Providing expeditions
since 2005

The Transglobal Car Expedition continues to move towards the Pole, with less than 700 kilometers left!

North Pole. The Transglobal Car Expedition continues despite the fact that one of its leaders, Alexander Abramov, had to leave it for a while due to the lawlessness of the Canadian authorities. On March 21, the team covered 63 kilometers across the ... read more

The Transglobal Car Expedition continues despite the fact that one of its leaders, Alexander Abramov, had to leave it for a while due to the lawlessness of the Canadian authorities.  On March 21, the team covered 63 kilometers across the ice of the Arctic Ocean and got 55 kilometers closer to the pole. Now there are less than 700 km to the North Pole! The expedition set up camp at 83 degrees 47” north latitude. Fuel supplies are expected to be received from the air here.

 In general, the pace of progress has been stable over the past 10 days, thanks to the ice reconnaissance service. Only a couple of days were hampered by the lack of visibility and ice hummocks. One day there was a need to stop for a small repair. In general, cars do not fail.

The diary...










The expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Damavand got on skis and even climbed a summit

Damavand. Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Iran: Ski-tour expedition on Damavand. We had the first active day of the expedition. Already in the mountains. In the morning, we had a little skiing at pistes of the resort. ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Iran:

 Ski-tour expedition on Damavand. We had the first active day of the expedition. Already in the mountains. In the morning, we had a little skiing at pistes of the resort. And after lunch we climbed on ski the nearest peak.











A new expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Demavend started. This time we're going skiing!

Damavand. Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Iran: Greetings to the 7 Summits Club from Iran! We are opening the climbing season on Demavend. We coped with the first task - we arrived and walked around Tehran. The palace, ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Iran:

Greetings to the 7 Summits Club from Iran! We are opening the climbing season on Demavend.  We coped with the first task - we arrived and walked around Tehran. The palace, the national museum, a TV tower with a rotating restaurant. And now let's go to the mountains. By the way, on skis, we still have a ski expedition to Demavend!

















The Iskorka group of the Mountaineering School of the 7 Summits Club in Khibiny successfully completed the program by making a final ascent

Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Khibiny: Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! We did it! We climbed the summit and got a mountaineer badge. The program has been completed, we could go ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Khibiny:

Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! We did it!  We climbed the summit and got a mountaineer badge. The program has been completed, we could go home!

Guides Alexey Lonchinsky, Ratmir Mukhametzyanov, Alexander Dorojukov.















The Iskorka group of the Mountainering School of the 7 Summits Club in Khibiny continues its program

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Khibiny: Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! Today, our team got out on the rocks again. We practiced climbing rocks, learned how to work with embedded elements, ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorojukov, reports from Khibiny: 

Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! Today, our team got out on the rocks again. We practiced climbing rocks, learned how to work with embedded elements, use improvised devices for descent, if we lost original descender, learned elementary polispast. Then everything is according to plan, we are working.  The day before, our team went on an ascent. But soon the wind rose in gusts up to 50-60 km/h and we were blown off the slope. And the forecast was good. Well, it's hard to guess the weather.










The group Iskorka of the 7 Summits Club held the first day of classes as part of the Mountainering School program in Khibiny

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorozhukov, reports from Khibiny: Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! We are moving on with the program. Today we spent the whole day on the rocks, practicing climbing and descending ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Dorozhukov, reports from Khibiny:

Greetings from the group Iskorka from Khibiny! We are moving on with the program.  Today we spent the whole day on the rocks, practicing climbing and descending on vertical fixed ropes. Then there was a little rock climbing, and we smoothly moved on to snow classes. We are all pleasantly tired right now and we are resting before tomorrow's classes.

 Guides Alexey Lonchinsky, Ratmir Mukhametzyanov, Alexander Dorojukov.















Summit!  The “Space group” of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: March 13th. Greetings from Africa! This morning, our Space Team climbed on the summit of Kilimanjaro - Uhuru Peak! It was not easy - the wind and cold, but the views from ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

 March 13th. Greetings from Africa! This morning, our Space Team climbed on the summit of Kilimanjaro - Uhuru Peak! It was not easy - the wind and cold, but the views from the top and the fact that we managed to overcome themselves paid off all the difficulties.

