center of Quito, where we found an excellent restaurant in the bishop's palace with a stunning view of the central square and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. Of course, we tasted locre de papas (thick potato soup with avocado and cheese), ceviche, fritado, empanadas.

And finally we walked around the historical center of Quito, looking at the numerous churches. The Church of San Francisco was especially impressed. The walls are made of volcanic stone, the ceilings are made of mosaic without nails or glue, huge organs on the walls, a wonderful courtyard with tall palm trees, orchids and talking parrots. And from the bell tower there is a breathtaking view of the historic center of Quito.

Walked up, in general. Tomorrow we will have the first ascent - Guagua Pichincha (4800). Getting ready.










Boris Manevich made the first ascent in Ecuador, on Rucu Pichincha

Climbing in Ecuador by Boris Manevich. Today is the second day of acclimatization, climbing the volcano from the Pichincha group. Rucu Pichincha (4698 m) hangs over Quito, it can be called a home volcano. Stunning panoramas of the city ... read more

Climbing in Ecuador by Boris Manevich. Today is the second day of acclimatization, climbing the volcano from the Pichincha group. Rucu Pichincha (4698 m) hangs over Quito, it can be called a home volcano.  Stunning panoramas of the city open from its slopes. For greater comfort and time saving, you can climb to a height of 4200 m by the Teleferico cable car. The ascent was made in a sporty style. We left the hotel at 9.00 and already had lunch there at 15.00. There's still a free evening left to do something interesting! Tomorrow we say goodbye to Quito and drive towards the main volcanoes.

 Boris Manevich travels according to the program of the Gornyashka project of the 7 Summits Club - climbing with local guides.










The solemn presentation of the honorary badges " Everest Summiter" will take place on November 20

Everest. According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering ... read more

According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering Federation.  This award was invented by Alexander Abramov and he will personally present its.



The annual gala evening of the RMF will take place on November 20.

It will be held at the Palace of Culture of MIIT. Address: Moscow, Novosushchevsky lane, 6 p.1.



In the framework of the gala evening also there will be held:

-  awarding of the Champions of Russia in the high-altitude and high-altitude-technical classes;

-  awarding  of the Champions among veterans;

- presentation of nominees and  awarding of Steel angel Award  for the best women's climbing of the year;

-  presentation of nominees and awarding of the Golden ice axe of Russia 2017 Award for the best climbing achievement of the year.




VIDEO. How the team of managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club climbed the Via Ferrata route in the Crimea!

On September 24, managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club, as part of a corporate trip, climbed the crest of the Ilyas-Kaya along the via Ferrata route. It was a memorable adventure, from which all its participants enjoyed and got a good ... read more

 On September 24, managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club, as part of a corporate trip, climbed the crest of the Ilyas-Kaya  along the via Ferrata route. It was a memorable adventure, from which all its participants enjoyed and got a good dose of adrenaline. For many participants, it was the first experience of being on the rocks of such dizzying steepness. Thanks to the authors of the route and guides!


Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed on the top of Mount Huayna Potosi in Bolivia

The 7 Summits Club heartily congratulates Ilya, Mikhail and Sergey on the ascent of Huayna Potosi - the most beautiful six-thousandth mountain of Bolivia! Yesterday, on 5th of October, Mikhail and Ilya successfully reached the top! Sergey, ... read more

The 7 Summits Club heartily congratulates Ilya, Mikhail and Sergey on the ascent of Huayna Potosi - the most beautiful six-thousandth mountain of Bolivia!  Yesterday, on 5th of October, Mikhail and Ilya successfully reached the top! Sergey, despite feeling unwell, reached the assault camp located at an altitude of 5250 m. Keep it up, guys! We wish you new heights and good luck!




Book seats on Aconcagua!  Now is the most convenient time. 7 Summits Club Tour Schedule

Aconcagua. The authorities of the Aconcagua National Park are in doubt as to how they should behave in a pandemic. On the one hand, they cannot afford another missed season. And they need income, and hotels, and guides, and mules need food. However, ... read more

The authorities of the Aconcagua National Park are in doubt as to how they should behave in a pandemic. On the one hand, they cannot afford another missed season. And they need income, and hotels, and guides, and mules need food. However, you also need to show your concern about the possible spread of infection through the base camp. The example of Everest shows that this is not fiction.  The body's defenses weaken at altitude and it is easier for the virus to penetrate it.  It is extremely difficult to separate people, to ensure social distance. No one will seriously do this.

Local guides and tour organizers strongly object to the shortening of the season. In their opinion, this will only lead to more dense accommodation of tourists, which will have the opposite effect. After all, there are willing, given the delayed demand due to the missed season.  There is still a little time to change something. But for now, the season is officially shortened and will begin on January 1, 2022.

The schedule of programs of the 7 Summits Club on Aconcagua






On eight-thousandther on his hands! Russian Rustam Nabiyev has accomplished a real feat by climbing Mount Manaslu

Manaslu. Rustam Nabiyev only by the power of their hands yesterday, October 2, climbed one of the highest peaks in the world - the eight-thousand-meter Manaslu! The 7 Summits Club helped the expedition and received thanks from its leatook ... read more

Rustam Nabiyev only by the power of their hands yesterday, October 2, climbed one of the highest peaks in the world - the eight-thousand-meter Manaslu! The 7 Summits Club took helped the expedition and received thanks from its leader.

