All news: 24 July 2011
Acclimatization climb to the Mountain Brevent (2500 m)
Today, our group, wich just arrived, climb mountain Brevent (2500 m), which is more well known between extreme skiers and snowboarders, as one of the famous place for extreme competition like Freeride World Tour. What a pity that it ...
Today, our group, wich just arrived, climb mountain Brevent (2500 m), which is more well known between extreme skiers and snowboarders, as one of the famous place for extreme competition like Freeride World Tour. What a pity that it is summer :) Although, judging by the weather forecast, the skis may be useful to our group.
The ascent took 4 hours, elevation 1500 km. After lunch we all continued their acquaintance with the city and began the preparation of the equipment for the tomorrow's snow studies, which will be held on Àãþ di Midi.
The ascent took 4 hours, high drop was 1500 km. After lunch we all continued their familiarity with the city and began the preparation of the equipment for the tomorrow's snow (ice) training, which will be on Aiguille du Midi.