Providing expeditions
since 2005

The report of the guide Valery Myasoedov on the ascent to the Peak of Communism

Korzhenevskaya peak. "Greetings from the Base Camp in Moskvin's Glade, which is located in distant Tajikistan! We are already warm and safe, and on August 3 we stood at Summit of the Peak of Communism (7495 m) — the highest point of the Soviet Union! The ... read more

 "Greetings from the Base Camp in Moskvin's Glade, which is located in distant Tajikistan! We are already warm and safe, and on August 3 we stood at Summit of the Peak of Communism (7495 m) — the highest point of the Soviet Union!

The ascent was not easy: the Base Camp - Summit - Base Camp route takes 8-9 days, but successful acclimatization, competent planning, and most importantly, the weather factor were on our side. It was the right decision to unite with other groups on the day of the assault, snow this year is waist-deep almost all over the route, a small group cannot overcome such an obstacle.

19 people stormed out of Camp 4 under Dushanbe Peak at an altitude of 7000 m. Up to 7400 m we walked all together, and then our group, having passed the most difficult section first, reached the Crest and at 12.40 (local time) were the first to reach Summit!

The panorama from the Roof of the World, as the Pamirs are called, was amazing! Imagine, our 8000 Club flag didn't even need to be stretched, it was almost calm... This doesn't happen very often.

There was no limit to the delight and emotions of our Anastasia Panfilova!  She managed to make both peaks this season: the Peak of Korzhenevskaya and the Peak of Communism. The photos turned out great, for the first time I decided to number them so that our friends of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club could appreciate the beauty of each moment"

Guide Valery Myasoedov

 At the Peak of Communism on August 3



 Selfies on top



 The Passage of the Summit Ridge. Requires maximum concentration



 Descent from the Summit Ridge. The most dangerous place



 The beginning of the descent from the peak, 7495 m



 Exit to the Ridge, 7400 m



 Assault camp under the Peak of Dushanbe, 7000 m



 At the Base Camp, a few minutes after returning. Happy climbers



 Peak of Communism from the crest of Korzhenevskaya Peak

Summit! Two more days of adventures in Peru and culminating in the ascent of the Chachani volcano

Buenas Dias from the "Let's get a Llama" team! We did it! There is a peak of Chachani 6057! We had an amazing final two days. Yesterday we went to the Kolka Canyon — the second deepest canyon in the world, located in the valley of the Kolka ... read more

Buenas Dias from the "Let's get a Llama" team! We did it! There is a peak of Chachani 6057! We had an amazing final two days. Yesterday we went to the Kolka Canyon — the second deepest canyon in the world, located in the valley of the Kolka River. Thousands of giant terraces, where the local population has been growing potatoes and cereals for hundreds of years, makes an incredible impression!

Then, we went to watch condors in a place called Cruz del Condor, where these giant birds are attracted by unusual air currents. They took off from nowhere and hovered over our heads — a fantastic sight! In the afternoon we managed to swim in the hot springs, and in the evening our team moved to the Base Camp of the Chachani volcano. At night we stormed and successfully climbed one of the iconic peaks of Peru — Mount of Brave.

I would like to say that on this trip we discovered Peru from almost all sides, starting from gastronomic pleasures, cultural attractions of the ancient Inca civilization, ending with the most beautiful peaks of the Southern Andes!

Friends, join our next trip to Peru this fall! You will definitely not regret it!

Your Daria Sivova and Boris Egorov are in touch!





















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Amateurs" visited Zebra Rocks and looked at the route of climbing Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania: Greetings to all from Tanzania from the Amateurs group! Today we had a day of acclimatization and rest. In the morning we took a walk to the famous Zebra Rocks - ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from Tanzania:

Greetings to all from Tanzania from the Amateurs group!  Today we had a day of acclimatization and rest. In the morning we took a walk to the famous Zebra Rocks - rocks that look like a zebra's ass. The walk took place with wonderful views of the surroundings and the clouds below us. After tea at the rocks, we decided to climb a little higher. There, from where the view of summit of Kilimanjaro opened and it was possible to see the route along which we would climb to.

After lunch at the camp, we had an introduction ceremony with the team, which, as usual, was accompanied by cheerful songs and dances.










Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Chef's Team" under the leadership of Andrey Berezin made a successful ascent on the summit of Elbrus

Elbrus. The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region: News of the Elbrus region. The group of the 7 Summits Club "Chef's Team" this morning in full force climbed the Western peak of Elbrus. From the top there was ... read more

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from the Elbrus region:

News of the Elbrus region.  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Chef's Team" this morning in full force climbed the Western peak of Elbrus. From the top there was a stunning view of the Main Caucasian Ridge and the surrounding area. 






Summit!  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Wolf Quartet" made a successful ascent on the Western peak of Elbrus

Elbrus. The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region: The Wolf Quartet group completed its program with a successful ascent on Mount Elbrus. The weather was magical! A light wind was blowing, there was not a ... read more

The Guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from the Elbrus region:

 The Wolf Quartet group completed its program with a successful ascent on Mount Elbrus. The weather was magical! A light wind was blowing, there was not a single cloud on the road during the entire ascent. We climbed briskly, in one group. Congratulations to everyone on the summit and see you in the new mountains!