At the top, we opened a bottle of champagne and photographed Klim's book (we also did not forget to take pictures of ourselves). Already in the Kosovo camp, we were hit by hail, but this did not overshadow the joy of victory.

Now we have gone down to the Millennium. We wash off and eat off. We're going back to civilization tomorrow.







The Transglobal Car Expedition continues to move towards the North pole, now completely in autonomous mode

North Pole. The Transglobal Car Expedition continues despite the fact that one of its leaders, Alexander Abramov, had to leave it for a while due to the lawlessness of the Canadian authorities. March 1–5, 2024 We've left Resolute, Nunavut, the ... read more

The Transglobal Car Expedition continues despite the fact that one of its leaders, Alexander Abramov, had to leave it for a while due to the lawlessness of the Canadian authorities.

March 1–5, 2024

We've left Resolute, Nunavut, the last community on our route before the North Pole. It was hard. We have to have everything we need for two to three months! But we are ready.

 166km achieved on the way to the North Pole, which is a really good pace. A few bits of difficult ice, but we think our satellite and radar images are helping a lot.

 March 6–10, 2024

We had interesting days working on our vehicles with the windbreak of the abandoned Isachsen weather station. We took breaks by exploring the buildings, but of course leaving everything intact as we found it. We also took a terrific trip a few km away to see a C-47 that crashed in 1949 with all eight on board suffering only minor injuries. A haunting but beautiful icon in the white desert.

 Then we got our first real taste of pack ice and open leads. There was a good amount of ice chipping to make a route over the pressure ridges, then we got to an open water lead that we were planning to cross - getting the boat ready - but it opened so much wider and so quickly that we elected to look for another route.














Completion of the program of the Quetzal group of the 7 Summits Club in Mexico: Puebla – eruption of the Popocatepetl volcano - Mexico City 

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico: Greetings from Mexico from the Quetzal group! The final news from us, in which I will try to fit the most striking events that have happened to us over the past 24 ... read more

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico:

Greetings from Mexico from the Quetzal group! The final news from us, in which I will try to fit the most striking events that have happened to us over the past 24 hours. So, in order, in the form of a kaleidoscope.

1, When we left our partner Roberto's cozy hostel in Zoapan, we left a significant mark behind us. Quetzal's initiative group organized the decoration of the flag of the 7 Summits Club in the living room, in which dozens of flags of different countries and companies were hung, but ours was not there. Now there is!



2. On the way to Puebla, we managed/were lucky enough to see the real eruption of the Popocatepetl volcano. They write about him everywhere now, even the airport was closed in Puebla.



 3. Puebla itself. Two hours is negligible for such a paradise tourist center. You can wander for hours - the unique churches of the 16th century, the church of Santo Domingo of the Dominican Order, in which the altar and decorations are made of bread, countless streets with many souvenir shops. And, of course, we learned how to drink tequila. Only with sangrita now!



4. From Puebla, we returned to Mexico City, stayed in one of the best hotels in the city of Barcelo, in the Premier Suite. It is worth noting separately that according to the program we had the best hotels and haciendas, you can also write a lot about this. Only 20 minutes for accommodation, and for a festive dinner and an award ceremony. Many kind words and wishes, discussion of plans for future programs. I am glad that I was able to share the joy and emotions of climbing with such a great group!
















Super Girls Group of the 7 Summits Club on the descent from Kilimanjaro, Horombo Hut

Kilimanjaro. The group Super Girls of the 7 Summits Club celebrates the successful ascent on the descent from Kilimanjaro. The participants and guides spent the night at the Horombo hut. In the morning, after breakfast and traditional dances by the ... read more

The group Super Girls of the 7 Summits Club celebrates the successful ascent on the descent from Kilimanjaro. The participants and guides spent the night at the Horombo hut. In the morning, after breakfast and traditional dances by the local staff, the team went down the valley. To continue the celebration at the hotel.








