Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club  made an attempt to climb the summit of Khan Tengri. Due to bad weather, the team was forced to turn down

The Omatikayi group made an attempt to climb to the top of Khan Tengri on August 22. As the weather worsened (snowfall and strong wind), the only right decision was made to turn around and go down to the assault Camp -3. If we had stayed ... read more

The Omatikayi group made an attempt to climb to the top of Khan Tengri on August 22. As the weather worsened (snowfall and strong wind), the only right decision was made to turn around and go down to the assault Camp -3.

If we had stayed on the slopes for another couple of hours, we would have been hit by a squall wind that tore us off our feet. After the descent, the wind continued all night. Tents were torn. There was enlightenment in the morning, but the strong wind continued.

On August 23, there was a long and dangerous descent down through the so-called "bottleneck". The clouds did not allow us to see those terrible snow eaves that hung over us. A couple of hours and we exhaled, went down to a flat glacier. And then we walked 10 km along the glacier to the base camp on South. And there, finally, delicious food, a warm bed and a view of the beautiful Peak Pobeda (Victory)!!!

On August 24, departure to Karkara and transfer to Bishkek.

Guides: Viktor Volodin and Nikita Slotin.














The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed the mountain Huayna Picchu, admired Machu Picchu from a height and continued the tour of Peru

Continuation of the Peruvian adventures. Our small friendly company today continued to explore the legacy of the Inca Empire. At the same time, we finally managed to disperse the blood. We ran down to the mountain of Huayna Picchu 2667m. ... read more

Continuation of the Peruvian adventures. Our small friendly company today continued to explore the legacy of the Inca Empire.  At the same time, we finally managed to disperse the blood. We ran down to the mountain of Huayna Picchu 2667m. The ascent took us only half an hour, although the trail goes up the steps steeply. Perhaps we could have done it faster, but we had to carefully overtake other tourists and, of course, we took a lot of photos. From the top there is a gorgeous view of the entire Machu Picchu complex. Then the day passed quietly in the village, where we had to wait for the evening train. And already on the way back, right in the carriage, they arranged a small performance with dancing and a fashion show, alpaca wool products. Tomorrow, according to the plan, a new climb, we are going to admire the rainbow mountains.

Guides Boris Egorov and Vladimir Murzaev.