Lyudmila Korobeshko:  Joann Chechnev, the leader of this expedition, sent these photos and information about the ascent today. Our 7 Summits Club helped the team with oxygen and  with some advises  before the trip. To be honest, when Joann in our office asked about Manaslu, I thought it was a very adventurous idea. In addition to the fact that Rustam does not have both legs, the guys did not have the experience of eight-thousanders. But they did the impossible! I am proud and admire! Well done!



 Joann Chechnev sent us (to Alex Abramov) greetings and thanks from the slopes of Manaslu:

Alexander, good evening! Yesterday we climbed on the top of Manaslu. The whole team, in full force. Everything went well. Thank you for your support! Rustam did an incredible thing!


Reportage on television:



Five years ago, Rustam Nabiyev was a paratrooper and served in the city of Omsk. The roof of his barracks collapsed, more than twenty people died on the spot. Rustam lay under the rubble for seven hours, miraculously survived, but lost both legs.



Marina and Oleg Gusev completed the program of stay in the Crimea according to the program of the Mountain School of the 7 Summits Club

A 5-day extreme tour for Marina and Oleg Gusev has been completed! Our guests climbed several routes on the rocks under the guidance of the guides of the 7 Summits Club! They also managed to get acquainted with the sights of the Crimea, ... read more

A 5-day extreme tour for Marina and Oleg Gusev has been completed! Our guests climbed several routes on the rocks under the guidance of the guides of the 7 Summits Club! They also managed to get acquainted with the sights of the Crimea, with its recent and distant history, with medieval caves and the history of the Gothic principality.










Urgent!  There are places in groups in Antarctica!   This has never happened before, and here it is again!

South Pole. We usually complete preparations for Antarctica in the calendar summer. That is, by the beginning of September, all the lists of tourists traveling and flying to Antarctica were always ready. But this year we are just getting out of the ... read more

A chance!  One place was vacated in the group following  Sidley Volcano in Antarctica. From January 6. Group Leader: Lyudmila Korobeshko.



We usually complete preparations for Antarctica in the calendar summer. That is, by the beginning of September, all the lists of tourists traveling and flying to Antarctica were always ready. But this year we are just getting out of the covid press.  Will there be a season in Antarctica? There was no affirmative answer to this question for a long time.  And it took longer than usual to form groups.  There was demand, and the demand is deferred. Since last season was completely canceled by the American logistics organizers on the Ice Continent.  Now all issues have been resolved and agreed. There will be a season and we already have groups.  But in other countries, booking is worse than usual. And there are unsold seats in many positions.  We publish a full list of our arrivals.  The availability of seats may be confirmed, maybe not. Guaranteed to have one place from January 6 on Vinson and Sidley.


Antarctica. Climbing Vinson. November 23 - December 8, December 4 - December 19, December 15 - December 30, December 26 - January 10. January 6 - January 21.

Guide Artem Rostovtsev. Cost: $45,900.


Antakrtida. The South Pole. December 4 - December 19, December 15 - December 30, December 31 - January 15. Guide Artem Rostovtsev. Cost: $65,900


Antarctica. Sidley (The Seven Volcanoes program). January 6 - January 21.  Guide: Lyudmila Korobeshko. Cost: $60,990.













Summit! The representative of the 7 Summits Club Roman Sudorgin climbed Mount Manaslu

Manaslu. Today, at 7:20, Roman Sudorgin, a member of the 7 Summits Club, climbed the eight-thousandth peak of Manaslu! Roman took part in an expedition organized by our Nepalese partners - the Seven Summits Trek company. As part of the team, he ... read more

Today, at 7:20, Roman Sudorgin, a member of the 7 Summits Club, climbed the eight-thousandth peak of Manaslu! Roman took part in an expedition organized by our Nepalese partners - the Seven Summits Trek company. As part of the team, he climbed on the top together with two Romanian climbers and four accompanying Sherpa guides. The group is now on the descent. We are waiting for news from the base camp, where there will be good communication.

On September 23, the trail to the top was trampled by the Sherpas of the Seven Summits Trek team. On the 25th, the first group of clients reached the highest point. Roman Sudorgin works as part of the second group of clients. There are now about 200 climbers on the slopes of Manaslu. Among them is a Russian disabled person, Rustam Nabiyev, who has passed acclimatization and now has to go out to storm the summit.


The team of managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club gathered in the Crimea! There are 4 days of active recreation ahead!

Svetlana Kotlyar, manager of the 7 Summits Club, from the Crimea: Today, the managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club have arrived in Yalta! We settled in a comfortable hotel and went to Mount Koshka, located near the village of ... read more

Svetlana Kotlyar, manager of the 7 Summits Club, from the Crimea:

Today, the managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club have arrived in Yalta! We settled in a comfortable hotel and went to Mount Koshka, located near the village of Simeiz.

Crimea was greeted us with fresh sea air and warm rocks! After a small picnic, we divided into groups and climbed several short climbing routes under the guidance of our best guides — Lyudmila Korobeshko, Viktor Volodin, Boris Egorov, Natalia Kartashova.

For some participants, this experience was the first in their life!

In the evening: dinner, swimming in the sea and evening gatherings with conversations and songs with the guitar.  Tomorrow we are heading for Via Ferrata!