The Space group of the 7 Summits Club passed the Lava Tower and reached Barranco Camp on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa! From Barranco camp at 3900m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we made the trek to the Shira Cave camp. On the way, we ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

Greetings from Africa!  From Barranco camp at 3900m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we made the trek to the Shira Cave camp. On the way, we met two species of African mice, a dozen brazen white-necked ravens and many endemic plants. An evening of song and dance was held in the camp before dinner. Our Tanzanian team sang to us in Swahili, and we answered them with Katusha. Everyone was satisfied.

We had dinner with borscht with garlic and all sorts of pickles, went to bed early, because the next day there was a long walk ahead.

The morning of March 10 greeted us with a stunning sunrise and fragrant Ethiopian coffee (thoughtfully purchased at the transfer in Addis Ababa). We started at about 9 a.m. in parallel with our friends, the "26 Baku commissars" (a large group of Kenyan climbers).

After 3 hours of climbing, a tea point was set up. An hour later we had lunch near the Lava Tower at 4600.

After lunch, we started to descend towards the camp. The rain scared us at first, but it stopped quickly. On the way, we arranged a photo shoot with incredibly beautiful thickets of senecia. We went down to Barranco's camp almost at 6 pm. Tomorrow we will storm the Barranco Wall. Getting ready - sharpening ice axes, checking platforms (joke). In fact, we are taking a shower (partially) and plan to drink some white at dinner.












Details of the ascent of the 7 Summits Club group Quetzal to the Orizaba volcano in Mexico

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico: Greetings from Mexico! Details of the successful ascent of the Quetzal group to the summit of the Orizaba volcano. In the afternoon, after a short acclimatization ... read more

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico:

Greetings from Mexico! Details of the successful ascent of the Quetzal group to the summit of the Orizaba volcano. In the afternoon, after a short acclimatization trek, we had time to rest and even sleep. In general, the acclimatization was successful, and our attitude was the most determined. The route from the South is not often used by Orizaba. So, our Mexican guide Julio, who goes to the summit twice a week in the season, was here with us for the first time this season. All the other ascents he had were from the North. The route from the South is mainly an ascent along a loose trail and some sections of large stones. In places, the trail is not obvious, which brought its own difficulties. The last 200 meters is a loose slope, covered with small and medium-sized stones, and a rock hazard. We were the first on the route, so there was no chance that someone would drop rocks on us.

 Going out at midnight at night did not affect our well-being in any way. In my opinion, the difference of 9 hours with Mexico is beneficial here. When it's midnight here, it's 9 a.m. in Moscow. The body does not have time to fully adapt to a different time zone, and it is not necessary to struggle with sleep, as in Kilimanjaro, for example. We are at a good pace, we climbed to the top in 7 hours and 15 minutes. The sun was already shining. We took a bunch of photos and videos. To be honest, we were not even very tired. The descent took only 2.5 hours. But, it should be noted that the pre-summit 200 meters on the descent require special concentration and attention, since the slope is quite steep, 25-30 degrees. After a light snack, we moved to Zoapan, where we were served a delicious lunch with wine, and then to Puebla. Sorry if the report turned out to be boring… But I promise you interesting news from Zoapan later. And a photo report from Puebla, where we have an excursion part of the program today.









In Nepal, preparations are underway to receive the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club to Mount Everest

Everest. Preparations have begun for our huge expedition to Mount Everest this year. 25 Sherpas are collecting cargo. The day after tomorrow, they fly to the Everest Base Camp. The Sherpas still have to level the glacier and set up camp. They will ... read more

 Preparations have begun for our huge expedition to Mount Everest this year. 25 Sherpas are collecting cargo. The day after tomorrow, they fly to the Everest Base Camp. The Sherpas still have to level the glacier and set up camp. They will have a whole month to do this.

And our participants arrive only on April 12th.













Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club “Super Girls” made an ascent on the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. News from Kilimanjaro, the Super Girls team. Today, all 9 girls climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. 5 of them go to the Main Peak. And 4 - to the edge of the crater, at Gilmans Point. Everyone is happy. This is the first success of the Super Girls ... read more

News from Kilimanjaro, the Super Girls team. Today, all 9 girls climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.  5 of them go to the Main Peak. And 4 - to the edge of the crater, at Gilmans Point.

