All news: 2 February 2020
Summit! The 4th group of the Russian camp of the7 Summits Club climbed Mount Aconcagua
The 4th group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club climbed the top of Mount Aconcagua under the guidance of Andrei Berezin and Boris Egorov. Now they are descending from the summit. Meanwhile, the Fifth group with a guide Vladimir ...
The 4th group of the Russian camp of the 7 Summits Club climbed the top of Mount Aconcagua under the guidance of Andrei Berezin and Boris Egorov. Now they are descending from the summit. Meanwhile, the Fifth group with a guide Vladimir Kotlyar continues the acclimatization rotation. The team climbed 5,000, and today they have a day of rest.