All news: 11 February 2022
The 7 Summits Club invites you to the annual gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering Federation! We will honor the heroes of Everest!
The 7 Summits Club takes an active part in the activities of the Russian Mountaineering Federation (FAR). In particular, we participate in the organization of traditional summing up evenings of the year. At the initiative of the President ...
The 7 Summits Club takes an active part in the activities of the Russian Mountaineering Federation (FAR). In particular, we participate in the organization of traditional summing up evenings of the year. At the initiative of the President of the 7 Summits Club, a member of the FAR Board, Alexander Abramov, the ceremony of awarding the honorary badge "Summiter of Everest" is taking place at this event. It is awarded to climbers who have climbed the highest peak in the World for the first time. The main theme of the evening will, of course, be the sporting achievements of the leading Russian climbers. But at the same time, the most important thing will remain friendly communication, the opportunity to meet old friends and see with your own eyes the stars of mountaineering past and present.
The group of the 7 Summits Club "Nahui" after Orizaba continued their acquaintance with the stunning Mexico
Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club and group guide, from Mexico:
Greetings from Mexico from Lyudmila Korobeshko and the Nahui group. Today we saw amazing Mexico - we visited the main Catholic shrine of all Latin America - ...
Lyudmila Korobeshko, Director of the 7 Summits Club and group guide, from Mexico:
Greetings from Mexico from Lyudmila Korobeshko and the Nahui group. Today we saw amazing Mexico - we visited the main Catholic shrine of all Latin America - the Church of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The place is stunning in beauty and energy. And also visited the most famous pyramids of Mexico - Teotihuacan - pyramids of the Moon and Sun. Although this ancient city has been excavated by only 15%, the scale is amazing. From our guide to the historical places of Mexico - Natalia Pushkareva - we learned a lot of interesting things from the culture and history of Mexico. In the evening, we walked on our own through the dark streets of the center of Mexico City and - voila - we are alive, healthy and satisfied! Tomorrow we are going to the monarchs. What are the assumptions, what is it?