Everyone is happy. This is the first success of the Super Girls project. All the Girls are on fire! This ascent will always remain in my heart…

The project manager Alexander Abramov. The operator Ilya Gladkikh.







The Space group of the 7 Summits Club ascended on March 8 to the Machame camp on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, à guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa! From the Machame camp at 3000m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we started our ascent of Kilimanjaro. During the first ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, à guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

Greetings from Africa! From the Machame camp at 3000m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group!  Yesterday we started our ascent of Kilimanjaro. During the first day, we reached the Machame camp at an altitude of 3000. On the way, we got soaked through under a tropical downpour. But by sunset, the downpour had stopped. So we had a chance to admire both the sunset and the stars. Today we go further, at 3900, to the Shira camp.






The group Quetzal of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the base camp on the Southern side of the Orizaba volcano

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico Greetings from Mexico from the Quetzal group! Yesterday we went up to the camp at 4,500 m from the South. The journey took a little over two hours, it was not boring ... read more

Valery Myasoedov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Mexico

Greetings from Mexico from the Quetzal group! Yesterday we went up to the camp at 4,500 m from the South. The journey took a little over two hours, it was not boring and very informative to look at the Mexican countryside. March is the end of the Orizaba season, besides us there are two other small groups in the camp, there is enough space for everyone. Yesterday afternoon we walked to the refuge, such a good-quality building with a small kitchen and bunks for 25 people. The mountain is very close, at hand and does not cause any fears from the outside, nevertheless, with whom we communicated, they say that it was not easy. We take note of this, tune in and believe in our success. Today, at midnight local time, we go out to storm. Wish us good luck!






The mountaineering school of the 7 Summits Club in Khibiny continues to work. The NP2 branch has already made its second ascent to the top of Takhtarvunchorr

The guide-instructor of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Selivanov: The NP2 group made an ascent to the summit of Takhtarvunchorr along route 2A of the difficulty category with nsme"X". It was windy and cold at the top, snowy, but the mood was ... read more

The guide-instructor of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Selivanov:

 The NP2 group made an ascent to the summit of Takhtarvunchorr along route 2A of the difficulty category with nsme"X". It was windy and cold at the top, snowy, but the mood was festive. From the top, we congratulated all the girls on the holiday!







The group of the 7 Summits SuperGirls Club on March 8 taught wonderful gifts and prepared to storm the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Today is March 8th. Congratulations to the whole Supergirls team! Flowers for 4800! Masai jewelry and silver heart pendants with a gold ice axe. Then cake and ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Today is March 8th. Congratulations to the whole Supergirls team! Flowers for 4800! Masai jewelry and silver heart pendants with a gold ice axe.  Then cake and hugs.  All the girls are still in shock.

Tonight we are going to storm the summit of Kilimanjaro. Wish us good luck!








The group of the 7 Summits SuperGirls Club climbed the Kibo hut on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. And tomorrow, on March 8th, they will have a day of rest

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Today, our Super Girls team heroically moved from Camp Horombo 3800 to Camp Kibo 4800. We are at the very foot of the mountain. A fine snowball is falling. But we ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Today, our Super Girls team heroically moved from Camp Horombo 3800 to Camp Kibo 4800. We are at the very foot of the mountain. A fine snowball is falling. But we are not discouraged! After all, tomorrow is a Day of rest and celebration on March 8th.

We have prepared gifts for the girls. Which ones, we will write tomorrow!












The group SuperGirls of the 7 Summits Club held an acclimatization photo shoot on Zebra Rocks on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Today on Kilimanjaro, the SuperGirls team had a rest day at the Horombo 3800m camp. But, of course, we did not waste it on felting. And they staged a powerful ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Today on Kilimanjaro, the SuperGirls team had a rest day at the Horombo 3800m camp. But, of course, we did not waste it on felting.  And they staged a powerful photo shoot.

At first, in team jackets.  And then in safari, dresses and swimsuits. We didn't post all the photos... eh!

The mood is great, everyone is having an afternoon nap now. Tomorrow we will move to Kibo camp at an altitude of 4800 m.

All the girls of the 7 Summits Club - happy 8th of March!