All news: 17 October 2021
The first day of the 7 Summits Club group in Ecuador: wonders of the equator and tastings, excursions to Quito
Lyudmila Korobeshko, director of the 7 Summits Club and guide of the group from Ecuador:
October 16. Hello everyone from the Center of the World!!!
Today our Ecuadorian team with the working name "Mitad del Mundo" visited the Equator ...
Lyudmila Korobeshko, director of the 7 Summits Club and guide of the group from Ecuador:
October 16. Hello everyone from the Center of the World!!!
Today our Ecuadorian team with the working name "Mitad del Mundo" visited the Equator Line. On the way, we attacked a fruit stand and arranged a tasting of the most exotic fruits - tasted cherimoya, naranjilla, granadilla, taxo... you won't remember everything.
On the equator line, they admired the scalps of people (the inhabitants of Amazonia loved and knew how to cook them); they learned to determine the time of planting, harvesting and resting by the sundial, put eggs on nails (some even received diplomas of Egg Masters), turned the water in different directions and dropped 1-2 kg of weight each.
Then we returned to the historic center of Quito, where we found an excellent restaurant in the bishop's palace with a stunning view of the central square and delicious Ecuadorian cuisine. Of course, we tasted locre de papas (thick potato soup with avocado and cheese), ceviche, fritado, empanadas.
And finally we walked around the historical center of Quito, looking at the numerous churches. The Church of San Francisco was especially impressed. The walls are made of volcanic stone, the ceilings are made of mosaic without nails or glue, huge organs on the walls, a wonderful courtyard with tall palm trees, orchids and talking parrots. And from the bell tower there is a breathtaking view of the historic center of Quito.
Walked up, in general. Tomorrow we will have the first ascent - Guagua Pichincha (4800). Getting ready.